1903 - 1915 







Transcribed  in 2002 by Roberta Hinde Rivett




Dedicated to Ruth McCheane Chamness Bergman, daughter of the diarist, who graciously lent the treasured originals of the diary for purposes of transcription. 









Chapter One  England  May to December 1903         page 3


Chapter Two  England to Canada   May to December 1907   page 23


Chapter Three    January to December 1908     page 44


Chapter Four  January to December 1909      page 85


Chapter Five   January 1910 to  December 1912     page 129


Chapter Six   January to December 1913     page 169


Chapter Seven   January to December 1914   page 203


Chapter Eight   January to September 1915  page 247





Appendix I   The Saunders Family   page  273


Appendix II   The McCheane Family  page  289


Appendix III The Hinde Family   page 303


Appendix IV The Wake Family   page  323


Appendix V  Homestead Neighbours   page 327


Appendix VI  Nathan Saunders and Son by Joshua Wake


Appendix VII  Added Notes


Appendix VIII   Map of Great Bend Municipality 


Appendix VIV  Homestead Plan









Frontispiece:  Mary Saunders in England at age fifteen, 1906

Picture courtesy Ruth Bergman 


Chestnut Bank Friends’ Boarding School, about 1906. 

Picture courtesy Ruth Bergman.                                   Opposite page 20.


Mary and her sisters Eliza and Lucy in England,  1906.

Picture courtesy Ruth Bergman                                     Opposite page 22.


Mary at the homestead, 1907.

Picture courtesy Ruth Bergman                                     Opposite page  28.


William Cronyn McCheane with wife Caroline and daughter Hannah Mary, circa 1910 , Home Farm.

Picture courtesy Saskatchewan Archives Board  SAB  S-B 9918    Opposite page  128.



William Cronyn McCheane in the yard of Home Farm, Halcyonia, circa 1910.

Picture courtesy Saskatchewan Archives Board         S-B 9916.   Opposite page 130. 


Hannah Mary McCheane (later Crabb) feeding chickens at the Home Farm, Halcyonia, circa 1910.

Picture courtesy Saskatchewan Archives Board,  S-B 9917           Opposite page 142


Street in Borden, Saskatchewan, 1912, showing the McCheane Brothers’ Farm Machinery Building

Picture courtesy Saskatchewan Archives Board, S-B 9872   Opposite page 178. 


John McCheane, with  Edith Hinde (later McCheane) and Mary Saunders (later McCheane) in the “Brush” car, Borden, 1912. 

Picture courtesy Saskatchewan Archives Board,  S - B   9919     Opposite page   186.










In 1903 when she started her diary, Jemima Mary Saunders was twelve years old and a student at  the Friends’ Boarding School, Chestnut Bank, in Fritchley, Derbyshire.  In 1904 her widowed father Nathan Saunders and her older brother Edmund (Eddy) Saunders   emigrated to Canada, to homestead  in the Borden district  in the Great Bend area, in  the crook of the North Saskatchewan River north of Saskatoon, in what was to become the Canadian province of Saskatchewan in 1905.   In 1907, at sixteen, she joined them. Her diary reflects  not only her own experiences and perceptions but also the opening of the Canadian West in the early years of the Twentieth Century.

Mary  Saunders’ diary does not end in 1915.  With a hiatus from the end of this transcription to some  time after her marriage, she continued writing her diary until she died  at nearly a hundred and two years of age.



About the Format and Footnotes


The diary has been transcribed faithfully  with the following exceptions:

Spelling errors have been corrected in order that the reader may not trip over errors and lose the thread of the content.  Where names of people and places have been unclear, reference to the Borden history book , has been of great help, however some will inevitably remain in error.

At several points conflicts with respect to day, month and day of the week  arise.  Those that could be resolved were corrected.  Those unresolved are noted  thus:  (sic).  

Where a term or phrase could not be resolved clearly, a question mark, thus (?) is given.





The diary is divided into chapters by year, with exceptions where entries for a year are very few.  Footnotes are given at the end of the section for each month of the diary.

Some of the footnotes identify  the people who are closely connected to the Saunders, McCheane, Hinde and Wake families.  For clarification on the identification of the neighbors, the map of the Great Bend Municipality and those who homesteaded on each quarter section in the end-papers of the  Borden History, Our Treasured Heritage, (Borden History Book Committee, 1980)  may be helpful.  In addition there are many references to these neighbours in the body of the Borden History, in the section providing individual family histories.

Other  footnotes attempt to explain terms and activities which may not be familiar to the descendants of the people written about in the early years of the last century.  Some of these come from the memory of the editor, Roberta Rivett, and her sister, Mary Crane.  Help was also received from Ruth Bergman, Frank Saunders, Lester Chamness and Rachel Chamness.  Other footnotes come from books, dictionaries, encyclopedias and the Internet.

To clarify relationships, appendices containing the family trees of  the Saunders, McCheane, Hinde and Wake families are included. It should be noted that with the marriages among the descendants of the four founding families, there is duplication in the printouts of descendants of each. 

The practices of the Society of Friends  or Quakers as reflected in this diary are here and there amplified from the memories of Mary Crane and Roberta Rivett, who as children of  Quaker parents and born in the 1930’s, were birthright Quakers.

Reference is made from time to time to the writings of Joseph Edward (Bob) Hinde, in his book As I Remember It, privately published in 2003.




MAY 1903




Diary of Jemima Mary Saunders


Started 19th of 5th Month, 1903


5th month,  19th, 3rd day


In the morning for a bit of fun I blackleaded1 my boots, and Henry Whittaker2 made me blacken them over again.  We went to school in the morning as usual and came out at recess time.  Edie Hinde,3 Katie Croft, Ruth King, Maggy Land , May Croft and myself were all at Hilda Scanlon’s house and we had a great deal of fun.  And nearly all the boys played football, with Walter Croft’s football.  We have a new scholar, he came lately.  We went into school again after recess time as usual, came out at twelve and Edie and me went and laid our table.  Then we had our dinner. After dinner the boys played football.  Edie is the top girl.  Then comes Leonard her brother.  Then Susy, then Eddy, he is my brother.  Then Lizzie,4 Susy’s sister.  Next comes Mary Ann then Val then comes myself, next Henry Wake, Henry Taylor then comes Hilda Scanlon.  That is all in the big schoolroom.  Then in the small schoolroom comes first of all Maggie.  Mary Ann’s sister Winnie.  Then Walter, then Ruth then Grant, then Kitty,  Walter’s sister, then comes John.

Then we had school again as usual and came out at three o’clock for sewing.  Amy Sturge5 was away at Bournbrook for she had a sister there who was not very well so Susy was our teacher and she let us have a ten minute recess.  We came out again at four o’clock .  We played about and Maisie invited Walter, Katie and May to tea.  After tea we had a game of  Lurkey.  After a bit the bed bell rang so we all had to go to bed.  Amy Sturge came back from Bournbrook.


5th month, 20th, 4th day

Amy Sturge was here.  Amy Sturge came to our bedroom and told us that Edie had to go home to Bournbrook by the ten o’clock train that morning.  Amy Sturge, Leonard6 and I went  down to the station with her.  By the time we got back it was not worth while going into Meeting7  so we went home and I laid the table for dinner.  We were all invited up to the Sturges to stay all the afternoon and to have tea.  We played Croquet, I Spy, Football and a good  many other games.  After tea we played some games and then went home to bed.


5th month, 21st, 5th day.

It was much warmer and we did not have a fire in the schoolroom, it was warm and something like 5th  month.  We were playing Tick in recess time.  Edward Sturge8  did not ring the bell until eleven o’clock which is a quarter of an hour later than usual.  We went into sewing at three as usual and did our mending.  I helped Amy Sturge to make some tonic instead of going in prep.  After prep we had a game of I Spy and Lurkey.  The bed bell did not ring until twenty minutes past eight.


5th month, 22nd, 6th day.

We played at horses in the morning before school.  It was fine and very hot.  After tea, had a game of Lurkey.  Had sewing all the afternoon and the boys did carpentering.  After school in the afternoon I went up to the shop for Amy Sturge and she gave me a halfpenny.  I cut out a pair of drawers for myself.  Hilda Scanlon went home in the morning.


5th month, 23rd, 7th day.

In the morning we had a game of skipping and jumping.  I hemmed round my sampler at least I did part of it.  Lizzie Darbyshire also started hers.  In the afternoon Henry Tailor, Eddy, Mamie, Maggie and  Dorothy King, Edward Sturge and myself all went to Wingfield9 to play in Southern Goats’ Meadow and paddle in the river.  Mopsy, that is the name of a pony, was in the paddock.  Henry and me stayed behind playing with Mopsy.  She had no bridle or anything on.  She broke away from Henry and when I was not thinking of anything  she turned around sharply and threw me flying.  Oh!  It was nice.  Went to bed a bit later than usual.  I was very hungry and I would not get to sleep until about one o’clock.   Clara Cooper died at about ten minutes to four leaving four children, the eldest, George,  ten years old, the next eldest Hilda, seven years, next Edenia, aged two, the youngest Harold only four months old.  George Cooper came over to arrange about his wife being buried for it was her wish to be burned at Fritchley.  He brought Hilda with him, she slept here, and he went over to Movewood, that is about four miles.  He came by the ten o’clock train at night.


5th month, 24th, 1st  day.

Went to Meeting in the morning.  In the afternoon went on a walk with Margaret Land.  It was very hot.  Maggie started a diary today.  Extra long Meeting in the evening.


5th month, 25th, 2nd day.

We had drill in the morning.  I did my sampler from three o’clock until tea time.  Had a game of I Spy after tea.  Nothing extra happened.


5th month, 26th, 3rd day.

Had school in the morning.  In the afternoon at half past two we had a Meeting because Clara Cooper was to be buried.  The coffin was brought up in Derbyshires’ cart.  When they got to the top of the  Blue Bridge they took the coffin out of the cart and carried it  into the Meeting house and put it in the cloakroom.  We all went to the funeral afterwards.  My uncle10 came to the funeral.  I went down to the station with him.


5th month, 27th, 4th day.

Had school in the morning and in the afternoon.   Mary Watkins11  invited all us children to a   picnic at Wake Bridge.  We got some sticks out of the wood and made a fire to boil the kettle on.  We had a game of I Spy before tea then we had tea and then we had a game of I Spy after tea.  I went with Arthur Williamson to get Florrie the horse.  I rode home in the trap.  We took back a lot of bluebells and fern roots.  When we got back we had to go straight to bed.  As we were coming down Fritchley a boy threw a stone at Maggie and hit her  on one side of her head.


5th month, 28th, 5th  day.

Went in to school in the morning as usual.  After tea had a game of Tick.  I started learning book keeping in prep.


5th month, 29th, 6th day.  ROYAL OAK DAY12

Of course everyone was stinging anyone who had not got any oak on them.  Henry Whittaker had his breakfast in bed.  He had a very bad cold.  We did not go to school until three o’clock.  Hilda, Maggie, Ruth, Mamie and myself were playing with Edward Sturge’s cart at the bottom of the hill.


5th month, 30th, 7th day.

Hilda’s mother, father and little sister Pattie came by  the six o’clock train last night to live here at Fritchley.  They are going to live at Lydia Sargent’s13 until they can find a cottage.  Some of us got tin cans and put a wooden handle on and then lit a fire in the can.  I had one.  They kept alight a long time.  We had our bath in the evening as usual.


5th month 31st, 1st day.

Nothing extra happened in the morning excepting that Sophia Gough came in here and left Mopsy outside eating off the bank.  She got one wheel up on the bank and the other down in the road, and she nearly tipped the cart over.  I got her back and fed her with grass until  Sophia Gough came out for her. In the afternoon I went for a walk with Maggie.  We went down Blue Bridge and along the cut and up the Hag.14


1.       Blackleading  was intended for cleaning and blacking the tops of stoves.

2.       Henry Whittaker was a teacher at the Quaker Boarding School in Fritchley, Derbyshire, which Mary Saunders and other Quaker children  including the Hindes and Wakes attended.  Later he taught at  the Quaker school at Selly Oak, Bournbrook,  Birmingham.

3.       Edie Hinde was  Edith Mary Hinde, lifelong friend to Mary Saunders.  She and Edie married brothers.

4. Lizzie Derbyshire

5.  Amy Sturge is sister to Edward Sturge. Amy remained single all her life, and has honorary aunt to many of the children at the school, and honored all her life by the Hinde children.

6.  Leonard is Leonard Hinde, oldest boy in the Hinde family, brother to Edie.

7.  Meeting is the meeting for worship of the Society of Friends.  It was held regularly on First Day (Sunday) morning and evening, and on Fourth Day (Wednesday) morning.  Meeting was presided over by elders of the Meeting, and was largely silent, providing worshippers the opportunity to listen for the Still Small Voice. On the last Wednesday of each month was  Monthly Meeting, which conducted the business affairs of the Society.  Meeting held Sunday evening was usually Reading Meeting, during which works of a spiritual nature were read aloud and discussed. 

8 .  Edward Sturge was the principal of the Quaker Boarding School at Fritchley.  His wife Annie, who cooked for the school,  was a daughter of Henry Thomas Wake, the antiquarian of Fritchley.

9.       Wingfield was the parish in which lived Henry Thomas Wake and his family.

10.   My uncle:  Uncle Edmund Hatcher, who had a major role in the raising of the three Saunders girls.

11. Mary Watkins is Millie Watkins, a friend and neighbour of  the Fritchley Quaker families and herself a  Quaker and lifelong friend of the Quakers who emigrated to Canada.

12.  Royal Oak Day - in honor of  Charles II  who in 1651 hid in a hollow oak tree while trying to escape to France, pursued by  Cromwell’s rebels.  When he regained the throne he gave a pension to the family on whose property the oak tree stood, and subsequently in some parts of the country Royal Oak, or Oakapple day has been celebrated on his birthday, May 29, by the wearing of oak leaves.

13.  Lydia Sargent was a Friend from Fritchley;  see  Walter Lowndes’ The Quakers of Fritchley, 1986, tom Brown Printers, Belper, Derbyshire.

14.  The Hag, still so named, is a steep hill in the village of Fritchley.




JUNE 1903




6th month, 1st, 2nd day.

Bank Holiday.  Harry Tomes1 and Joshua Wake2 came from Bournbrook on their bicycles and arrived here about 2 o’clock this morning.  They both had a puncture one after the other and that was what delayed them so long.  We had a holiday all day.  Went to Wingfield Manor and had a good bit of fun. Amy Sturge took our photo once we were at the Manor.  At about 3 o’clock we left Wingfield Manor and went to Sophia Gough - Mopsy was there and we had her until tea time.  She had a side saddle on and all the girls were riding on her at least most of them.  We had tea on the lawn.  The boys were throwing orange peel about most of the time.  After tea we had Mopsy again.  I enjoyed myself very very very very much.


6th month, 2nd, 3rd day

Nothing extra happened in the morning.  After tea Alice Scanlon asked me if I would come down and play.  I asked Edward Sturge if I could go down and play and he said I could until I heard the bell ring.  I went and I did not hear it ring.  I was not likely to either because Maggie was in the school room and no one was talking and everything was as quiet as could be.  And she never heard it ring.  Henry Taylor never heard it ring, no more did Eddy or Leonard.  In fact I think that it was very few that did.  Anyhow they had nearly finished prep when I got in.  Henry Whittaker made me sit in the schoolroom for a good while.



6th month 3rd, 4th day.

Had school and went to Meeting as usual; in the afternoon went paddling in the Bounders’ brook. John Bounders chased us out of the lane.  We found a very little bird that could not fly.  We made a nest of grass and put it in.  I very nearly caught a young rabbit.  I went up to Darbyshires’ and saw Tomery.


6th month, 4th, 5th day.

Had a game of Skipping, and went paddling after school.  We had tea out of doors.


“ In olden times we took a car

  Drawn by a horse if going far

  And felt that we were blest.

  Now the conductor takes the fare

 And sticks a broomstick in the air

  And Lightning does the rest.


  In former days along the street

  A glimmering lantern led the feet

  When on a midnight stroll.           

  But now we catch when night is nigh

  A piece of lightning from the sky

  And stick it on a pole.”


Annie Sturge bought me a pair of canvas shoes.  My father paid her for them.


6th month, 5th, 6th day.

Joshua and Harry went home and Lizzie Wake3 came and  brought them home with her.  Harry is only fifteen months old.  We had a natural history meeting tonight, it was down at Lydia Sargent’s, out of doors on the lawn.  We enjoyed ourselves very much.


6th month,  6th, 7th day.

Had school in the morning.  In the afternoon I took baby out in the mail cart.  Hilda and Patsy came too.  And so did Mamie.  We had a game of House.  Harry was my baby and Patsy and  Mamie were my children and Hilda was the nurse.


6th month, 7th, 1st Day.

I had to mind Harry and Mamie until Meeting time.  I went for a walk with Maggie to Crich and back.  Lizzie Wake took Harry to Sunnyside.  Went to Meeting in the evening.


6th month, 8th, 2nd day.

I took Baby out in the mail cart, Patsy came and played at Chestnut Bank.  Maggie took Baby out in the mail cart instead of sewing.



6th month,  9th, 3rd day.

We began to get things ready for Monthly Meeting.  I took Baby out in the morning and in the afternoon.  Had a game of I Spy, then the bell rang for bed.


6th month, 10th, 4th day.

Monthly Meeting.  In the morning, ironed a tie and some ribbons that I washed the day before.  Then I went down to meet my uncle.  After Meeting I looked after Baby.  Hilda and Patsy came to tea.

6th month, 11th, 5th day.

Had school as usual.  Had a game of Lurkey in the morning and after tea had a game of Lurkey.


6th month, 12th, 6th day.

It was fine though it threatened rain.  Had school as usual.  Had two or three games of Lurkey during the day.  After tea had a game of I Spy, and Hide and Seek, and Whippy.


6th month, 13th, 7th day.

Before school had a game at Skipping.  Henry Wake Hinde4 walked for the first time, Lizzie Wake was with him.  In the afternoon the boys went to Belper.  Hilda and Patsy, Mamie, Maggie, Grant, Baby and myself had a game at House.  Grant was our monkey.  Hilda was the nurse.  I was the mother and Patsy, Mamie and  Maggie and Harry were my children.


6th month, 14th, 1st day.

Eddy and Henry Taylor were throwing slippers at each other.  In the afternoon I went a walk with Maggie, up the Dimple and down the Crich,5 and  when I came back I wrote a letter home.  


6th month, 15th, 2nd day.

I had school as usual.  In the morning we had a game at Lurkey,  and after we had a game at Lurkey and I Spy.  We  had exam in Algebra in the morning and Reading in the afternoon.  It was very wet.


6th Month, 16th, 3rd Day.

Had exam in  Arithmetic but did not finish it.  We had a holiday in the afternoon.  It was fine and sunshining.  Annie Sturge hired Fritchley pony to go a drive to Heage.  Annie Sturge, Lizzie Wake and Baby, Mamie and I went to Lydia Sargent’s and played in the Scanlons’ room.  I drove there and back.  Edward Sturge walked there and Annie Sturge walked back with him.  I drove Lizzie Wake, Baby and Mamie back.  We went to the Shaws and they had a horse that was very poorly.  I enjoyed myself very  very very much.


6th month, 17th, 4th day.

Went to Meeting in the morning and in the afternoon I went down to Lydia Sargent’s and played with Patsy and Hilda and I went around with Arthur Watkins collecting rummage for a rummage sale.  He had Florrie and the trap.  After tea it was wet and so I went to Lydia Sargent’s and played up in the Scanlons’ room.


6th month,  18th, 5th day.

There was a rummage sale at three o’clock in the afternoon.  It was to enable the village children to have a day at the seaside.   It was Mary Watkins’ proposal.  There was a gramophone after tea.  Annie Sturge brought a bicycle for us to ride.  It had broken tires.


6th month, 19th, 6th day.

There was school as usual.  We went riding the bicycle most of our spare time.  After tea the back tire came off.


6th month, 20th, 7th day.

Fastened the tire on the bicycle.  Had school in the morning.  Rode the bicycle most of our spare time.  The back tire came off again.  Put it on again.  I was to have gone a ride on the bicycle and Annie Sturge had Mary Wake’s  but when I got on ours I hadn’t gone above two yards when the tire came off again.  And so I took it back and we had Mary Wake’s all the afternoon.  Susy, Lizzie and me were riding all the afternoon.


6th month, 21st, 1st day.

I went a little walk with Edward, Annie and Mamie Sturge.6  Maggie had toothache, she did not go to Meeting either in the morning or afternoon.  Hilda tumbled off  Florrie and sprained her wrist and  hurt her head. 


6th month, 22nd, 2nd day.

We were riding the bike round the gravel.  Received a letter from home.


6th month,  23rd, 3rd day.

Spent the afternoon and had tea at Amy Sturge’s.  Maggie, Ruth and I earned a supper and we had it tonight.


6th month, 24th, 4th day.

All went for a school treat to the black rocks at Workworth.  Went by train, had tea out of doors.  Enjoyed ourselves very much.


6th month, 25th, 5th day.

We are all packing up to go home. All very busy. It is Eddy’s birthday.7  He is 14.


6th month, 26th, 6th day.

Came home by the 10:16 train.  Uncle, Eliza and Lucy8  were at Birmingham Station to meet us.  We got home about half past twelve.  After dinner we went to the hay field.  My cat had some kittens, three.  I had tea in the hay field.  Finished the small field.



6th month, 27th,  7th day.

After breakfast we went to the hay field.  I worked until dinner.  After dinner, put saddle on pony and I rode on it.  I got on the rick then and had tea.  After tea, put the hay in cocks.


6th month, 28th, 1st day.

I put the brown pony in the float9 to take Grannie10 to Meeting.  I was on the roof most of the afternoon.  Took Grannie to Meeting in the evening.  I went milking.




6th month, 29th, 2nd day.

I was at the haymaking field all day.


6th month, 30th, 3rd day.

We were carrying the raking.


1.       Harry Tomes is probably brother to  Alfred Tomes, who later married Joshua Wake’s sister Lydia.

2.       Joshua Wake is the oldest son of Hugh Wake, brother to Annie who  married Edward Sturge, and grandson of Henry Thomas Wake.  See also the Wake Family Tree, Appendix III.

3.       Lizzie Wake is  the oldest daughter of Henry Thomas Wake.

4.       Henry Wake Hinde is the “Baby” referred to earlier; he is the son of Joseph and Martha Wake Hinde.  Martha is sister to Annie and Hugh.  See also the Hinde Family Tree,  Appendix IV.

5.       Dimple and Critch are lanes in Fritchley.

6.    Mamie Sturge is Mary Sturge, daughter of  Edward and Annie. 

7.    Eddy is Edmund Saunders, Mary’s older brother.

8.       Eliza and Lucy are Mary’s younger sisters.  Uncle is Edmund Hatcher, brother to their mother Hannah.

9.       Float - a wagon.

10.    Grannie is Mary’s maternal grandmother,  Jemima Hunt Hatcher, who raised the children of Nathan Saunders when his wife died fourteen months after the birth of their youngest child Lucy.  Grannie’s only and unmarried son Edmund lived with her.



JULY 1903





7th month, 1st, 4th day.

The brown pony was gone to the hayfield so I had to take Grannie to Meeting with the creamie.


7th month, 2nd, 5th day.

Went to the hay field just after dinner, stayed there until milking time.  I was riding on the pony.


7th month, 3rd, 6th day.

Packed up our things.


7th month, 4th, 7th day.

Went down to Somerset.1  They didn’t come to meet us so we had to carry all our luggage from the station.


7th month, 5th, 1st day.

Had Meeting in the morning.  Uncle2 read to us in the evening.


7th month, 6th, 2nd day.

Played with Annie and Jemima.

7th month,  7th, 3rd day.

Played about all day. Eddy went to the hayfield.



7th month, 8th, 4th day.

Went to Cary in the four-wheel.


7th month, 9th, 5th day.

Had Meeting in the parlor.


7th month, 10th, 6th day.

Played with Eliza, Lucy, Jemima and Annie.


7th month, 11th, 7th day.

Made some cakes.


7th month, 12th, 1st day.

Had Meeting in the morning and evening.


7th month,13th,  2nd day

Lucy had a dog bite her.  She went to the doctor straight away.  I went to be fitted for two dresses.


7th month, 14th, 3rd day.

Played about.  Put a swing up.


7th month, 15th, 4th day.

Uncle William and Lucy went to Cary.


7th month, 16th 5th day.

Went to Uncle Tom’s to tea.


7th month, 17th, 6th day.

Auntie Polly was packing up our things.


7th month,  18th 7th day.

Came home.  Lorna Roberts was passing through Birmingham when we got there.


7th month,  19th  1st  day.

I drove Grannie to Meeting in the morning and evening.


7th month, 20th,  2nd day.

Looked after shop most of the day.

7th month,  21st, 3rd day.

Did lots of things.  Drove Barnacle’s horse to  Cotteridge.


22nd of 7th Month, 4th day.

It is raining this morning.  I have written up my diary.3


7th month, 23rd, 5th day.

M.   D., W. S. and T. P. went to court as witnesses about a fight between Bud and

N.    Lewis.  Grannie was not well enough to go to Meeting.

7th month, 24th,  6th day.

I drove Barnacle’s horse to Cotteridge.


7th month, 25th, 7th day.

I went milking, went up the village with the roan horse and the wagon.


7th month,  26th, 7th day. (sic)4

Drove the cows home from Cotteridge  Went up the village with an order.


7th month, 27th, 1st day.

It rained very hard in the morning, had two floods.  Grannie went to Meeting in the evening.


7th month, 28th, 2nd day.

Went out with several different orders.  Played with Floss, Eliza and Lucy. 


7th month, 29th,  3rd day.

Went to town with Father in the trap and Jenny pulling us.  It rained as we were going in.


7th month, 30th, 4th day.

Drove Grannie to Meeting.  Went down to Wakes’ to fetch some sise (?)  with Bob.  After dinner fetched some wood from Starcies’ and took it to Cotteridge.  It rained as we were coming back.


7th month, 31st, 5th day.

Went to Cotteridge with Ginnie.


1.       In Somerset was Aunty Polly and Uncle William Longman.  Polly was Hannah Hatcher Saunders’ sister.

2.       Uncle would have been either Uncle William Longman or Uncle Edmund Hatcher; probably the former as Uncle Edmund is not mentioned as travelling with them.

3.  This suggests that Mary did not always write in her diary every day.  Later evidence supports this as well.

4.   (sic)  Infrequently Mary lost track of dates and days of the week.  Where possible this has been resolved to be consistent. Where not possible, (sic) is indicated.







8th month, 1st, 6th day.

I went milking and fed the pigs.  I went up the village with an order, had a ride on Jenny while they were milking.


8th month, 2nd,  7th day.

I fed the pigs.  Jack, Dad, Floss and I went to Cotteridge and brought Kitty back.  In the afternoon I had a ride on Kitty.


8th month,  3rd, 1st day.

Drove Annie Sturge to Meeting.  I drove Grannie in the evening.


8th month, 4th, 2nd day.

It was a bank holiday and also Monthly Meeting.  I was riding on Jennie. Drove Grannie to Meeting.  There was a public meeting in the evening.


8th month, 5th, 3rd day.

Rode on Kitty and Jenny.  I went with Dad and Uncle1 to Cotteridge.  Eliza and Lucy came too.  It rained as we were coming back.


8th month, 6th, 4th day.

Drove Grannie to Meeting in the morning.  Rode on Jenny and Kitty most of the afternoon.


8th month, 7th, 5th day.

Came back to school in the morning.  I was sick twice in the train.  In the evening went on a bike ride with Edie.


8th month, 8th, 6th day.

We had no school.  Went to a lecture on Electricity.


8th month, 9th, 7th day.

I went to Klondyke.


8th month, 10th, 1st day.

It rained very hard.  I was out in it and got wet through.


8th month, 11th, 2nd day.

Had school as usual.  Jenny Davison taught the little ones and all of us girls in sewing.


8th month, 12th, 3rd day.

Had school as usual.  We fetched some mortar and put it on the playground.


8th month,  13th, 4th day.

Went to Meeting in the morning.  In the afternoon Leonard hurt his foot on the sunerel (?) bridge.


8th month, 14th, 5th day.

Played with the boys’ cart.



8th month, 15th, 6th day.

Nothing extra happened.  It was very wet all day.


8th month, 16th, 7th day.

It rained most of the day.  We played in the playroom.



8th month, 17th, 1st  day.

I went up to John Sadler’s and down to the brook, Leonard, Edie and myself.


8th month, 18th, 2nd day.

We did the playground instead of prep.


8th month, 19th, 3rd day.

It rained hard nearly all day.  We could not go out.  We played at skipping.


8th month, 20th, 4th day.

Joe and Jack walked over to Wingfield.  I rode on Annie Sturge’s bicycle  and Edie rode on her own bicycle.  Lucy Brooks gave us some flowers.


8th month, 21st, 5th day.

It is getting quite like winter now, it is cold.  I went to see Lucy Brooks.


8th month, 22nd, 5th day.

Had school as usual.


8th month, 23rd, 6th day.

Percy gave us a lecture on  stone.  He had a piece of Spam and he said it was limestone.  He did make us laugh.


8th month,  24th, 7th day.

We had school in the morning and in the afternoon we went to an exhibition on the art of the school children. It was an awfully loud nothing when we got there.


8th month, 25th, 1st day.

Edie and I went to the quarry fields for a walk.   Tanha  scalded her three fingers. Nothing extra happened.


8th month, 30th, 1st day (sic) 

It was very wet.  I went to Meeting as usual.  In the afternoon I went a walk with Edie Hinde.  I began tonight a letter to Uncle.2


8th month,  31st, 2nd day.

I finished Uncle’s letter and posted it.  Dorothy Scanlon came to school just for the day.  We did not have any school between three and four o’clock.


1.  and 2.   Uncle Edmund Hatcher.  “Uncle” alone almost always refers to Edmund Hatcher.












9th month, 1st, 3rd day.

Had school as usual.  Edie and I made some toffee.


9th month, 2nd, 4th day.

I am eating some of the toffee I made yesterday.  I wish Eliza and Lucy were here so I could give them some.  In the afternoon Edie and I went down to Glossop’s to see if their dog cart1 was done.  It was not done, and so we had to go without it.  As we were going up Bullbridge Hill2 about half way up we saw a pony with an empty cart.  It was standing across the road, the back of the card in the hedge.  The pony refused to go either up hill or down hill.  At last they brought a cart horse and pulled it up.


9th month, 3rd, 5th day.

Had school as usual.  Had a game of Hide and Seek.


9th month, 4th, 6th day.

Had a game of I Spy.  Had school as usual.


9th month, 5th, 7th day.

Edie and I went to Belfair.  We had our tea, bread and fish.


9th month, 6th, 1st day.

Went to Meeting twice.  I went a walk in the afternoon down quarry fields and along the canal side.


9th month, 7th, 2nd day.

Edie and I had to stay out of  school and help Annie Sturge peel apples.  At half past two all the girls went blackberrying.  In the evening had a game of Hide and Seek.


9th month, 8th, 3rd day.

Getting ready for Monthly Meeting.


9th month, 9th, 4th day.

Monthly Meeting.  I went down to meet Dad, Eliza, Lucy and Uncle.  Dad went back on Fourth Day night,  Uncle stayed until Fifth Day.


9th month, 10th, 5th day.

Lucy went to school in the small school room and Eliza went in the big school room.  They went home by the five o’clock.  Amy Sturge took a photo of the four of us for Dad to take to Canada with him.  It rained most all day.




9th month, 11th, 6th day.

It is very cold, though not wet.  We had school as usual.  It is very lonely without them.


9th month, 12th, 7th day.

Had school in the morning.  Edie, Leonard, Eddy and I enjoyed a fourpenny melon.  They gave us two for four pence because they were a little rotten.  Leonard, Amy and I went to Amy Sturge’s in the afternoon.


9th month, 13th, 1st day.

Wrote up my diary after Meeting.  Fetched Mopsy for Lucy Brooks.  Sophia Gough asked us, Edie and me, to her house to dinner.  I drove Mopsy home.  After dinner we took her out on the lawn to eat the grass.  We had to mind her.    It started raining.  Just as we were coming back, it stopped as we were about half way back.  Had melon for tea.


9th month, 14th, 2nd day.

Had school as usual.  Had a game of I Spy.


9th month, 15th, 3rd day.

Had school as usual.  Helped to make the playground.


9th month, 16th, 4th day.

I rode back with Sophia Gough.  I drove all the way.  When we got there we put Mopsy in and went  and had our dinner.  After dinner we put the sidesaddle on and rode Mopsy back.  We had a very pleasant afternoon.  We started home at about five o’clock.


9th month, 17th, 5th day.

Had a game with Edward Sturge’s cart.


9th month, 18th, 6th day.

The boys were making the playground.



9th month, 19th, 7th day.

Started Annie’s knitting for her.  In the afternoon I went a walk with Maggie up the Dimple Lane and down Crich.   As we were coming down Crich we saw Mopsy. 


9th  month, 20th, 1st day.

Went a walk with Maggie.


9th month, 21st, 2nd day.

Nothing extra happened.



9th month, 22nd, 3rd day.

In the afternoon we went a walk3 instead of school.

9th month, 23rd,  4th day.

Maggie, Edie and I were to Sophia Gough’s.  I drove Mopsy all the way to Wessenton. Wilfred  drove us home - not quite home.


9th month, 24th, 5th day.

I was playing at Poison when I hurt the top muscle of my leg.


9th month,  25th, 6th day.

My leg is better, nearly well.


9th month,  26th, 7th day.

In the afternoon I had a shop and Edie was the horse.  Had several different games.


9th month, 27th, 1st day.

Went to Meeting twice.


9th month, 28th, 2nd day.

School as usual.  Had a game of cards.


9th month,  29th, 3rd day.

Went after school down to Bomer’s Brook.  Edie, Maggie and I went to Sophia Gough’s and we had Mopsy with her saddle all the afternoon.  I enjoyed myself very much.


9th month, 30th, 4th day.

Grant Sargent came last night.


1.  A dog cart is a kind of cart pulled by a horse.

2.  Bullbridge Hill is very steep.

3.   “Went a walk” - common usage at that time.










10th month, 1st, 5th day.

Went and got some pretty stones.


10th month, 2nd, 6th day.

Nothing extra happened.  Had school as usual.





10th month, 3rd,7th day.

We went to Wake Bridge and got some pretty ferns and took them to Sophia  Gough.


10th month, 4th, 2nd day.

Nothing extra happened.  Had school as usual.

10th month, 5th, 3rd day.

The little post was very full this morning.


10th month,  6th, 4th day.

Hilda Scanlon stayed here to tea and Amy Sturge.  We had a game of Geography.


10th month, 7th, 5th day.

Very wet and we had to spend the afternoon indoors.



10th month, 15th, 5th day.

Had school as usual.


10th month, 16th, 6th day.

Mamie fell off the barn steps and broke her arm.  She seems quite well.  The lamp room caught on fire.  It was soon put out, it only burnt an apron and  a bill file.


10th month, 17th, 7th day.

We all went a walk to the Reservoir near Whatstandwell.   Coming back we played Horse.


10th month, 18th, 1st day.

We all went a walk to Parkhead and back by a new road.  I went to Darbyshires to tea.  M. And W. Hallam 2asked Edie and me to go and see them next 1st day.


10th month,  19th, 2nd day.

Nothing extra happened.


10th month, 20th, 3rd day.

I had school as usual.  Jack hurt his eye. 

10th month, 21st, 4th day.

Went to Meeting in the morning.  After Meeting Sophia Gough invited Edie and me to go back with her.  I drove all the way.  When we got there we had an afternoon tea.  After that we went to Alfterton  about two miles away.  I drove all the way there and  back.


10th month, 22nd, 5th day.

Nothing extra happened.


10th month, 23rd, 6th day.

Had school as usual.


10th month, 24th, 7th day.

Went to Wake Bridge and got some stones for Sophia Gough.


10th month, 25th, 1st day.

Sophia Gough said she would like either of us girls to walk in the yard, she said it was Maggie’s turn next.


10th month, 26th, 2nd day.

Had school as usual.


10th month, 27th, 3rd day.

Had school as usual.


10th month, 28th, 4th day.

Maggie and I went to Sophia  Gough’s.


10th month, 29th, 5th day.

Went a walk in the afternoon to Crich stand.  Edward Sturge had a bad cold.  Had school in the morning.


10th month, 30th, 6th day.

It is very cold this afternoon.  To Wake Bridge.   Jessie Darbyshire has been thinking of selling Darling and getting a pony off the Common.


10th month, 31st,7th day.

In the afternoon we got the bricks and built the foundation of a house, also a yard and stable.  We pretended to live there.


1.  When entries have not been written for a day or more, this is indicated by a short row of ellipses.

2.  Mary often uses the initials of people about whom she writes.  Where the full names are clear from context, they are spelled out.  Where this is not the case, the initials remain as she gave them.









11th month, 1st, 1st day.

Wrote instead of going a walk.  William  Dougg  came to tea.


11th month, 2nd, 2nd day.

Uncle, I mean Edward Sturge is better today and we had school as usual.  I sent my letter off this morning.


11th month, 3rd, 3rd day.

Maggie and I stayed out of school and helped.  At four o’clock Edie and I went to the station, we took Edward Sturge’s cart.

11th month  4th, 4th day.

It is Monthly Meeting today.  Father and Uncle came.  I went down to meet them.


11th month, 5th, 5th day.

Edward Sturge was poorly.  Janey Davidson took us a walk through the Manor fields and home through Parkhead.


11th month, 6th, 6th day.

E.    Y. S. is better today and able to teach us again.


11th month, 7th, 7th day.

Sophia Gough and Lucy Brooks went to Ireland by the nine o’clock train.  In the afternoon we all went to Wingfield.


11th month, 6th (sic) 1st  day. 

Stayed away from Meeting.


11th month, 7th, 2nd day.

Had school as usual.


11th month, 8th,  3rd day.

Had school as usual.


11th month, 9th, 4th day.

Lucy and I  rode on Diamond and Lizzie on Darling.  We went seven or eight miles.  The trotted a good deal of the way.


11th month, 10th, 5th day.

Had school as usual.


11th month, 11th, 6th day.

I have counted the weeks until we go home.



11th month, 14th, 7th day.

Played horses nearly all the afternoon and painted.


11th month, 15th, 1st day.

Went to Meeting in the morning.  In the afternoon I went up to Darbyshires’ and had a ride on Diamond with  Lucy.  We went past the windmill.  I rode on Darling coming back.


11th month, 16th, 2nd day.

Lizzie didn’t come until recess time.


11th month,17th,  3rd  day.

Had school as usual.


11th month, 18th, 4th day.

Went to Meeting in the morning.  Spent the afternoon at Darbyshires.  The roof is nearly finished.  Nell’s pups are very playful.


11th month, 19th,   5th day.

Reading Meeting was at Lydia’s place.   I did my toilet tidy.


11th month, 20th,   6th day

I am very anxious for the holidays to come.  It seems impossible to wait.


11th month, 21st,  7th day.

Edie and I went to Darbyshires’ and spent the afternoon there.  Fan’s pups are beginning to be playful.


11th month, 22nd,   1st day

We all went a walk together in the afternoon.


11th month, 23rd,   2nd day.

Amy Sturge, Eddy, Leonard, Edie and I composed a piece of poetry containing 21 verses about the fire.


11th month, 24th,  3rd day.

Had school as usual.  Lizzie got more ____ (?)1 than me today.


11th month, 25th,  4th day.

Lizzie did not come this morning. In the afternoon Edie, Leonard and I went to Amy Sturge’s to tea.  She showed us her big scrap book which had taken her years to make. 


11th month, 26th,   5th day.

Martha Hinde has had a baby.2  We have been jumping.  Edie has jumped 3 feet 6 inches.


11th month, 27th,  6th day.

Annie Sturge went to Bournbrook.  Had school as usual.  Nothing extra happened.


11th month, 28th,  7th day

Edie and I went to Darbyshires’.


11th month, 29th,   1st day.

Maggie and Mamie went to the Hallams to tea.


11th month, 30th,   2nd day

Nothing extra happened.


1.     Where a word cannot be deciphered,  this is indicated by (?).

2.     The baby is Elizabeth (Elsie) Linnell Hinde.






12th month, 1st,  3rd day.

I helped Edie and Amy Sturge to make up a piece of poetry called Another Lad’s Mishap.


12th month, 2nd,  4th day.

In the afternoon we had a game with Edward Y. Sturge’s cart.  My Grannie,1 my father’s mother, passed quietly away.


12th month, 3rd, 5th day

Eliza has gone down to Somerset.


12th month, 4th,   6th day.

If Eliza did not go yesterday she had gone today.


12th month, 5th,  7th day

Had school in the morning.  I have found my skates.


12th month, 6th, 1st day.

Went to Meeting in the morning.  Mamie did not go.  She had diarrhoea in the afternoon.  I went a walk with Edie, Lucy  and Lizzie.  We had Nell.


12th month, 7th,  2nd day.

I had a nice long interesting letter from my cousin.


12th month, 8th,   3rd day. 

We girls helped  Annie Sturge instead of school.


12th month, 9th,  4th day

Monthly Meeting.  It was raining so I could not go down to meet Dad and Uncle.


12th month, 10th,   5th day.

We were going to be examined but E. S. went to Wakefield.  In the evening all us girls went to Hilda’s party.  Edie and I gave her a pair of closing-up scissors.


12th month, 11th,  6th day.

We began exam today and we were examined in Math.


12th month, 12th,   7th Day.

Had French today.


1.       Hannah Griffin Saunders.  See Saunders Family Tree, Appendix I.



Here the boarding school months of the diary ends, and on the same page begins the start of Mary’s new life, three and a half years later.






MAY 1907




Started for Canada on the 3rd of 5th Month 1907.


5th month, 3rd

I left my home and Grannie, Eliza, Lucy and Uncle and all friends dear, to go and try to be of use to my father and dear brother.  Uncle and D. R.1 came to Liverpool to see me off.  I was sick four days and landed on the 6th day just a week from when I went on board.  Well, we2 caught a train that left Quebec the same evening, and got to Winnipeg 13th of May 1907 and started to Borden on the C. N. R. at 8:30 the next morning, and reached Borden on the 15th of May 1907.  My father came into Borden to meet me.  He looked very altered, but he is still “My Dear Old Dad.”  My brother came out into the yard to meet us.  He was not so altered as I expected him to be.  I have now been out here four or five weeks and so far cannot seem to realize that I am in Canada.  But Eddy says  I will realize it when the winter comes.


1.     D. R. - unknown.

2.       According to Ruth Bergman, (September 2002) Mary travelled to Canada with the Piprells or the Walkers.  From the Borden history book, Our Treasured Heritage, the most probable person to accompany Mary would be Emily Piprell, who also came to Canada in 1907.  Emily would have been in her twenties at that time, and Mary sixteen.




JUNE 1907




Continuation of my diary.


6th month, 16th,  1st day.

We had a very heavy thunderstorm this morning.  Dad and Eddy were caught in it whilst going to the sick cow.  When they came back we had Meeting here, as it was bad to go to Meeting and several times during Meeting the thunder seemed to be right under the shack, it made the old place tremble whilst the water came streaming through the roof.  Jessie Green1 went over to her sister’s to tea.  Dad went and fetched her.


6th month, 17th, 2nd day.

Eddy and Laurie2 fetched a load of straw this morning, and Dad rode Jess to Uncle Esau’s to get him and Walter to come and help him bring the sick cow home.  Ploughed a furrow for potatoes, disked in some clover, sunflower and some grass seed.  I planted some sunflowers round the shack.


6th month, 18th, 3rd day.

Walter Saunders came and helped Dad and Laurie make a corral.  We had Walter’s help in exchange for them having our oxen and plow, though he must first find the oxen.  He rode Creamy round most of the day and then Eddy and Walter found them on Eight.3  They brought the posts from Eight and put them on a corral on Twenty-One.  After tea Jessie Green I helped put the posts in.


6th month, 19th,   4th day.

Went to Meeting in the morning.  It was Monthly Meeting.  Dad and I stayed to the business meeting.  Had dinner and tea at McCheanes’.  Hannah Mary gave me a singing pigeon.


6th month, 20th,  5th day.

I helped Dad put up the posts and also accidentally let my pigeon fly away.  He kept around the yard most  of the day but disappeared in the evening.  He may only be roosting somewhere.  Joe and Kate4 went off this afternoon.  Walter and Laurie went after them but could not find them.

6th month, 21st,  6th day.

We finished the corral today.  I milked the black cow and when I had finished I saw two horses so Dad and I drove them into the new corral, and we  thought they were the same ones as McCheanes had found about two months ago.


6th month, 22nd,7th day.

McCheanes came for those horses but did not take them.  Laurie caught my pigeon.  He was in the granary asleep.  Eddy and Laurie were breaking with four horses.  Dad and Walter went to Borden and cut some bushes on Eddy’s quarter.  We found Joe and Kate by the little corral.


6th month, 23rd, 1st day.

We went to meeting in the morning.  On our way back we picked a lot of mushrooms.  After dinner Oscar Brunst and Duncan McPherson came for the horses.  They got them out of the corral but they almost got away on them but at last they caught them in a corner of our yard.  They took one and let us have two for a time at least.  Three turkeys hatched out.


6th month, 24th, 2nd day.

Jessie and I  went and picked some mushrooms for dinner.  Eddy and Walter were clearing out the well.  We have quite a lot of mushrooms.


6th month, 25th, 3rd day

Started digging two wells on Twenty-one.  Dad was plowing with four horses,  Darby and Jim and the stray horses.  They went well.

6th month, 26th, 4th day.

Had Meeting at home.  We’re digging the wells.  Eddie was plowing.


6th month, 27th, 5th day.

Walter went plowing.  Eddy and Dad and Laurie dug well after dinner.  Jessie and I went and helped draw up the buckets of clay.


6th month, 28th, 6th day.

There was quite a drop of water in the well this morning.  Walter went with his father to get a cow but could not find it.  Eddy cut a load of hay.  Dad and Laurie were digging the well.


6th month,  29th, 7th day.

It rained most of the day.  Walter plowed in the morning.  They tried a different plow in the afternoon, with four horses, but it did not answer.  Laurie rode Creamie to George Tallis’s and got four pounds of butter. 


6th month, 30th, 1st day

Laurie left the bucket up the well and the dogs or something ate two pounds of butter.  Went to Meeting and in the afternoon Jessie rode Jim to the big corral, and I walked and led him.  I milked  the cow.  We came back by Ruth Tallis’s.  William and Caroline McCheane5 were there. 


1.  Jessie Green was friend and housekeeper to Nathan Saunders and his son Edmund (Eddy).  She also served as nurse to the community, sometimes in the Borden hospital and sometimes in people’s homes.  She is referred to in the Borden history book as Nurse Green, in the section on Borden’s hospital services.

2.  Laurie is Laurie Crabb.  In 1907 he was about twelve years old and was working for Nathan Saunders on his farm.   His older brother David had married Lydia McCheane, who was  to become Mary Saunders’ sister-in-law.

3. Sections of land one mile to a side were divided into quarter-sections, or quarters.  A quarter, 160 acres, was the size of the land grant under the Homestead Act that  could be proved up.  See Appendix VII.  Sections were identified by their numbers; see Great Bend Municipality map from the Borden history book also shown as Appendix VI.

4.  Animal names can be a challenge when the names are shared with people!  Context will usually identify whether  man or woman, ox or horse bears the name.

5.  The McCheanes were the family into which Mary was to marry.  Hannah Mary was the oldest daughter.



JULY 1907




7th month, 1st, 2nd day

How quickly this last month seems to have gone.  It gets very hot towards mid-day, too hot to do anything scarcely. 


7th month, 2nd, 3rd day

Jim Tallis sprained his back while lifting a bucket of water  off the well.  Dad and Jessie went over to help him in the house.  He seems pretty sick.  Walter and I went over to fetch Jessie and Dad;  I drove over there.  We had Jim and the fresh one.  They went splendid.  Dad arranged with a man to come for a month for $30.00.


7th  month, 3rd, 4th day.

We went to Meeting in the morning.  In the evening I rode Jess over to G. Tallis’s for some butter and just as I was coming away I got caught in a heavy rain and got wet through.  Jessie felt pretty sick.


7th month, 4th, 5th day.

Dad and Jessie drove to Borden and G. Roy’s.  In the evening Jessie and I went to Ruth Tallis’s.  Jim’s side is rather better.


7th month, 5th, 6th day.

It was very windy today.  In the evening Jessie went to meet Dad and I stayed at home.  Laurie and Eddy took the horses and watered them.


7th month, 6th, 7th day.

Jessie and I were very busy all day.  The fresh man worked four horses on one plow and Eddy and Laurie had four oxen and two horses on a gang plow.  It was very windy.

7th month, 7th, 1st day.

We drove Darby and Jess to Meeting.  Archie Ashworth1 went to Matthew’s after dinner.  Walter came in while we were having dinner.  In the afternoon I drove Darby and Jess to R. Tallis’s and from there to the big corral.  Eddy and Walter milked the cow.  Ruthie came with me from Ruth Tallis’s, she had tea at our house and after tea we got the turkeys in.  Dad went over after Jessie and I went over with Ruthie.  I came back by myself.  Dad and Jessie went to the big corral.


7th month, 8th, 2nd day.

Eddy and Laurie were plowing on the road.  They had four oxen and two horses on a gang plow.  Lydia Crabb2 had a little baby girl.


7th month, 9th, 3rd day.

Eddy and Laurie were on the roads again.  Walter was here to dinner.  Dad arranged with Uncle Esau to use his plow in exchange for our harrows.


7th month, 10th, 4th day.

Went to Meeting.  Jack drove Smith’s wife over here - she came to invite us to the Clark’s picnic, but of course we did not go.


7th month, 11th, 5th day.

Dad and Laurie and I drove in to Radisson.  We drove Kate and Creamy.  Philip3 was in Radisson on a visit.  David had gone to Saskatoon.  Lydia looked altered, her hair is quite short.  It just reaches her shoulder.  Dad sold Kate for  $167.50.  He gave $100.00 for her in the fall.




7th month, 12th, 6th day.

The Scotchman came and helped Dad with the well in exchange for their pony being in our pasture.  Eddy and Archie Ashworth were plowing.


7th month, 13th, 7th day.

After supper I went over to Ruth’s and had a game with the children.  Dad and Laurie went to Radisson to take Kate and try and sell Darby.  He bought David’s cutter and buggy and brought  two letters.  He did not sell Darby.  He gave  $37.00 for them and the use of a mortice machine.


7th month, 14th, 1st day.

We went to Meeting in the morning.  In the afternoon I drove Creamy over to Ruth Tallis’s in the buggy.  Ruthie came back with me.  Dad and Ruthie and I drove down to the well.  Dad watered the horses.  Tom Bradshaw and Ruthie were here to tea.  After tea Dad went over after Jessie.


7th month, 15th, 2nd day.

Dad went over to Borden to put in two days on the road.4  Eddy drove Creamy into Borden.  In the afternoon Jessie and I drove to Matthew’s and G. Tallis’s for the butter.


7th month  16th, 3rd day.

Archie and Eddy were plowing all day.  Dad came back in the evening.


7th month, 17th, 4th day.

Went to Meeting in the morning.


7th month, 18th, 5th day.

Dad went to Borden to put in two days for Eddy’s quarter.  A coyote has both our ducks and the eggs they were sitting on.  Jessie was down in the little corral all day, washing.  In the afternoon I went down with the pony and helped her.  Ruby and Winnie came past, picking strawberries. 


7th month, 19th, 6th day

They finished all the breaking we intend doing this year, in all about twenty-five acres.


7th month, 20th, 7th day

Dad and Archie Ashworth went to Borden.  They each had a team.  George Pearce came and put a day in at the well in exchange for his pony being in the corral. 


7th month, 21st, 1st day.

We went to Meeting in the morning.   Archie Ashworth went to Matthews’.  Walter came in the afternoon and stayed tea.  I rode Creamie to the big corral and milked the cow.  After supper I went over to Ruth Tallis’s for some  sweet nitre5  for Jessie who had been in bed all day with a bad cold. 



7th month, 22nd, 2nd day

Jessie was up today.  My pigeon flew away in the morning, and in the afternoon she came back with another pigeon, but he flew away again in the evening. 


7th month, 23rd, 3rd day.

Dad and Jessie went to Borden in the buggy with Creamie.  Eddy and Archie  Ashworth went mowing on Sherrat’s.6


7th month, 24th,  4th day.

Archie Ashworth and Eddy went to Borden and Dad went with them to tell them where to mow.  There were caught in a heavy rain and took refuge in the Doukhobor village.  Dad did not come back until the next day.


7th month 25th, 5th day.

Eddy and Archie Ashworth at Borden, mowing.  I rode Darby over to G. Tallis’s.


7th month, 26th,  6th day.

Dad drove Creamy and Laurie drove Darby in the horse rake to rake up what Eddy and Archie Ashworth had mowed on Sherrat’s.


7th month  27th, 7th day.

Eddy and Archie Ashworth came back from Borden.  Dad drove Darby in the buggy to Borden.


7th  month, 28th, 1st day.

We went to Meeting in the morning.   Jessie went over to Ruth’s to tea.  Ruthie came over here.  Archie Ashworth  went to Matthew’s to dinner and tea.


7th month, 29th, 2nd day.

Eddy and Archie Ashworth went to Sherrat’s to get the hay home.


7th month, 30th 3rd day.

All went to Sherrat’s, found that Dad and Laurie had racked up someone else’s hay.  In the afternoon Archie Ashworth and Laurie  went and brought up the rest of the hay. It was only three loads altogether.


7th month, 31st, 4th day

Went to Meeting in the morning.  In the afternoon they went to Borden and took Floss.  They have gone to try and get some hay.  Dad has bought a house.


1.   Archie Ashworth seems to have been one of a series of young men hired by Nathan Saunders to work on  his farm

2.   Lydia Crabb was one of the children of  William Cronyn and  Caroline McCheane.  She had married David Crabb in  England not long before the family emigrated and come out with her parents and her husband.  .

3.   Philip may be Philip Kennedy, although this is uncertain.

4.       Each homesteader was required to put in time every year in constructing and maintaining the community’s roads.

5.       Sweet nitre was a component of a home remedy.

6.   Sherrat was an American cattleman who had run a vast herd over the country that was becoming settled soon after the turn of the century. Traces of his home base were to be seen decades later on Valley Springs Ranch.   See also Edward McCheane’s story of his emigration and his early months in Saskatchewan.






8th month, 1st, 5th day.

We watered the cattle in the big corral, had strawberries and cream for dinner.  Ruth Tallis and Gracie and Ruthie came to tea.  We had strawberries, etc. I watered the cattle in the evening.


8th month, 2nd, 6th day.

Watered cattle twice.  Ruthie and Norman came to tea.  After tea Ruthie came with me to water the cattle and milk the cow.  After we had done I went round to Ruth Tallis’s and left Ruthie there.  Jessie was busy ironing.


8th month 3rd, 7th day.

Watered the cattle.  Heavy thunderstorm.  Picked and made jam of strawberries; cooked turnips and potatoes for when they come back.  Dad arrived home about eight o’clock wet through.


 8th month, 4th, 1st day.

We went to Meeting.  During the day Baxter and Dick Primmer came.  They are trying to get a herd law.1


8th month, 5th, 2nd day.

Dad went back.  He watered the cattle.


8th month, 6th, 3rd day.

We watered the cattle.


8th month, 7th, 4th day.

Ruthie and Norman came over.


1907  8th month, 8th, 5th day.

The cattle got out and on the grain.


 8th Month, 9th, 6th day.

We took the cattle from the big corral to the little one.


8th month, 10th, 7th day.

Archie Ashworth and Dad came home.   A coyote came after our turkeys.


8th Month, 11th, 1st day.

We did not go to Meeting as it was too wet.  Young Jack came here.


8th month, 12th, 2nd day.

Archie Ashworth and Dad drove back again.  The cattle got on the grain.



8th month, 13th, 3rd day.

Jessie washed some blankets.  I rode Creamy over to Matthew’s for some butter.  Billie got on E. Tallis’s grain.  We watered the oxen, etc.


8th month  14th, 4th day.

We did not go to Meeting as we durst not leave the oxen.  The lightning tonight is something wonderful.  It lights up the clouds and looks awful.  But there is no thunder to be heard.  Baxter’s wife came and stayed to tea.


8th month, 15th, 5th day.

We did not water the oxen as it was raining hard.  We caught a lot of rain water.  It came through into the bedrooms.  It rained all day .  Dad came home in the evening and later on the others came home.


8th month, 16th, 6th day.

Ruth was here.  Dad lit a fire to burn a few sticks, and came home to dinner, and the fire started up again and by the time they got there it had got a good headway  but after a hard fight they put it out.  Eddy and I took Queenie and her colt and Duncan McPherson’s pony to Ferguson’s.  We had Creamy in the buggy.


8th month,  17th, 7th day.

Jessie, Ruth and Dad went to Radisson.  Ruth and Jessie stayed and picked raspberries.  When they got back Jessie made them into jam.  Archie Ashworth, Eddy and Laurie were hay making on the big slough.  At half past eight in the evening there was a very heavy hail storm bit it did not last long.  This is about the biggest. (Drawing of circle about 5 cm. diameter. )


8th month, 18th, 1st day.

Eddie and Laurie went to Meeting in the morning.  It is drizzling rain.  We intended going in the evening but it came on faster so we  had Meeting at home. 


8th month, 19th, 2nd day.

Jessie, Dad and I went to Borden.   Jessie and Dad drove Victor in the buggy and I rode Creamy.  We had to get some sticks when we got there to boil the kettle and we made some tea and had bread and butter in our new house.   We then went and picked the enamel pail full of raspberries and came home, and got here about half past seven.  Jessie had to bake bread so she made the jam that night.


8th month,  20th, 3rd day.

Jessie did some washing.  William and Edward McCheane came.  William McCheane came to see if the rain did any damage and Edward came to get the grey horse to ride to Borden.  He had Eddy’s bridle and he tied her up and  she broke the bridle both sides and lost the bottom half.


8th month, 21st, 4th day.

Dad and Jessie and Laurie rode in the buggy.  Eddy rode Darby and I rode Creamy.  In the afternoon they all went to Borden.   Archie Ashworth left.



8th month, 22nd, 5th day.

We watered cattle and I milked the cow.  They came home in the afternoon.


8th month, 23rd, 6th day.

Helped Jessie as usual.  I drove Billy and Rodger in the disc while Laurie had his dinner.  I also drove four horses on the disc, and Buck and Bright on the disc.  In the afternoon Jessie and Dad went to Matthews’ and Uncle Esau.


8th month, 24th, 7th day.

We cleaned the bedrooms.


8th month, 25th, 1st day.

Joshua and Arthur Wake, Edward and John McCheane and Edgar Baker were at Meeting.  Jim nearly threw me off.  I had just milked the cow and he was afraid of the bucket and the handle came out.  The tin fell and off he went like mad.  I went back and picked it up and he ran off again when I was only half on.  The lid fell off and that made him worse and he went as hard as he could go round the big slough.  I had not got my leg over the pommel.2



The next section of Jemima Mary Saunders’ diary is found in a large volume, 14 by 9 inches, hard-bound.  It continues the day after  the small diary leaves off.




Diary of Jemima Mary Saunders  Age 16 years.  Started 8th month, 26th, 1907. 

Finished with a poem at the end of the book, 1980 as I drew near to my 89th birthday, 18th 1st month 1980.


8th month, 26th, 2nd day

Helped Jessie as usual.  Did some disking while Laurie had his dinner.


8th month, 27th, 3rd day

Helped in the house.  Did some cultivating with four horses.  Went to Jennie Tallis with Joe and Creamy for some butter.


8th month, 28th, 4th day

We went to Meeting in the morning.  Started cutting oats in the evening.


8th month, 29th, 5th day

I did some stooking in the afternoon. In the evening Dad and Jessie went stooking.


8th month, 30th, 6th day

Washed and tidied up.  We did the vegetables for dinner and then I went stooking after dinner.  Jessie and I drove the chestnut to Borden, came back and got supper.   In the evening Eddy, Laurie and I went to the big corral.  Laurie and  I went and milked the cow while Eddy put some hay in the democrat.

8th month, 31st, 7th day

Eddy was cutting splits,3 Laurie was disking.  My chicken has got a topknot coming.


1.  Herd law, according to Internet sources relating to American jurisdictions, sets out the responsibilities of cattle owners to  keep their animals confined within the boundaries of their owned or leased land while crops were in the ground.  This clearly made for difficulties when formerly open grazing land was being broken for crops, and no doubt hastened the construction of fences.

2.  Pommel.  Although a search through the saddle section of the 1903 Sears Catalogue was done, it is not possible to  state with certainty whether Mary’s saddle was a woman’s sidesaddle or a western saddle.  A sidesaddle was referred to in her boarding school diary but never was it mentioned in her Canada diary.  Later she writes of making a divided skirt, which suggests that  she was riding astride.   Certainly by just a decade or so later women customarily rode astride.  Sidesaddles were not used by the women of Valley Springs Ranch. 

3.  Splits, also spelled splitz  and spilz in the diary, is believed to be spelt, a very old form of wheat  which went out of use except for hybridizing, but which is coming back into use again.








9th month, 1st, 1st day

We all went to meeting with the chestnut in the democrat.1  A man came and claimed all the stray horses and took them.  We walked home in the afternoon.  I rode Jim over to McCheanes’  and stayed tea,  and drove him home in the democrat.  John McCheane and Duncan McPherson were all at our house to tea.


9th month, 2nd, 2nd day

Laurie was disking.  Eddy was cutting splits.  We went stooking.


9th month, 3rd, 3rd day

Eddy finished splits.  I did two rounds of disking and then went  stooking.


9th month, 4th, 4th day

Stormy.   We had Meeting at home.  The boys did not do much.


9th month, 5th, 5th day

Helped Jessie in the morning.  Did harrowing in the afternoon.


9th month, 6th, 6th day

Laurie was harrowing.  Eddy was cutting wheat.  Arthur2 and Joshua Wake were here.  Arthur stayed here.  I did stooking.


9th month, 7th, 7th day

Eddy was cutting wheat.  Arthur was stooking.  I watered cattle and milked the cow.  We put three barrows of turnips down the cellar.  I took the greens to the oxen in the little corral, with Creamy in the democrat.





9th month, 8th, 1st day

We drove Jim in the democrat.  I rode Creamy.  Walter was here to dinner.  Arthur will I guess stay and help us stook.  Walter was here to tea.  Jessie went over to Ruth Tallis’s.


9th month, 9th, 2nd day

Kept the reaper3 going all day with oxen and horses4 in turn.  When Eddy was driving Laurie sat in front and kept the horses or oxen going and when  Arthur drove I sat in front and kept the horses or oxen going.


9th month, 10th, 3rd day

Wet all day.  We did not do any reaping.  Jessie and I did some mending.  Bright is not very well.


9th month, 11th, 4th day

Jessie went over to her sister’s for some turpentine for Bright.  Cold today.  Reaper going.  Had Meeting at home.  Did not use the oxen.


9th month, 12th, 5th day

Dad went over to Eddy’s to stook.  He hired Boyle to cut it,  75 per acre.  I looked after the oxen and fetched a barrel of water from the little corral with Billy.  Milked cow and watered cattle.


9th month, 13th, 6th day

Bright a lot better.  Helped Jessie.  Watered the cattle and milked cow.  Dad came home.


9th month, 14th, 7th day

Reaper going. We put the oxen on for  one or two rounds.


9th month, 15th, 1st day

We went to meeting with Jim in the democrat. Eddy, Arthur and I, Jessie and  Dad.  Laurie rode Creamy.  Edgar Baker went home for the day.  In the afternoon John McCheane and Duncan McPherson came in their democrat and I went with them to Boyles’.  When we got back Jack, Walter and Sam Colling were here.  J. and W. stayed supper.  Jessie went over to her sister’s.


9th month, 16th, 2nd day

Finished cutting the 85 acre patch and started on the new land.  In the beginning of harvest we fixed a seat on the pole just behind the two front wheels, and that is where the persuader sits.  I do it sometimes while Laurie and Eddy are having their meals.


9th month, 17th, 3rd day

Binder did not go very well.  The elevator won’t go properly, can’t make out why.




9th month, 18th, 4th day

Had Meeting at home.  Eddy made the binder go all right.  We finished cutting and stooking the wheat today.  I went  with Dad in the buggy to the  big corral and brought the oxen to the new ploughing and Dad stayed to fix them and Jessie drove home.  I met Edward McCheane as I was going across the stubble.  He was looking for Joshua Wake  so as he could ride his bike to Borden.


9th month, 19th, 5th day

Dad and Edgar Baker went to Borden.  Arthur intends to stay on for a while.  We got up a row of potatoes  grown between the wheat - none too good a crop.


9th month, 20th, 6th day

I drove Edgar Baker to his shack to get a shovel.  It was early and very cold. Edgar Baker dug a hole in the cellar for the potatoes.


9th month, 22nd, 7th day

Ploughed out two rows but the crop was much better than we expected.  We all worked until dark but only finished half the rows, that is on Boyd’s half mile ploughing.  Finished the two rows of potatoes.


9th month, 23rd, 1st day

We went to Meeting.  Eddy and Laurie walked there, Arthur went back with Joshua.  Walter came and brought mail from home.  He stayed supper.   Jessie Green went over to her sister’s.


9th month, 24th, 2nd day

We ploughed out another row of potatoes on Boyd’s land  and in the afternoon all went down and picked them up.


9th month, 25th, 3rd day

Had breakfast, did the chores, and went to Radisson.  Eddy, Arthur, Laurie and I rode in the  wagon, and Dad and Jessie in the buggy.  We had dinner at Lydia Crabb’s and then went to the agriculture show.   Dad bought the first and second prize potatoes for seed. 


9th month, 26th, 4th day

Putting up stooks that blew down.  I helped Jessie.  We had Meeting at home.


9th month, 27th, 5th day

Jessie  went over to Ruth Tallis’s with Dad and I went about eleven o’clock to help Eddy  and Laurie pick potatoes.  After dinner we cleaned up and went with Creamy in the buggy to Clarks’ and from Clarks’ to McCheanes’.  It is Hannah Mary McCheane’s3 birthday.   Lyla McDermott, Ethel Geryhard, Emily Piprell and G. Walker’s sister were there.  We had a very nice time.


9th month, 28th, 6th day

Hauling oats.  Eddy went to Borden and got enough wood for a granary.  They started to make it.  Laurie and I hauled a load of oats.

9th month, 29th, 7th day

Busy making granary.


9th month, 30th, 1st day

Went to Meeting.  I rode Creamy.  Walter, Jack, George Pierce and Big Jack just called here, they were going for a ride to the river.  Walter stayed supper.


1.   Democrat - a four-wheeled  conveyance pulled by one or two horses.

2.   Arthur is Arthur Wake, younger brother of Joshua.  See Appendix III.

3.  A reaper is an implement, drawn usually by horses which cuts ripe grain lays it on a platform; a harvester walking beside the implement binds the grain into sheaves using  a twist of stalks to bind them.  A binder was an advancement; it automatically bound the sheaves with twine.

4.  Animals had to be allowed an hour to eat  first thing in the morning, also at noon.  They were rarely worked after their evening feed.








10th month, 1st, 2nd  day

Dad, Eddy and Arthur went over to Eddy’s to make a granary.  They got it ready to set up.  Jessie, Laurie and I got up turnips.  They slept at the Borden quarter.  Jessie and I went over to Piprells’  to tea.  Charley Piprell came with us to the road allowance then followed that to McCheanes’ then Jim came home from there.


10th month, 2nd, 4th  day  (Mistake, days got wrong.)

Finished making the granary, except roof, and they came home tonight.


10th month, 3rd, 5th day

They were fixing the old granaries.  The threshing outfit came and threshed our spillz and started on the wheat, but it was too green.


10th month, 4th, 6th day

Eddy, Laurie and I drove over to Eddy’s quarter and finished the granary and put up the fallen stooks.


10th month, 5th, 7th day

Eddy and Arthur went to Borden.  Eddy had a load of wheat and Arthur had Joe and Jess on the  timber cart with the bottom of the hay rack and a few boards nailed on it.  As he was going down the horses turned round short and the wagon turned over and threw Arthur off and cut his head open.  They took him to the doctor  and he sewed it up, three stitches in one place and one in the other.  The horses broke the wagon and threw themselves down in Borden.


10th month, 6th, 1st day

Went to Meeting in the morning.  In the afternoon Dad, Jessie and Joshua went to Borden to bring Arthur home.  Ruthie stayed tea.  Her father and mother came over in the evening.  Walt and Jack came.


Friendship needs no studied phrases

Polished face or winning wiles

Friendship deals no lavish praises

Friendship dons no surface smiles.


Friendship favours no condition

Scorns a narrow-minded creed,

Lovingly fulfills its mission

Be it word or be it deed.


Friendship cheers the faint and weary,

Makes the timid spirit brave.

Warns the erring, lights the dreary,

Smoothes the passage to the grave.


Friendship, pure unselfish friendship

All through life’s allotted span,

Nurtures, strengthens, widens, lengthens

Man’s affinity with man.


10th month, 6th, 2nd day

I helped in the house,  Arthur stayed in.


10th month, 7th, 3rd day

Eddy took a load of wheat.


10th month, 8th, 4th day

Had meeting at home.


10th month, 9th, 5th day

Eddy hauling wheat.  Boyle is hauling wheat into Borden with a wagon that holds about 140 bushels.  Getting up potatoes.


10th month, 10th, 6th  day.

We were getting up potatoes, Eddy hauling wheat.


10th month, 11th and 12th , 7th day (sic)

Eddy getting wheat into Borden, us getting up potatoes.


10th month, 13th, 1st day

Went to Meeting to McCheanes’ in the morning.  Jessie Green went to Ruth  Tallis’s to tea.


10th month, 14th, 2nd day

Eddy hauling wheat and Boyle hauling.



10th month, 15th, 3rd day (sic)

Very busy wheat hauling and getting potatoes.


10th month, 16th, 4th day

Had Meeting at home.  Dad, Jessie and Eddy stayed the night at  Borden.


10th month, 17th, 5th day

Eddy and Dad and Jessie in Borden hauling wheat from Eddy’s quarter.  Very poor crop, poor grade.  Laurie and I ploughing with oxen.


10th month, 18th, 6th day

Eddy came home, did ploughing.


10th month, 19th, 7th day

Ploughing with  horses and oxen.  Dad and Jessie came home.


10th month, 20th, 1st day

Went to Meeting in the morning.  In the afternoon Archie Ashworth brought the gun1 back.  Jack and Walter came.  John and Hannah Mary came through our yard on their way to Edward Tallises so Jessie and I jumped up and went with them.  Jessie stayed but we came back.  Hannah Mary and John stayed here to supper.


10th month, 21st, 2nd day

Dad shot three prairie chickens in the morning.  The boys ploughing.


10th month, 22nd, 3rd day

Shot three more prairie chickens.  We had the others today for dinner and supper.  They were very good.


10th month, 23rd, 4th day

I went with Creamy to Uncle Esau’s to borrow a scraper to use to get a hole for a hen house over at Borden.  When I got back I washed up, etc.  Jessie fainted.  I was the only one here.  She soon came round.  We had Meeting at home.   In the afternoon Dad, Jessie, Eddy and Laurie went to Borden. They took all the horses.  I went and got Ruthie to  stay here the night.


10th month, 24th, 5th day

Laurie and Eddy came back.  Arthur still ploughing.


10th month, 25th, 6th day

Boys ploughing.  I did housework and watered the horses in the big corral and loaded a  wagon with straw.


10th month, 26th, 7th day

Did housework.  Boys were ploughing.  Dad and Jessie came home in the evening.


10th month, 17th, 1st day

No one came to have a look at us.  We went to Meeting.

10th month, 28th, 2nd day

Boys ploughing.  Jessie did washing.

10th month, 29th, 3rd day

Dad and I went to Borden with Creamy, in the buggy.


10th month, 30th, 4th day

Laurie walked to Meeting to get some note paper for his mother.  We had Meeting at home.  Dad and Jessie went to Borden.


10th month, 31st, 5th day

Jessie took night duty at the hospital at Borden.  I did here.


1.  To the English, “gun” always means shotgun.








11th month, 1st, 6th day

Boys still ploughing.  Dad and Jessie came home in the evening.  Laurie went to Radisson.


11th month, 2nd, 7th day

Dad and Jessie went back to Borden and Eddy, Arthur and I went shooting.  We started about eleven o’clock and got back about half past four and did not get anything.


11th month, 3rd, 1st day

Dad came home this morning,  We went to Meeting.  Hannah Mary McCheane and Dad spoke in Meeting.  Walter came to supper.  We stayed dinner at the McCheanes’.  Dick Primmer came in in the evening.  I have got a sore throat and have had this last week.  Dad went back.1


11th month, 4th, 2nd day

Arthur went to Borden with four oxen in the disc.  Eddy and I hauled the oats from the half finished log stable to the lumber stable.  Eddy soldered a tank.


11th month, 5th, 3rd day

Eddy and I hauled wheat that was raked up off the stubble. We put it in the lumber stable.


11th month, 6th, 4th day

Half Yearly Meeting.  Dad, Jessie and Arthur came home, we all went to Meeting.  Jessie and I did not stay second meeting.  We drove home with Vic in McCheanes’ democrat.  We had a shower of rain so we did not go to Borden that night.  John McCheane came with Dad and took the horse back.

11th month, 7th, 5th day

We took our departure from Borden.  Dad had a load of hens.  Jessie and I have Creamy in the democrat with several things.  When we got to the creek we discovered that one chicken was dead so  I rode on the side of the wagon and held  up the bags that  covered the wagon over, so as to give them more air.  A hundred hens went into the hen house.  We brought the cat and two colts.


11th month, 8th, 6th day

We were busy tidying up and putting things straight.  I drove Creamy over to 16 and got my box etc., etc.  Hannah Mary McCheane called while I was away. They have bought a new stove, something like our new one.


11th month, 9th, 7th day

We killed the old gobbler, and one young gobbler and  sold three cocks and two hens for $1.50 each.


11th month, 10th, 1st day

Jessie Green went to the hospital.2  We went to Meeting, Eddie and Arthur in the wagon, Dad and I in the democrat with Creamy.  We left the horses at Sixteen and all went on with Creamy.  We were late for Meeting.  Arthur left us (for good.) We had dinner at McCheanes’.  Dad walked home.  Edgar Tallis was at Meeting.  William McCheane walked as far as Sixteen with them.  John McCheane rode to Sixteen with us and walked back with his father.3


11th month, 11th, 2nd day

I went to 16 and came back with a load of stuff on the democrat with Creamy.  Dad and Eddy had the wagon.


11th month, 12th, 3rd day

The dog bit the cat because she was stealing the turkey and now she can hardly open her mouth.


11th month, 13th, 4th day

Ayres came and borrowed Darby and Jim.  Floss had eight pups.  Edgar Tallis has rented fifty acres of this quarter at $10. per year.  We have arranged for us to have Meeting on 5th  days and 1st day afternoons and the McCheanes have it 1st day mornings and 4th days.


11th month, 14th, 5th day

Had   Meeting this morning.  Jessie has lost a parcel worth $5.40 from  Simpson’s.  Someone is suspected of taking it out of Smith’s Store.4  Jessie was at the hospital this afternoon.


11th month, 15th, 6th day

Jessie went to the hospital today.    Edgar, Edward and Alfred Tallis  have been staying here to dinner the last three or four days.  Found Jessie’s parcel.


11th month, 16th, 7th day

Jessie was at the hospital all night last night.  I did the housework.  Jessie went to bed after dinner.


11th month, 17th, 1st day

Had Meeting in the morning at home.  After dinner Jessie went to the hospital.  I went a walk with Dad.   We had a look at the new sod stable they are making, and then went and walked over to the big lake and back along the trail.  Jessie came back.


11th month, 18th, 2nd day

Joshua came to borrow our wagon,  He helped Dad and Eddy with the dugout in the afternoon.  Jessie at the hospital.


11th month, 19th, 3rd day

Joshua got loads of firewood.  He left them here intending to call for them in the winter.  Eddy and Dad doing the dig out.  Jessie at the hospital.


11th month, 20th, 4th day

Joshua went home.  Jessie did not go to the hospital.


11th month, 21st, 5th day

We had meeting in the morning because Jessie was going to the hospital in the afternoon.


11th month, 22nd, 6th day

Eddy cribbed up the well  and it is a great deal better now.    Tom Bradshaw stayed dinner.


11th month, 23rd, 7th day

Eddy made another   crib for the well on Twenty-One.  Jessie went to the hospital.  I went skating on the big lake.  In the evening John and Hannah Mary McCheane called in on their way home from Radisson.  They wanted me to go back to Halcyonia with them, but I did not go.


11th month, 24th, 1st day

We had Meeting in the afternoon.


11th month, 25th, 2nd day

We cleaned down the bedrooms upstairs.


11th month, 26th, 3rd day

We were washing today.


11th month,  27th, 4th day

Dad and Eddy hauling firewood.


11th month, 28th, 5th day

Had Meeting at home.  They fenced the haystack in the afternoon.

11th month, 29th, 6th day

Hauling firewood today.


11th month, 30th, 7th day

They were hauling firewood.


1.  It is difficult to follow the movements of this family and their employees.  It may help to realize that the blocks of land they owned were scattered.  See Appendix VI, the map derived from the Borden history book, Our Treasured Heritage.

2.   As a nurse Jessie Green was often called from her duties in the  Saunders household to care for patients in the hospital in Borden.

3.   In this passage it is clear that the William McCheane referred to is the father of the McCheane family.  Elsewhere it is less clear, as often no distinction is made between William senior and William junior. 

4.   The store was Smith and McQuarrie’s by the time the Hinde family arrived in 1912;  now it is Foster’s Store, and is a pioneer landmark in Saskatchewan.








12th month, 1st, 1st day

Had Meeting at home.


12th month, 2nd, 2nd day

G.   Roy and Tom Bradshaw were here to dinner.


12th month, 3rd, 3rd day

Dad and I went to Price’s sale.  Jessie went to the hospital.  Dad bought a boar pig, $15.00 and sold the black cow for $35.00.


12th month, 4th, 4th day

Dad, Eddy and I went after the cattle.  They were at the creek.  Dad went on to Sixteen while we drove the cattle home.


12th month, 5th, 5th day

Jessie at the hospital.  Getting up the rigging for killing cattle.


12th month, 6th, 6th day

They killed Saskatoon.  She dressed 580 pounds; the butcher helped them.


12th month, 7th, 7th day

They killed a steer for the schoolmaster.  Jessie went to Cassie Tallis’s.



12th month, 8th, 1st day

We had Meeting at home.


12th month, 9th, 2nd day

Killed the Doukhobor heifer.


12th month, 10th, 3rd day

Killed the red-faced cow today; she dressed 525 pounds.


12th month, 11th, 4th day

Killed Ugly’s calf today.  I have the housework, etc., to do.


12th month, 12th, 5th day

Killed Ayrshire’s calf today.  We are now milking Ugly and  Ayrshire.


12th month, 13th, 6th day

Eddy and Dad hunting for horses, me in the house.


12th month, 14th, 7th day

I washed the back kitchen floor and the shelves.  Eddy and Dad went to Sixteen.


12th month, 15th, 1st day

We had Meeting at home.  We are reading Alexandra Jeffrey.


12th month, 16th, 2nd day

Getting meals as usual.  Horses wandered off.


12th month, 17th, 3rd day

I gave the cows etc. , a drink.  Dad and Eddy at the digout.  I also watered the horses.  Dad went to Clarks’ with Creamy in the buggy.  I caught the black colt and led him about with a halter.


12th month, 18th, 4th day

They put Moor’s pony in the buggy and drove up to Eddy’s quarter to get the horses.  She kicked coming back.


12th month, 19th, 5th day

The horses got out of the pasture.


12th month, 20th, 6th day

Dad bought two more ricks of straw and went to get a load but the harness broke so he had to leave it.  Jessie came home in the evening.


12th month, 21st, 7th day

In the afternoon I went with Dad after a load of stumps for the heater.



12th month, 22nd, 1st day

We went to McCheanes’ to Meeting; rode on the bob sleigh and brought the wagon box home.



12th month, 23rd, 2nd day

Dad and Jessie took G. Roy’s meat  and brought home some wood in the wagon box.  Eddy cleaned out the fowl house.  I got dinner.


12th month, 24th, 3rd day

Dad and Eddy went to the Doukhobor village for cattle but only saw half of them so left them.


12th month, 25th, 4th day

Dad and Eddy went after Queeny and her colt.  Dad went on to Clarks’.  John and I went to Cassie Tallis’s.


12th month, 26th, 5th day

Snowing and blowing.  Dad and Eddy cleaned out the stable.


12th month, 27th, 6th day

Went to Sixteen with Joe and Jess and brought home the wagon.  We stayed in.  Dad bought me a pair of boots.  I think I have lost four dollars.  Jess was griped.  I washed my hair.


12th month, 28th, 7th day

Eddy and Dad hauling straw.


12th month, 29th, 1st day

Had stuffed heart for dinner.  Queeny is griped.  Chestnut is lame.  Had Meeting at home. 


12th month, 30th, 2nd day

Jess is all right,  Queeny is still bad.  We were  washing.  I have been getting ready to spend a day or two at the Piprells’ tomorrow.


12th month, 31st, 3rd day

It is the last day of the old year.  How quickly this year has flown.    After dinner while I was ironing, Charley Piprell came for me.  He had to go down to Borden, so it allowed me time to get ready.  We left home about four o’clock - the sun was just setting.  Artie, the pony, went very well.  It was twenty below zero but I did not feel cold except my feet, and when they were cold we walked.  Once we got off the trail and almost got stuck in a snowdrift.  We called at Walkers’ and had a cup of tea.  Emily Piprell had the supper ready.  It did look a comfortable little house.   I wore Dad’s fur coat.















1st month, 1st, 4th day

We got up about half past seven o’clock.  I missed the heater as Piprells let the fire out at night.  George and Annie Walker came up to dinner.  I washed the breakfast things  up.  Emily Piprell made some mince pies.  After dinner had a game of Helma and Draughts.  Hannah Mary and John McCheane came to tea.  We played several games then had tea, then played Jenkins Up, The Family Coach, Spin the Trencher, Thought Reading, etc., etc.  It was very late when we went to bed,  after midnight I believe.  So the first day of 1908 was spent - I am afraid it could have been spent more profitably.  G. and S. Walker stayed all night.


1st month, 2nd, 5th day

We had a game of Helma , Arthur Wake and I, before dinner.  I was reading a book on  V(?).   George Walker and Emily Piprell were playing chess.  P. could not play very well so I helped.  I had a game of Draughts with Charley Piprell.  I won.  Walkers went home in the evening.


1st month, 3rd, 6th day

After we had cleared up we went to the Walkers to dinner and tea.   We read papers, etc., until dinner.  Then B. P. and I played Draughts and E. and G. played chess, then Arthur Wake and I played Helma.  Then we all played Helma.  After tea we played at finding out  a person you were thinking about.  One goes out, the other thinks of someone, and then the other comes in and asks questions in turn round.  Thought reading - that is finding a pin while blindfolded and putting it in a place chosen by a player; someone knowing where it is has to lead them. We also played Black Art,1 and something similar to it,   Taking Photos, etc., etc., etc.


1st month, 4th, 7th day

After dinner Charley drove me to McCheanes and my visit to the Piprells was over.  I had looked forward to it and I think I was not disappointed for  I enjoyed myself very much.  Hannah Mary and Caroline McCheane seemed pleased to see me.  I slept with Hannah Mary who was so good and kind to me.


1st month, 5th, 1st day

Joshua, Arthur and Hugh Wake came to Meeting, and Oscar. Read Events and Reflections.  Hannah Mary  and John McCheane and myself all went to the Wakes  to tea.  Joshua came down to Meeting with us.  It was my first meal in a bachelor’s shack.  And I enjoyed it very much.


1st month, 6th, 2nd day

Arthur and Joshua came to dinner and tea.  We played Patience, Muggins, Arthur’s Cities etc.  We had a very nice time.

1st month, 7th, 3rd day

Early in the afternoon Hannah Mary and I went to Saloways2 to tea.  Jeannie Orchard and her baby were there.  We went in and saw the old woman.  She is so nice.  She could tell them the names of lots of streets in Birmingham.  Jeannie Orchard had to go out soon after tea.  Hannah Mary McCheane and I had a game of Helma while  John McCheane  and Oscar played chess.  I had a game of Draughts.  Then we played a game that I do not know the name of, and Hide the Thimble, and Matching Hairs.  He can do little who can do this, etc., etc.


1st month, 8th, 4th day

Reading Meeting was held at the Wakes tonight.  Caroline, Hannah Mary, John McCheane and I all went there to tea and stayed Reading Meeting.  We read out of Lewell’s History. Hannah Mary recited No Cross No Crown,    and The Leak in the Dike.  I recited Youthful Heart.  It was pretty late when we went to bed.  Hannah Mary and I had some (which I hope was profitable) conversation when in bed, several times not settling for sleep until early morning.


1st month, 9th, 5th day  

It was mail day at McCheanes’ and  quite a few neighbors came for their mail.  I wrote a letter to Eliza for her birthday.  Hannah Mary made a layer cake with icing between, for tomorrow.


1st month, 10th, 6th day

George and Annie Walker and Emily and Charley Piprell came down to the McCheanes’ to tea.  Until tea was ready we were looking at picture postcards , and through the stereoscope etc., and asking riddles.  After tea we played Arthur’s  Cities, Muggins, finding out who anyone was with your eyes blindfolded and feeling them with a spoon how, where and when you like it, etc., etc.  And last of all we had such a nice game of Jenkins Up.  William  McCheane, Emily Piprell, George Walker and Hannah Mary were on one side and John  McCheane, M. L., Charley Piprell and I were on the other side, and that is the order we sat .


1st month, 11th, 7th day

McCheanes were busy cleaning.  I read out of Pictorial Cabinet of Marvels and knitted quite a bit of Dad’s  mitt.  John McCheane wanted me to have a game of Chess but I said I did not care for it so then he suggested Draughts but I felt that I  had wasted such a lot of time lately playing useless games, that I refused and went on knitting.


1st month, 12th, 1st day

Joshua and Arthur Wake came to Meeting.  Hannah Mary and I read Events and Reflections  for quite a good while.  I wrote to Lucy.


1st month, 13th, 2nd day

McCheanes were washing.  I helped a bit and did knitting.   I finished one mitt and most of the other.  It was voting day at the school.  Dad was there.



1st month, 14th, 3rd day

Had lunch, said farewell and came home. John and Hannah Mary drove me.  I was surprised when getting here to find Jessie Green in bed and Dad and Eddy batching it.  I set to work and got things a bit straight.  John and Hannah Mary stayed all night.


1st month, 15th, 4th day

Jessie fainted last night.  I was glad Hannah Mary was here.  They hurried back to be in time for Meeting.  I had a lot to do and was not done till late.


1st month, 16th, 5th day

Jessie was rather better.  She helped me as much as she was able.


1st month, 17th, 6th day

Dad and Eddy getting wood.  William and John McCheane came to dinner.   Hannah Mary sent me Lewen’s Meditations for my birthday.  She painted some flowers on the front and put on, To Mary  Saunders with best wishes for her eternal welfare.


1st month, 18th, 7th day

 MY BIRTHDAY: Seventeen.

I received a letter from North Leaze and one from home;3  Uncle is sending from himself, Grannie and Auntie Polly,4 ten shillings sixpence, or equal to $2.56.5  In the afternoon Jessie and I drove to Borden with Creamy in the buggy.  I wrote to Eliza.


1st month,  19th, 1st day

We had Meeting at home.  It is Eliza’s birthday.  I wrote home.


1st  month, 20th, 2nd day

We are busy in the house as usual.  Eddy, Dad and Edgar Tallis are putting the roof on the cattle shed.  I drove Rodger in the box to Borden.  Charley  Piprell was just coming out of Borden as I got there.  I fetched a bag  of sugar and a tin of tea.  When I got home I drove on over to the new cow shed and hauled two lots of willows with him.


1st month, 21st, 3rd day

I went to Borden and asked Ayres if we could have Jim for tomorrow.


1st month, 22nd, 4th day

Jessie and I went with Jim in the cutter to Edgar Tallis’s.  It is Ruth Tallis’s birthday.  We had dinner there and left about five o’clock.  It was dark before we got home.  Once we saw a lynx and drove quite close to it.


1st month, 23rd, 5th day

We had Meeting



1st month, 24th, 6th day

Did housework as usual.  Jessie went to Edgar Tallis’s to supper.  I went with Dad and got a load of straw.


1st month, 25th, 7th day

Housework as usual .  In the afternoon I walked to Borden.6


1st month, 26th, 1st day

We had Meeting in the afternoon as usual.


1st month, 27th, 2nd day

Dad and Eddy hauling firewood for Edgar Tallis, us working as usual.


1st month, 28th, 3rd day

Melting snow preparatory to washing tomorrow.


1st month, 29th, 4th day

Started washing about ten o’clock.  In the afternoon Annie and Eric came and stayed quite a bit.   Then a woman came toward evening and engaged Jessie to nurse her in about two weeks’ time.  She lives four miles from Borden.   John and Hannah Mary McCheane and Joshua and Joe Wake7 came after supper.  We had Reading Meeting.  We read some of Oliver Sanson, and Hannah Mary recited, “Drive on, my son, drive on.”  Silent worship.  It was after twelve o’clock when we went to bed.  In the morning Hannah Mary went to Saskatoon and Joshua and Joe Wake  and John McCheane went to the station.  After dinner they went home.


1st month, 30th, 5th day

Did work as usual.  I went to Borden and changed the Post Office order.


1st month, 31st, 6th day

Did up the morning quicker than usual.  I darned two pair of stockings  and knitted the cuff to a mitt for myself before dinner.  I have made one mitt for Eddy.  Jessie went to Borden, I did knitting and a few minutes at drawing and got supper and fed fowls.


1.       The nature of some of the games  is known because they are still played.  Others are lost.  Black Art is a game described by Joseph Edward (Bob) Hinde in his book  As I Remember It.  His father Joseph Hinde taught it to Bob’s children in Borden in the 1940s.

2.       Saloways - Benjamin Saloway, his mother and two sisters and his daughter  Peggy.  They had come to Canada with the Barr Colonists in 1902 and had separated from them at Saskatoon, to homestead in the Halcyonia district.  See also Bob Hinde’s story about this family in his book  As I Remember It.

3.       Auntie Polly is Mary’s mother’s sister Mary.

4.       Leaze is in Somerset;  home is Birmingham.

5.       Ten shillings and sixpence would be a gold coin half sovereign, otherwise known has half a guinea.  There were twenty shillings in a pound of twenty-one shillings in a guinea.

6.       Mary was indeed an intrepid girl!  The walk would have been about two miles,  and considering it would be dark by four in the afternoon in the dead of winter, mostly in the dark.

7.       Joe Wake is step-brother to Hugh Wake, adopted son of Henry Thomas Wake and son of his second      wife Hannah Sadler Wake.









2nd  month,  2nd, 1st day

We had Meeting in the afternoon.  Jessie Green was sick, she had a bad sore throat.  In the evening we read an epistle sent by Edward Y. Sturge to Dad, and also some out of Alexandra Jeffray’s diary.  Jessie Green went to bed in the afternoon just before supper.


2nd month, 3rd, 2nd day

I got up and got breakfast, cleared it away and got the vegetables done for dinner.  We had half done our dinner  when John and Hannah Mary McCheane and Joshua Wake came in. After dinner they went home and Eddy went with them.  Hannah Mary was just come from Radisson, she went there from Saskatoon.


2nd month, 4th, 3rd day

Yesterday Dad got about three bushels of potatoes and the same of swedes from Seniors’.  It is a treat to have some good unfrozen vegetables.  It was very blizzardy today.  Dad was out in the bluff chopping firewood.


2nd month, 5th, 4th day

Jessie Green went over to Edgar Tallis’s to nurse Roy as he is going under an operation.  A man from four miles the other side of Borden came to fetch her.  She is intending going to nurse his wife on or about the 23rd  of this month.


2nd  month, 6th, 5th day

Dad fixed up some hens’ nests.  We had Meeting.


2nd month, 7th, 6th day

Very blizzardy and very cold.  I went and helped Dad saw a green log. Jessie washed the shelves in the kitchen and all or most of the things on them.  Dad stayed in and wrote to Uncle.


2nd month, 8th, 7th day

Such a lovely sunny day, quite a treat after the storm of yesterday.  Dad went down to Borden in the morning.  Jessie Green went to the Alcocks and stayed dinner and tea.  At about two o’clock, just as I had cleared away the dinner things  Eddy, Joe Wake and John McCheane came so I had to get them some dinner.  John McCheane went back in the afternoon.  I boiled a piece of meat for supper. Joe Wake stayed overnight.  I made some cakes for tea.  I made up the other bed for Joe Wake.  Just as I was getting in bed Jessie Green came.


2nd month, 9th, 1st day

Joe Wake stayed in the house most of the day.  Dad and Eddy did up the chores.  We had Meeting in the afternoon and read in the evening.



2nd month, 10th, 2nd day

Joe Wake went to Saskatoon on the train.  We melted snow.  Artie Roy brought back the oxen.


2nd month, 11th, 3rd day

Did a not over-big wash.  I did the housework.


2nd month, 12th, 4th day

Artie Roy, Eddy and Dad digging the well in the slough; they cribbed it.


2nd month, 13th, 5th day

Had Meeting.  Artie Roy present.  Eddy and Dad hauling wood.


2nd month, 14th, 6th day

Artie Roy, Eddy and Dad hauling heater wood (two loads.)


2nd month, 15th, 7th day

In the afternoon, Dad, Eddy, Artie Roy and I drove G. Roy’s calf into the stable.  Dad went after her and she went down in the fowl house.  The put a rope around her horns and round her neck and tied her onto the back of the bob sleigh and Artie Roy took her and the oxen home to their place.


2nd month, 16th, 1st day

Had Meeting in the afternoon.  Jessie Green and I did not change our dresses.


2nd month, 17th, 2nd day

Dad and Eddy went to Sixteen with Ida in the cutter1 to see the schoolmaster and get some splits.  The snow was very deep on the other side of the creek.  Ida kicked several times.


2nd month, 18th, 3rd day

Eddy and Dad cutting green poles.  Joshua Wake came, he had his dinner  in Borden.  Jessie Green went to Borden.  Joshua stayed all night and left about ten o’clock next morning.


2nd month, 19th, 4th day

Cold today, Dad and Eddy cleaned out the cow stall and made Billy Tallis  pull some logs around to the end of the stable, preparatory to building a pigpen.


2nd month, 20th, 5th day

Had Meeting in the morning.  Artie Roy brought the oxen back.  Dad and Eddy hauled the poles they threw out on 3rd day.  Pretty mild, thawed a very little, all mud around the door.

2nd month, 21st, 6th day

THAWING.  Dad and Eddy worked on  the pig pen.  Decided thawing in the middle of the day, snow going fast.



2nd month, 22nd, 7th day

THAWING.  Dad and Eddy making pig pen,  still thawing, water running down the trails.  Jessie Green expected to be called away  to nurse a woman four miles out of Borden - Allcock.


2nd month, 23rd, 1st day

THAWING.  Still thawing fast.  I hope spring is coming.  The potatoes in the cellar are shrinking fast.  They have thawed out and it is a dirty mess.  I wash and boil a crock full every day. Black Beauty and Kitty came here so I gave them a feed of corn.2


2nd month, 24th, 2nd day

THAWING.  Dad and Eddy building pig sty.  Jessie Green has not gone yet.  She gets tidied and is in readiness to go.  It is thawing fast.


2nd month, 25th, 3rd day

THAWING.  Dad and Eddy doing pig sty.  Jessie Green is still here.


2nd month, 26th, 4th day

FREEZING.  Dad and Eddy hauled two loads of manure from Borden, put some on roof of pig sty.   It is more like winter today.


2nd month, 27th , 5th day

BLIZZARD. A very bad blizzard blowing.  Jessie Green is hoping she won’t be called away.


2nd month, 28th, 6th day

Allcock came to fetch Jessie Green.  I went to Borden in the afternoon and got some desiccated coconut.  When I got back Jessie Green made it into a cake which was very nice.  Allcock stayed  supper.  We had fish.  Dad bought four at seven cents a pound, coming to fifty cents.  We have one left.  Nice day but cold.


2nd month, 29th, 7th day

I washed up several things that had been lying around dirty several weeks.  I roasted a piece of meat in the frying pan because the meat tin3 had a hole in it, and made some standard cake which we ate for second course.


1.    Cutter - a sleigh for winter transport, closed  and pulled by two horses.

2.       Corn - what the English call the grain of the country, for example oats in Scotland, wheat in Saskatchewan. 

3.  Meat tin - roasting pan.  









MARCH 1908




3rd month, 1st, 1st day

I fried up some  meat and made a cottage pudding.  For tea we had eggs and coconut cake, and the remaining pudding.  In the evening we read Oliver Sansom.


3rd month, 2nd, 2nd day

I stewed up the bone, etc., left from the meat.  It was snowing when we got up and snowing when we went to bed, and a lot of snow fell.  Eddy mended my saddle.  Eddy got a new meat tin - twenty-five cents.


3rd month, 3rd, 3rd day

I roasted a big piece of meat and we did without any cold second course.


3rd month, 4th, 4th day

It was thirty below zero in the night.  For dinner we had cold meat and dumplings.  Very nice sunset.  Very cold in the night.


3rd month, 5th, 5th day

Milder, thawing  a little in the middle of the day.  Ayres came for Darby and Jim.  Exchanged roosters - Carter exchanged four Plymouth rocks - he gave us two old ones and two little young ones.  A white one of ours and the old Plymouth rock fought and nearly killed each other so Dad killed the Plymouth rock.  Had eggs for tea.


3rd month, 6th, 6th day

Dad and Eddy went to Radisson with Ida and Jim in a democrat sleigh of Cockburn’s.  They went along well, Ida keeping all ahead of Jim, until they were about half way, then both of Jim’s traces came off and the pole came out of the neck yoke, which started Ida kicking  the bent and broke one of the irons on the pole.  They managed to fix it and went on all right until half a mile from Radisson when the front runner came off one corner and toppled Dad and Eddy out in the snow. It cost five dollars to be mended.  Dad got a loan of $250.00 from the bank.  I fed the cattle, pigs, fowls, etc.  Dad bought 28 pounds of butter and 35 pounds of fish.


3rd month, 7th, 7th day

Dad and Eddy drove Dick to Borden in the cutter.  Dad bought two bulls off the Doukhobors.  I boiled the chicken for dinner.


3rd month, 8th, 1st day

DAD’S BIRTHDAY.  We got up late so we had Meeting about three o’clock and tea half past four.  Read in the evening, Oliver Sansom.




3rd month, 9th, 2nd day

Our horses came round so I had to leave my work and put them in.  We got them all in and tried to get Seniors’ to follow Dick up to their place.  Ida did not like being left in the pasture without Dick and when he was a little way off the fence she ran into the wire and cut herself very badly.


3rd month, 10th, 3rd day

Dad and Eddy hauled straw.  Thawing today.


3rd month, 11th, 4th day

Dad and Eddy hauled three loads of manure from Borden, and broke the rack.  Thawing.


3rd month, 12th, 5th day

We had Meeting,  It is much colder today.   A Russian came in and waited for Dad.  Moor called to see Dad.


3rd month, 13th, 6th day

Very blizzardy  all day.  Dad went and  saw Moor and Senior.


3rd month, 14th, 7th day

I boiled a piece of meat and we had some little pastry fry cakes for second course.  Edgar Tallis came to dinner.  Eddy and Dad went to the Turtle Lake School District to vote.  They voted for Evans and he got in by ONE.  I put the pig in soon after they had gone but he got out again and went to Borden.  I went after him but did not manage to get him before Dad came.


3rd month, 15th, 1st day

We did not get up until nearly nine o’clock so decided to have two meals.  We had Meeting in the afternoon.


3rd month, 16th, 2nd day

Joshua, John and Hannah Mary McCheane came in.  David came down on the train and they all except Joshua had dinner with us.  After dinner Hannah Mary, Joshua and I rode down Borden after the groceries etc.  They had a cup of tea and then went home.  David went back to Radisson on the night train.


3rd month, 17th, 3rd day

Dad and Eddy hauling straw and manure.


3rd month, 18th, 4th day

Eddy and Dad hauling manure from Borden. I took Moor’s pony,  boiled wheat and shorts1 and stock food.


3rd month, 19th, 5th day

Fed ponies.



3rd month, 20th, 6th day

We had a very big thaw today. Arthur and Dick Primmer called in.  Arthur intends staying a few days.  Quite a bit of snow fell in the evening.  Fed Moor’s ponies


3rd month, 21st, 7th day

Still thawing fast.  Arthur stayed indoors.  Fed ponies.


3rd month, 22nd, 1st day

Thawing today.  Had Meeting and finished Oliver Sansom.


3rd month, 23rd, 2nd day

Dad bought two bulls off the Doukhobors.  We caught Seniors’ horse.


3rd month, 24th, 3rd day

Men indoors, blizzard.  In the evening I washed some pillow slips while Eddy read Alexandra Jeffray.


3rd month, 25th,  4th. 

Very cold today.


3rd month, 26th, 5th day

Thawing a good one.  Hens laid seven eggs.   Seed from Steele Briggs and nest eggs2 came.


3rd month, 27th, 6th day

Still thawing.  Hens laid eight eggs.  Jessie Green came home.


Last night I received a letter from Hannah Mary.  The following is an extract:

“I feel like adding a few lines which may contain a few words of encouragement to thee, for my dear Mary my heart has often gone out to thee in tenderest love  since thou was with us.  For I feel words cannot express the comfort, encouragement and strength thy visit and the little conversation we had together, have been to me.  Therefore be encouraged, dear one, to hold on thy way faithfully, remembering the promise, “I shall never leave thee nor forsake thee.”  Soon after I awoke this morning the words of the Psalmist were brought vividly to my mind.  “Why art thou cast down, Oh my soul, and why art thou disquieted within me, hope thou in God, for I shall yet Praise Him who is the health of my continence and my God.”  Then dear Mary let us not be discouraged or too much cast down, if our dear Saviour sees fit to withdraw his presence from us for a season, “for whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth, but He will not forsake.”  Therefore let us strive more diligently to serve him and bow in patient submission under his chastening hand, that thereby his will may be accomplished to the purifying and strengthening of our best life.  And Oh, how precious will be His presence to our waiting souls, when in His time He sees fit to again reveal Himself there.

            I had not thought when I began, to have written so much in this strain, for I feel my own unworthiness, weakness and short-comings, yet I long for the encouragement of each one of us who are but young in years to persevere and follow faithfully the inward light, which will lead into the true and living way.

            With fond love, dear Mary, from thy truly attached friend,  Hannah Mary.


3rd month, 28th,  7th day

It has been thawing but there has been a cold wind.  Jessie Green and I went to Borden.  The hens LAID ELEVEN EGGS.  Arthur walked home.


3rd month, 28th, 1st day

Thawing a little today. Had Meeting in the afternoon.


3rd month, 30th, 2nd day

Blizzard. Laurie came here today.  It is not thawing but windy.  Dad went to the Doukhobor  village to bring back the red calf.  He ran back a day or two ago.  Blizzard today.  It got warmer toward  evening.


3rd month, 31st , 3rd day

Boys hauling straw.  None too warm.


1.       Shorts:  the part of the grain of wheat that is used for animal feed; the best white part having been used for white flour for humans.  The wheat germ also will have been removed.  In England it’s called “middlings” or wheat-feed.

2.       Nest egg - Hens would lay anywhere, often hidden.  If all their eggs were removed they wouldn’t  lay there any more;  if the eggs  were left, they would lay a few and then sit on them.  By taking away the real eggs and giving them the artificial eggs they wouldn’t realize  their own eggs were gone.  If you kept taking away their eggs, they kept laying. There was some measure of control by this  of where the hens laid.  In England the nest eggs were called pot eggs, or crock eggs, and were made of pottery.  Steele Briggs is still in business (2002).



APRIL 1908




4th month, 1st, 4th day

John McCheane, Dad and Jessie drove over to Halcyonia with Darby and Jim.  I went to Borden with Floss hitched to the sled and brought back a fifty pound bag of salt.  Laurie drove an ox to Borden and got a bag of flour.  Dad and Jessie came home in the evening and brought some turnips for Sixteen.  I cook two crocks a day.  I feed the pigs morning and afternoon, and the hens the same.  Thawing.


4th month, 2nd, 5th day

The hens are laying well.  We have got a gobbler from McCheanes’.   Thawing fine.  I am feeding Kitty and Blackie once and twice a day.

4th month, 3rd, 6th day.

The prairie is bare in places.  Horses and cattle can feed a bit better.  Hens laid 26 eggs.


4th month, 4th, 7th day

Snow melting fast, and a very strong wind.  Joshua came in, in the afternoon.



4th month, 5th, 1st day

Yesterday there was a large meeting held in Borden about the big mill that is pretty much decided, I believe.  Joshua is here.  Thawing but rather windy.


4th month, 6th, 2nd day

Joshua went home but met Baxter and Edgar Baker with the oxen so he came back with them and took home the harrows etc., that he came in to see about.  Eddy went to G. Roy’s after Billy and Rodger. John McCheane came in the afternoon.  Jessie Green  went to Binks’ to tea. Kitty Binks sent back for me some cookies and layer cake (chocolate) and lemon tarts.


4th month, 7th, 3rd day

Dad walked over to Price’s.  Buster and Sport got some poison and Sport died.  In the afternoon Eddy and Laurie went to the Doukhobor village  and I went up to the G. Evanses to try and get some eggs for sitting.  The Doukhobors gave Laurie a pigeon.  They went to see about getting the fanning mill that Dad exchanged with Big Jack.1  Hens laying between twenty and thirty eggs a day.


4th month, 8th, 4th day

Dad bought a hundred bushels of oats off Nikerks’.   Lovely weather.


4th month, 9th, 5th day

Dad went to 16 with Darby and Jim.  Jessie Green went to an operation at the hospital.  A woman from Langham.  Eddy and Laurie went to G. Roy’s and had dinner there.  I had dinner by myself.  Eddy did some disking.  Lovely weather.


4th month, 10th , 6th day

Disking with oxen started at half past ten.  Jessie Green is nursing the patient in turn with the doctor’s wife.  Dad killed the pig.  Lovely weather.


4th month, 11th, 7th day

Disking with horses and oxen.  After I had washed up and etc., I walked up to G. E. and  got a dozen eggs for twenty cents.  When I got back, Jessie Green and I went down to Kitty Binks’.  After supper I put the eggs under the cream hen.  Lovely weather.


4th month, 12th, 1st  day

Beautiful weather.  Two of the Brackens came in to dinner.  They are looking for Kate. Jessie Green went to the hospital.  Laurie went to the Doukhobor village after his pigeon because it flew back when he let it out.  He got it and its mate for five cents.


4th month, 13th, 2nd  day

Dad, Eddy  and Laurie went to Sixteen with four oxen and four horses, and got two loads of wheat and the drill.  Jessie Green was at the hospital.  I got the horses’ feed in and had the supper waiting an hour or two before they came which was nearly ten.


4th month, 14th, 3rd day

STARTED DRILLING.  Eddy took the drill to be sharpened and  started drilling.2

Laurie disking with oxen.  Lovely day.


4th month, 15th, 4th day

I am pretty busy.  Jessie Green taking duty.  Boys could not work on land until about dinnertime.  McCheanes found their horses and one has a colt.


4th month, 16th, 5th day

Had Meeting.  Eddy finished the biggest piece  and started the other.  Jessie Green still taking duty.    I drove Dick to McBrace’s to inquire about our red calf but he was not there.


4th month, 17th, 6th day

STARTED ON MOOR’S.  Eddy finished the eight-acre patch and started on Moor’s.  I rode down to Borden on the wagon.  They were going for some harrows.  I went for some flavouring.


4th month, 18th, 7th day

FINISHED MOOR’S.  I did the work and in the afternoon I drove Dick across Moor’s quarter with some wheat for Eddy.  He finished that land in the evening.  Eddy and Laurie drove Dick down after some chop.3  Jessie and I were seeing that the fire guard Dad was burning did not get over the furrows.  There is a big prairie fire burning not above a mile away.  Dick goes lovely.


4th month, 19th, 1st day

FIRST DAY.  We got up very late, nine o’clock and so we did not have any dinner.  Laurie let his pigeons out and they stayed around in the stable.  He promised me the first team from the hatch.  Had Meeting as usual.


4th month, 20th, 2nd day

STARTED ON EDDY’S.  Quite hot today.  Eddy, Laurie and Dad went over with horses and oxen to Eddy’s quarter to start . We bought a new disc drill.  They took their lunch  with them and came home at night.  I had a hot supper ready for them.


4th month, 21st, 3rd day

Boys over at Eddy’s.  Jessie Green went to the hospital early in the morning and came back just before dark.  I had dinner by myself.  I fed Kitty corn and water.

4th month, 22nd, 4th day

Boys on Eddy’s quarter.  Jessie has decided to have the vein taken out of her leg.  The doctor says she must rest as much as possible.


4th month, 23rd, 5th day

We had Meeting in the afternoon.  Before Meeting they were fanning wheat.5  They went to Eddy’s quarter before dinner. 




4th month, 24th, 6th day

Boys still on Eddy’s quarter.  We are busy getting ready to go to Sixteen.    We baked bread and cake etc.


4th month, 25th, 7th day

VET CAME.  Eddy and Laurie went off early with Dick and started drilling with the horses.  Jessie and I got everything ready for leaving.  I am to go and she is going to look after the hens etc.  Just as we were about to start, a man came up and said he had an order to examine our horses for glanders.  He took their temperatures and in the evening injected some stuff.  We cannot tell until the morning  what the results will be or which will have to be killed.  If their temperatures go up, they will be condemned.   We spent a very anxious night. (Drawing of a cat, with several pen blotches.  Tears?)


4th month, 26th, 1st day

The vet took the horses’ temperatures again at seven AM and again at nine AM and at 12 AM.  Then he condemned Dick, Joey, Kitty and Black Beauty.  He is coming tomorrow to kill them.  We had Meeting as usual.


4th month, 27th, 2nd day

The vet came and shot the horses and they partly burned them with a pyre of wood.  We burned the manure round the stable, and partly burnt the quarter out.


4th month, 28th, 3rd day

We came over here today.  I drove Queeny in the buggy and  got here first.  The place looked very dirty and smelt of rotten turnips so I cleaned it up as best I could.  The brush had not come so I tied some turkey feathers on a stick.  The water here was not fit to drink so I took the kettle down to Twenty-One and filled it.  We had a makeshift tea.  They sat down and I handed them things.  It was late when we got to bed and I was VERY tired.


4th month, 29th, 4th day

We had  Meeting at home and we were all asleep half of the time.  I got the place a bit straight.  We are now practically living on bacon and eggs.  I drove Queeny to Borden and coming back she ran away.  I brought the cat and five kittens.


4th month, 30th, 5th day

Eddie drilling and Laurie harrowing.


1.  Big Jack Saunders,  a connection of the Nathan Saunders’ family.  See also the Borden History book, Our Treasured Heritage.

2.  Seeding grain using an implement called a drill, pulled by horses or oxen.

3.  Chop:  coarsely ground grain, usually oats, fed to horses.

4.  Using a fanning device to clean seed grain prior to drilling.







MAY 1908




5th month, 1st, 6th day

We put the young oxen on the harrows but they would not go.  Rodger ran away and went like wild, apparently trying to jump through his collar.  We had a very exciting time.  I went over to Ruth Tallis’s to borrow a box of matches.


5th month, 2nd, 7th day

Eddy finished drilling the new land.  Dad drove to Borden.  Laurie harrowing.


5th month, 3rd, 1st day

We went to McCheanes’  to Meeting and stayed dinner.  The others came home on the wagon but I stayed as Lydia has ridden over on a bicycle and Hannah Mary was going to  drive her back.


5th month, 4th, 2nd day

I drove Queeny over to Borden as soon as I had cleared up.   I saw my little chicks;  there are eleven black and nine white.  Jessie Green came back with me; she went over to see her sister.


5th month, 5th, 3rd day

Dad and Laurie and Jessie Green went to Borden.  Laurie took the horses and Dad and Jessie drove the young bulls on the timber carriage.  Big Jack drove the drill home and Dad the oxen.  Hannah Mary and Lydia Crabb called   here and left Ruby1 on their way from Radisson.


5th month, 6th, 4th day

We had Meeting at home.  I did drilling in the afternoon with the horses and Ruby sat on the box and kept Jess up, Laurie filling the  bags for us.


5th month, 7th, 5th day

As soon as we had cleared up we went drilling.  “We” is Ruby and I.


5th month, 8th, 6th day

Ruby and I were drilling in the morning.  We finished up as far as Eddy was and now all on the left of the track is done.  We cooked a hot supper.  It is nice to have Ruby to talk to.


5th month, 9th, 7th day

We started drilling on the eighty acre patch.  I drove the horses in front and Ruby kept Jess up.  Eddy’s oxen kept up with the horses.  In the afternoon  Laurie drove the oxen and Eddy the horses.  Ruby and I came in and cooked potatoes for supper.




5th month, 10th, 1st day

FIRST DAY.  We drove the two young oxen to Meeting.  Ruby and I stayed dinner.  Eddy, Oscar and John McCheane went to the Wakes to dinner.  After dinner, Lydia, Hannah Mary, Ruby, Davie and I went to see the Wakes to see how the new house was getting on.  The dogs pulled Davie in a nice little wagon that John McCheane had made for him.  We rode home in the wagon.  The broncoes2 were very fresh and we did get a bumping  over those badger  holes.  We stayed at McCheanes’ for supper and Meeting.  Joshua drove home with Prince and Jack.

(Drawing of the dog cart - two dogs tandem pulling a small four-wheeled cart.)


5th month, 11th, 2nd day

I put some dirty clothes soaking etc.  Ruby had an hysterical fit.


5th month, 12th, 3rd day  I helped clear up etc., then went disking on the stubble where we intend putting splits.  Disking in the afternoon.   I did twelve rounds.  Ruby  got the dinner.  In the afternoon Ruby and I had a game sliding down the old straw stack.


5th month, 13th, 4th day

Helped clear up and did three rounds of disking.  We drove young Billy and Rodger to Meeting.  Eddy had some free samples of bile beans3 given him and he gave John McCheane a packet, and he asked Lydia and Hannah Mary to have one.  Hannah Mary chewed hers up.  Young Rodger got at some wheat last night and now he is pretty sick.  We gave him some gum powder and in about an hour he was chewing his cud.


5th month, 14th, 5th day

Dad and I went over to Borden with Queeny.  Dad stayed to whitewash the stable etc.,  and I drove Queeny back.


5th month, 15th, 6th day

Eddy  disking and Laurie harrowing.


5th month, 16th, 7th day

Ruby and I drove over to Borden.


5th month, 17th, 1st day

We walked to Meeting, stayed dinner and supper.  John McCheane drove us home.


5th month, 18th, 2nd day

Drilling, harrowing splits.

5th month, 19th, 3rd day

FINISHED SEEDING.  Ruby and I drove over to Borden and Jessie and Dad drove back.  We cleared up the rubbish from around the stable and made it look nice and tidy.  Creamy had a colt, his name is Star.




5th month, 20th, 4th day

Towards evening Dad and Eddy and Jessie arrived with two  teams of oxen and a load of wheat.  Laurie stayed at Sixteen.


5th month, 21st, 5th day

Ruby went  with Dad to Radisson with the oxen and rode the bicycle (David’s) back.  Eddy and I went to Sixteen with another team of oxen.  We took eight hens and a rooster.  I received a letter and Postal Order from Uncle.4


5th month, 22nd, 6th day

Eddy and Laurie disking in the summer fallow.  Ruby rode over from Borden on David’s bike,  She rode from Radisson to Borden yesterday.  In the afternoon I rode the bike over to Borden and took three quarters of an hour each way.  It was a very hot day.  In the evening Ruby rode it to McCheanes’ and I drove Jim to bring her back.


5th month, 23rd, 7th day

Dad came over with the young bulls.  Eddy and Laurie burnt the bluff down the trail toward McCheanes’.  Getting rotten potatoes out of the cellar.


5th month, 24th, 1st day

We went to the McCheanes to Meeting, they came to our house to Reading Meeting in the afternoon.  Eddy and Laurie went over to supper and Joshua and Arthur stayed supper at our house.  John McCheane  drove Eddy and Laurie home after meeting.


5th month, 25th, 2nd day

Dad sowing turnips etc., on Boyd’s , and gopher poisoning.    Ruby and I drove Queeny over to Borden but  Jessie Green was at the hospital  so we did not go down Borden  as it was the Borden Sports Day and a lot of folks about.


 5th month, 26th, 3rd day

In the morning I was helping with the potatoes.  In the afternoon Ruby and I went to Borden.  We had to look sharp and only just got there before a heavy thunderstorm.  We stayed all night.


5th month, 27th, 4th day.

We drove back as early as possible to get there in time for Meeting.  We had it at home.


5th month, 28th, 5th day

In the morning we were sowing potatoes.  In the afternoon we were packing up, and started for Borden about   six or after.  Ruby and I drove Queeny.  We called at Ruth Tallis’s and  overtook the others with the horses, oxen and cow.  We went on ahead.  It was quite dark when we got to the creek.  Bobby was with Jessie so Ruby and I went down with him and were very tired by the time we got to bed.



5th month, 29th, 6th day

Ruby and I out all afternoon planting potatoes on Moor’s land.  Jessie had cooked us some nice scones and I was so hungry I did justice to them.


5th month, 30th, 7th day

Jessie Green went into the hospital.


5th month, 31st, 1st day

Eddy, Ruby, Laurie and I drove Jim over to Sixteen and walked to Meeting.  Laurie and Eddy went to the Wakes to dinner and supper.  Ruby and I stayed at McCheanes’ after Meeting.  John, Lydia, David and Hannah Mary McCheane walked home with us.


1.       Probably Ruby Crabb, sister to David Crabb

2.       Bile beans - a patent remedy purporting to cure a great many health problems, including biliousness, dyspepsia, torpid liver, sick headache,  malaria, sour stomach, bad breath, vertigo, dysentery, jaundice and enlarged spleen.

3.       Bronco, or bronc - a generic term for horses  bred by the Indians  or wild horses, usually from west of the mountains.  Bronco often meant wild, or unbroken - or unbreakable.

4.   Seems to be a gift from her Uncle Edmund Hatcher.



JUNE 1908




6th month, 1st, 2nd day

About eleven o’clock David came over to Sixteen with his engine and crusher.  He cut some wood and crushed some splits.  In the evening Ruby, Laurie and I were jumping.  Eddy put his hands on the battery and Laurie turned the switch on and ran off.  Eddy could not let go until Laurie came and turned it off  again.  After that Ruby and I had a go with all the batteries on but it was a bit too strong to be pleasant.  In the evening, John McCheane and Lydia Crabb came up for David so David took off half the batteries and we had another go.


6th month, 2nd, 3rd day

David’s engine is still going.  It makes such a noise that it felt so queer when it stopped.  John McCheane came up for David as soon as David had finished.  They went up to Radisson and we came over here again. 


6th month, 3rd, 4th day

Boys doing the corral.


6th month, 4th, 5th day

The boys were doing the corral in the slough.  Ruby and I drove over to Sixteen and Perry’s oxen were on our grain so we tied them up and went and told them.


6th month, 5th, 6th day

Ruby and I drove over to Sixteen and took back the ploughshares, etc.

6th month, 6th, 7th day

Dad and Laurie fetched the horses from Sixteen and put them in the new pasture.


6th month, 7th, 1st day

Jessie Green came up to dinner and supper and the doctor drove her back.


6th month, 8th, 2nd day

Started ploughing.  David came here on his way to Radisson.  I was busy washing.  He stayed to dinner. In the afternoon, ploughing with the oxen.  In the evening we rode Creamy up and down the trail.


6th month, 9th, 3rd day

David came from Radisson and as the McCheanes were in Borden he left his bike here and rode back with them.  Ploughing.


6th month, 10th, 4th day

Half-yearly Meeting.   We drove Jim and Queeny in the democrat and John McCheane came over for us just as we were starting so Laurie and Eddy rode back with him to Sixteen.   Ruby rode the bike to Sixteen and then we put up our team and John McCheane drove the rest on and I rode the bike over to Sixteen.  Dad and Jessie went from there with our team and we rode with John McCheane.  We took the cat and kittens and left one at Ruth Tallis’s on our way.  John McCheane stayed supper.  He drove Jessie down to the hospital.  Ruby and I went with him.


6th month, 11th, 5th day

It was raining hard all day.  I tidied up the place and washed the shelves.  John McCheane came to meet a friend from Iowa and they got pretty wet going back.


6th month, 12th, 6th day

A VERY windy day and so cold we stayed in most of the day.


6th month, 13th, 7th  day

Not much sun today.  After an early dinner, I rode Jess and Ruby rode Creamy around the quarter.  Ruby packed up and we went to the station.  The train was late so we went to the hospital to wait and we thought we had better go, so got up and had only just enough got outside in time to see the train leave the platform, so, concluding to go the next day, Ruby left her bag at the hospital and we came home.  John McCheane called here with a note from Hannah Mary McCheane, inviting me to go back with John McCheane, staying over tomorrow.   I did not go, for one thing I would sooner be at home and I thought as Jessie had arranged to come up next day, I had best be here. 


6th month, 14th, 1st day

Jessie did not come today.  We had Meeting as usual.  Ruby went home.


6th month, 15th, 2nd day

Boys ploughing with horses and oxen.  I took a note from Clara Henderson to G. Evans’ wife.  In the afternoon I fetched two tanks of water from E. Tallis’s well, with Bright.


6th month, 16th, 3rd day

I did some washing,  It was a very nice day, not too hot.  Got home the pig.


6th month, 17th, 4th day

I did the ironing.


6th month, 18th, 5th day

A very wet day.  Had Meeting in the morning. In the evening I went down Borden.  Dad, Eddy and Laurie pulling out roots1 with four oxen.


6th month, 19th, 6th day

The two Dawsons came this morning.  Sidney, the oldest, has been in Canada two years and Laurie has only just come out.  They have two homesteads thirty miles from Lloydminster.  Jessie Green came up to dinner.  In the afternoon Jessie Green and I drove Queeny to Halcyonia, Vic Prices’.  There was a lot of ploughing done and it was a job to make any speed.  We came back the usual way.  Jessie Green stayed at Ruth Tallis’s and I drove over to Sixteen.  The grass etc., is way growing long, thick and tall in the yard.


6th month, 20th, 7th day

Eddy ploughing.  It rained quite a lot today, and some hail.  Dad traded Buck and Bright for two yearling colts and $10.00.    Dad drove Queeny to Sixteen to see Billy Woods who is ploughing on Twenty-One..


6th month, 21st, 1st day

We had Meeting at home.


6th month, 22nd, 2nd day

Boys sowing oats for green feed.  Dad killed the calf.  I made a brawn2 of his and the pig’s head.


6th month, 23rd, 3rd  day

Boys disking and ploughing.  Jessie Green came home to stop a week as Dr. Snyder has gone to Prince Albert and the operation cannot be done for a week at least.  Jessie Green finished the brawn.


6th month, 24th, 4th day

Dad drove Queeny to Sixteen.  John McCheane came to meet William McCheane and a friend from Kent, Fred Musket.  He came to Canada twelve months ago and invested all his money in Kennedy business and they smashed and he lost it all.  The vet came and tested the horses and they are all sound, or rather, free from glanders.



6th month, 25th, 5th day

Boys ploughing, disking and cutting out scrub.


6th month, 26th, 6th day

Sid Dawson went to work for Clarks’.


6th month, 27th, 7th day

Got the meals cleared up, etc., the same old thing over and over again. 
“Once doing will not suffice, tho’ doing be not in vain.”   Hannah Mary McCheane called here on her way to Radisson.  I went to Halcyonia with her.


6th month, 28th, 1st day

I helped wash up etc., then read a book until Meeting time.  Fred Musket stopped, and so did Hannah Mary McCheane.  She quoted, “Why art thou cast down, O my soul” etc.  After dinner we went to the Wakes’ to Reading Meeting.  Eddy drove Queeny over to Meeting.  He had dinner at Wakes.  We went back to McCheanes’ to tea.  Eddy  drove Queeny down and we went home.  We received a box and bundle from Uncle by way of  Sixteen and took some horse corn etc., etc.


6th month, 29th, 2nd day

Laurie came back from Radisson.  Wet today.  We caught quite a lot of rain water.


6th month, 30th, 3rd day

Washing today.  We did two blankets and quite a lot of other things but only one shirt.


1.  Tree and brush roots.  Often deeply rooted  in the dry climate,  the roots had to be removed before the land could be ploughed and seeded.

2.  Brawn - a jellied preparation of the chopped meat from a boiled pig’s head.  Sometimes called head cheese.



JULY 1908




7th month, 1st, 4th day

I did quite a bit of ironing today.  Dad went to Sixteen.


7th month, 2nd, 5th day

Did some more ironing.  A very hot day.


7th month, 3rd, 6th day

Jessie Green busy having a bath and getting her things fixed up ready to go to the hospital tomorrow.  A very hot day.


7th month, 4th, 7th day

A very hot day.  The turkeys have finished hatching, there are thirty-four.  Jessie Green went to the hospital.  The mosquitoes were so bad we could not sleep.  Eddy and Laurie ran down the trail about midnight “to get cooled off”  and at about two o’clock Dad got up and lit a smudge.  John McCheane came into Borden with a plough share.  Ida dropped - we guessed she was  choking but got over it all right.


7th month, 5th, 1st day

Had Meeting at home.  I went down Borden, I wore my new grey dress, the one that Grannie sent with H. Collings.


7th month, 6th, 2nd day

I got a tank of water and did a bit of washing but not much.  Hannah Mary and John McCheane called in in the afternoon.


7th month, 7th, 3rd day

The operation is to be done today.  So Bobby and Eric spent the day with me.  I  enjoyed their company,  Eric is such an amusing little chap.  I took them home on Queeny’s back.  They enjoyed it very much.


7th month, 8th, 4th day

A VERY, VERY hot day.  We had Meeting just after dinner.  Jessie Green got over her operation all right but is very ill and faint.  Bobby is here again today.  The mosquitoes were very bad.


7th month, 9th, 5th day

I drove over to Sixteen where Eddy and Laurie were doing the summer fallow, and brought Ruth Tallis back with me to see Jessie Green.  Edgar Tallis fetched her with him. A very hot day.  I was pretty busy.  In the evening the mosquitoes were very troublesome


7th month, 10th, 6th day

In the morning I went down to the hospital with a chicken Ruth Tallis brought for her yesterday.  John McCheane came in to Borden.  I passed him going over the creek.  I went over the bridge and he went over the creek.


7th month, 11th, 7th day

I drove up to Sixteen in the morning and brought back Ruth Tallis.  I learned from Eddy that the horses had run away with the disc and broken the eveners.  They intend returning this evening.  I came back by Prices’.  Ruth Tallis had a bit of dinner here with me then I drove her down Borden.


7th month, 12th, 1st day

Boys went to the slough to bathe.  We had Meeting as usual.  After, I went down Borden to sit with Jessie Green  while the doctor went to the place of worship.


7th month, 13th, 2nd day

I was busy getting the place tidy and baking bread.




7th month, 14th, 3rd day

Clarks’ picnic.  The Walkers and McCheanes intend going.  Ruthie, Gracie, Edward and Ruth Tallis called here on their way to Borden.   Ruth and I stayed here.  In the afternoon Ruth and I rode Queeny.  Gracie, Edward and Ruth Tallis went back in the evening.  They got wet as we had quite a heavy storm.


7th month, 15th, 4th day

Dad and Laurie building an addition to the pig sty.  Ruthie is here.  I did not do much except my ordinary work.  Mosquitoes very bad.


7th month, 16th, 5th day

A hot day.  In the afternoon Ruthie rode Queeny and I rode Jim.  We went to Borden and called to see Jessie, we then went on to W. Tallis’s.  We would have gone further only Creamy was obstinate and would not go, so we came back and rode up the road allowance to G. Evans’.  Ruthie had a job to get Creamy to go.


7th month, 17th, 6th day

I did the work as usual then Ruthie and I drove Queeny down to Borden with a chicken for Jessie Green.  We also had one.


7th month, 18th, 7th day

I looked sharp and cleared up and made a milk pudding and put the potatoes ready, I then drove Ruthie home.  She and Gracie came  with me to Sixteen.  As soon as we left it came on to rain so hard that we got wet through before we reached Ruth Tallis’s.  So we shouted, “Are we downhearted? NO!”


7th month, 19th, 1st day

RAINING.  We had Meeting as usual.   The doctor and his  wife and Eric passed, the bronco shied and threw Eric out so they left him with me.  It rained in the evening.  I went down to the hospital at seven o’clock.


7th month, 20th, 2nd day

I washed some towels and eight shirts.  I went to Borden in the evening.


7th month, 21st, 3rd day

Boys still busy haying.  Shirts still on the lines.


7th month, 22nd, 4th day

Norman and Ruth and Edgar Tallis came to see Jessie Green.  Norman stayed here.  Clarks called just as we were sitting down to Meeting.  It is Blundell’s picnic today and  lots of people are going along the trails.  Eddy went to Sixteen in the evening to do road work.


7th month, 23rd, 5th day

Lawrence1 up the road with a team of bulls.  He took his dinner.  I drove Queeny up to 16.  Dad and Laurie hay making.



7th month, 24th, 6th day

I rode on Queeny to Sixteen.  It was a VERY hot day.  Lawrence still on the road.  Dad drove Queeny to Sixteen in the evening.


7th month, 25th, 7th day

Laurie2 is thinking he is doing a lot as usual but in reality doing nothing.  He has just been running by around the table  to try and read what I have put down.  Eddy and Dad came home and Eddy went back with John McCheane.


7th month, 26th, 1st day

In the morning Dad and I drove to Blundell’s to see the colts.  Eddy, Hannah Mary and John McCheane and Joshua came over to Meeting and stayed supper.  Hannah Mary and I  drove to Borden, and I stayed.


7th month, 27th, 2nd day

I washed a dress and four pinafores.  In the evening I went to Borden with Queeny, with a chicken for Jessie Green.  When I got back I went with Laurie and got a tank of water.


7th month, 28th, 3rd day

I did not wash as I felt too tired, a very hot day.


7th month, 29th, 4th day

Boys hay making.  It is very hot.  I went down Borden.



7th month, 30th, 5th day

Boys - Eddy and Laurie - over at Eddy’s quarter.  Eddy digging a well and Laurie mowing.  In the evening Dad drove Queeny over to Eddy’s quarter and I rode Creamy to Borden.  She came back fine.  I then rode her a little way up the road allowance.


7th month, 31st, 6th day

I rode Queeny to Borden in the morning to take some letters.  I called at the hospital where Betty Tallis is very ill.  Eric came back with me, he rode Queeny.  I washed the floor after dinner.  I washed the shelves,3 etc., and  tidied the place up and did a bit of mending.  I was tired.


1.  Lawrence is a different person than Laurie, who is Laurie Crabb.   Lawrence  seems to have been a temporary hired man.

2.       Laurie Crabb was thirteen years old at this time.  

3.       Newly broken soil is very dusty in the dry heat of the Saskatchewan summer.  Dust would be a continuing problem.











8th month, 1st, 7th day

Got breakfast, packed up their dinner, etc., cleared up and made the beds and cleaned the stove and put in a good long afternoon mending stockings.


8th month, 2nd, 1st day

Very windy in the morning.  Tidied up, wrote my diary.  We had Meeting as usual and in the evening I went down Borden as usual.  William Tallis was there sitting with Hester Tallis.  It started to rain as I was coming home.


8th month, 3rd, 2nd day

I sent on their dinner to Eddy’s quarter, etc., and then cleaned up and caught Queeny and saddled her and rode over to McCheanes’.  I passed John on his way to Radisson just off our quarter.  I went over to Hannah Mary who was in the garden getting up potatoes.  She was surprised to see me.  I stayed dinner, we had green peas.  I started home about four and left Sixteen at about half past four and got home about half past five.  I enjoyed the ride very much.


8th month, 4th, 3rd day

I did a good-sized wash but Eric was here and the little nuisance  kept running home (or trying to.)  I hitched Floss to the sleigh to amuse him.  I was late getting supper.


8th month, 5th, 4th day

I rode Queeny around Moor’s fence and tied up the wire when I saw a place where the posts were laid down, so went back and told Dad and then rode out to show him the place.  I let Queeny go and caught Blundell’s mare.  A coyote came up and  had a look at my saddle.  It scared me.


8th month, 6th, 5th day

About a quarter to eleven I started on Queeny for Eddy’s quarter to have Meeting with them.  Queeny  shied    at Maud who jumped up just as we were almost on to her.  We had Meeting on a cock of hay.  I left for home at about four.  Did a bit of ironing.


8th month, 7th, 6th day.

I did a bit of ironing and cooked a hen for supper.


8th month, 8th, 7th day

A very hot sultry lazy day.  Howard Williams called.  I cleaned the stove, etc., etc.


8th month, 9th, 1st day

Thundery weather, though a nice breeze.  Bobby and Eric came up.  Laurie  hitched Floss up, she can pull Eric on the sleigh over bare ground.  Sid Dawson is here.  In the afternoon as I was feeding the turkey chicks Walter drove up.  He came in to meet Big Jack and stayed supper.  I went down to the hospital.


8th month, 10th, 2nd day

I did not wash as there was only Eddy’s shirt dirty.  A very hot day.  I plucked, cleaned and cooked the gobbler and we had him for dinner.  I made some chokecherry jelly.  It was very nice.


8th month, 11th, 3rd day

Very hot though it was quite cold in the night.  I made some cherry toffee  out of the pulp from the cherries.


8th month, 12th, 4th day

Got done early so as to have a long afternoon picking cranberries.1  I  caught Creamy and rode her down Borden and from there to C. Tallis’s with a note from Jessie Green.  I then rode back to Borden again, and from there to a patch of cranberries by our pasture.


8th month, 13th, 5th day

I rode Creamy to Eddy’s quarter to have Meeting with them.  I did a bit of stooking and helped  hitch out water feed etc., then we had Meeting sitting round last year’s straw pile.  I loaded and helped Lawrence unload a load of oat sheaves, then saddled my pony and rode home.  She cantered almost all the way and was about twelve minutes going three miles. 


8th month, 14th, 6th day

About nine o’clock Dad and I drove with Queeny over to Eddy’s quarter.  I had dinner there with them and at about half past two we started for Sixteen, Eddy with the two big oxen on the big binder, Laurie with the little binder, Dad and Lawrence with the young oxen in the wagon.  I went on ahead and fixed up a bit as I passed Ruth Tallis’s.  They gave me a cup of tea  and some cake to eat.  I was very tired when I went to bed. 


8th month, 15th, 7th day

Early as soon as I had washed up Dad and I drove over to Borden with Queeny, Laurie riding Jim on ahead to bring back the mower with Ida and Jim.  We found W. G. there.  I stayed all day and Dad, Laurie and Walter George went back.  I intended staying all night and riding Creamy over in the morning.  Well, about nine o’clock Dad came.  We saw a big fire over west.   Walter George came. (Small drawings here - horse carrying a rider with long skirt, followed by a foal, and horse pulling a four-wheeled vehicle.)


8th month, 16th, 1st day

I rode Queeny and Dad drove Creamy in the buggy.  We got wet though and were none too early so did not go to Meeting.  I found the place in such a mess, cleared up etc., and then I rode Creamy and Dad drove Queeny to McCheanes’ to the evening Meeting.  Dad spoke in Meeting and after Meeting Hannah Mary McCheane relieved her mind by repeating a very nice piece composed by Lydia Crabb about thirteen years ago.

8th month, 17th, 2nd day

I tidied the place up, it was in such a mess.  Dad drove to Borden - small binder not cutting well.   Got Walter George here.


8th month, 18th, 3rd day

I went to Borden in the afternoon. In the morning I washed some towels, a tea cloth, etc.


8th month, 19th, 4th day

I washed the dishes and left here for Borden on Queeny about a quarter past eight.  Over there I watered the pig, hens, etc., etc, and got the  piece of iron off the binder that  I had gone for and came back home.  It was a VERY, VERY hot day.  I was back here and Queeny fixed up by a quarter past ten.  Walter George went to McCheanes’ to Meeting.  He intends spending a few days with them.  We had Meeting at home.


8th month, 20th, 5th day

I can’t quite remember but I think Dad went to Borden today.


8th month, 21st, 6th day

Dad went to Borden in the morning and got a new chain for the little binder.  Cutting with both binders.


8th month, 22nd, 7th day

Tidied up as it is 7th  day and drove to Borden in the afternoon.


8th month, 23rd, 1st day

We went to Meeting.  I rode Queeny, Dad drove Creamy.  Laurie and Eddy stayed dinner and in the afternoon went with Walter George and  John McCheane to the Wakes’.  Dad and I came home and Arthur with us.  After dinner Walter came and Dad drove off to Borden.  Hannah Mary McCheane walked over to meet me as I intended going back to supper but as Walter was here I did not go but got an early supper as he was in a hurry to be gone.  In the afternoon I rode  up the pasture in Walter’s rig.  I led Creamy behind and put her in the pasture.  In the evening, John, Joshua, Eddy and Laurie came back.


8th month, 24th, 2nd day

John McCheane came and cut for about an hour with his binder before dinner, and all the afternoon.  He slept the night here.  We are all having diarrhoea pretty bad and have been like it since 1st  day.


8th month, 25th, 3rd day

John McCheane went home before dinner and in the afternoon he drove Hannah Mary McCheane and Walter George to Radisson.  Philip is in Radisson for his vacation.  In the afternoon Dad and I drove over to Borden and stayed the night.  I set the yeast cake.  I drove Queeny down to Borden to get several things.  About twenty of the road graders were there.


8th month, 26th, 4th day

I baked the bread and we left about eleven o’clock intending to get back for Meeting.  It was very wet all night and the trails were  slippery.  Diarrhoea still bad.  I found the place in such a mess, almost every dish, etc., dirty.  Busy all afternoon tidying  up.  Very wet.   Boys doing up the sod stable.


8th month, 27th, 5th day

Getting the place straight, I drove Queeny to Borden in the afternoon.  John McCheane was here in the afternoon.  I went round by Baxters’ and left the pigeon there.  I have now just the two, Hannah Mary’s, and mine with the white head.  Edward McCheane came. 


8th month, 28th, 6th day

Dad went to McDermids’ to see the horse sold.  He drove Queeny so I rode Creamy to Borden.  A dull day, several showers.


8th month, 29th, 7th day

I tidied up.  Dad went to Borden in the afternoon and let my pigeons out but I did not tell him to.  Philip Crabb and his mother came through and went on to McCheanes’ where they stayed dinner.  They took Laurie back with them.


8th month, 30th, 1st day

Dad, Laurie and I went to Meeting with Queeny.  The Connells and two Ontario friends and the Radisson school teacher were there.  The friends, Eddy and I stayed dinner.  Soon after dinner the friends went home.  In the afternoon we were looking at some friends’ and some Chinese pictures.  Hannah Mary McCheane read out of “Gleanings at 75.”  Hannah Mary and I went to get the eggs, etc.  I went into the loft to see if my pigeons had come back.  We stayed supper and Dad drove over to Meeting.  Dad and Eddy drove back with Queeny and I rode with Edward and Hannah Mary McCheane.


8th  month, 31st, 2nd day

In the afternoon Dad and I drove to Borden.  I set bread, cleared up etc.  I then washed through a dress and pinafore.  By that time it was quite dark and Dad had come back from putting up the stooks so I got supper.  Dad went to bed and I had a good wash, set the sponges and followed suit. 


1.  These would be the native high-bush cranberries which grew  in moist and sheltered areas along the river.
















9th month, 1st, 3rd day

Lawrence drove over.  Dad killed a pig that he bought for $7.00 several days ago.  The butcher helped him.  I roasted a big joint of beef and some potatoes in the gravy.  Lawrence and I rode home in the wagon.  Dad stayed overnight.


9th month, 2nd, 4th day

I tidied up the place.  Dad drove home.  Laurie came on the train from Radisson and walked up here.  I had just washed up when he came.  Eddy is disking with the bull and Lawrence with the horses.  Laurie has a bad cold and he is cross.


9th month, 3rd, 5th day

I drove to Borden and met Philip on David’s pony and the  McCheanes by Cowans’, ploughing.  Dad and Laurie tidying up the yard.  I was home by six o’clock.  Philip stayed at Wakes’ all night.


9th month, 4th, 6th day

Philip came through on his way back to Radisson.  Laurie wants to quit and go to work for Teddy Johnson.  After dinner Dad hitched Big Jack’s horse into the hay rake and Laurie was  scared of it or something.  He got in a huff  and walked home carrying his satchel.  I did a round of disking, caught Queeny and came home.  Edward and Hannah Mary McCheane came through on their way to Borden, looking for a deed of sale Edward had dropped on his way from Radisson the day before yesterday.  But as I was going, they asked me to look, and they went back again.  I went to Borden and left the place just as we had got up from dinner, all the dishes on the table.  It was between eight and nine when I got back.  Eddy came about a mile out to meet me.  He had washed up and got supper and they had eaten theirs.


9th month, 5th, 7th day

I washed the shelves, etc., and got an early dinner.  Dad drove Big Jack’s horse to Borden.  Philip came soon after.  He had gone to dinner here and then rode on to Borden and rode Queeny to Piprell’s.   Though I did not know anything about it, they had arranged for Dick Primmer to come and take their photos.  First he took one of the house with Charlie in the buggy and Emily standing by the door.  Then he took us all in a group. Emily and I  were sitting down and Annie Walker standing between Charlie and George Walker.  I rode home straight after supper.  I was glad I went.  I had a very pleasant time.  I got home about twenty to seven.


9th month, 6th, 1st day

We drove to Meeting with Big Jack’s horse.  We were about a quarter of an hour late.  We all stayed dinner.  Dad and Eddy drove home in the afternoon.  Dad went to Borden.  Eddy came back to Meeting in the evening.  In the afternoon we, Hannah Mary and John McCheane and I, were in the loft reading poetry.  Ed McCheane came back from Radisson.  He and Hannah Mary came home with us.

9th month, 7th, 2nd day

Boys disking, breaking.1  I can’t remember who went to Borden.


9th month, 8th, 3rd day

I drove to Borden with Queeny (I think.)


9th month, 9th, 4th day

I washed up etc., etc., and boiled the potatoes and a pudding.  We went to Meeting with Jack’s horse.  Dad went to Borden.  I soaped in three shirts.  John McCheane rode over on Vic for some elevator slats.  I washed out the shirts2 and put them to soak again overnight.


9th month, 10th, 5th day

Got dinner etc., etc., as usual and caught Queeny and brought her up from the big corral.  After dinner I washed out the shirts and it was after four o’clock when I left here, on Queeny, for Borden.  I called and saw Jessie Green, her leg is healing slowly.   The sun was set before I left her.  Queeny came home fine.  I was eating pea-nuts most of the way back.


9th month, 11th, 6th day

No one went to Borden.  I was out of doors quite a lot of the afternoon.  The threshing outfit came after dark.


9th month, 12th, 6th day

We were up very early.  I had the breakfast things put away and the shelves washed down and the beds made before half past six.  Then I went to the big pasture for Jack’s horse Mike.  I went with Lawrence to the little pasture for water three or four times.  In the afternoon I went with Mike to the creek  to meet Boyle’s man and tell him we had no more grain for him to haul.  I brought back his lead team behind the buggy.  Dad, Eddy and Lawrence took the caboose3   on towards Elliots’ with the oxen.  I got Queeny from the pasture and they  drove her to come back with them.  I took Darby and Jim to the pasture and watered them all, then came home and baked some biscuits and ironed the shirts, etc.  I was very tired when I went to bed.


9th month, 13th, 1st  day

We drove Queeny to Meeting.  Eddy and I stayed dinner, so did Oscar and the Wakes.  After we had washed up Hannah Mary and I went and laid on her bed and read, but it was too hot so we sat on a rug in a shady part of the lawn.  The boys were in a group, not far away, and they came over and sat down in a circle and helped us eat some sunflower seeds and sweet corn that we had just got out of the garden.  Hannah Mary was reading to us.  After tea we had Meeting and John and Hannah Mary McCheane came away with us.


9th month, 14th, 2nd day

Dad went to Borden.  He shot a prairie chicken.  I helped hook  up the bulls.  They are disking the breaking.


9th month, 15th, 3rd day

I drove to McCheanes to get a quarter pound of wheat weighed.  Dad and I went to Borden and called to see Jessie.  We find a wolf4 has taken about a hundred of our chickens so we intend taking them back to Sixteen tomorrow.  We came back Prices’ way and got lost, reached home about nine o’clock.


9th month, 16th, 4th day

I plucked and dressed a hen and prairie hen.  We drove to Meeting and had a cold dinner.  Lawrence kicked up a fuss because there was no pudding.  Dad drove the wagon to Borden and I drove Mike.  When we got there I set the bread and swept and cleared up etc.  I cooked the prairie chicken for supper.  We sat talking for quite a long time.  We then carried all the hens, etc., into the granary.  I set the bread, and then we read and went to bed.


9th month, 17th, 5th day

Got breakfast, baked the bread, swept up, etc., etc., and then got into the granary with a ball of  binder twine and a knife and started catching the hens and tying   their legs but I found I had a bigger job than I had reckoned.  It took me about two hours.  I drove Mike home with a democrat load and Dad came behind with a wagon load.  They all got here safely.  Eddy and Lawrence were just getting dinner; it was quite ready by the time Dad came.  In the afternoon I wrote up my diary.


9th month,  18th, 6th day

I drove Creamy to Borden.  She went in an hour and came back in five minutes less.  I did not touch her with a stick or anything.


9th month, 19th, 7th day

I washed a towel, handkerchiefs  and neck ties, etc., and two shirts.  Washed all the shelves, tidied up, rubbed the windows etc., etc.  John McCheane called on his way to Borden to see if he could feed the pig for us.


9th month, 20th, 1st day

We drove Mike to Meeting and came back to dinner.  Sidney Dawson was here to dinner.  Walter came in the afternoon and stayed supper.  Hannah Mary, William and Caroline McCheane and Hugh Wake came over in the afternoon.  Hannah Mary stopped here, the rest went on to Edward Tallis’s.    I got supper early and Eddy and I walked over to the McCheanes to Meeting.  William and Hannah Mary McCheane walked home with us.  Dad had gone to bed.


9th month, 21st, 2nd day

I don’t think anyone went to Borden.  Big Jack came and took his horse back.  I was helping Eddy get up turnips off Boyd’s land.  We had four democrat loads.


9th month, 22nd, 3rd day

I did my work as usual and was out getting up turnips all afternoon.



9th month, 23rd, 4th day

Tidied up and made the beds and cooked cabbage and potatoes and pudding for dinner and was starting for Meeting at nine o’clock.  We went round by the big pasture  and picked up Dad who was harrowing the breaking with the oxen.  The threshers were at McCheanes’.  Hannah Mary invited me to her birthday on next 7th day but I told her I could not come as Dad had arranged for Jessie to come home on 5th day and I am to stay there with her.


9th month, 24th, 5th day

In the morning about nine o’clock Dad and I started for Borden.  I fixed up and cooked the dinner, etc., ready for them.  When we got here I lit the fire and put some water on.  We then drove on down to the hospital and fetched Jessie Green.  Her leg is still very stiff and must be kept raised up.  Dad went back home, I slept upstairs.


9th month, 25th, 6th day

I baked the bread.  Dad drove over in the morning.  Edward and John McCheane eat their lunch in here.  They are hauling grain.  The place is in such an awful mess it takes a lot of cleaning.


9th month, 26th, 7th day

Dad was here again today to dinner, also Edward and John McCheane and Joshua.  Busy.


9th month, 27th, 1st day

Got done up  early and thought I was going to have such a nice long day when the Borden cattle all came up and started eating the wheat stacks and hay ricks and green oats.  They kept me busy driving them off and at last I took and tied them all up, or most of them.  Dad drove over.  I rode Creamy up to George Evans’ to try and borrow Buster, their dog, but he had a bad paw.


9th month, 28th, 2nd day

RADISSON SHOW.  Until dinner time I did very little except drive the cattle off.    Dad came in the afternoon and brought Floss.  Dad and the McCheanes put up the heater.  Uncle Esau went to Crystal City for the winter.  Clark brought some meat.


9th  month, 29th, 3rd day

The McCheanes and A. and P. Tallis called.  A. and P. Tallis had some dinner with us.  Charley Piprell and George Walker called up with some Swedes.   Edward McCheane said we had all the township here.   The doctor and doctor’s wife came and dressed Jessie’s leg.   He bent her knee.  There is now another place with the skin off so she will need to lie by another week.


9th month, 30th, 4th day

I was expecting Dad and Eddy and Laurie over but they did not come.  The McCheanes and two Tallises came.


1.   Breaking - turning over the native sod for the first time.  This is followed by disking, running circular cutting blades over the turned sod to break it up further, followed by harrowing.  The harrow is  a square horizontal metal frame with several cross bars with six to eight inch teeth in rows  on the crossbars, to break up the sods even more.  All this is done to prepare the new land for seeding.

2.  Getting clothes clean by hand was an onerous process.  She would use a scrub board in a galvanized iron tub.  That the shirts required soaping, then scrubbing, then soaking again overnight, suggests they were very dirty indeed.

3.  This was probably the small house on wheels that is referred to in the McCheane story in the Borden history book, Our Treasured Heritage.

4.  The wolf was probably a coyote.








10th month, 1st, 5th day

Dad, Eddy, Lawrence and Sidney came to dinner.    Sidney and Lawrence went soon after.   Starting to get up the potatoes.


10th month, 2nd, 6th day

I did my work as usual.


10th month, 3rd, 7th day

I was getting up potatoes morning and afternoon.  John McCheane had dinner with us.  Edward and Hannah Mary McCheane went to Radisson.  Hugh Wake came from Saskatoon.  He stayed overnight.

10th month, 4th, 1st day

I fixed up, and Eddy, Hugh and I drove Jim to Meeting.  After dinner we were looking at the hat crusade.  We got home to supper.  A. Rogers had been in.


10th month, 5th, 2nd day

Wainwright’s wife called.  We had two prairie chickens for dinner.  I picked potatoes in the afternoon and got up the winter radishes.


10th month, 6th, 3rd day

Getting the plows ready for plowing.  I drove Creamy to Sixteen.  She came back like a motor car.


10th month, 7th, 4th day

Dad and Eddy went up to Sixteen to get up the potatoes.  John McCheane drove Hugh Wake  in to Borden to catch the train for Saskatoon, where Joe Wake is still very seriously ill.  The doctors have given him up.


10th month, 8th, 5th day

I did a good-sized wash today and cleaned both the range and the heater.  It was finished by three o’clock, I think.  Fanny Saloway came to see Jessie.





10th month, 9th, 6th day

Dad and Eddy came just as we were having our dinner.  I did the ironing and baked some sweet biscuits for supper etc.  Jessie Green has been here, in the big room, once or twice.


10th month, 10th, 7th day

Busy cleaning and tidying up the house.  Dad bought a new gang plow and has got it in working order.


10th month, 11th, 1st day

We had Meeting at home.  I read quite a lot of “Gleanings at Seventy-five.” 


10th month, 12th, 2nd day

Dad plowing with the bulls.  Queeny down Borden with Jessie for a little outing. It is a lovely day.  We drove along the trail to where Dad was plowing and brought home two prairie chickens.  E. and J. Piprell called and showed us the photos then stayed supper, and started home about eight o’clock.


10th month, 13th, 3rd day

I rode Queeny down Borden to get some cartridges and then took them over to the plow, then I rode into Moor’s pasture and helped Dad drive up the oxen and helped hitch them in.  Jessie washed up the dishes and did the potatoes and Swedes for dinner.   Matthews’ wife was here to dinner, she came to see Dad about some oxen.  I did some washing but the water was so hard it did not look nice.  It was getting dark when I finished.  I then saddled Queeny and rode after the cow. Dad said he did not think I would be able to find her and if I did, would not be able to catch her. And if I did catch her I would not be able to milk her, and if I did milk her he did not see how I would  be able to carry it on Queeny.  However in about an hour I came back with the milk.  Dad shot seven prairie chickens.


10th month, 14th, 4th day

Jessie and I drove to McCheanes’ to Meeting and stayed dinner.  We called at Ruth Tallis’s and stayed an hour or more.  It was raining all the way home.   Dad shot prairie chickens.  We have had about fifteen so far.  Eddy went to Sixteen last 2nd day and on 3rd day morning he went to McCheanes’ to do two days plowing.


10th month, 15th, 5th day

I have sprained my wrist in some way so I am writing this with my left hand.


10th month, 16th, 6th day

I drove up to Sixteen before dinner and after dinner I packed up etc., etc., and we caught a democrat load of hens.  It was pretty cold coming home.


10th month, 17th, 7th day

I washed up the dishes etc., that I brought home yesterday, and we tidied up for 1st day.  A man from Minnesota called and inquired the way to Borden.



10th month, 18th, 1st day

That man who passed last night called and arranged to stay here for a few days.  We had Meeting in the afternoon as usual.


10th month, 19th, 2nd day

I drove Queeny to Halcyonia, it was very cold and wet so I lit a fire and then started catching and tying the fowls’ legs.  I did not notice what I was doing and I caught more than the democrat would hold so I loosed the laying hens.  I came back with the rest.  It was snowing quite fast all the way home.


10th month,  20th, 3rd day

I went back for the hens I left yesterday.  I had a cold drive and the snow over the track was three or four inches deep.


10th month, 21st, 4th day

John and William McCheane called in on their way from Radisson.  They stayed supper.    We had two prairie chickens.  A very cold day.


10th month, 22nd, 6th day (sic)

Dad and Eddy have almost done plowing.  Much milder today.


10th month, 23rd, 7th day

Tidied up for 1st day.


10th month, 24th, 1st day

Eddy and I drove Jim to Meeting. We took them two prairie chickens.

10th month, 25th, 2nd day

Election day.  It was quite hot at midday.


10th month, 26th, 3rd day

Eddy was harrowing in his shirt sleeves.  Started hauling “ties” from the track.  Frank, the young man from Minnesota, came back.  He is staying for a few days for his board.


10th month, 27th, 4th day

William McCheane came back from Saskatoon.  Emily Piprell and George Walker came to supper.


10th month, 28th, 5th day

Freezing all day.  Dad, Eddy and Frank hauling ties.  My wrist was pretty painful tonight.


10th month, 29th, 6th day

Cold all day.  Hauling ties.  Hens laying an average of three eggs a day.


10th month,   30th, 7th day

Rather milder today.  I went around looking for the horses but did not find them.






11th month, 1st, 1st day

We had Meeting at home.  I finished reading Mary Neal and I read quite a lot of Sketches.


11th month, 2nd, 2nd day

I went with Dad and Eddy hauling ties.  I drove Jim and Jess, Eddy the two big oxen and Dad the two young ones.  We started about nine AM and I got back about three PM and Dad and Eddy got back about four or half past.  The McCheanes came to see their cousins off.


11th month, 3rd, 3rd day

We did the same as yesterday, only much colder.


11th month,  4th, 4th day

Hauling ties.  Much milder today, thawing fast.


11th month, 5th, 5th day

We had Meeting and after dinner Dad and Eddy started for two more loads of ties and I drove up to Allcocks’ with Jim  but they were out so we came back and made several apple pies, etc.  Eddy got a barrel of apples from Smith’s.


11th month, 6th, 6th day

Dad and Jessie went to Radisson.  Eddy and I hauling some poplars that are cut down along the side of the graded road the other side of Wainwrights’ quarter.


11th month, 7th, 7th day. 

Tidying up all morning.  John McCheane came and Dad went with him to Borden and saw a bear that some German had shot about thirty miles north.  So as he was going down again I went with him and had a look at the bear.  He was a big fellow.


11th month, 8th, 1st day

We had Meeting here.  I read Biographical Sketches, Incidents and Reflections.


11th month,  9th, 2nd day

Very cold.  I fetched a tank of water from the little pasture and the water froze thick on the front of my waterproof and on the  reins where it dropped off the bucket as I lifted it into the tank.


11th month, 10th, 3rd day

We tried to  do some washing but we found the water so hard it only made a mess of it.  Hugh Wake came in the evening.




11th month, 11th, 4th day

Half Yearly Meeting.  We got up early and started for Halcyonia in the bob sleigh1 but it was pretty hard pulling.  We met John McCheane on Cowan’s ploughing, and Hugh Wake and Jessie and I got in his democrat and rode on ahead of Dad and Eddy.  We had Meeting, and Meeting for Discipline.  A young man named Arthur Williams has been admitted into membership with Friends.  Jessie and I stayed supper and John and Edward came home with us.  We spent a very pleasant day.  Lydia and her two children were there.


11th month, 12th, 5th day

More snow in the night.  Nice morning.  Dad and Eddy went to Sixteen with the wagon after a load of wheat.


11th month, 13th, 6th day

Dad went to Borden and arranged about selling the wheat.  We did not do a lot of housework.  I did quite a piece of the rug.  Wainwright came and asked Jessie Green to go and sleep at their place while he and his wife went to a dance at Borden. 


11th month, 14th, 7th day

We washed the shelves and blackleaded the stoves and made two apple pies, etc.   I finished the rug and cut Eddy’s hair.


11th month, 15th, 1st day

We had Meeting at home.  A lovely day.  Lydia and children came and went off  on the train.  Hannah Mary and John stayed supper.  It went very cold in the evening.


11th month, 16th, 2nd day

Cold bright morning.  At about three in the afternoon Dad discovered that one of the colts was missing, the biggest and best we had exchanged for Buck and Bright.


11th month, 17th, 3rd day

Dad and Eddy looking for the colt.  They went round by the Elbow and I went to look for Rodger and the bull.


11th month, 18th, 4th day

Looking for the colt.  In the evening we heard it was over the line.


11th month, 19th, 5th day

Started early to look for the colt.  I went as well.  Eddy and I walked down the track, and  Dad drove round.  Where the fence ends I got in the buggy with Dad and drove round by Morrisons’ and Sam Collings’ and back by Fred Shepard’s.  We were home in time for Meeting.


11th month, 20th, 6th day.

I walked up the track as far as Haywoods’ looking for the colt.  I sold her a turkey for McCheanes.


11th month, 21st, 7th day

Preparing for 1st day.


11th month, 22nd, 1st day

Cold thick misty day.  Eddy and I drove to Meeting.  We read a little book called The Rise of Quakerism. We started home about four o’clock and at Sixteen got off the trail to look at Boyle’s horses and could not see the way back for quite a way.


11th month, 23rd, 2nd day; 24th, 3rd day; 25th, 4th day

Dad and Eddy cleaning   grain.


11th month, 26th, 5th day

We had Meeting as usual.  Edward McCheane and David Crabb called in on their way to Radisson.  They stayed dinner.  Joshua and Arthur Wake and John McCheane called in the afternoon.  Jessie Green went a walk to G. Evans’.



11th month, 27th, 6th day

John and Edward McCheane, Joshua and Arthur came in to eat their lunch. I started darning some net to make a brush and comb bag for Eliza’s birthday.


11th month, 28th, 7th day

I washed two-thirds of the floor and after dinner I rode Queeny and Eddy drove Jim  to the Elbow.  Dad walked down the creek.  I rode among the bluffs on one side of the trail and Eddy the other.  When we got to the Elbow we met Dad, and came back a different trail for quite a way, then cut across country.  I went to Borden for the mail  It was a lovely day.


11th month, 29th, 1st day

Very cold blizzardy day.  We were shivering round the heater.


11th month, 30th, 2nd day

VERY COLD.  Dad had his cheeks froze twice. We melted some snow for washing.  I had the toothache dreadful.


 1.  Bob sleigh -  winter conveyance, one with four runners, pulled by two horses.  Could carry a heavier load than a cutter, and had a smaller turning radius than sleighs with two runners.








12th month, 1st, 3rd day

Did a good wash.  I had toothache again, very very badly.   Eddy went to Sixteen.  Rather milder than yesterday, but still very cold. 



12th month, 2nd, 4th day

We were pretty busy today.  I cleaned the knives, etc., and Jessie did the cooking etc.  Cold moonlight night.  McCheanes and Wakes came over to Reading Meeting and stayed supper.   I had toothache.


12th month, 5th day, 6th day and 7th day 

Very cold and very moonlight nights.  I had toothache every day.


12th month,  6th, 1st  day

We did not go to Meeting.  I had toothache.


12th month, 7th, 2nd day and 8th, 3rd day

Not uncomfortably cold.


12th month, 9th, 4th day

Dad and Eddy drove to Meeting in the cutter with Jim and Prince.  Dad and Eddy came home, stayed supper.  John McCheane drove me home and we overtook Dad leading the cow.


12th month 10th, 5th day

Dad and Jessie Green went to Radisson and bought a bull off Driver’s.



12th month, 12th, 7th day

Dad and Jessie Green went to Norman Bees’ and brought  a black colt, “Mike’ for $100.00 and six months’ credit.


12th month, 13th, 1st day

Eddy and Jessie Green went to Meeting.  I had toothache mostly all day but not very badly.


12th month, 14th, 2nd day

Dad and I went to Brackens’ and Matthews’ and Sixteen.  We had dinner at Matthews’ and I learned the way to cure skins, that was why I went.   My tooth did not ache.


12th month, 15th, 3rd day

Did a pretty big wash.  My tooth did not ache.


12th month, 16th, 4th day

We did some ironing, and quite a bit to the presents for Eliza’s birthday.


12th month, 17th, 5th day

Dad and Eddy were up to Sixteen to dinner.  We did quite a lot of sewing.  I started making a shaving pad for John McCheane as Eddy and I are invited to his birthday party on 7th day.  William McCheane went to Saskatoon.



12th month, 18th, 6th day

John McCheane came in to meet William McCheane.  Eddy and I went back with them.  It was after eleven o’clock  when we went to bed.


12th month, 19th, 7th day

John McCheane drove down and brought back Joshua and Arthur to dinner and after dinner Ed McCheane fetched Ethel Orchard.  We were playing Ping Pong for about half the afternoon then we  played Table Tennis.  After supper we played Ping Pong and Jenkins Up  then we tried drawing a square in a looking glass.  We went to bed about half past eleven o’clock.


12th month, 20th, 1st day

Reading until Meeting time.  Edgar Baker came and stayed dinner.  We stayed evening Meeting and John and Hannah Mary McCheane came home with us.

12th month, 21st, 2nd day

Jessie Green went to Langham to see about a situation as housekeeper for a harness maker there.  I melted the snow for washing and cleaned the knives, etc.  A lovely mild day today.


12th month, 22nd,  3rd day

We did a small wash.  Edward1 and I went to Borden and sold four turkeys.


12th month, 23rd, 4th day

Edward and I drove to Halcyonia.  We stayed Meeting and I stayed dinner.  Ed ward and John McCheane drove back and took five of our cattle from Sixteen to Borden.  I rode back with Hannah Mary and Edward McCheane, Joshua and Arthur.  Joshua and Edward McCheane went to Radisson, the others stayed Reading Meeting.  It was after nine o’clock when they started home.


12th month, 24th, 5th day

John McCheane came to meet Edward and Joshua.  They took back our fanning machine.  Eddy rode with them to the Doukhobor village to bring the five cattle back that they left there yesterday.


12th month, 25th, 6th day

It snowed a little.  We got up so late we did not have any dinner.



12th month, 27th, 1st day

We had Meeting at home.


12th month, 28th, 2nd day

Dad and Ed went to Sixteen to get a load of horse corn with the two oxen.  We melted snow for washing.  I watered the cattle.


12th month, 29th, 3rd day

We did a small wash and two blankets, one brown and one white.


12th month, 30th, 4th day

Very cold today.  Did not go out much.


12th month, 31st, 5th day

Fairly mild today


1.  Ed is usually Edward McCheane, John’s brother.  Eddy is usually Edmund Saunders, Mary’s brother.  This is not entirely consistent.  Where context has indicated which person is meant, “Edward” or “Eddy” are used.








1st month, 1st, 6th day

Mild today.  In the evening Jessie and I went to Borden and bought me a pair of felt boots, they cost $2.00, and some gasoline to clean my blue dress with.


1st month, 2nd, 7th day

Joshua called here on his way from  Saskatoon.  He found his father quite well.


1st month, 3rd, 1st day

Very cold blizzardy day.  We did not go to Meeting because it was too cold.  Joshua stayed all day .  We had Meeting as usual  and Edward, Joshua and I were reading “Select Miscellanies.”  In the evening we read “Historical Memoirs.”


1st month, 4th, 2nd day

I went with Joshua to Halcyonia.1  I took some coffee to be ground.  It was too cold to come back so I stayed all night.


1st month, 5th, 3rd day

Next morning it was forty-eight below.  Spent most of the day reading and playing games.


1st month, 6th, 4th day

It was forty-five below this morning.  John McCheane drove me home.  We tied Jim behind.  John McCheane stayed all night.  We sent off Eliza’s birthday present.


1st month, 7th, 5th day

Still very cold.  John McCheane went back.  I washed a pair of stays and cleaned, pressed and mended my blue dress.


1st month, 8th, 6th day

Not quite so  bitterly cold.  Strong sun.  I hemmed my white apron and washed my head.


1st month, 9th, 7th day

Melting snow.  I crocheted some six rounds on the bottom of one of my woolen  petticoats.  Mended Eddy’s overalls.  Rather milder today.


1st month, 10th, 1st day

Quite a strong wind but bright sun.  As usual we get up at about half past seven and sometimes later.



1st month, 11th, 2nd day

We washed today. William Tallis came in just before dinner, to go with Dad to Halcyonia to a committee meeting.  Hugh Wake came in from Saskatoon.  In the afternoon Caroline and John McCheane came.  Caroline McCheane was on her way to Radisson.  She went on the evening train.  Just as we were having supper, Charley Piprell came for me.  He stayed supper and I went back with him  It was a lovely night and so mild.  It was after ten o’clock when we got there.


1st month, 12th, 3rd day

It was cold today,.  The Walkers came to dinner.  A. Walker and Emily Piprell were practicing for a social at the school.  I was reading a book called, “Guide to Health.”  After dinner,  A. Walker and I had a game at Helma.  Hannah Mary, John and Ed McCheane came about half past three.  We played Helma while George Walker and Edward McCheane played Chess, etc., etc., until tea time.  After supper we had a game of Jenkins Up. It was not a very nice game as the coin kept to one side all the time about.  We also played The Family Coach, The Mail Passeth, etc., at which game we broke a chair and the lounge.  George Walker to redeem a forfeit had to be a loaded donkey.  We had Taking Photos with a looking glass.  George Walker and I took them.  It was quite a while before they found it out.


1st month, 13th, 4th day

It was very cold today.  I was reading.   I made a board for Merrills.  Emily Piprell and I had a game or two.  I had a game or two with Charley.


1st month, 14th, 5th day

Soon after dinner we went to the Walkers.  Susie and Gladys Saloway were there.  We played Helma, draughts and Merrills,  Simon Says, Thumbs up,   One Old Ox, etc.  After supper we played Snap, Old Maid.  I won at Snap.  We also played Jenkins Up, three matches.  Acting Verbs.  And trying to write our names looking in a looking glass, which amused us very much.  I stayed all night.


1st month, 15th, 6th day

We went back to Piprells’.  In the afternoon Emily Piprell and I played two games of Chess, and Draughts and Merrills.  Then I played Charley.  In the evening we read and talked and Emily Piprell read aloud.  Milder today.


1st month, 16th,, 7th day

We drove to McCheanes’.  The Walkers came.  We played Table Croquet and Ping Pong before supper.  Emily Piprell and I had two games of Ping Pong; she won one and I won two.  We had two double games.  After supper we played Jenkins Up, etc., etc., etc., and writing our names in a glass.  About half past ten Lydia Crabb and her children and Caroline McCheane came from Radisson.

1st month,17th, 1st day

I read quite a bit of John Barclay’s Letters.


1st month, 18th, 2nd day

MY BIRTHDAY MONTH.  This is the second since I came to Canada.  It was a blizzardy day.  I played Ping Pong with John and Edward McCheane and we had a game or two of Table Croquet.  We played Muggins in the evening, and Old Maid.  David Crabb came.


1st month, 19th, 3rd day

Read quite a bit of John Barclay.  We played Ping Pong, etc.  Milder today.


1st month, 20th, 4th day

The Wakes came for Meeting and stayed for Reading Meeting.  I darned a stocking.  In the evening someone read while we were sewing, etc.  I was feather stitching a crazy work quilt.  David Crabb went  back.  A lovely day.


1st month, 21st, 5th day

Lydia Crabb and Hannah Mary and the children went to J. Orchards’, Edward McCheane drove them.  I stayed at home to get the supper, etc., as Caroline McCheane is not at all well, and Lydia Crabb wanted Hannah Mary to go as she did not know the Orchards very well.  In the evening we read John Barclay in turns.  Mild, but cold wind.


1st month, 22nd, 6th day

I played several games and did quite a bit of Hannah Mary’s quilt.


1st month, 23rd, 7th day

A lovely day.  We were all going to Charlie Orchard’s but the McDermotts came.  Played games, etc.  Hannah Mary started making a blouse for Lydia Crabb.  I watched her.


1st month, 24th, 1st day

Arthur and Hugh Wake had bad colds so did not come to Meeting.  Edward McCheane was reading aloud out of Quaker Poets.  I nearly finished John Barclay.


1st month, 25th, 2nd day

I have got a cold.  I played several games of Ping Pong.   In the evening we played Patience, and Physiognomy.


1st month, 26th, 3rd day

I helped wash, and after dinner John McCheane drove me home.  I am thankful to say I found them all well.  John McCheane stayed all night. It was a lovely day.


1st month, 27th, 4th day

John McCheane went back.  I put my pigeons in their box and made a cork-work cord and sewed it onto my mitts.  It is such a lovely day.  Jessie Green and I went to see the horses; we got in a snowdrift.  We called at Wainwrights on our way back.


1st month, 28th, 5th day

A cold windy day today.  We had Meeting as usual.  Eddy made a pen for my pigeon in the gable of my roof.


My birthday.2  For my birthday I received seven parcels,  three from Annie Sturge and the others from home.  A pair of gauntlet mitts.  A pretty little case to put my hairpins in from Jessie Green.  A pair of pigeons, a white and a chocolate one from Hannah Mary McCheane.  Eliza sent me a pocket knife and Lucy an autograph album.  Uncle sent me about two pounds of chocolates.  Auntie Polly, five shillings.

The First Monthly Meeting.  Arthur Williams’ and Edith Kennedy’s marriage came before this Meeting, also Jessie Green’s application for membership.  Arrangements were made to see about a committee to nominate Elders and Ministers, and a committee to arrange where the Monthly Meetings should be.


1st month, 29th, 6th day

Pretty cold today.  One of the pigeons got out so I put the other in the cage outside and she got out as well.  However they both went into the stable in the evening and Eddy put them in their cage.


1st month, 30th, 7th day

Not so cold today.


1st month, 31st, 1st day

A beautifully mild day today. We had Meeting here.


1.       Halcyonia is a district with many settlers.  When Mary uses the term she appears to intend the McCheanes’ place.

2.       Mary’s birthday was actually January 18. 









2nd month, 1st, 2nd day

Busy melting snow.  A nice warm day.


2nd month, 2nd, 3rd day

We did a fair sized washing and a blanket.  A lovely day.


2nd month, 3rd, 4th day

We did some ironing and stocking darning.  Mild but not thawing.

2nd month, 4th, 5th day

We were up in good time.  A man came for Dad to go and see a quarter.  A few minutes after, Wainwright came for Jessie Green to go and see her little girl who has hurt her knee.  Edward McCheane came on the train from Radisson and we sat Meeting together until Hannah Mary and John McCheane came from Halcyonia and sat down just before Meeting was over.  Ruth, Ruthie and Grace Tallis came.  Jessie Green came back before  dinner.  The Tallises went back about four o’clock. John and Hannah Mary McCheane caught the train to Radisson.  I went to the station to help carry the parcels, etc.  I came home and then rode Jim down Borden.  I enjoyed the ride very much.  It has been a lovely day.  Jessie Green went to the  Wainwrights again and came back at half past ten.  It was a nice mild day today.


2nd month, 5th, 6th day

Colder today.  In the morning Jessie Green and I went to Borden with Dad and bought from the Jews1 six dinner plates, one pound of tea, (a wringer from Crivers), a washing board, some nails, an enamel meat tin etc.  Before dinner Wainwright came for Jessie Green; she went to nurse his little girl for a week.


2nd month, 6th, 7th day

I cleaned the range, melted snow for washing and baked  some biscuits.  In the morning, the livery man came and brought a telegram from John McCheane saying that a horse answering the description of ours was to be sold in Saskatoon unless claimed.  So Dad went down to Saskatoon but it was a big horse about thirteen years old so he had the expense and trouble for nothing.  Very cold today.


2nd month, 7th, 1st day

Very very cold today.  It was ten past ten when we got up from breakfast.  I tidied up etc., and fried vegetables for dinner and cold meat.  I cooked some meat for supper.  We feel the cold after the mild spell.  Though we have not had any weather yet to melt the snow the windows were thawed out for several days.


2nd month, 8th, 2nd day

Very cold today.  I tidied the place up etc. Hannah Mary and John  McCheane came in from Radisson, just as I was clearing the dinner away.  They had had their dinner at Halsteads’.  Edward McCheane came in, and John McCheane went back with him, but Hannah Mary stayed as it was so cold.


2nd month, 9th, 3rd day

Still very cold.  John McCheane came in for Hannah Mary and in the afternoon she went back with him.


2nd month, 10th, 4th day

Milder today but still very cold.  I tried to skate on the trail but found the snow was not like it often is in England.  I had toothache.



2nd month, 11th, 5th day

Very cold.  I had toothache very badly.  Jessie Green came back about half past ten PM.


2nd month, 12th, 6th day

We were melting more snow.  I did not wash last week as Hannah Mary McCheane was here so there was a tank of water.  Still cold.


2nd month, 13th, 7th day

Talking, mending etc.  Very cold.

2nd month, 14th, 1st day

We had Meeting as usual.  Pretty cold.


2nd month, 15th, 2nd day

We did a fair sized wash and two blankets.  We found the rubbing board and the wringer a great help.  A nice day but not thawing.  My two pullets are laying and one or two others.


2nd month, 16th, 3rd day

Busy ironing, etc.  Nice day, but cold.  Dad and Eddy drove the cattle to a straw stack they arranged to have off Carter.  When  they got there, they found no straw stack there at all, so they drove them on to Bob Ansley’s straw.


2nd month, 17th, 4th day

A nice mild day, but a cold wind and snow falling pretty fast.  A lot fell in the night.


2nd month, 18th, 5th day

THAWING.  A lovely day.  There is a grain growers’ meeting to be held in Borden at two o’clock. Charley Piprell,   George Walker, Edward McCheane, Joshua and Arthur came in to supper.  I rode Jim round by  Wainwrights’ to bring Prince home, but Mike followed me.  I could not get Prince along with him and at last I let him go.  He ran back to the others.  It was a lovely day.  It thawed a little in the middle of the day.


2nd month, 19th, 6th day

THAWING.  Dad walked out after Prince.   A lovely day, thawing more than it was yesterday. Jessie Green went to Esther Tallis’s to supper.  Edgar Baker, who is at the hospital with a fractured finger, came up to spend the afternoon.  I got him a cup of tea but he did not stay supper.  In the evening I was doing some printing on a card for Lucy.  It was about half past eleven when we went to bed.  The windows were all thawed right out.


2nd month, 20th, 7th day.

THAWING.  A lovely day today, thawing a good one.  We were melting snow.  In the afternoon Dad, Jessie Green and I rode round to Wainwrights’. Jessie Green stayed there while Dad and I went down to where the horses were.  I got out and caught Queeny and Carla.  We led them behind the cutter.  We had a job to get Carla along.  When we got back I fed the fowls, etc.  Dad cut quite a bit of the horn off Carla’s foot.  The windows froze up a little but not much.


2nd month, 21st, 1st day

A nice day but rather cold.  We had Meeting as usual.  Edgar Baker came to dinner and Meeting.  His finger has stopped discharging but is swollen and stiff.


2nd month, 22nd, 2nd day

Cold today.  We did a pretty big wash and two blankets. Quite a few of the things were dry.  Edgar Baker went home.


2nd month, 23rd, 3rd day

Ironing in the morning.  In the afternoon Jessie Green went to Gerlings’ and stayed supper.


2nd month, 24th, 4th day

Fine.  Windows not frozen up.  Busy tidying up etc., etc., and baking some yeast buns and some biscuits.  Hens are laying three to five eggs a day.


2nd month, 25th, 5th day

Fine, mild but cloudy.  In the morning Eddy went down Borden and got three orders for a book on the great earthquake at Messina.2  In the afternoon he got two more, and went with it up to E. Evans’ and Tracksells, but without success.  In the evening Eddy got another order off McPherson.


2nd month, 26th, 6th day

I washed up and made the beds etc., and went with Eddy to see the cattle with Pelly.  After I got back I put the turnips on for the hens, etc.  It was snowing pretty fast when we got back after dinner.  Emily and Charley Piprell and George and Annie Walker came, we did not expect them when it started snowing.  We cooked a chicken for supper and some potatoes, and just as we had about half done supper Edward McCheane came in.  He wanted Eddy to go back with him but Dad thought he could spare him better in a few days.


2nd month, 27th, 7th day

Edward McCheane went back this morning.  The snow trod in and made the house very dirty.  Not very cold.  Men hauling manure.


2nd month, 28th, 1st day

I let the pigeons out.  Very nice day, thawing fast.  The sun was quite hot.  We had Meeting in the morning and  in the afternoon Dad and Jessie went to see the cattle with Prince.


1. Schecter, who owned the Borden Trading Company.  They and Smith and McQuarrie’s were the two general stores in Borden.

2.  Messina  was one of the principle cities of Sicily.  It was “destroyed in the earthquake of December 28, 1908 and subsequently rebuilt.  Of the ancient city which was also severely damaged by an earthquake in 1783, only a few edifices remain, largely restored... including the cathedral, a very old building, possibly of the Byzantine period, was rebuilt by the Normans in the 12th century, and was restored after the earthquake of 1908.”  From Encyclopedia Brittanica 1970.




MARCH 1909




3rd month, 1st, 2nd day

Eddy and I drove Prince round by Wainwrights’ and brought Queeny home.  Jessie was at M. Gerling’s to dinner and supper.  A lovely day.  I was netting some.

3rd month, 2nd, 3rd day

A nice day, thawing a little.  Jessie Green went to Borden to get orders for drugs.   She is taking up an agency.  She had supper at Axworthy’s.


3rd month, 3rd, 4th day

Washing.  We did two blankets and two white bedspreads and a big tablecloth.  Just as we were finishing up, Annie Tallis came up.  She stayed supper and Jessie Green and I drove her down with Jim.  A nice day but a cold wind.  Dad and Eddy fetched the white heifer home.


3rd month, 4th, 5th day

A cold wind, but yet it was thawing.  Ironing, etc., etc.  It went colder in the evening.  The windows froze up a little.


3rd month, 5th, 6th day

The windows thawed out.  In the afternoon I rode Jim to Borden and took some eggs and got a broom.  The broom was twenty cents and eggs twenty cents a dozen.  I went down again on Jim and took some irons to the blacksmith to make for a rack.  The snow was blowing a blizzard but it was not very cold.  I enjoyed the ride.  Eddy and  Dad were digging the well deeper by six feet, and cribbing it.  We had little cod fish and they were lovely.  We have some herrings and pike as well.


3rd month, 6th, 7th day

 A nice day but windy.  I did a bit of ironing and we washed the floor.  I went to Borden and took some eggs for which I got one tin of tomatoes for ten cents and one tin of beetroot, twenty cents.  Windows froze up in the evening.  White heifer had a beautiful black heifer calf.


3rd month, 7th, 1st day

Eddy and I drove Jim to feed the cattle.  It was pretty cold down there.  Had Meeting as usual.


3rd month, 8th, 2nd day

Melting snow for washing.  Hens are laying ten to twelve eggs a day now.  Hannah Mary and John McCheane came for Eddy.  They went back after supper.  Queeny had a foal. 


3rd month, 9th, 3rd day

Dad drove Jim to Radisson.  I took down a dozen eggs and got two pounds of soda1 and two cakes of soap, and four letters stamped and posted.  We did quite a big blanket, the dark quilt I brought out, and another small white quilt and a tablecloth.  Mild but not quite thawing.  Hens laid fifteen eggs.


3rd  month,  10th, 4th day

Thawing a very little.  Did some  ironing.  Jessie Green went down to Borden getting orders for drugs, and  stayed supper at Ayreses.



3rd month, 11th, 5th day

A cold wind.  I took  a letter down to post to Uncle in the morning.  Jessie Green went to Borden and about half past three I went down and brought her back with Prince.   He went fine but we could not guide him in any sense.  We took down two dozen eggs and got some raisins, currants, pepper and an iron handle.  I did the big room.


3rd  month, 12th, 6th day

Jessie Green scrubbed the floor.  In the afternoon Joshua, John McCheane and Eddy came.  Trying to thaw.  A little snow fell.  Eddy, Joshua and John McCheane came in the afternoon, we had fresh herrings for supper.  John McCheane brought a cock for us and we sold one to Axworthy’s for fifty cents.


3rd month, 13th, 7th day

Dad killed a rooster and I plucked and dressed it and he took it down to the Jew at the Borden Trading Company.  We got fifty cents for it.   Dad bought a stove for $2.50/  After supper I went down with eleven eggs and a card to post.  In the afternoon I rode Jim to fetch Queeny out of Moor’s pasture.  Dad came and led

Prince  and after a lot of racing about I got Queeny to follow him.  John McCheane and Joshua went home soon after dinner.  It was a very nice afternoon.


3rd month, 14th, 1st day

Thawing a little.  Dad went to see the cattle with Prince.  One of my white pullets died, leaving only three and the lame one.


3rd month, 15th, 2nd day

Thawing a little.  Jessie and I were starting down Borden with some eggs in the afternoon and just as we got to the trail we  saw John McCheane coming so we did not go.  John McCheane had come to fetch the doctor for Ben Saloway’s mother.  She has not been able to sleep for several nights. Jessie went with John McCheane after supper to Ruth Tallis’s.


3rd month, 16th, 3rd day

Not so warm today but almost thawing.  A cold wind.  I tidied up and mixed the hens’ food and boiled a hen and knuckle  of beef for supper, laid the table and at about half past three I started for Wainwrights’ on Jim.  The trails were bad. Jim kept slipping through.  I took seven eggs for Winnie.  They invited Jessie and me to supper tonight.  The children showed me books, etc., until suppertime and after, Rhoda Wainwright showed me such a lot of fancywork she had done in England.  It was ten to eight when I started home.


3rd month, 17th, 4th day

Thawing a little.  I tidied up and  washed the shelves, cleaned the range and heater, etc., etc.  Took some eggs to Borden Trading Company.





3rd month, 18th, 5th day

No fire at night.  Quite hot today, snow going very fast.  John McCheane took his father and mother to the train, they are going to stay at Lydia Crabb’s over Teddy’s birthday.  John McCheane stayed supper.


3rd month, 19th, 6th day

Thawing a good one.  No fire at night.  I did quite a bit of stocking mending.


3rd month, 20th, 7th day

Thawing fast but no (or very little) sun.  We, Eddy and I, cleaned the stovepipes.  I cooked a stew for dinner on the camp stove which we put up outside.  It burnt fine.  We put some sticks in the oven3 today and they caught on fire.  Dick Primmer came to dinner.


3rd month, 21st, 1st day

Thawing a little.  I carried the boiler full of melted snow, I hurt my back.  I read Richard Davies, we read some aloud in the evening.


3rd month, 22nd, 2nd day

Charley Piprell and John McCheane came to  dinner.  I expected Caroline and  William McCheane and Jessie but Jessie stayed at Ruth Tallis’s and  Caroline and William McCheane at Halsteads’.  John McCheane drove up this way with his father and mother.  While they were here the horses were tied to our democrat, and Teddy got in the cutter and started them off.  They dragged the democrat along and looked like having a good smash but it caught in the trees by the bluff.  Just outside the house I saw them start and heard Teddy shouting and thought it was someone driving them.  When they stopped I took hold of Zip and John McCheane came up and took hold of Lady.  Melting snow.  Thawing fast.


3rd month, 23rd, 3rd day

A cold night but the sun got up strong and it made quite a bit  more bare ground.  I went down Borden to post a letter and took two dozen eggs.  They are only twenty cents a dozen.  I started some washing but Jessie came back so as I had just done through one water, the towels and tea cloths and some woolens, I finished them and quit.  Vic Tallis brought Jessie home in the afternoon.  Eddy and I drove over to see the  cattle.  They had left the straw stack and some of them were eating the stubble and the rest, grass.  We had to walk quite a bit because there was not enough snow for the cutter to run.  No fire at night.


3rd month, 24th, 4th day

Lawrence came.  Snow going fast but a cold wind.  Jessie and I went to Borden, we rode down with Dad.  It was very wet and muddy around Borden.  Lawrence  Dawson came.  We did not expect him.  He had grown.


3rd month, 25th, 5th day

A nice day, thawing pretty well.  Dad and the boys hauling manure.



3rd month, 26th, 6th day

Thawing but a cold wind.  I planted some flower seeds.


3rd month, 27th, 7th day

A very cold wind,  Thawing a little but it did not feel like it.   Dad went to see the cattle and met seventeen of them on Cowan’s land.


3rd month, 28th, 1st day

Cold and snowing and blowing yet I think it thawed a little.  We had Meeting and read Richard Davies and I read A Short History of a Long Travel.


3rd month, 29th, 2nd day

A very big thaw today though it did not start very early.  Eddy and Lawrence hauled nine loads of manure but trails are so bad there is bare ground about a third of the way.  I took down two dozen eggs and squared up with the Borden Trading Company.


3rd month, 30th, 3rd day

Dad and I took Carla down and had her foot seen to.  The blacksmith made a good job of it.  We did a big wash and four blankets.  Dad and Eddy and Lawrence put  rings1 in Jumbo, Blacky, Saskatoon and Bufus.  Ed McCheane came and I went back with him after supper.  The trails were very bad to the creek.  Lydia Crabb and her two children were at the McCheanes’.


3rd month, 31st, 4th day

Monthly Meeting.  Dad drove up with Prince and Pelly.  Jessie Green was admitted into membership.  A very hot day, snow going fast.  After dinner Dad went with the McCheanes and Wakes to the Farmer’s Meeting. At five o’clock Hannah Mary and I drove our team toward the school about half way we met the McCheanes  etc., coming back, so Hannah Mary went back with them and I drove on to the school.   Dad had been up  to Big Jack’s.  The horses came home fine.  We were surprised when we got back to find so much ground bare.  I made the bed and washed up the supper things, etc.


1.  This would be washing soda rather than baking soda.

2.  Oxen had rings put in their noses to make them more manageable.  They were led by lines attached to their rings, rather than by halters as with horses.

3.  The purpose would be to dry the sticks, for kindling.




APRIL 1909




4th month, 1st, 5th day

Thawing.  Joshua and Arthur and Oscar came in.  They brought Hugh Wake.  We had a hard storm of  rain and snow, about two inches.  It cleared up nicely before Joshua, Arthur and Oscar went home.  Hugh Wake fixed one of the windows.  Jessie went to Borden.


4th month, 2nd, 6th day

Hugh Wake went to Saskatoon this morning.  Dad went for a load of hay.


4th month, 3rd, 7th day

In the afternoon Jessie and I were going down Borden when we met John McCheane so we came back.  He stayed all night.


4th month, 4th, 1st day

I washed up and did the potatoes as usual.  After dinner John McCheane drove to the Doukhobor village.  Jessie Green and I went with him.  He took our democrat.  After Meeting he went home.


4th month, 5th, 2nd day

STARTED DRILLING.  Jessie Green went down Borden.  P. Gerling had a cold and so she stayed and looked after the children and the house.


4th month, 6th, 3rd day

STARTED DRILLING but  did only four rounds.  Jessie was at Gerlings’ all day.  I got soft water in for washing what was lying at the end of the house, and put a calf’s skin in to cure.  Drilling in the afternoon.


4th month, 7th, 4th day

Washing.  Drilling with the oxen and harrowing with the horses.   We used Blacky as little Rodger was away.


4th month, 8th, 5th day

Jessie in bed all day with a cold.  Drilling and harrowing in the afternoon.  Prince is working on the harrow as Ida is too lame.


4th month, 9th, 6th day

I hustled up and got done pretty early.  At twenty past eleven o’clock Dad came in and asked me to go and look for the oxen, so I got Queeny and went all around where I expected they were, but I could not see them so it was past two when I got back.  The others had had their dinner and gone to work again, drilling with horses, and two oxen harrowing.  Started before dinner.


4th month, 10th, 7th day

I washed up etc., and then Dad, Eddy and Lawrence got the oxen from the herd just off our quarter, but they ran back again.  So Eddy went on Jim and brought them up again but they ran back again, so Dad told me to get on Queeny and go after them, which I did and we brought them back again.  After a while, Jumbo, Little Rodger and Saskatoon went back again, so Dad and I went after them.  I could not turn Jumbo back, he was determined to go, so Dad said, puff him out,1 1and I did and then I turned his head toward where Rodger and Saskatoon were and trotted him back.  He had enough running then, and they went home well.  David Crabb came and stayed all night.  Drilling with the oxen on the eight acre patch.  There are about twenty-six acres drilled and two harrowed.


4th month, 11th, 1st day

I wrote my diary up before dinner or part of it.  We had Meeting as usual.  In the evening we read  Daniel Wheeler.  David Crabb stayed all night.


4th month, 12th, 2nd day

Cold and strong wind, about two inches of snow fell.  Men indoors.  David Crabb went home in the afternoon.


4th month, 13th, 3rd day

Cold.  It thawed the snow but not the ground much.  Did not work the land.


4th month, 14th, 4th day

Very cold wind. I drove Creamy round by Tracksells’ and G. Evans’ looking for the oxen but could not see them.  When I got back I fixed the set of buggy harness Dad got from Borden, on Creamy, and Jessie and I drove to Parkers’ to try and get a gobbler but could not.  Dad finished the eight acre patch and started on the old land.  We used old Buck.  Driver and Blacky are broken in now. 


4th month, 15th, 5th day

David Crabb came in while we were having Meeting and after dinner he rode up to Orchards’ with J. Orchard and walked from there to McCheanes’.  The men brought a big load of willow to be taken to Sixteen.    Did not work the land, too cold.


4th month, 16th, 6th day

Jessie Green washed the floor.  I rode Queeny down  Borden and got a packet of yeast cakes, then I went over the line to see for the oxen, and found them among the sand hills.  I got on the top of a high sandhill to see which direction Borden was, and I had not gone a mile before I met Dad and Eddy in the democrat so they went back and I drove the oxen home.  We did not work on the land.  We have quite a covering of snow.


4th month, 17th, 7th day

The snow melted and  Dad did about four acres of drilling.  He had Jumbo.  I sold my lame chicken to the Jew for thirty-five cents.

4th month, 18th, 1st day

We had Meeting as usual.  We had stewed peaches for tea.


4th month, 19th, 2nd day

We did a good big wash.  We are well ahead with the washing  now which is a big relief.


4th month, 20th, 3rd day

We lost the work horses and we all went to look for them.  I went after dinner.  We had not found them so Dad sent me to catch Creamy, she was about three quarters of a mile south east of Wainwrights’.  Wainwrights asked for Floss’s puppy.  By the time I had got to Edgar Tallis’s they had got the horses, so I helped hitch the oxen in and came home.  Lydia Crabb and Ed McCheane called on their way from Radisson.  They had taken David Crabb in.  Jessie Green got them a cup of tea.


4th month, 21st, 4th day

Dad, Eddy and Lawrence went to Sixteen with two loads of willow and a load of horse corn.  I went on Creamy after dinner and found and brought home and milked the heifer.  I then rode to Borden to see if the line back heifer2 was with the Borden cattle.  On my way back Charley Piprell came galloping up.  He put in his pony.  We sat talking, Jessie Green and I sewing, I think.  We had supper rather early and Charley Piprell went home.  I rode to Borden for the mail then took Creamy to the field and fed the colts.  I then walked to Borden to see if Jessie Green’s drugs had come.  I walked along the track to Seniors’ to see if the line back heifer was with the cattle, but she was not.  By the time I got home it was pretty dusk.  Lawrence had come, he had the horses, and the others were not long.


4th month, 22nd , 5th day

Dad, Eddy and Lawrence went to see Uncle’s quarter.  They drove Mike and Prince.  Dad was disappointed when he saw how much alkali there was on it.  They were back in time for Meeting.  We did some drilling in the afternoon.


4th month, 23rd, 6th day

I washed up, did the potatoes etc., and rode Creamy after the cattle.  They were up by  Cowan’s.  They separated them.  I went in and got some lunch, fed Creamy and started up to Sixteen with the cattle and drove them there and was back at Borden again in three hours.  We were busy packing up.


4th month, 24th, 7th day

Busy packing up and loading the wagons.  Lawrence drove the old oxen in the hay rack and I drove the young ones.  I had the turkeys and the oats in my wagon.  The oxen turned off  by the Doukhobor village and I could not make them go back.  I got Rodger’s line and twisted it round my hands and put my feet against the wagon and pulled as hard as I could thinking I would turn them “haw” but instead of that they turned “gee” so short  that they locked the wagon without scarcely moving the back wheels.  However they had to give in and they soon caught the other oxen up again.  We got the place looking very different before we went to bed.  To get to our bed we had to jump over a stream or pool of water which was melting and running in under the door.  Ugly had a calf.  Twenty-three eggs.


4th month, 25th, 1st day

A nice day.  We drove Prince and Creamy to Meeting.  There were fourteen people at Meeting.   Eddy and I stayed dinner.  Hannah Mary and John McCheane came back with us to supper.  Soon after they had gone Dad and Jessie came.  In the evening it went very cold.  Twenty-three eggs.  There is still a trail of snow from Sixteen to McCheanes’.


4th month, 26th, 2nd day

Dad surprised us at about a quarter to five with the news that the snow had been drifting in.  It was on their pillows pretty thick and some on mine, but it was very fortunate for us that Jessie Green, feeling a draught, had hung her skirt over the head of the bed.  There was quite two inches of snow on it and at the foot of the bed it was a foot deep.  In the boys’ room it was much worse, their bedclothes had to be dried.  It was very cold all day.  In the afternoon Dad and I went in the democrat to look for Ugly.  I think it was one of the coldest drives I have had this winter.  We did not find her.  When we got back Charley Piprell and Ed Cornell were here.  Ed  Cornell  wanted to let his land and Dad arranged to have fifty or sixty bushels of wheat off Charley Piprell. Eddy is to help him clean it and he will haul it here for a dollar a bushel.  Dad went down on Nine again and found Ugly and then we went a second time with Eddy to get the line back heifer, but could not get her home.


4th month, 27th, 3rd day

Started seeding at Sixteen.  In the morning, Dad, Lawrence and I went to Borden.   Dad and I rode in the democrat, driving Prince and Mike, and led Creamy.  Lawrence rode Jim and led Jess.  Lawrence brought back the wagon with some wood, etc., in it.  I drove Creamy in the buggy and Dad drove the democrat.  I gathered thirty-two eggs.  I reckoned twenty-six for yesterday and six toward today’s allowance.  We started seeding the summer fallow and harrowing the new land after dinner.


4th month, 28th, 4th day. 

We went to Meeting.  It is Monthly Meeting.  We laid Lawrence’s dinner and all stayed at McCheanes’.  It was pretty cold.  We could not get on the land. 


4th month, 29th, 5th day

Early in the morning Eddy and I went to the Piprells’ to help Charley Piprell clean the wheat Dad bought off him for which he gave one dollar per bushel.  We had dinner there and after that Annie Walker came over and Charley and Eddy finished off the work and came in.  We had games of Snap, Cities, Muggins.  We started home about half past seven.  Creamy came home very quickly.  We called at McCheanes’ for the turkeys but it took us so long to get off again that it was nine or after when we got home.  Dad went to Borden.  My Plymouth rock let her eggs get cold.  Dad brought twenty-one eggs.


4th  month, 30th, 6th day

Dad got eight acres seeded today.  Not much like spring, very cold.  I went to find Buck on Creamy.  He was with Baxters’ oxen on Eleven.  McCheanes lost Lady.  I called there and stayed dinner.  Buck was rather troublesome, he did not care to leave the others.  I lost the crupper off  my saddle, the ring came out of the saddle.  I went back to look for it but could not see it.  McCheanes found Lady down by the river.  Dad went to Piprells’ to get the rest of the wheat and lost the end gate.


1.       Cattle do not have as much “puff” or wind or breath as horses.  Mary could not make the ox go the way she wanted so her father told her to just chase him with the horse any way the ox wanted to go  until he ran out of puff, or was breathing hard,  then he would be easy to turn and go where he was wanted to go.

2.       Line back  -  a Hereford with a white face and a white stripe along the top of its back.



MAY 1909




5th month, 1st, 7th day

A nice day but a very cold wind.  We had two lots of oxen on the drill and finished the summer fallow and the piece by the well on Twenty-One.  Eddy and I drove to Borden with Prince and Creamy.  They went fine.  We stuck up a board to turn the trail round our wheat.  We collected fifty-three eggs and brought over five hens.


5th month, 2nd, 1st day

A nice day.  It was very close in Meeting, about sixty per cent were nodding.  I had such a job to keep awake.  We came home to dinner.  Eddy went to the Wakes’ to dinner and McCheanes’ to supper and Meeting.  Jessie Green and I walked over toward Ruth Tallis’s but met them on their way to Booths’.  Ruthie had a bit of steel in her eye and they were taking  her to see if Nurse Booth could get it out.  We went with them.  Baxter’s wife is much better since her operation.  We stayed supper at Ruth Tallis’s.  It was a lovely evening.


5th month, 3rd, 2nd day

Working two teams on one drill on the new land.  A very hot day, too hot for the oxen.  Eddy and I hauled two barrels of water from the little slough.


5th month, 4th, 3rd day

Jessie Green washed.  I did not do any of it as I had to be helping bagging wheat, etc.  I did more of the housework.  I rode round the oxen and brought them all up to the corral.  They were at Nikerks’.


5th month, 5th, 4th day

Before  Meeting I rode around the Nikerks’ and Eight  and Nine, looking for the oxen.  We went to Meeting.  It was pretty close.  I was sleepy.  After dinner Eddy and Dad drove the team and I rode Creamy.  Dad told me to go to the  Boyles’ where I thought I saw them this morning.  I had driven them about a quarter of a mile when Dad and Eddy drove up.  They went home ahead of me.  A cold wind and it looks  very stormy.


5th month, 6th, 5th day

We drove Creamy and Prince and  brought back my Plymouth Rock hen and nine chicks.


5th month, 7th, 6th day

I washed up, etc., as usual and helped hitch the oxen up in the afternoon.  I was out most of the time, lifting water up to Dad as he dressed the wheat in the four hundred bushel granary.  I did one round of drilling with the bulls.  We put four horses on the shoe drill.

5th month, 8th, 7th day

Norman and Sidney called on their way from McCheanes’.  Jessie Green told them if Ruth would like to come over after dinner she could go to Borden with us which she did. We drove Mike and Creamy.  It was quite cold coming back.  After supper I walked over to Ruth Tallis with Ruthie.  We brought two grips1 from Borden for David Crabb.


5th month, 9th, 1st day

Wheat at Borden coming up.  We were early for Meeting.  The men were lying on the lawn.  It was not nearly so close in Meeting.   We all came home to dinner.   In the afternoon, Hannah Mary McCheane and Willie McCheane and Lydia and David Crabb and their children came up.  In the afternoon Dad and Jessie went to Borden, the McCheanes stayed supper and Eddy and I walked to Meeting.  It was a lovely night.  I enjoyed the walk home.  Dad and Jessie brought home another hen and eight chickens.


5th month, 10th, 2nd day

I rode down on Nine for the cattle and drove them up to Nikerks’ and then I went back to Boyles’ looking for the  work horses.  I found them on Eight  and drove them to Nikerks’ where Dad and Lawrence drove down and took them and I drove the cattle home.  Just as we had finished dinner William and Caroline McCheane drove through on their way to Borden.  They are going to Calgary to Edith Kennedy’s wedding.  I went with them to see to the chickens which should hatch today.  When we got there I found they were hatching badly.  The bridge at the Elbow was on fire so Caroline and William McCheane could not go until a train comes from Edmonton tomorrow.  John McCheane stayed the day.


5th month, 11th, 3rd day

Oxen and horses harrowing.  Dad and Jessie Green went to Uncle’s quarter and back by Borden.  They brought the hen and surviving chickens.


5th month, 12th, 4th day

I helped Eddy hitch the bulls up and brought Creamy and the colts from the pasture, washed up, etc.  I wore a white blouse to Meeting the first time this year.  We drove to Meeting with Prince and Mike.  After dinner I went on Creamy to get the cattle,  they were down by a slough south of McCheanes’.  Eddy and Dad and I went to Borden to get back the plows and a wagon box of wood.  Jessie Green went over to  Ruth Tallis’s to stitch her aprons.  I took the two colts and Creamy and Darby to the pasture and called at Ruth Tallis’s and we both stayed supper.


5th month, 13th, 5th day

I went to the pasture and got Creamy and rode around looking for the cattle and I found them over Clark’s hill.  I had a job to get them from the other cattle, it was half past ten when I got home with them.  Lawrence got here about half past twelve and I went with him to the Wakes’ to clean the oats we bought off Joshua, but the fanning mill did not go any sense, so we came home and I planted some strawberries, and Eddy and Dad planted the trees.


5th month, 14th, 6th day

Straight after breakfast I went to Powerys’ and brought the cattle up.  Our cow is very lame.  I rode around as far as the school looking for Billy.  Started ploughing summer fallow.


5th month, 15th, 7th day

I fetched the cattle up from Powerys’ and soon after I started around to look for Billy.  I went to George Tallis’s and Jack’s, William Tallis’s, Orchards’,  Walkers’ Booths’, Saloways’ and McCheanes’ and from there went onto Baxters’, Primmers’ and down to Clarks’ herd, over to his house and back home.  After dinner Eddy and I drove round Borden looking for Billy and the horses, but we could not find them.  It was late when we got home.


5th month, 16th, 1st day

We drove to Meeting.  After dinner,  Dad and Eddy  and Lawrence went to Borden looking for the horses and bull.  I went to Clarks’ hill after the cattle but they were not our cattle I could see, but a part of Clarks’ herd.  The cowboy came after them.  I found ours right down the other side of  Boyle’s by the creek.  I got them home and milked the cow.  Ruth and Edgar Tallis, Ruthie and Gracie came over and stayed supper.  Norman and Sidney came in just as we were having supper to tell their father they could not find the oxen.  They stayed supper and I rode on Creamy down to Eight again to see if I would see their own oxen but I did not.  Dad and   company did not see the horses or Billy.  Ruthie rode Creamy home and I rode her back again.


5th month, 17th, 2nd day

I rode Creamy to Borden to put the horses in the pasture, and  Billy.  I saw the horses by the Turtle Lake schoolmaster so I caught Queeny and led her and  Creamy and the others followed.  I had a job with them but at last got them in the pasture.  I saddled Queeny and rode her to Borden and around by the Tracksells’  and found Billy just below Evans’ and drove him to the house.  Then I saddled Creamy and put Queeny and Billy in the pasture.  It was late when I got home.


5th month, 18th, 3rd day

Eddy went with a team of oxen to get the oats  from Wakes’.  I drove the cattle to Clarks’ after dinner.  Dad drilling and Lawrence plowing stubble.


5th month, 19th, 4th day

We went to Meeting.  Jessie Green was very busy getting ready to go to Borden tomorrow.


5th month, 20th, 5th day

We all came to Borden.  We brought two ox teams with the drill.  I drove the colts and Jessie Green the buggy.  I had the puppy in the front of the democrat.  Lots to do tidying the place up.  William Walker came just as we were finishing supper.  Vic Tallis drove him up.



5th month, 21st, 6th day

Eddy, Dad and Lawrence went up to Eddy’s quarter and started plowing the stubble.  They made quite a start.


5th month, 22nd, 7th day

They had several hindrances, came home to sleep.


5th month, 23rd, 1st day

Dad and Jessie Green went to Sixteen.  They took their dinner.  We had Meeting after supper.  I read quite a lot of Incidents and Reflections.


5th month, 24th, 2nd day

I drove the oxen to Eddy’s quarter and on my way back  went to Tracksells to tell them their horses were on our grain.  I came back through Borden.  Annie, Jack’s wife, and J. Matthews and his wife, Big Jack and Walter came in to the sports.  Laurie and Winnie came, they were here to dinner.  Winnie rode Creamy to Borden and back.  Dad came down because they had broken the plow and eveners.  They had bought two and a quarter acres just over the road for a cemetery, at $50.00 an acre.  I milk the cow twice a day now.  In the evening while Annie and the others were in here, Billy Tallis came so I got Creamy as quick as I could and drove him back.  They passed me about half way to Evans’ and he kept up with them until they turned off at Parkers’.  Dad and the others were all in bed when I got there so I tied him up.  It was a very dark night.  I was glad when I got home.  Jessie Green came with me to the pasture.


5th month, 25th, 3rd day

I drove up and fetched Dad and milked, etc., while he was down Borden seeing to the plows, etc.  Then I drove him back and helped hitch the oxen up.  So after I got back Ed McCheane came.  Jessie Green and I went to Borden with him.  We got the mail.  The pig came  up and Ed McCheane got it to the sty.  Dad came home in the evening because he had hurt himself.  The plow caught in a root and the handle gave him a bang.


5th month, 26th, 4th day

Dad is in bed.  I drove  up with Mike and Creamy and got William Walker and took him to Saloways.  I stayed dinner.  Susie gave me several kinds of seeds  and some  chrysanthemums.


5th month, 27th, 5th day

I drove to Eddy’s quarter and after dinner I let Mike out and got the little plow home with Creamy and did some plowing, making rows to plant potatoes.  Arthur came along and  he took on and I held the horse.  We planted six rows.  Arthur stayed all night.


5th month, 28th, 6th day

Eddy and Lawrence came home for the drill, etc., but the oxen had got out of the pasture and I had to get on Creamy and go to look for them.  At last they came back to Moors’ fence and I put them  in.  Then I hitched up Queeny and Creamy and drove to Sixteen.  Arthur  went with me and I drove him to Baxters’.  He left his trees there, he was feeling pretty sick.


5th month, 29th, 7th day

It came on raining in the night and we had a good rain.  I went to Borden in about the hardest of it to get some meat.  I caught Creamy and Mike and drove up to Eddy’s quarter.  I was a little way off the graded road and I passed Eddy and Lawrence but of course I never thought of them going home and I went to Ayres’ and Cockburns’ and came home just as they were finishing dinner.  Ed McCheane was here in the afternoon and we did quite a lot of seed planting, potatoes, etc.  It rained nearly all night.


5th month, 30th, 1st day

It was a nice day.    One can almost see the wheat growing.


5th month, 31st, 2nd day

Eddy and Lawrence went seeding, etc., again on Eddy’s quarter.  I drove them up and came back and got all the potatoes etc., out of the cellar and picked the good ones from the bad ready for planting.  It was a nasty job, they smelt awful.  I went to Borden and got some chop and fetched Eddy and Lawrence Dawson home in the evening.  Very hot.


1.  Grips - suitcases.



JUNE 1909




6th month, 1st, 3rd day

I drove them up to Eddy’s quarter and stayed as well.  Creamy got loose and came home.  We got done and back at Borden about half past three.  Planting garden in the afternoon. 


6th month, 2nd, 4th day

Started getting the things together to go to Sixteen.  We had Meeting in the morning.  It was late when we started to Sixteen.  Just as we were getting near the creek the black ox which was tied to Lawrence’s wagon got his foot cut with the plow share.  It bled very badly.  We let him loose and he followed.  About a mile and a quarter from home the heifer laid down and pulled the rope off her neck so we went on without her.  I drove the horses with a load and a plough tied behind, Lawrence a team of oxen on a wagon, and Eddy, four bulls on a stone boat with the pig in a box.  Dad and Jessie drove Darby and Prince in the democrat.  Creamy had a colt.


6th month, 3rd, 5th day

Dad walked around looking for the ox and cow.  I went to meet him with Darby and Prince and we went to Clarks’ house, but the woman had not seen them.  In the afternoon we drove Prince and Jess to Borden and met A. Clark who told us they were here in the herd.


6th month, 4th, 6th day

Went with Jim and Prince to get the cow.  I milked her down there.  Dad and Eddy got the plows  ready to plow summer fallow with a three and a four ox team.


6th month, 5th, 7th day

I plowed all day with the four oxen on the high lift gang, and Dad with the walking gang, and Lawrence on the other piece with the horse.


6th month, 6th, 1st day

I stayed dinner at the McCheanes’ and Dad went to the Wakes’ and John McCheane came to our house and went with Eddy to Borden  in the afternoon.  Dad came to the McCheanes to supper and we stayed Meeting.  Ed and Hannah Mary McCheane came home with us.


6th month, 7th, 2nd day

I helped hitch up the oxen.   Eddy and Dad and I drove them.  I always milk the cow and feed the pig since Dad hurt himself.


6th month, 8th, 3rd day

Helped hook up the oxen and did one round.  I did the housework while Jessie was washing.  She did a big wash.


6th month, 9th, 4th day

Hitched up and did three or four rounds before Meeting.  It is General and Monthly Meeting today.  We stayed dinner at the McCheanes and had General Meeting in the afternoon.  It was five o’clock when we got home.


6th month, 10th, 5th day

Plowing in the morning, etc.  Just as we had hitched up in the afternoon, McCheanes came.  I was in the yard when they came.  They went to Borden to have the children’s photos taken, but the photographer was not there.


6th month, 11th, 6th day

I finished plowing the bottom part of the summer fallow and Dad finished the piece  above the straw stack, and did a round on the piece north of the house and I also did fourteen rounds before dinner.


6th month, 12th, 7th day

Dad went to Borden with a team of bulls in the wagon and came back by Eddy’s quarter.  The bulls did not make much show on the land, it was so very hot.


6th month, 13th, 1st day

We all came home after Meeting and I went to the pasture to get Queeny and rode her to Uncle Esau’s but as I was trying to catch her, Walter came and I rode up to the shack with him.  He stayed supper and so did William Walker.  Dad and Jessie went to Borden.  Walter asked Eddy and me to go to their place next 1st day,


6th month, 14th, 2nd day

Dad and Jessie went to Borden.  Milked cow, fed pig and chickens, etc.  Very hot.

Ted and E. Griffin came.


6th month, 15th, 3rd day

Very hot.


6th month, 16th, 4th day

We went to Meeting.  Plowing after dinner.  A hot day.


6th month, 17th, 5th day

Plowing all day etc.  Very hot.  I had two prairie chicks hatch.



6th month, 18th, 6th day

Plowing,  Very hot.


6th month, 19th, 7th day

Dad went to Borden.  T. Griffin1 has arranged for a week’s work at Gerling’s.  Eddy and I on the plowing.  Half another day will finish it.


6th month, 20th, 1st day

Raining most of the day.  Eddy and I stayed dinner at the McCheanes’ and supper.  John McCheane drove us home after evening Meeting.


6th month, 21st, 2nd day

Raining all morning.  I drove to Borden in the afternoon and brought over Annie and Eva Griffin.  We have had a good soaking rain.


6th month, 22nd, 3rd day

Dad and Lawrence hauling manure all morning.  In the afternoon I drove the four bulls and finished the stubble.   Dad plowed by the corral.


6th month, 23rd, 4th day

Went to Meeting.  It seems funny to have a baby2 in the house.  Dad went to  Borden with a load of corn with the oxen.  Annie Griffin was busy ironing.


6th month, 24th, 25th and 26th

Boys breaking with three oxen on the fourteen inch plough,  and horses one day on another fourteen inch plough.


6th month, 27th, 1st day

Tom Griffin went with us to Meeting.  Billy Walker was here to dinner and supper.  Jessie Green went over to Ruth Tallis’s after supper.


6th month, 28th, 29th and 30th

I was harrowing with four bulls on six section harrows.


1.       The Borden history book, Our Treasured Heritage, tells of this family, Tom and Annie Griffin, on page 128.  Tom Griffin was Nathan Saunders’ first cousin on his mother’s side.

2.       The baby is Eva Griffin.




JULY 1909




7th month, 1st, 5th day

Eddy and I finished clearing out the well in the corral and in the afternoon we drove Dick and Prince to Borden.  Dick is a fresh horse which Dad bought in Radisson a few days ago.  One back foot is a little twisted. He went fine.


7th month, 2nd, 6th day

After dinner Dad and Wilbur McFadyen drove to Borden.  Wilbur drove Dick back in the buggy and Dad stayed overnight and drove to Radisson in the morning. The vet lanced Prince’s shoulder so he left him in Moor’s pasture and drove Creamy home. 


7th month, 3rd, 7th day

I was harrowing all day with the horses, Eddy and Lawrence plowing up the sloughs.


7th month, 4th, 1st day

We drove to Meeting in the buggy and democrat.  Tom, Annie and Eva Griffin stayed dinner and supper.  Eddy drove to bring them home, but he and  Tom stayed evening Meeting and Hannah Mary drove Eva and Annie Griffin back.  Hannah Mary went with me to the big pasture to milk the cow.


7th month, 5th, 2nd day

Dad, Lawrence and Jessie Green went to Borden.  They took one team of horses and one of oxen.  About one o’clock it started raining.  At four o’clock  I left  here for Borden with the team of ponies.  I was back again in two hours.  We had a nice rain but not a great lot of it.


7th month, 6th, 3rd day

I helped hook the bulls up, milked the cow, fed the pigs, etc., etc.


7th month, 7th, 4th day

Helped Eddy hook the bulls up and got the ponies up ready to go to Meeting.  Only Eddy and I went.  In the afternoon I drove Tom, Annie  and Eva Griffin up toward John Orchard’s.  We called at Charles Orchard’s  to ask the way and he wanted Tom to stay and work for him.  He is just starting a big barn.  Tom has agreed to go next 6th day.  Raining all evening.

7th month, 8th, 5th day

A lot of rain has fallen.  It cleared up about dinner time.  In the morning John McCheane came up to see if Dad was here and if so to take him to see the Homestead Inspector, who is leaving McCheanes’ at dinner time.  But Dad was at Borden.  We were going to Borden in the afternoon but just as I was going  for the ponies John McCheane came through on his way to Borden, so we went with him.  He took Tom over to see Bell’s quarter.  I walked to Borden and got some pork, etc.  It was about eight o’clock when we started home.


7th month, 9th, 6th day

One of the kittens got in the stable and was trod on.  Lawrence came home last night and Eddy went back with him.  Dad exchanged Darby and $20.00 for a six year old mare.  She is a jibber.  I made butter in the morning, and harrowing all afternoon.  I drove Tom to Charles Orchard’s.


7th month, 10th,  7th day

I got breakfast.  There is only the two of us here.  I milked the cow and hooked up and did a good piece of harrowing, started over the trail after dinner.  Tom came.


7th month, 11th, 1st day

I was just starting for the ponies when Dad and Jessie Green came.  Eddy and Lawrence came in the wagon.  We drove Dick in the democrat.  Eddy and I stayed dinner.  Ed and Oscar went to the Wakes’.  We sat on the lawn and read Rebecca Jones.  They drove us home.  We had strawberries for tea.  Eva is sitting on my knee and messing up the page.  I walked over to Ruth Tallis’s after supper.  I brought back a kitten.


7th month, 12th, 2nd day

Eddy and Lawrence started early.  I was harrowing all morning.  It was very hot.  Started to rain at noon - we had a good shower.  In the afternoon Dad came and we started cultivating the garden with Blacky but we could not make him go any sense, so we drove them all to the big pasture  and brought up the ponies and after supper cultivated with Creamy.  Rain nearly all night.


7th month, 13th, 3rd day

Drizzling.  I rode Queeny to the big pasture and Dad walked.  We handled the oxen together but  they got hooking and got loose.  Dad started on the road, back-setting and I did half one round while he had his dinner.  It was a wet miserable day.


7th month, 14th, 4th day

Dad finished the road before Meeting.   I milked the cow, fed the pig, got the ponies up from the pasture etc.  We went to Meeting.  It rained hard most of the afternoon.  Hannah Mary McCheane came over in the afternoon and stayed a while.  She rode back on her bicycle.  Dad and I went mustard picking.


7th month, 15th, 5th day

Dad and I were both harrowing.  I had the harrow cart in the morning, he had it in the afternoon.  Very hot.

7th month, 16th, 6th day

Both harrowing.  It was very hot.


7th month, 17th, 7th day

We finished the harrowing before dinner.  Arthur Wake called on his way to Borden.   He went with me after dinner to get the horse rake and then went on with Dad to Borden.  I raked the dry scrub and etc., off the summer fallow, that clogs the harrows so.


7th month, 18th, 1st day

Eddy and Lawrence and Arthur Wake came over.  We drove to Meeting.  We went over to supper and stayed evening Meeting.


7th month, 19th, 2nd day

Lawrence walked back to Borden and Eddy fixed the teeth on the cultivator.  I was bringing the cow and black ox from the big pasture and she broke his halter and ran off to Clarks’.  I helped Eddy hook up and then went after her on Queeny.  She went fine.  I could not find the herd and so I went back to Wakes’ and had dinner with Arthur and Duncan McPherson.  Arthur got on the roof and saw the cattle just coming up from the river, so I went to them but could not find the cow, and the herd boy said some of the herd were at Sherrat’s and she may have got with them.  So I went with him but could not find her.  We went along the river toward Clarks’ and found her with the Jew’s cattle.  We had a good chase after her on the ground.  I then led her for more than a mile and drove her along for about another three when she popped in a bluff and I could not find her, so I went home for Floss and Ed and Wilbur McFadyen drove down and we tied her behind the buggy.  Tom came home.  The mosquitoes were dreadful, almost enough to send one wild.


7th month, 20th, 3rd day

Eddy went back to Borden and I went on harrowing.  Dad drove over to say that A. Bee could have the cultivator for $60.00. 


7th month, 21st, 4th day

I was harrowing.  I rode Queeny to Meeting in the morning.  We were rather late getting up and so I did not hook up before Meeting.  A. Bee came for the cultivator.


7th month, 22nd, 5th day

Still harrowing.  After supper I rode Creamy over to McCheanes’ and told them we had decided not to go to the  berry-picking picnic tomorrow.


7th month, 23rd, 6th day

Wilbur McFadyen finished his disking this morning and now he has to do one day for E. Tallis for the use of the disc.  I was harrowing.


7th month, 24th, 7th day

In the afternoon we all drove to Borden with Queeny and Creamy.  We tied the colts up.  Winnie Crabb is staying with Jessie for a while.  I walked into Moors’ pasture to see the horse Dad had traded for Darby.  I won’t attempt to describe what the mosquitoes were like.  The ponies galloped most of the way home.


7th month, 25th, 1st day

Dad and Winnie drove over, and we three rode to Meeting in the buggy.  Wilbur McFadyen went home this morning.  He gave Eva a very nice gold brooch with “Darling” on it.


7th month, 26th, 2nd day

Tom went to work at Orchards’ again and we were left all on our lonely-oh.  I went on harrowing and finished in the evening.


7th month, 27th, 3rd day

Started disking and hauled a barrel of water.


7th month, 28th, 4th day

Monthly Meeting.  Jessie and Eddy came up and they rode in the buggy and I rode Queeny.  I came back to dinner and went disking in the afternoon.


7th month, 29th, 5th day

Dad came this afternoon and did some disking.  Hannah Mary went to Borden to go raspberry picking with Jessie Green.  Very hot.


7th month, 30th, 6th day

Disking.  Very hot.  Started to thunder at dinner time but we did not have much rain.  We had quite another thunderstorm in the evening.  Hannah Mary McCheane came and stayed all night.


7th month, 31st, 7th day

Disking, but it was so very hot we could not get along very fast.  At dinner time I rode Queeny over to McCheanes’ and borrowed a packet of starch.  The mosquitoes were simply !?_?_!?!







8th month, 1st, 1st day

Jessie Green drove over to Meeting.  Dad rode with her to Meeting and I rode Queeny up to Orchards’ and  from there to Meeting.  John McCheane and Joshua drove Tom Griffin home after supper.


8th month, 2nd, 2nd day

I got myself tidy and harnessed the ponies and Dad drove me to the McCheanes’ and I went with them to Petrofka, to stay a little while with Herman Fast.   We got there just after dinner time.  They have a very nice house.  They generally have two meals, dinner and supper, out on the verandah.  We went out picking raspberries in the afternoon.  I got about one quart; after supper we went out rowing in a boat, pretty leaky.  The lake is a mile across and two miles round.  Their house is built up on the bank.  It is a lovely lake and smells just like the sea.  We were out rowing long after sundown and the moon was shining out upon the water.


8th month, 3rd, 3rd day

After breakfast Mamie, Alys, Hannah Mary and John McCheane and I went into the boat again.  We went over to the other side and played at skimming the stones over the water.  Hannah Mary and Alys rowed over and Mamie and I rowed back.  It was enjoyable.  Then after a while we went out again with Dr. Howell and a Russian lady who is staying with the Fasts.  But the lake was getting pretty rough and the waves came over the boat.  Soon after dinner we started home and we got home about five o’clock and I stayed at McCheanes’ to supper and  John McCheane drove me home.  I milked the cow and watered the oxen.


8th month, 4th, 4th day

HAILSTORM.  We hooked up our bulls before breakfast and after breakfast did several rounds, then came back and got  ready for Meeting, and went to the big pasture and hitched the ponies up and drove straight on to C. Orchards’  with Tom’s letters.  By that time we were wet through so came home and changed our clothes.  We had a nice steady rain for some time, and then it began to thunder and the sky looked very black  indeed.  We saw Eddy and Lawrence coming and so we ran out and put some hay in for their horses.  We were only just in time, the hail came down before they had got their coats and hats off.  Some pieces were as big as walnuts, but most the size of a pea.  It did us quite a lot of damage and hailed McDermott and A. Orchard right out.  Brackens had four hundred acres in and now they have only fifteen acres fit to cut.  Dad went to Borden.


8th  month, 5th, 5th day

Dad went on to Radisson this morning.  Eddy and I disking and Lawrence hauling stones.  The ground was very wet in the morning.  Disking did not do much good. Dad came back.  Dad has bought a new four horse binder and sold the old three horse.


8th month, 6th, 6th day

Soon after breakfast I started for Borden  with Prince in the buggy.  Soon after I got there, Jessie Green came back from the pasture.  She had been chasing the horses since half past four.  We had a bit of something to eat and then went out picking raspberries.  We went out again after dinner.  Annie Tallis came up and had dinner with us and we all got our pails full.  It was a nice change for me.  I stayed all night.


8th month, 7th, 7th day

Annie Saunders came to spend a day picking raspberries.  I started back about half past eleven o’clock, and got here just as they had done dinner.  Altogether I picked about one gallon.  Eddy, Lawrence and Dad went back to Borden.  Tom came in the evening.

8th month, 8th, 1st day

We all went to Meeting.  Eva was very good.  Came home to dinner and went to Uncle Esau’s in the afternoon.  We had a very nice time and we all enjoyed it very much.  It was dark before we got home.  Dick came fine.


8th month, 9th, 2nd day

Started harrowing north and south as far as the path to the corral.  Very hot.


8th month, 10th, 3rd day

Very hot, a lot like thunder but I kept on till 12 o’clock.  I did not hook up as it was so very black and the thunder so near.  About seven o’clock Dad came, and Jessie Green, and they stayed all night.  I have been riding Dick and driving the cattle to the pasture.  He goes very well.


8th month, 11th, 4th day

Did not hook up before Meeting.  Annie and Eva went to Meeting.  We stayed dinner and went round by C. Orchards’ to see if  he could do us some crushing but he said he would sooner not.  I hooked up my bull when I got back and finished the patch.  Dad took Dick up and left the ponies here.


8th month, 12th, 5th day

Started harrowing north and south right up to the road allowance.  Dad came about six o’clock and told me to quit and help him load, but just as we had got in the yard a man came to see Dad and I washed and tidied myself a bit and milked the cow and then Caroline and John McCheane drove up and we all went in to supper.  After supper John McCheane helped Dad load and I rode Queeny and drove down to water the cattle at the big pasture.  Queeny came back flying.  It was quite dark.


8th month, 13th, 6th day

Hotter than ever.  Started harrowing this side of the trail.  I only did a small piece, but it was so hot and I did not feel up to much.


8th month, 14th, 7th day

I finished the harrowing, all I intend doing, just level with the  bottom of the corral acre.  I intend disking the top piece as it is so long and thick.  Just as I was going to put the oxen in the little corral, the cow ran out and off to Clarks’.  The pony (Queeny) was in the pasture and the saddle and bridle by the gate so I jumped onto her and soon overtook the cow.  I puffed her out and was bringing her home when she saw an opportunity and popped behind the pony’s back and into a bluff.  I jumped off the pony and followed close on to her tail for a bit but I got behind and lost her.  I had a real good look but I could not find her and as I had no dog I had to come back and let her rip.  When I got back to the pasture Tom had come from Orchards’.  I found the oxen on the wheat.


8th month, 15th, 1st day

I went to Meeting.  After Meeting I went with Joshua, Arthur, Oscar and Ed McCheane to Wakes’ to dinner.  Then all the McCheanes came down and John and Joshua went with their team in our democrat to find the herd, and I drove the others back in the McCheanes’ democrat with our ponies.  I stayed there to supper and Meeting.  They could not find the herd though they had a good hunt.  When I got back Tom went with me to water the oxen in the big pasture.  We could not see anything of them.


8th month, 16th, 2nd day

I rode the pony to the big pasture.  The gate was down and the oxen gone, so I turned the pony round and I was soon in the little pasture.  The oxen had evidently gone for a drink.  I hitched up the ponies, we took our dinner with us and went to look for the cow.  We found her at Sherrats’ and I milked her there and brought her home, and took her down to the big pasture and tethered her out.


8th month, 17th, 3rd day

I was disking south of this corral.  Dad, Eddy and Lawrence came about four o’clock.  Ed got the Massey Harris out and got it in going order.  Lawrence cut some hay.


8th month, 18th, 4th day

Got both binders going, Lawrence on the twenty-five acre piece and Eddy on the oats - he finished them by dinner time and  cut oats and splitz in the afternoon.  I hauled two barrels of water from George Tallis’s.


8th month, 19th, 5th day

Ed started on the three crop wheat, I hauled two lots of water.


8th month, 20th, 6th day

Lawrence and Ed both started on the twenty-eight acre piece on Twenty-One.  I did some stooking and hauled water.


8th month, 21st, 7th day

Hauled water in the morning and did quite a bit of stooking.  They finished cutting the twenty-eight acres.  Annie Griffin went to Borden with Dad.


8th month, 22nd, 1st day

Dad, Annie Griffin and Jessie Green came to Sixteen.  Ed, Jessie Green and I went on to Meeting.  Dad had not changed and we were so late.  David Crabb came in a motor car.  I stayed dinner and John McCheane came over here to help Ed drive the oxen to Tallis’s to water.  We went in the motor round by Orchards’ and to George Tallis’s.  We picked Ed and John McCheane up and drove back to McCheanes’.  It was lovely driving in the car.  After Meeting, Ed and Hannah Mary McCheane drove us home.


8th month, 23rd, 2nd day

Cutting the new land.  Dad hauled the water and I stooked.  Annie Griffin brought us out some tea and lunch and did some stooking.




8th month, 24th, 3rd day

Stooking.  They nearly finished by noon and then Ed went on to Uncle Esau’s.  He is going to have the binder for a day or two.  I drove the colts to bring him back.  We stayed supper and had a very pleasant time.


8th month, 25th, 4th day

All stooking.  We went to Meeting, it was Monthly Meeting.  There was an epistle read from the Pickering General Meeting and Dad, William, Caroline and John McCheane and Joshua were appointed to answer it.  Dad went to Ed’s quarter with the binder.  Dad and Lawrence Dawson drove to Borden.


8th month, 26th, 5th day

I watered the oxen and drove them to the big pasture and then went on stooking until dinner time.  Dad came and we both stooked until it started to rain about a quarter past six.  We had a steady rain.


8th month, 27th, 6th day

Finished stooking about eleven o’clock.  Dad fixed the eveners on the disc etc. And drove Prince and the buckskin to Elliots’ and on to Borden and once again we were left all alone-o.


8th month, 28th, 7th day

I was disking but did not quite finish the patch.  Quite a cold wind.  I wore my waterproof all day.


8th month, 29th, 1st day

Dad came up, and Eddy and Jessie, to Meeting. I was just taking the oxen to the big pasture and I was not dressed, so Dad and Eddy came and tied the oxen up in the yard while I got ready.  We came back to dinner and Hannah Mary and John drove over in the afternoon.  They stayed supper and asked  Annie Griffin and me if we would go a berry picking picnic.  We hardly knew what to say about  it.  I wished they had mentioned it before.  Dad went.


8th month, 30th, 2nd day

Tom had to be at Orchards’ early so I got my oxen hooked up and had finished disking the summer fallow by half past nine, and I disked the two sloughs we ploughed this spring and one round on the new land before dinner.  After dinner Ed McCheane came and said he would come for us to go to the picnic tomorrow morning.  I did eleven rounds on the new land in the afternoon.


8th month, 31st, 3rd day

I got up and lit the fire as usual and went out and got some weeds for the pig and some whole grain and chop and water.  I had just come in the house for the milk pail when an elderly man came to the door and inquired the way to McCheanes’.  I asked him to stop and have some breakfast with us, but he wanted to go on.  He asked if I belonged to the Friends, etc., and where I came from.  I asked him again to stop and have breakfast which he did and came back to the house.  He told us his name was Wood, and I said, “Benjamin Wood?” and he said yes.   We told him McCheanes were coming to take us to the river so he waited.  I fixed up the oxen, etc., with lots to eat.  McCheanes were very pleased to see Benjamin Wood but as they were not expecting him and as Caroline McCheane and Lydia Crabb were both feeling pretty middling, Hannah Mary had to stay at home, and we were all sorry.  But we had a very nice time, we picked enough to make one two-quart sealer  of black currant, and I guess I gave almost as many to Hannah Mary because she could not go.  We had tea at McCheanes’ and Hannah Mary drove us home.  Dad had come up to Sixteen and he was cross because we went.








9th month, 1st, 4th day

I started to Borden about half past eight with Dick and Prince.  When I got there I

put them in the stable and went down Moor’s pasture, caught Creamy and rode her back and on to McCheanes’ to Meeting.  Benjamin Wood spoke very nicely.


9th month, 2nd, 5th day

I rode Creamy back to Borden and in the evening I drove the team home.


9th month, 3rd, 6th day

Threshing.  Jessie Green had the teamsters to  dinner.  Cockburn threshed for us. I stayed until about five and drove Prince home in the buggy.


9th month, 4th, 7th day

I went to Borden again today.  Jessie Green and I got up one row of potatoes, a good crop.  Our wheat ran twenty-two and a half bushels to the acre.  We got  Number 2 - eighty-two cents a bushel for it. 1108 bushels.  Eddy came up to Sixteen with a load of wood.  I was late getting back.


9th month, 5th, 1st day

Dad, Eddy, Jessie and I went to Meeting.  I stayed and Billy Walker brought Prince over for me to ride back with.


9th month, 6th, 2nd day

We got up at half past four and I drove Tom up to Orchards’ and then we started fixing the granary.  Dad and Eddy came  with the two grain tanks about half past seven, the threshers came about half past nine o’clock, we were very busy all day.  A load of oats caught fire by the engine and we looked like getting the place burnt down.  The wagon and horses were badly burned, the manure pile by the stable caught fire and a load of wood just in front of the house.  There was a strong wind blowing at the time.




9th month, 7th, 3rd day

Dad drove to Borden.  Lawrence Dawson plowed  fire guards round the stacks and granary.


9th month, 8th, 4th day

Lawrence Dawson went off with a load first thing.  We went to Meeting and Dad and Eddy went off with the two grain tanks and four oxen on each abreast.  I helped fill the grain tanks.


9th month, 9th, 5th day

Annie Griffin and I got up three bags of potatoes.  Dad and Eddy came about dinner time, they loaded one tank before dinner and I went down with them after dinner to load the other tank.


9th month, 10th, 6th day

Lawrence loaded his wagon from the end on of the granary, and then we could manage to open the door and we soon got both tanks loaded.  They take about 110 bushels each.


9th month, 11th, 7th day

We got three more loads in today, that filled the car and we sold it - Number 2 -eighty-one and a half cents.


9th month, 12th, 1st day

I saw Dad and Jessie coming in the buggy and got about half a mile from McCheanes’ when they overtook me.  I stayed dinner, supper and evening Meeting.  John McCheane walked home with me.


9th month, 13th, 2nd day

Lawrence Dawson started from here to haul grain for Uncle Esau.  He hauled two loads and Dad and Eddy hauled one   each with the tanks.   I cleaned the waste round the granary and picked potatoes.


9th month, 14th, 3rd day

Lawrence Dawson came down to me as I was raking the stubble on Twenty-One and said I was to go to Borden.  It was after sunset when I started, the evener broke on the way, it was cold when I got there.  Dad and Ed came after I had put my horses in.  They had brought their last load.  I stayed all night.


9th month, 15th, 4th day

I went with Jessie  Green, watering the horses.  We caught Queeny and the buckskin.  I washed up and swept the floor.  I drove Queeny back and got here about dinner time.  I went  raking in the afternoon and finished all that was mown in the slough on Twenty-One.  Lawrence Dawson broke the knife2 and so he went to Borden and stayed all night.




9th month, 16th, 5th day

Annie Griffin, Eva and I drove to Borden.  Dad was just starting to plough the stubble.  We drove Queeny in the buggy and came back with Prince and Dick.  We are weaning Queeny’s colt.  We were back in time to get Lawrence Dawson’s dinner.  I was getting up potatoes in the afternoon.

9th month, 17th, 6th day

I cocked the hay.  Eddy came about dinner time and he and I hauled hay in the afternoon.  We stacked it in the big pasture, but it was so windy we had to quit.  We got up a few potatoes.


9th month, 18th, 7th day

Wet most of the morning.  We finished getting up the potatoes.   One more job finished.


9th month, 19th, 1st day

Eddy and I drove to McCheanes’ to Meeting.  Annie Griffin was pretty sick all day.  Sid and Chadwick came to dinner and Billy Walker came in the afternoon.  Eddy went to Borden.


9th month, 20th, 2nd day

Lawrence Dawson mowing.  We hauled one load.  Dad and Eddy are (I guess) hauling grain for Stuart Bryson.  We had a nice rain.  It will settle the dust a little, but won’t do our hay much good.  In the afternoon, Lawrence Dawson went to  Borden  to bring the plow back.


9th month, 21st, 3rd day

I cleaned up round the granaries and hauled it to the house.


9th month, 22nd, 4th day

I drove to Borden and came back in the evening.


9th month, 23rd, 5th day

We finished hauling the hay and brought a load up to the house.


9th month, 24th, 6th day

I took the cow down to the big pasture and fenced the rick.  After dinner I hauled a buggy load of the rakings off the stubble  and then drove Annie and Eva over to Ruth Tallis’s for about half an hour.  Ruthie came back to supper.  I found the cow had got off  but it was too late to go to look for her.


9th month, 25th, 7th day

I started off about eight o’clock on  Queeny to  look for the cow.  I went to G. Tallis’s,  Perrys’,  Saloways’ and back to Perrys’ and up  to Big Jack’s, and from there to Booths’  where I had dinner, and Eileen came with me to Clarks’ herd.  She rode Queeny and I rode Jim, their pony.  We found the cow with Castlers’ cow.  I led the cow and Eileen drove her.  We came home fine that way.  After we had some tea and given our ponies some, we rode on again to McCheanes’ where Hannah Mary joined us.  She rode Zip.  Then Eileen came back with us.  At

 McCheanes’  we changed, I rode Zip, Hannah Mary rode Queeny and Eileen her own pony .  We came home fine, Queeny all ahead of course, and at the gate she turned into the fence and Hannah Mary fell.  She was not hurt.  It broke the pommel of the saddle.  We all enjoyed ourselves, especially Eileen and I.  We hope to go again soon for a ride somewhere.


9th month, 26th, 1st day

I drove to Meeting and stayed dinner, supper and evening Meeting.  Dad, Jessie Green and Ed came up to Sixteen, they did not stay long but left word for me to go over tomorrow.  They brought me a letter from home.  Uncle1 said Grannie had gone to Somerset and stood the journey very well.


9th month, 27th, 2nd day

I got a buggy load of wood from the big pasture, milked the cow, etc., and then drove off to Borden.  Some of the horses were missing so I put Eddy’s saddle on Queeny and rode round by Seniors’.  The horses had got back with the others so Eddy told me to go along and shut the two line gates and he went back home.  We picked up the rest of the Swedes and turnips.  I drove back to Sixteen again, it was dark and cold when I got to the creek.


9th month, 28th, 3rd day

I milked my cow before breakfast and started to Borden about eight.  I then saddled Queeny and found   and brought home the oxen.  After dinner we all three went to Eddy’s quarter and picked up the oats the threshers had dropped on the floor.  Dad and I drove with Queeny.


9th month, 29th, 4th day

I drove over early, went down and milked the cow, got tidied and drove to Meeting.  I got two bags of wheat dirt etc., from the little granary and a buggy load of wood from the big pasture.


9th month, 30th, 5th day

A lovely day.  We are having very nice weather.


1.  Uncle is Edmund Hatcher, Mary’s maternal grandmother’s only son.

2.  Knife - presumably the blade of the mower.







10th month, 1st, 6th day

A very nice day.  We have had a good rain.


10th month, 2nd, 7th day

Tom came back as it is too wet to thresh.  He had milked the cow when I came up from Borden.  In the evening she got out and went to Clarks’.

10th month, 3rd, 1st day

A lovely day.  I drove Queeny to Meeting.  After dinner the McCheanes drove over.  Hannah Mary McCheane , Annie Griffin and Eva and I drove with McCheanes’ team to the river and got the cow.  Our cow has a calf.


10th month, 4th, 2nd day

I got to  Borden about dinner time.  We picked up swedes etc., and came to Sixteen again.   It was a cold drive.


10th month, 5th, 3rd day

Went to Borden again.


10th month, 6th and 7th

Lovely weather, just a treat.


10th month, 8th, 6th day

I started to Borden on Queeny to get some starch for Jessie Green,  intending after that to drive to Sixteen to milk the cow.  I got the starch and was coming back.  Queeny was galloping.  I loosed her lines. She went very fast and then put her head down and stopped dead.  The saddle went  down her neck and I fell off.  It knocked me unconscious for a little while.  Bom Bernard took me to A. Rogers and Jessie Green came down.  My neck and back were pretty stiff. I was sick three or four times.


10th month, 9th, 7th day

Still pretty stiff.  I did up the seam on a nightdress for Jessie Green.  I felt  sick all day.


10th month, 10th, 1st day

Dad and Jessie went to Meeting.  They had not been gone very long when William and John McCheane came.  Eddy plucked a prairie chicken and I stuffed and cooked it.  I cooked some potatoes and mashed them and Jessie Green had left tart, etc., for second course.  We had Meeting in the afternoon.  I got them a cup of tea before they went.


10th month, 11th, 2nd day

Dad drove up to Sixteen to milk the cow.  I mended his coat, etc.


10th month, 12th, 3rd day

Annie Griffin came back with Dad this morning and we went to Borden.  Annie Griffin bought several things.  John McCheane came in and Annie Griffin rode back with him.  We came with Queeny and Mike and shot a prairie chicken on the way.


10th month, 13th, 4th day

We drove to Meeting.  I watched the horses and cow while they fed on the summer fallow in the afternoon.



10th month, 14th, 5th day

I started knitting a slipper in the afternoon.  I went and fetched the cow and horses  home.  Pretty cold.


10th month, 15th, 6th day

I drove Mike and Prince to the McCheanes’ to borrow a bag of flour.  William McCheane wanted me to go and drive him to Petrofka.  I said I would ask Dad.


10th month, 16th, 7th day

Edward Cornell came up and brought Edgar Baker.  Dad is going to give him a dollar a foot to do the well on twenty-one.  Edward Cornell drove me to McCheanes’ and we started from there about half past nine.  The horses went very well and we got to Herman Fast at twelve o’clock.  It was cold but we were wrapped up well and we both enjoyed the ride.  We had dinner and then went out on the lake for an hour or so.  Wilbur Moor was staying at the Fasts.  I drove five of us to Petrofka and we had supper at Benjamin Wood’s.  After supper, William McCheane and Benjamin Wood showed the Magic Lantern in the school house.  It was mostly pictures of the Doukhobors, etc.  The school room was pretty full.  We walked  back to Herman Fast’s.  There was Marie, Olga, Constanza and Wilbur Moor, Nicholas and his wife and myself.  William McCheane stayed at Benjamin Wood’s, and the horses.


10th month, 17th, 1st day

After breakfast we put our things on and walked to Petrofka and from there I drove six of us to Troishi to a public meeting there.  It was held in the biggest house in the village and lasted from half past ten until three, it ended in a discussion.  The question was, is it right for a  Christian to live under a government?  We had dinner at a Doukhobor house and we all  enjoyed it.  It was getting cold when we got home.  We kept the horses at Herman Fast’s and William McCheane and Benjamin Wood walked home.  We had supper and sat talking in their very nice sitting room until we went to bed.


10th month, 18th, 2nd day

I drove the children to school and went in and did arithmetic, algebra, etc., with Marie.  I wished I was a scholar again.  We came away at recess time, and had dinner at Herman Fast’s.  It was very pleasant driving, but rather cold.  I had supper at McCheanes’ and John McCheane drove me home.


10th month, 19th, 3rd day

Colder today.  Lawrence Dawson and Edgar Baker still on and at the well.  Dad drove to Borden to salt in half a pig he bought off Uncle Esau.  Dad plastered the log stable.


10th month, 20th, 4th day

Dad did not get back in time to go to Meeting in the afternoon.  Dad and I went with the colts to Twenty-One and got some clay and finished the stable.



10th month, 21st, 5th day

Snow.  I stayed indoors in the morning.  Dad wrote to Uncle.  We had a light fall of snow last night, the first this year.  After dinner we drove to Borden.


10th month, 22nd, 6th day

Dad went to Radisson with Rodger and Jumbo and some oats to crush.  I drove Dick up to Sixteen.  We have lost two of the little pigs.


10th month, 23rd, 7th day

We did housework, mending, etc.  After dinner we pushed Eva to the well on Twenty-One and had a look at Edgar Baker down the well.  They struck water  soon after we left them.  Dad came about suppertime with a load of wood.


10th month, 24th, 1st day

Dad and I drove to Meeting with Prince.  We came back to dinner.  Edgar Baker left this well as it is getting damp down there and he is going to start a well for Perry.  Dad and I drove to Borden.


10th month, 25th, 2nd day

Rain.  I drove to Sixteen and took Ed’s saddle and mine.  Eileen Booth came up with McCheanes’ horse Jack, and I rode Queeny.  We went to the Clarks and they were busy getting cattle separated, but it came on to rain and we could not find all of  ours so A. Clark told us we had better leave them, which we did.  We galloped nearly all the way home and after a little rest, etc.,  rode on to Booths’ and we had tea there, and then Eileen came with me to McCheanes’.  We stayed there a while.  John McCheane drove me home.  Lawrence was harrowing.


10th month, 26th, 3rd day

Lawrence went on Jim before breakfast to look for the horses but he could not find them.  After breakfast he went again, all round Eight and Nine and back to McCheanes’, then I rode Jim down to Clarks’ herd and to Boyles’ but could not see them.  After dinner Lawrence Dawson went again, east, north and west, then John McCheane passed on his way to Borden.  Ed came back with him.  Hugh Wake has come up to the Monthly Meeting.


10th month, 27th, 4th day

Monthly Meeting day.  Eddy drove down to Borden before breakfast with the harness.  They all came to Meeting.


10th month, 28th, 5th day

Dad and Lawrence doing the well.  It took them all morning to get the water out.  I went harrowing in the afternoon.  A lovely day, no use for mitts.


10th month, 29th, 6th day

We got up early, half past two.  Dad and Lawrence Dawson started to Radisson. Lawrence with Jess and Jim and sixty bushels of oats, and Dad with three colts on the grain tank and between fifty and sixty bushels of wheat.  We went and laid down again after they had gone and had another two hours’ sleep.  Then we got up feeling better and started to work.  Lawrence Dawson came back in the afternoon, he could not get the wheat ground as the mill is so busy.  John McCheane went through on his way to Radisson for the doctor as  his mother is pretty sick.  We had a light snowstorm and a strong cold wind.


10th month, 30th, 7th day

We had another fall of snow in the night.  After breakfast Lawrence Dawson and I each rode a horse to the well on Twenty-one and we pulled up all the water and emptied it away.  It was eleven o’clock when we got back so Lawrence hitched the team in the democrat and I drove to McCheanes’ to see how Caroline McCheane was.  They thought she was about the same.  Eddy came up with the grain tank and lumber for the well.


10th month, 31st, 1st day

Ed and I walked to Meeting.  We went to the Wakes for dinner and tea, and Joshua drove us home after evening Meeting,  Hannah Mary came with us.








11th month, 1st, 2nd day

Tom, Ed and Lawrence cribbing the well on Twenty-One.  I was harrowing in the afternoon.


11th month, 2nd, 3rd day

Tom and Ed finished the well.  Lawrence was harrowing.


11th month, 3rd, 4th day

Dad, Ed, Tom and I drove to Meeting.  After dinner Dad drove Eva, Tom and Annie to see SW Twenty-Four and from there to Borden.  I was feeling like a ride so I saddled Queeny and rode to McCheanes’ and from there to Booths’ and back.  I then baked the bread.


11th month, 4th, 5th day

Dad, Tom and Annie came about twelve o’clock.  After dinner Tom walked over to see John McCheane about renting their farm.  Dad and I drove Prince to Borden.  We shot four chickens on the way home.  Lawrence Dawson disking.


11th month, 5th, 6th day

We drove up to Sixteen early.  Eddy and Dad went back to Sixteen with oxen and tanks in the afternoon.  I stayed all night by myself.


11th month, 6th, 7th day

I did not get up until a quarter to nine.  I slept very well.  I got the place a bit straight and got a nice dinner cooked.  Lawrence Dawson and John McCheane came in with their loads about three o’clock, Lawrence with four horses and three box wagons.  They had their dinner.  Eddy and Dad came with their chariots about four.  They stayed all night.


11th month, 7th,1st  day

We got up early and directly after breakfast we hooked up and I drove one team and Eddy the other.  Dad caught us up at the creek,  he drove in the democrat and as the time was getting on, I rode on with Dad and Eddy brought on both teams.  We stayed dinner and John McCheane rode back to Sixteen.  I drove on to Borden.  I fixed up the horses and cleaned out the stable.  It was quite dark when I finished.  Then I lit the fire and got some supper and then I read until bed time.


11th month, 8th, 2nd day

They were here earlier today.  I cooked supper.  Eddy and Dad stayed supper.  I fixed up the horses, etc., and then I saddled Queeny and rode to Sixteen and caught the oxen up at Wensleys’ and I helped them hook out and water at the creek and then I rode on home.  It was dark, very dark, but a lovely mild night.


11th month, 9th, 3rd day

Rather colder this morning.  I rode back to Borden and got dinner.  I washed the kitchen floor.  They were later with their loads today.  Dad and Ed stayed overnight.


11th month, 10th, 4th day

Snowing fast.  Dad and Ed stayed in all morning.  Eddy and I started up to Sixteen with the bulls about four o’clock and we walked from the creek to McFadyens' ploughing.  I got my foot in a badger hole and Eddy had to pull it out.


11th month, 11th, 5th day

Bitter cold wind.  Busy packing up to go to live at Borden.  Dad drove up and Annie Griffin went back with him to Borden, and Lawrence Dawson took a team and load of turkey boxes etc.


11th month, 12th, 6th day

Very cold.  Walter drove Tom up.  Ed and Lawrence Dawson caught the hens and I tied their legs.  We killed eight old hens.  There were forty-two altogether.  Lawrence Dawson took them.  Ed and Dad went to Piprells’ to get a load of wheat for him and hauled it back to Sixteen.  Lawrence Dawson went back.  I drove to Borden.  I slept up over, and Tom and Annie down under.


11th month, 13th, 7th day

We were very busy all day, it seemed all meals and we had such a lot of us here, the place was crammed up with boxes etc., which had come from Sixteen.  I was tired and glad to go to bed.  The men came with their load.

11th month, 14th, 1st day

We got the place a bit straight and had Meeting in the afternoon.  I did not change until evening.



11th month, 15th, 2nd day

Dad took the load of wheat he brought in for Charlie Piprell into Morrisson’s elevator, as the other was full.  We had to leave Cornell’s wheat in the grain tanks as he wanted it in Cowan’s elevator.


11th month, 16th, 3rd day

Very cold.  Dad and I drove in the democrat up to Quicks’.  We called at Eddy’s quarter on our way.  Dad made a deal with him,  he gave us a nice coming two-year-old cart colt and a heifer calf and we gave him Carla and $115.00.


11th month, 17th, 4th day

Dad and Ed and I drove to McCheanes’ for Meeting.  After Meeting Dad and Ed went to Sixteen and John McCheane went with me to G. Walker’s to get some hens Dad bought.  We had a job to catch them and we got eight.  It was a lovely night, so mild.


11th month, 18th, 5th day

Dad and Ed and Lawrence Dawson started hauling ties, they got three loads.  We did some more washing.  I did some ironing.


11th month, 19th, 6th day

Lots of snow.  Men hauling ties.


11th month, 20th, 7th day

Got the house nice and tidy and we tidied ourselves.  Emily Piprell and Annie Walker and John McCheane came to supper.  Annie Walker went back with the Saloways.  Emily Piprell stayed all night.  It was twenty-eight below.  Annie Griffin and I walked to Borden.


11th month, 21st, 1st day

John McCheane drove us down to the station to see Emily Piprell, George Walker, Charlie Piprell, Perry and Laurie Murton start off for England. John McCheane stayed Meeting.


11th month, 22nd, 2nd day

Very cold and blizzardy.  The men did not do much.  I did quite a bit of knitting, for a pair of mitts for myself.


11th month, 23rd, 3rd day

Getting ready for Monthly Meeting, which is tomorrow.  We cooked a jackrabbit and a ham.


11th month, 24th, 4th day

Monthly Meeting.  The Friends came about eleven o’clock.   There was not much business done.  We had quite a fall of snow.  Arthur stayed here for a few days.


11th month, 25th, 5th day

Arthur stayed in the house most of the day.  It was quite cold.

11th month, 26th, 6th day

Arthur and I drove up to Sixteen in the cutter.  It was very cold going up, Arthur had his nose frozen twice.  We lit a fire up there and got a good warm-up.  It was not cold coming back.  We brought four sets of ox harness.


11th month, 27th, 7th day

Rather cold.  Dad took Cornell’s wheat in to the elevator.


11th month, 28th, 1st day

Thawing.  Very mild, thawing fast.  We were outside quite a bit.


11th month, 29th, 2nd day

Thawing.  A lovely day, it was thawing all night.  Dad and Ed went up to fetch two loads of wheat from Ed Cornell’s and I went with the cutter to look for our steer.  I went to Sixteen and from there to Sam Perry’s and Big Jack’s and then to Uncle Esau’s.  I stayed quite a while.  The sleigh ran well but coming back the trails were bare and I had to run on the side.


11th month, 30th, 3rd day

Thawing.  Another very mild day but not such a big thaw as yesterday.








12th month, 1st, 4th day

+18 F  We have a thermometer now and I intend putting down the temperature, as it is every morning when we get up.  Not very cold, but rather windy.  We had a fall of snow.


12th month, 2nd, 5th day

Zero F   Still fairly mild.  Dad killed Charlie Piprell’s cow and Eddy and I skinned it.  She dressed 575 pounds and we sold half to the butcher at fifty-six cents a pound.  She was good and fat.


12th month, 3rd, 6th day

-7 F   Snowing a little and blowing.  Not much done.


12th month, 4th, 7th day

-16 F  Dad killed the old pig and the two young ones.  He singed1 them.


12th month, 5th, 1st day

-6F    A nice bright day with not much wind.  We had Meeting as usual and read Barclay’s Apology and after supper we read Incidents and Reflections.



12th month, 6th, 2nd day

ZeroF   Cleaning up the house, cooking, etc.  Knitting, sewing.  I am giving my hens a pail of potatoes boiled and mixed up every day.


12th month, 7th, 3rd day

-7F    Arthur and I went up to Quick’s and we brought back the cow and calf Dad changed for Carla.  Eddy and Dad killed two pigs.  We were back in time for dinner.  I drove up to Massakers’ as they wish to engage Jessie Green.  There was a cold wind.  We plucked and dressed2 four turkeys.


12th month, 8th, 4th day

-21F    Edgar Baker and Dick Primmer came in and Arthur went back with them.  They took Dick Primmer’s steer - he has been here some time, he was pretty wild. 

Dad drove up to Elliots’ to see Jessie Green about taking Massaker’s case.


12th month, 9th, 5th day

-14 F  William and John McCheane came in to see about  buying Cowan’s flour and feed business.  It was pretty rough when they got here and quite a blizzard got up so they stayed all night.


12th month, 10th, 6th day

-2 F  Still very rough.  William and John McCheane went to Borden.  They finished the deal and signed the agreement and now they will come down as soon as they can get rid of the post office.


12th month, 11th, 7th day

-18 F   Dad went to Clarks’ to look for the steer.  After dinner Ed and I went over the line to look for the horses.  It was hard walking in the deep snow.  Laurie Crabb came down from Radisson on the train.  David had told him they would be in Borden by now.  Joshua came in search of two oxen.  They stayed overnight.


12th month, 12th, 1st  day

+18 F  A lovely day.  Joshua went off pretty early.  I was outside quite a bit.


12th month, 13th, 2nd day

+20F    We washed the floor.  Jessie Green came to dinner.  After dinner I drove her up to Massakers’.  It was cold going up but all right coming back.  Laurie is here.  We hitched Billdad onto his little sleigh.  He went fine.


12th month, 14th, 3rd day

+10F   John McCheane started building a house or barn on their lot down Borden.  Annie Griffin, Eva and I went out for a walk and after I went down Borden.  John McCheane is sleeping and having his meals here while he puts  the stable up.


12th month, 15th, 4th day

+24F   A nice mild day



12th  month, 16th, 5th day

+2F   We did not have Reading Meeting this morning as Dad and Ed were out.


12th month, 17th, 6th day

-22F   Much colder today but very bright with no wind.


12th month, 18th, 7th day

+5F   John McCheane went home for the weekend.  Tom is working on their place for T. Cowan.


12th month, 19th, 1st day

+9F   We had Meeting.  I wrote a letter.  We read in the evening.


12th month, 20th, 2nd day

+8F   Dad went up to Uncle Esau’s.  He arranged for Uncle Esau to rent McCheanes’ farm for next year.  He also offered to sell him Sixteen and Twenty-One at $15.00 an acre.


12th month, 21st, 3rd day

+6F   We stoned some raisins, etc., for pudding and did quite a bit of housework.  We have been getting quite a bit of sewing done lately.  Dad and Ed went to Sixteen and each brought in a load of wheat.  I did the chores here.


12th month, 22nd, 4th day

-15F   Dad and Ed took the wheat in to the elevator today.  They got seventy-six cents for it.


12th month, 23rd, 5th day

-16F    Dad and Ed went up again after two more loads.  It was pretty cold for them.


12th month, 24th, 6th day

-6F   John McCheane quit work at dinner time.  He wanted me to go with him up to Halcyonia but I would not go so he went up to Eddy’s quarter with Eddy to get a load of straw.  Annie Griffin and I were sewing.


12th month, 25th, 7th day

-14F   Dad drove up to Uncle Esau’s  to see him about buying Sixteen.  I went with John McCheane up to Halcyonia.  We got there in time for dinner.  Annie Griffin cooked a turkey and a plum pudding.3


12th month, 26th, 1st day

+2F   Caroline McCheane gets up about five o’clock, she comes through into the parlor and lies on the sofa.  I read quite a lot.  We sat in Caroline McCheane’s bedroom in the afternoon. We stayed talking before going to sleep for I should think an hour. John McCheane went home or rather back to Borden.



12th month, 27th, 2nd day

+10F   I helped Hannah Mary what I could and I read quite a bit.  We stayed talking in bed a long time.


12th month, 28th, 3rd day

+12F   Oscar went to Baxters’ to supper last 7th day and he was taken sick on his way to the Wakes’ and could not walk, so Arthur went home and got the oxen to pull him on the sleigh.  He stayed with Joshua and Arthur came up to do the McCheanes’ chores.


12th month, 29th, 4th day

+10F   Monthly Meeting.   John McCheane and Eddy were in good time for Meeting.  We did not do much in the business meeting.  We stayed home after supper.  It was a nice mild moonlight night.  They were thinking we were not coming.


12th month,  30th, 5th day


12th month, 31st, 6th day

+14 F  The last of the old year.  I wrote a letter to Alice in the evening.


1.  Singeing - taking the hair off the carcass  by passing it quickly through hot flames.  This must be done quickly so that the flesh is not scorched.  Also done with chickens.

2.       Dressed - singed, head, feet and abdominal contents removed.

3.       Christmas fare.  Quakers did not celebrate Christmas.  The Griffins were not Quakers.







1st month, 1st, 7th day

-14F   A very windy cold day.  Last night we had a job to keep warm.  It kept up rough all day.


1st month, 2nd, 1st day

-2F   We had Meeting in the afternoon as usual and just as we had done, Lydia and David Crabb and the children and Laurie came in and about half an hour after, Jessie Green came.  After supper Eddy and I went down with Lydia Crabb and  company.  We stayed until rather late.


1st month, 3rd, 2nd day

-40F   Annie Griffin was busy getting her things together in the afternoon.  I drove her and Jessie down.  There was a very cold wind.  The place Amy Griffin is going to live in was in a mess, shavings all over the floor but I think it is a fairly nice house.  I went down to Lydia Crabb’s in the evening and we played with David, Lydia and Laurie at Checkers.  Eddy and John McCheane came down and I went back with them.


1st  month, 4th, 3rd day

-14F  I darned Dad’s stockings before dinner.  In the afternoon I went with Dad to Eddy’s quarter twice and loaded two loads of straw.  It was a nice day but cold last night.


1st month, 5th, 4th day

Dad has a very bad cold.  He got a small load of wood in the afternoon.  Jessie and I walked over and had a look at Moor’s house, we were both surprised to see such a nice house.  It has three bedrooms, two living rooms and a pantry.


1st month, 6th, 5th day

Did the housework as usual but not much besides.


1st month, 7th, 6th day

Dad and Jessie went to Radisson soon after breakfast.  I cleared up etc., and washed  most of the floor and put up to get dinner and I was just throwing the water out as Annie and Ada, Walter and Esau1 drove up.  Annie and Ada  came in to dinner.  We had the remains of the turkey cold and some potatoes and white sauce, and an apple pie for second course.  In the afternoon I went down Borden with them.  We weighed ourselves in Smith’s with our coats etc., on.  Ada weighed 128 pounds and Annie 148 pounds and I  weighed 136 pounds.  We went into the Griffins’ and Walter and Esau came for them.  I asked  Annie to stay overnight but she said she had better go back, so they went and I stayed at the Griffins’.   However when they told Walter that I wanted them to stay, etc., he persuaded them to come back, which they did.  Jessie Green had supper ready by the time we got home.


1st month, 8th, 7th day

We did the housework as usual.  After dinner we  - Annie, Ada and I - went to Borden.  Charlie Nikerk picked us up and we had a ride down.  We started for Uncle Esau’s about five o’clock and got there just as they had done supper.  We missed the trail going up and had to go about one mile further.  After the supper was cleared away we had several games.  One was Push Penny, another Jenkins Up, etc., etc.  It was past two when we went to bed.


1st month, 9th, 1st day

Jack and his wife came down to dinner.  We started for home about four o’clock.  The horses came back fine.  Annie and Tom and Eva Griffin were here when we got back.



1st month, 19th, 2nd day

I was very pleased to have the company of dear Caroline McCheane for several days about  this time, while they were moving house.  I felt so thankful she came for a few days, she is so sweet and kind and so patient in her sickness.  She did quite a bit of mending for me and read to me while I did my work.



Entries are infrequent and irregular for months.



3rd month, 14th

We started drilling. We sold our oxen and bought two more mares, a grey three year old and a bay six year old. 



Very hot.  Half the prairie was bare by night.  No frost in the day since and it is now 5th of 4th, 1910.  Just off to Sixteen to start seeding there.  Caroline McCheane is not very well.  We heard from Jessie Green that she did not intend coming back.



4th month, 14th

They finished drilling the wheat today.  We have had two drills going half of the time.  Dad sold our cow to Sam Perry for $35.00 cash in the fall  and the use of his packer for interest.







4th month, 22nd

He came back to Borden today.  Dad has bought Diefenbaker’s pony  Lady.  She is very quiet, but slow.  Jess has a foal, we are calling her Mable.  Dad has sold the red heifer to Sam Perry so now we are milking only Sooky.


6th month, 24th

Eddy’s birthday.  Very hot, 125 degrees.  Boys breaking on Moors’.  Dad gave Eddy Lady and colt for his birthday and he gave me the buckskin colt.



7th month, 11th, 2nd day

Eddy started mowing this morning.  Dad, Arthur and Martin have started ploughing the summer fallow on Eddy’s quarter.



We had a poor crop at Borden this fall owing to the hot dry summer.  Six bushels to the acre on Three  and about twelve to the acre on Moors’.  We had about eighteen bushels to the acre up on  Sixteen and Twenty-One.  Uncle Esau ran Fourteen this year; he had eighteen bushels to the acre.  Most of the wheat was good this year and therefore a good price.  We had a wet fall and quite a lot of snow early on.  Caroline McCheane was taken worse again in the fall.  She suffers a good deal but is so resigned and patient.  We had it cold through 12th and 1st months but after that it was most enjoyable, the last two weeks in 2nd month and all through 3rd month were just fine.  It was supposed to be owing to the comet - Halley’s  - we saw it.





3rd   month, 23rd

Harry Cowley and Clarence came to work for us.  The cattle are now eating on the prairie.


4th month, 5th

Started seeding.  A cold windy spring.  We had several blizzards and snow after seeding.  A very wet summer.  We seeded seventy-five acres on Moor’s  and a hundred and eighty on Fourteen, and sixty-two on A. Wensley’s and thirty-five on R. Wensley’s and about thirty acres on Seniors’.  Dad has bought Seniors’ quarter and in the summer he bought T. Bradshaw.


4th month, 15th

Dear Caroline McCheane was taken to rest this morning.  She has suffered a lot during the last three months and much as we shall miss her we could not wish her back, for we  know she has gone at the call of her Saviour.  John was at Halcyonia at the time so I drove up to tell him.




4th month, 18th

The remains were interred today.  Benjamin Wood and Marie Fast and her father came from Petrofka.  There were a lot  of people present. The coffin was carried from the McCheane house to the Methodist Meeting house.1 The coffin was placed in the aisle.  The house was crowded, with a lot standing.  Benjamin Wood spoke for quite a while explaining the plan of Salvation, and Dad spoke a few words.  The coffin was carried to the cemetery with six bearers  changing off.  We  had a very favoured time at the graveside.  Benjamin Wood supplicated and Dad spoke and William McCheane quoted the words:  “Be ye also ready for the Son of Man cometh in an hour when he know not.”  Quite a few friends came to our house for dinner.


A Testimony of the Halcyonia  Monthly Meeting of Friends, held at Borden in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada, on the 31st of 1st month, 1912 concerning our beloved departed friend Caroline McCheane  who passed away on the 15th day of 4th  month 1911 and the remains were interred at Borden on the 18th day of the same, in the presence of a considerable company of friends and neighbours.


The Memory of the Just is Blessed


This our beloved friend was the daughter of James and Mary Mettam, and was born at Taddington in Derbyshire, England, on the 18th of 9th month, 1841.

Her parents were religiously-minded people.  Her father was suddenly removed by death when she was very young.

            She was convinced of the principles of the Society of Friends when she was about twenty-three years of age.  In writing of her experience she says,

“I was  very sensible of the drawings of Heavenly Good, quite in my childish years.  Yea, I feel His mercy hath followed me all my life long.  I have from a child had to encounter many, yea, very many trials; yet with amazement cannot I see that Divine help  hath arisen for my deliverance  at various times, making me truly ready to acknowledge the invisible power.  When I was about twenty-three years of age I became acquainted with a Friend who kindly interested himself on my account, and wished me to read some tracts. He offered me also books.  After this there came a Friend to a place not far from where I lived, who held a public meeting.  Although I was quite strange to Friends views then, I very much enjoyed the  meeting.  Some time about the year 1864 - 65 I saw that I must give up all and follow the pointings of the Heavenly finger and join myself to this despised people.   I was singularly led along from step to step, feeling so concerned by inward  baptisms, one after another, and enabled to make such sacrifices as my Heavenly Father was pleased to make known to me what He required at my hands, to lose or part with in plainness of speech, behaviour and apparel, and was fully brought to feel in unity with all the principles and practices professed, and help by the ancient Society of Friends  and dearly loved to be known and found among them.   I felt a strong desire and need to exhibit to the world of taking up my cross and despising the shame that might be thought on that account.  For the power was the Lord Jesus and it so accompanied me that the fear of man was taken away, and I being rich in faith was made to rejoice in the hope set before me.”

            Thus as years went on she experienced the operations of Divine Love in her soul, and in obedience to the same she believed herself called upon to observe great simplicity in dress and address and in all her steppings, in thought, word and deed, and in such a plain, self-denying manner that nothing in her outward walk might prove a hindrance to her spiritual growth   or cause of stumbling to any tender little one, seeking after this Heavenly Treasure.

            Our beloved friend was united in marriage to our friend William Cronyn McCheane, of Birmingham, England, on the 24th of 3rd month, 1870.  It may truly be said that she was a faithful and devoted wife, a tender and affectionate mother, deeply solicitous that her children should be kept near the truth, and under the guidance of the Heavenly Shepherd.  She was a kind neighbour and beloved by all who knew her. 

In 1894 she was called upon to bear a severe trial, in the  departure from this life of a  beloved daughter after a brief illness,  though in passing through this affecting dispensation, she had the comforting assurance that her dear one was forever safe  in the Everlasting Arms.  To this trial she referred in the following words:

“It pleased the Judge of all the earth to visit us in our midst, and with His Grace, He was pleased to give our dear second daughter a very clear and striking testimony to His great and worthy name.   She was only poorly about three days and then we reverently believe He took her ransomed spirit to Himself, leaving us to sorrow much our bereavement, in the loss of one so inclined to virtue and truth; our morning is not without hope, we believe the Lord has made her sudden death and happy close a service to many.”

In 1904 the family  removed and settled at Halcyonia in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada, on which occasion she writes:

“The thought of parting from the friends I have dearly loved, and friends to the very last, bore such kindness as brethren and sisters in the Truth.  We left England on 12th of 5th month 1904 and were favoured to reach here (Halcyonia) in safety, which we felt truly a favour not to be forgotten; we can thank and praise our Heavenly Father for such preservation and care.”

She was acknowledged a Minister by Fritchley Monthly Meeting of Friends, Derbyshire, England, though her appearances in public were not frequent, but tendering and acceptable.  Being deeply sensible of that self-denying life which leads to that blessing that maketh truly rich and addeth no sorrow, she by her daily walk and her obedience to the manifestations of Heavenly Love in her soul, was truly in her conduct   and conversation among men, a preacher of Righteousness.

In the fall of 1909, she was taken ill, which continued till the following summer when she improved for some months.  She passed through much suffering at times which was bourne with great patience and uncomplaining sweetness.  Her mind in prospect of Eternity seemed or appeared calm and trustful, desiring only that the will of the Heavenly Father might be done.  The next winter the malady returned with increased force and though all was done for her that could be, yet she suffered a great deal the last four months of her life, and on the 15th day of 4th month 1911 she passed peacefully away, aged sixty-nine and a half years, and we reverently believe that she has passed into the presence of Him who was redeemed and qualified her to walk before him, sustaining her faith and trust in Him to the last, and in Divine love and unerring wisdom hath received her unto His Kingdom of Everlasting Rest, even that rest that remains for people of God.

8th month, 2nd, 4th day

Edith and Leonard2 arrived in Borden by the morning train.  Ruby had been staying with me a fortnight and she stayed two or three weeks after they came.  Edith and Leonard were in time for Meeting.  Winnie was the only one at the station to meet them, we did not expect them to come by the morning train.  Of course we saw them very altered, more grown up, they saw the same changes in us.  Edith and Leonard stayed at McCheanes’ to dinner,  Ruby and I came home.  We  drove down again in the afternoon with Jessie in the buggy, the new one which Eddy and I had just upholstered and painted.  We all stayed at the McCheanes’ to supper.  Edith rode up home in the auto and Ruby and Winnie with me in the buggy.  Ruby stayed with me and Edith for a few days, and then she went to help Lydia Crabb. About the  18th of 8th month,  Alice Crabb went under the operation in Winnipeg.  As soon  as she came back she went to David’s for a few weeks and then went back to Radisson again.

We had a very very wet cold summer, good soaking rains with very few bad thunderstorms, but we had one very, very severe storm about the end of 8th month.  It started gathering in the afternoon and came all around.  By twelve o’clock it was right overhead, the cracking and banging was terrific.  There was no rain with it.  Victor slept right through.

The harvest was rather late.  Moors’ seventy-five acres ran to thirty-five bushels to the acre, and Wensley’s to forty,  Rod Wensley’s to thirty and McCheane’s farm to twenty.  The wheat was rather poor; Moor’s went three, but Rod Wensley’s and McCheanes’ grade were very poor.  The boys batched it while they were seeding on McCheanes’, and I cooked for them, but in the fall Edith was here and I went up there to get the meals.  I slept in Hannah Mary’s bedroom.  We did not take anything except what we were obliged to.  The boys had their beds on hay in the  two bedrooms on the south side.  I had a trestle bed.  There was not much doing in the way of housework, so I helped stook quite a lot.  Before I came up I had two teeth taken out that had been aching most of the summer, and one day while I was up at Halcyonia I drove down to Borden with Dad on 7th day; he went back on 1st day evening and on 2nd day morning John drove Edith and me to Radisson in the car.  I went to the butcher’s for some meat and then into Dr. Shepley’s and had five teeth out with cocaine.  They were pretty sore, especially one of them.  John drove me straight along the east grade to Halcyonia and left me at the farm.  Edith was  home in time to get the boys’ dinner.  Victor was not expecting me and so he had the dinner ready.  I went stooking for a little while in the afternoon when I took out lunch.  Later on in the fall I went to Radisson with Dad and went in to Dr. Robertson, a travelling dentist.  Dr. Shepley gave  me chloroform and the dentist pulled out thirteen teeth.  The Chloroform made me feel very ill.  I was semi unconscious for a long while, it was nearly nine when we got home.  I felt pretty sick the next day, could not keep anything down at all.

We had a lovely open fall.  When the herd law was up we let our horses out, but after a while they took to going over to Seniors’ oats, and there are hundreds of acres  of wheat still in stook.  We kept them shut in this quarter for a time and then Edith and I undertook to bring them in every night.  We managed it but we found  it was as much as we could do, but they soon got used to coming in and then we took it in turns to fetch them, and we did enjoy those rides.  We kept it up all winter, the snow never got very deep.  The horses did very well, they kept mostly on Smitenoff’s quarter. 





We had quite a few parties at Lydia’s, McCheanes’ and here.  We had Reading Meetings, and painting classes, and quilting bees. The spring broke early, the cattle could eat in the pasture about the middle of 3rd month.


4th month, 1st

Started seeding.  We started seeding about the 1st of 4th month.  We ran three teams.  Victor had Jolly, Mike, Dick and Sultan; Albert had Jim, Prince, Noble and Buckskin; Dad had Jess, Jessie, Polly and Brumingham Bill.  We seeded this quarter first, then Moor’s.



4th month, 10th

Dad has bought a Pioneer tractor.  Eddy is going to run it with Harry to help; they are ploughing the railway quarter three miles west of here.  The horses disked it and seeded it with wheat.



4th month, 15th, 2nd day

Joseph and Martha Hinde, Joseph Edward,  Winnie, Harry, Elsie and Daisie arrived on the evening’s train, also G. Carter and his wife and daughter and Joe and   Walter Little, Blanche Brunst and Wilfred Brunst.  All except the Carters went to McCheanes’  to supper.  Winnie, Elsie and Bob slept at our place.  Joseph and Martha Hinde, Daisie and Harry at Lydia’s and the rest at Hannah Mary’s.  Bob soon got work on the section, and Joseph Hinde took up house painting.



4th month, 25th

McCheanes moved up to the farm and the Hindes had their house.  Most of the wheat seeding at Halcyonia is done now.  Hannah Mary and Blanche soon papered the room and made the place look very nice.  They turned the office into a kitchen and it makes a very nice room.  Lydia had Willie  until they were straight.  Walter Little is staying up at McCheanes’ farm, helping William McCheane in the garden.



5th month, 1st

It was Meeting at our house today.  Martha Hinde was kind enough to send Winnie up to help us.  Hannah Mary, John and William McCheane came from Halcyonia in the little auto and the  Hindes, etc., Edward brought up in the big car.  We had two sittings for dinner.  In the afternoon the two autos had a race.



5th month, 18th

The Pioneer expert came today to fix the engine up, but the things had not come.  Weather keeping cool, not much rain.



5th month, 25th, 7th day

A lovely day, but rather hot.  I am lying in the bluff by the well on a rug and pillow.  Winnie Hinde is here with me writing her diary.  She is staying with me for a few days  while Edith is down Borden helping her mother.  The boys have taken their dinner with them to Eddy’s quarter, plowing for oats.  Ed and Harry have taken the Pioneer to fireguard Eddy’s quarter with the Jumbo scrub plough.  This spring Dad traded Lucy’s pony and $75.00 for a bay mare colt, Meg.  Two and a half year old Ettie, Dolly and Maude have a colt each.  It is 98 in the shade.  John is intending coming from Halcyonia tonight.  The wheat has come up a pretty good plant.


5th month, 26th, 1st day

We were up fairly early and I got breakfast and the place tidied and dinner on the go.  Then I fed and watered my chickens for the day  and went with John in the little auto to Halcyonia.  We got there just as they had sat down to Meeting.  Winnie left here for Borden early.  Joshua, Arthur and Archie Parsons (who is working for the Wakes this year) stayed dinner at McCheanes’.  Oscar came up  after dinner and took his mother up to Saloways’.  I went with Hannah Mary and Blanche to look for turkey nests.  John took his father to Rands’.  When he came back I went a walk with him to see the crop.  We took a book and read Ministering Children. John drove me home after supper.  We were in time for Meeting.  Hannah Mary came with us.


5th month, 27th, 2nd day

Hannah Mary and John left here for Halcyonia at twenty to six.  I got them some breakfast.  I had quite a bit to do with my chickens.  I have fifty-two hatched this year and three more hens sitting, and one hen sitting on ten duck eggs.  It soon got very hot,  I went into the garden and set several rows of peas and some of corn.  Edith and I have put in  most of the garden this year.  I got some water from Moor’s well for washing.  Winnie laid the table for dinner.  Leonard came in on the morning train, he is working on a survey for a new railway near Battleford.  He has shaved his head clean.  Teddy, Jess’s colt who was born last fall, was very sick when he came in from the pasture this morning.  We did everything for him we could but he died about half past ten at night.  He was such a fine animal.  We were sorry to lose him.  Winnie and I drove with Creamy to Hoags’ to get some duck eggs.  I set them under a hen in the portable hen house which Albert made of McCheanes’ old cutter.

5th month, 28th, 3rd day

The men took their lunch.  Winnie is a great help, she is only twelve.  We got through with the washing early in the afternoon and then we went out to the new pasture east  of this and caught Creamy and Winnie rode him to Borden.  Edith and Martha Hinde were busy preparing for Monthly Meeting, fixing up the front room.  I baked bread.


5th month, 29th, 4th day

I was busy until Meeting time.  My chickens need a lot of attention.  John, William and Hannah Mary McCheane,  Joshua and Arthur Wake and Walter Little came down in the big car.  In second Meeting there was a very nice epistle read from Fritchley Monthly Meeting concerning our dear departed friend Caroline McCheane.  I came home after dinner and drove the cattle back to the pasture. I rode Prince, and then I went up to Eddy’s quarter and brought home Jess, Brumingham Bill and Daisy.  When I got back, Edie and Edward, Hannah Mary and John were up here.  Edith and Edward went off on horseback.  I got supper.  The party from Halcyonia called on their way to Halcyonia.  Edith and I got in the car and tried to make it go.  It went fine for a quarter of a mile.  When we shut off the gasoline to turn it round it stopped.


5th month, 30th, 5th day

Edward McCheane and Dad brought about half the colts home.  We did the ironing in the morning and Edith most of the mending in the afternoon.  I cooked a  big fruit cake before supper and after supper I made some pies.  Daisie was here all day, it was wet and she could not go out.  She slept here all night.    John Griffin’s two little girls came to bring a strap back.  They got very wet.


5th month, 31st, 6th day

Just a lovely day after the rain, everything looking up again. As soon as we had put away the breakfast and cleaned up we drove Dick in the buggy and took Daisie home.  Then I rode Brumingham Bill, Dad led the Bronco and I  drove the others.  When we got to Eddy’s quarter I went and brought the rest out, and we took them all up to Uncle’s quarter.  When I got back the boys were having their dinner.  John was here, he came over to have a look at the Pioneer.  Eddy has been troubled with toothache a lot lately.  John is staying over 1st day.


1.   The  Methodist meeting house became the United Church in Borden in 1927.  It is still there.

2.  Annie, Ada, Walter and Esau are all children of Esau Saunders who was Nathan Saunders’ brother; therefore they are cousins of Mary’s.

3.  Edith and Leonard Hinde, companions of Mary’s in the Fritchley boarding school and fellow Quakers, came to Canada in advance of the rest of the Hinde family.  Their passage was paid by Mary’s father Nathan Saunders following upon their commitment to work for two years for Nathan.  Mary uses “Edie” and “Edith” interchangeably for her friend.



JUNE 1912




6th month, 1st, 7th  day

Winnie and I were pretty busy.  John was here, working with Eddy on the engine. We had a good wash in the afternoon and washed our hair.  We had a race round the yard to dry it.  We went to Borden in the car.  Albert left us today.




6th  month, 2nd, 1st day

The Hindes have the front room fixed up nicely for a Meeting room.  Joshua and Arthur drove over with Ginger.  It was very wet in the afternoon.  Arthur drove home but John and Joshua stayed overnight.


6th month, 3rd, 2nd day

A cold wind. John had quite a trouble with the fan belt before he could start.  I drove in to Radisson with Dick in the buggy.  Eddy went in and had three teeth pulled out.  We had a clutch turned in the lathe etc.  Eddy’s teeth or gums were very very painful coming home.  We left Winnie at her home while we were away.  I rode Prince up to Uncle’s quarter after I got back, to see the colts.


6th month, 4th, 3rd day

Pretty busy after being away all day yesterday.  Eddy went on down to Reynolds’ with the engine this morning.  Edie came home in the afternoon.  It was so nice to have her back again, it gave me fresh energy to have her to work with again.


6th month, 5th, 4th day

We went to Meeting.  I arranged to meet Dr. Shepley  in Borden today and he was to pull out these two stumps for me.  We stayed dinner at the Hindes’ and Edie and I stayed and did the ironing.  Dr. Shepley did not come.


6th month, 6th, 5th day

We did the work up together and enjoyed doing it as usual


6th month, 7th, 6th day

We did quite a bit of dressmaking today.  I am making myself a brown zephyr dress, gored and gathered skirt and jumper top.  We have only Dad and Vic here.  Eddy and Harry are staying at the Reynolds’ and we cook stuff and send it.  Albert has got work in the lumberyard.   His idea in leaving was to get his wife out quicker but it has made us short-handed.  Edie finished the white waist she is making and it looks very nice on her.


6th month, 8th, 7th day

We did the housework as usual and saw to the chickens.  It was a very hot day and neither of us felt in very good form.  John and Joshua drove in just as we had done supper.  I went with John to Borden and got to bed very late.  Edith and I fixed a seat in the bluff today, by the well, to sit and sew on etc., etc., and write.

6th month, 9th, 1st day

I drove the car to Borden.  It rained fast and thundered while we were in Meeting.  Edith and Edward stayed to dinner.  We got rather wet coming home to dinner and we stayed in all the afternoon.


6th month, 10th, 2nd day

John and Joshua went back this morning.   We did a big wash, we were thankful with the lovely lot of rain water.  We were through by three.  I made a meat pie and then we went out in the pasture and caught Jessie and Mable (Eliza’s colt).  We took the driving lines with us.  I drove them and Edie led Mable.  We fed them while we got tidied, then drove them round the yard together and hitched them into the buggy.   She went very well.  When we got there we found Smiler was outside and had a very nice colt.  My poor Dandy looked very sick,   he was by himself in a bluff.  I gave him a bit of chop I had in my pocket.  The mosquitoes were  very bad so we decided the only thing we could do was to leave him and go early in the morning.


6th month, 11th, 3rd day

We drove Sultan in the democrat early this morning and brought Dandy home.  I was thankful he seemed better.  He had a good drink when he got here and some corn.  After dinner I gave him some saltpetre and sulfur and put him in the rick yard.  He had been lying down ever since, and I am sitting on the  rick writing this.  I have been reading.  Edith had been resting but she is weeding the garden now.


6th month, 12th, 4th day

We went to Meeting and I stayed dinner to see Dr. Shepley. After dinner Martha Hinde went to rest while Winnie  and I washed and brushed up, then Martha Hinde came down and started mending and I stitched three rows of tucks  in one of Daisie’s frocks.  Winnie came home with me and Edith went down.  I had not been home long  before Dr. Shepley called.  He came in and pulled out the two stumps Dr. Robinson left in.  He is not sure if one of them is quite out but I hope it is.  I have to see him next week.  Edith came after I was in bed.   I was very glad to see her come in.


6th month, 13th, 5th day

A very hot day.  There was thunder about but it did not come to us.  Edith did some pies and I made two meat pies.  Edith went down to help her mother before dinner.  In the afternoon Edith, Edward and Hannah Mary called on their way to Halcyonia.  Dandy is slowly improving today.  He ate some wheat and got colic but we gave him a dose of colic cure and he got better.  I took him with me to Borden for a walk.  Ed and Edith went past to Borden in the auto and Edith stayed all night.  John came in last and slept with Dad.  He came to get his shears sharpened.  Jessie and Ida had colts.


6th month, 14th, 6th day

John left early this morning before breakfast.  Thunder in the air.  Dandy is improving.  He has gone very thin.  Edith is not very well, work did not go down very well today, it was so close.


6th month, 15th, 7th day

Another close hot day, looks like rain.  We got our work done up nicely.  In the afternoon Edith and I cultivated the potatoes and some in the garden with Prince.  Edie got supper while I collected the eggs, etc.  I have about fifty chicks this year.  We have had eight colts this year, first Polly, then Ettie, Maud, Buckskin, Smiler, Jolly, Ida and Jessie.  Joshua came past while we were doing the garden; he said John would not be down till tomorrow morning.



6th month, 16th, 1st day

The rain seems to have passed off and left the ground thirsty.   John and Joshua called and took us to Meeting in the big car.  I drove.    John, Dad, Eddy and I drove up to dinner in the car - I drove.  Victor as usual had the kettle boiling and the potatoes and meat and pudding cooked.  There are only Vic and Harry here now besides ourselves.  John went down for the others while I washed up.  He brought Martha and Joseph Hinde, Winnie and  Daisie.  We went around by Price’s creek.  John drove over the creek, it was very bad crossing and we hit a stone or something on the bottom of the car and broke a casting.  John fixed it up and we went on all right.  We had a very nice time and stayed supper at McCheanes’.  William McCheane is quite sunburnt.  Walter Little is staying there helping them with the garden.  Blanche Brunst and Oscar drove up to supper.  We went home by Wakes’, their place does look nice now.  Hannah Mary came home with us.  John drove home.  I was not feeling very well.  John slept here on the sofa.


6th month, 17th, 2nd day

Edith slept at her home, she is not herself yet.  I think she is overdone, working at both places.   Her mother has not been well and she has tried to help her all she can.  I wish I was more inclined to go beyond my strength.  I think I lose all energy first.  I got up and got breakfast,  John helped me, then we walked across the quarter to see the engine, and we went one round.  After breakfast we, John and I, went down town.  I came across Hannah Mary, Edith and Winnie  and we amused ourselves sitting in the auto eating oranges and throwing the peel at John, Joshua, David and Edward, who were fixing a wind shield on.  Annie Walker came in to dinner.  Edith not much better.  In the afternoon we sat on the seat we made in the bluff and Edith read Longfellow  while I mended and Annie Walker listened.  Later Edith and I went over to Moor’s and I swept and scrubbed the three bedrooms and the parlor.  We expect the Cowleys1 to come on 5th day.  A hot day.


6th month, 18th, 3rd day

Cleared the food out and stopped the cracks and set three lots of supper going then we went outside and did a big wash and six blankets.   Edith drove down late in the afternoon and took the bread and baked it there.  I finished the wash, got supper, sprinkled the clothes and then Edith drove the horse back and I walked down with her.  We slept in the front bedroom. I led Brumingham Bill and cultivated the potatoes.   Dad did a lot of hoeing.


6th month, 19th, 4th day

116 degrees in the sun.  Edith and I came up, we got here just as Vic called breakfast.  We washed up, Edith minced the meat and made a stew.  I made a meat pie and did about an hour’s gardening, then we went to Meeting.  Edith was far from well so we persuaded her to rest and Winnie came up with me. We washed the floors over, I led Jolly on the cultivator then we hustled up and I went down to try and see Dr. Shepley, but he evidently had not come in.  I wanted him to pull out the piece of tooth he had left in last week.  I came back and got supper.  It was a very hot day, 116 in the sun at noon.  I was overtired when I went to bed and could not rest for some time.  I had indigestion.


6th month, 20th, 5th day

I awoke feeling very much better.  What a blessing health is!  I got all or most of the ironing done before it got hot, and most of the housework and then I peeled the potatoes and cooked some lamb’s quarter,2 and sat reading for about an hour when Edie and Hannah Mary drove up.  Hannah Mary came in from Halcyonia last night, they had Captain in the buggy.  I was so pleased to see them, we persuaded Edie to go to Halcyonia for the rest of the week.   We are expecting Vic and Harry and family on 6th day evening.  There are the mother and father and three children, the oldest boy is to work at Walkers’.  Late in the afternoon I went with Dad gopher poisoning.  We went round Eddy’s quarter and Rod Wensley’s.  We drove Brumingham Bill and Prince, they went just fine.  It was a treat to me, I did enjoy it.  I drove while Dad put the poison.   I cooked doughnuts, meat and potatoes for supper.  It has been a hot day but I suppose, feeling better in myself, I did not notice it half so much.  I do miss Edith when she is not here.


6th month, 21st, 6th day

Another very hot day.  In the morning I cooked two fruit cakes and a bucket of apples.  I got the buggy round by the door and I loaded it up with bedding and one of the cakes etc., etc.  After I had cleaned up after dinner I drove the things round to Moor’s house, which is Cowleys’ house now.  I fixed up the beds, cleaned the windows etc.,  Winnie and Daisie came with me from Borden.  Winnie and Daisie picked a bunch of roses and put them on the table.  After an early supper, Vic and Harry drove down in the wagon to meet their people.  T. Griffin’s pony had been here for some time, so I rode Bruningham Bill and the colt followed.  I stayed at Borden and saw the Cowleys in, then I rode on out.  Theodore has quite a nice little place.  I had a cup of tea with them.  The baby girl is six weeks old.  They talk of calling her Mabel Ivy.  I did enjoy the ride and my visit.


6th month, 22nd, 7th day

When the work was done I took Prince down to the pasture on Moor’s quarter.  I went across to the Cowleys’.  They like the place but of course find everything strange and inconvenient.  I tried to bring Mable back but I could not, I let her get away with her halter on.  John and Joshua drove down, John stayed supper.  After supper John went with me to take Dandy and Brumingham Bill to the pasture on the railway quarter.  After that we went to town.  Joshua slept with Eddy and John on the sofa.  We were very late going to bed.  Mosquitoes very  bad.


6th month, 23rd, 1st day

Looks a little like rain but very hot.  John and I came straight back from Meeting and got dinner.  Vic and Harry were at their home so there were only Dad, Ed, John and I.  Joshua took Elsie out with him after dinner to Blanche’s.  I drove with John out after an early supper.  We did enjoy the ride, it was so cool after the terrible heat of the day.  The crops are looking very bad for want of water.  Edward and Edie came home and stayed all night, so did Elsie.  Their garden does look nice now.  Hannah Mary is building a very nice summer arbour big enough to seat six people and a table in the centre.  She has put two nice seats up at the top of the garden.  John and I went a walk in the evening.


6th month, 24th, 2nd day

I left McCheanes’ about nine o’clock.  I drove John and Joshua up to their engine.  They are ploughing on Stillwell’s quarter.  I came round by the school.  I  picked Eileen up on her way to school, she is growing a big girl.  Emily Baxter is very ill.  She has suffered a lot with repeated operations and now she has four more lumps coming and is too weak to undergo another operation.  I enjoyed my short visit to Halcyonia very much.  A very hot day.  After dinner I took a tank of water up to the boys on the engine.  They are ploughing fifty acres on the quarter north of this one.  While Edith washed up I baked in the afternoon.  We both slept at the Hindes’.


6th month, 25th, 3rd day

Ruthie and Norman came to dinner, also Mable and Jim.  We had a nice time in the afternoon talking.  I went with Ruthie to help her choose a hat.  She got a blue felt.  Very hot.


6th month, 26th, 4th day

Still very hot, a job to keep awake in Meeting.  Edith stayed at home to help her mother.  Winnie came up with me.  I did quite a bit of sewing to an apron which Edith cut out and started yesterday.  In the evening Edward and Edith drove up in the auto and took me down, we slept together in Winnie’s bed.  This afternoon Dad and Vic were busy cleaning out Tom’s shed for us  girls to sleep in.


6th month, 27th, 5th day

Still very hot.  Edward drove us up in the car.  We started out washing early because of the heat and got done before dinner.  We are beginning to get used to this weather now  we find we have  to work in it.  In the afternoon did some stitching on my apron and sat in the bluff writing.  It got more hot and close in the afternoon.  After supper, Vic and Harry went home.  Ed and Dad went down Borden to a meeting, and Edith went home.  As I went to get the cow which is tethered in the slough I noticed  a storm coming up from the southwest.    I was just starting to milk when such a wind came up, the dust blowing and the clouds overhead  made it quite dark.  It got worse and worse. I did not know what was coming.  I did not attempt to take the milk over to the house, it was a job to get there myself.  The milk and the jar of cream had blown over, the cat was howling.  I shut the windows, got my jacket and started to town.  The wind was right in my face.  I had such a job to get along, it was so hard breathing my lungs soon got very sore.  The lightning was terrible.  It started to rain when I was on the top of the creek.  I was wet through before I got to the Hindes’.  I had not been there long before the house was struck.  It put out the lights3 but did no other damage.


6th month, 28th, 6th  day

We took turns with the ironing.  We had a lot of starched things, eleven waists.4  I did some cooking in the afternoon.  I finished my apron.  We slept at the Hindes’.


6th month, 29th, 7th day

Edith stayed at home today and started cutting out and making a dress for Winnie.  I cleaned up and cooked, I  plucked and dressed a big rooster for tomorrow. We had a heavy storm at night, lots of rain.  I expect lots of people will be thankful for the rain, the crops were getting very dry and shriveling up.


6th month, 30th, 1st day

Edith and I rode up to Uncle’s quarter to bring the horses down.  We arranged to get them on 7th day night but the storm prevented us.  We had a big job, they were mostly yearlings and very unruly.  We had a hard ride and it took us much longer than we reckoned.  We were late for Meeting.  All the McCheanes were late as well.  The car stopped at Lawson and they had to borrow his batteries.  We took the chicken, some pies and bread down in the afternoon.  Alice Caslow and Duncan McPherson came and got their horses.  Joshua drove the big car home.  John stayed all night.  Warm and damp.  Everything seems sweating.


1.  Cowleys - Harry and  Victor -Their story is on the   page 78 of Borden History Book.

2.  Lamb’s quarter - a wild plant, very nutritious, commonly regarded as a weed.

3.  Lights - being in the village the Moor house had electricity.

4.  Waists - blouses.



JULY 1912




7th month, 1st, 2nd day

Started papering Tom’s house.  We intend making it into a bedroom for ourselves.  It took quite a lot of clearing out.  Drizzling.


7th month, 2nd, 3rd day

Edith stayed and helped her mother wash.  I did a bit more papering and cleaned Dad’s bedroom and the shack.   Feeling lazy today. Seems rather inclined for rain.  My  spirits not so high as usual - feel depressed, maybe indigestion.  John came down last night in the big car to take us back.  They had a job to start it in the morning.  Dad drove Creamy and Polly in the surrey.  McCheanes had their two buggies and the little auto.  There were twenty-four of us to dinner.  We all stayed supper.


7th  month, 4th, 5th day

We had another good lot of rain.  Eddy helped with Tom’s shed.  We took everything off the top and took the boards up and put paper over the scantling and then put the boards back.


7th month, 5th, 6th day

We have been going to bed late for the last three nights.  Must reform.  Busy with Tom’s shed.


7th month, 6th, 7th day

Today the boys were all indoors because of the wet.  We had a lot of rain yesterday and in the night it thundered and rained a  lot.  The thunder came very near this morning.  I did the cooking.  I was feeling below the mark, I had indigestion and felt depressed.  Edith made the curtains for Tom’s house.  We have it all papered now, the ceiling was a big job.  Edward came up for Edith and they went to Lydia Crabb’s to supper, it was Katie’s birthday.  The trails are bad, we have had so much rain.  I plucked and dressed a rooster after supper.


7th month, 7th, 1st day

Edith, who has been sleeping at home, did not come up before Meeting.  John and Joshua came in the car.  We had a shower while we were in Meeting and another in the afternoon.  Daisie came up to dinner and supper.  Vic and Harry go home for 1st day.  We did not get down in time to meet the train but Florrie Middleton and Muriel Brunst,  Reggie and Stasha came.  They went right up to Lydia’s.  Hannah Mary  was there, she came on 5th day.  We could not go up to see them, it was so wet.  John slept with Eddy.  Evening Meeting was I believe a favoured time for me, it is nice to gather together with friends.


7th  month, 8th, 2nd day

Again this morning we got a good start.  I got my work done early and peeled the potatoes for dinner and put the remains of the chicken on to stew.  Then I went with John down to Borden.  I drove the car.  From there we went up to Lydia.  It was raining fast but the car had the top on and the wind shield, so we were all right.  Muriel looks well and not much the worse for the journey, but Florrie looks frail.  We did not leave for a while, then we called at Borden and picked up Joshua and Edith.  I walked on with them to ease the car over the creek.  They caught us up before we got there.  They stayed dinner, and Edith and I rode with them as far as the pasture, to take Dandy a feed.  Put washing soaking.


7th month, 9th, 3rd day

We did a big wash, we had thirteen shirts and some of them were VERY dirty, grease from the engine.  We had several heavy showers after the things were out.  In the afternoon Edith pokered1 a design on a panel for the top of the wardrobe.


7th month, 10th, 4th day

Edie did not come up before Meeting.  This morning I did the ironing of the starched things.  After dinner we took Ida, Smiler, Jessie and Mable and their colts up to the pasture.  Dad drove with Polly in the buggy.  He fixed the drinking place a bit.  It was quite cool.


7th month, 11th, 5th day

Cool and drizzling.  The boys Vic and Harry still plowing on Wensleys’.  Edith and I painted door and window of Tom’s shed, which is to be our bedroom.  I drove into Radisson with Hannah Mary and brought back my saddle, a present from Dad for my 21st birthday.


7th month, 12th, 6th day

Martha Hinde was not very well this morning so Edith stayed home.  We have moved practically everything into the new bedroom now.  It was close in the afternoon and came up like a storm in the evening but  did not come to much more than a heavy shower.


7th month, 13th, 7th day

Much colder today.  Edith did not come up.  Eddy and Dad are starting to fence Reynolds’ quarter.  Work does not go very well when I am alone.   John called for a few minutes in the afternoon, he came for two barrels of gasoline with the auto. The roads are bad, it was raining when he went through.  We had quite a bit of rain in the night.


7th month, 14th, 1st day

I was up early, did up well and left for Halcyonia on Creamy.  Opposite the Doukhobor village I met John and Joshua, so I rode back with John, and Joshua rode Creamy back.  John had Lady in the buggy.  There were quite a few to dinner.  I felt depressed, though I had a nice visit.  It was quite cold.  John drove me back with Mora, she came fine.  I did enjoy riding behind her. We slept in our bedroom for the first time.  Just after we got home, Edie and Edward came back, they had been riding, Edie on Creamy and Edward on Tip.  Edie had my new saddle.  They had been to the river and crossed some deep water.  They were in high spirits, they had enjoyed themselves.  Their horses were very lively and they had been racing. We spent a pleasant evening.  Muriel was at Meeting.  It was eleven o’clock when John and Joshua left here.  Mora went home flying but it was late when they got to bed.  I felt quite cold today.


7th month, 15th, 2nd day

A lovely day, bright and cool.  We were both feeling well.  The washing went easily and the things looked very nice.  My zephyr dress washed well and so did Edie’s dust coat.  In the afternoon we swept and cleaned up.  We had our dinner on our seat in the bluff, then lay down and slept for a little time, perhaps half an hour, then I got up  and did the chores and walked out to the pasture and caught Daisy.  I was thinking of raking the slough but it was so very windy. I decided to see how the horses were in the pasture.  I rode Daisy with my new saddle.  I did enjoy it, the saddle is a beauty.  When I got to the pasture I found Creamy’s two-year-old colt, which Duncan McPherson took home a week yesterday, was back  again.  She had a rope round her neck and had got her halter off and had been treading on it and pulled it so tight her head was badly swollen.  I thought for a time what was the best thing to do.  I could not catch her  so I decided to go and tell Duncan McPherson and let him have the trouble of catching her as we are very busy; he ought to look after her better.  I got Daisy along as far as Uncle Esau’s then I went in and fed my horse and  had supper.  We had a nice time together.  I got off again as soon as I could.  My horse was not in good travelling condition though she did her best.  I got off and walked for a mile or so which rested her and she trotted on again nicely.   I left Uncle Esau’s about eight and got to McCheanes’ about a quarter to nine.  It was dark, and John would not hear of my going on round by McPhersons’ and home that night so I stayed and left before five in the morning. 




7th month, 16th, 3rd day

I had a pleasant little time there.  It was grand riding in the early morning.  I went about a mile out of my way to get to Donald’s place; they were just going into the pasture to get their teams.  I left my message and trotted on home.  I crossed the creek at the steep place by Sutherlands’ and got home before the men left for work.  We did the ironing, at least Edie did most of it.  I had a message and note from John to Wensley so I took May Cowley on Creamy for a ride and then went to their place and arranged for them to come to our place for supper on 5th day.  I got back in time for dinner.  After dinner I was out doing the chores and Creamy ran into the pasture out of the yard so I drove them both into the little pasture and shut the gate.  I came in and mended three pairs of stockings and Edie did other mending.  Vic came home and said the ponies were on the wheat so I went out and caught Daisy and led her and made Floss drive Creamy and I took them into the pasture on the railway quarter.  Ed and Dad and Harry fencing on Reynolds’ today.  Daisy had a colt today.


7th month, 17th, 4th day

Did not manage to see the doctor yet so my tooth is still not out.  It seems like...


“Not by the stacking of a feeble will,

Not by dull langour have our plans been marred.

But where our eager feet were pressing still

We found the pathway barred.”


Almost straight after dinner I went out mowing and I did a nice patch, very good hay though thin.  I came in and got supper.  Hannah Mary drove Mora down and left her here.  After supper I hitched her up and drove down to Borden and we got her things on.  Mora is a lovely creature.  We were late going to bed.  Muriel called while David  got some gasoline and went back for the car. Halcyonia picnic.


7th month, 18th, 5th day

An anxious day.  The Cowleys are leaving tonight.  They had supper here.  I walked down with May and saw then off.  About half past seven it was seventy degrees and close and looked like thunder, but is much cooler now.  Lots and lots of buggies are rattling around tonight.  How different to when we lived at Sixteen five years ago.  Then we ran to the door with glasses when anything came on the horizon three quarters of a mile off.  Now, autos are as common as buggies were then.


7th month, 19th, 6th day

I was outside most of today.  I drove Jess and Prince up to Uncle Esau’s before dinner.  I had dinner there and came back with a tank and the democrat led behind.  Jess and Prince are in fine spirits; they are as fat as pigs.  When I got home I went mowing in the big slough on Moor’s.  I finished it in good time.  It is splendid grass and a good crop.  Edith did the housework.




7th month, 20th, 7th day

Drizzling today.  The men did not go out with their teams in the morning.  We did the baking and cleaning as usual.


7th month, 21st, 1st day

The work seemed to be done very easily this morning.  John and Joshua did not come until we were in Meeting.  Laddy had got out of the pasture and so Edie and Ed came up to dinner and went out horseback on Prince and Jim and John and I went up to Twenty-Four  and round by  Quicks’ in the little car, as David had borrowed the big one to take Lydia and etc., up to Halcyonia and Arthur left here pretty late.  There was lots of summer lightning before they went  but it came nearer with thunder later.


7th month, 22nd, 2nd day

Did our washing in the morning, in the afternoon I raked the hay with the team .   I mowed it with Polly and Jolly, they are a splendid team.   Annie Pearce called.  I had a pleasant time and a nice talk with her.  I went to bed and Edith stayed half an hour to finish baking the bread.  It looked a lot like thunder when we went to bed we heard a few peals but slept through the worst of it.  There was no rain.


7th month, 23rd, 3rd day

We left the breakfast things and tried to hustle the men out to pick up the hay while it was dry.   Edith and I went down by ourselves.  We had our load nearly on when they came.  We got about two loads up when down came the rain.  We sat under the wagons until it eased up and then hitched out and took the teams home.  Edith, as soon as we had changed and rested, started making a dress for me which she stuck at all the afternoon.  After dinner John came.  Lady has got a colt and he wanted Dad to go with him to Quick’s to see the horses.  They got very wet.  They did not decide on anything.  We went to Borden in the car in the evening and Edith went with her mother and Edward to Moor’s house.  I came back with Eddy and John.  John and  Dad and I sat in our bedroom-sitting room talking until pretty late.


7th month, 24th, 4th day

John drove us down to Meeting.  Edith got my dress nearly finished.  In the afternoon we wanted to go out and so as John came through the yard with the auto I put  the saddle and some corn in, and Edie rode Prince.  I rode with John as far as the pasture , then John went on.  He had two barrels of gasoline.  We caught Dandy and saddled  him and I rode him  in.  Edie led him from Prince.  He trotted along all right, of course he doesn’t know anything about the bit.  He is in poor condition,  he has not gained flesh at all since his illness.


7th month, 25th, 5th day

Another wet day.  The hay I cut and raked in the slough is all under water.  The Pioneer expert came and Dad wanted John to see him about a different pump for the engine, to I went up there.  I put Dandy and Creamy in and Edith helped and came with me to the pasture.  Then we let Dandy go and got Creamy.  It rained all the day.  Edith went back.  My horses went fine, they are both in good shape and lively.  When I got there, Lady’s colt was dying.  Hannah Mary poured some of its mother’s milk in its mouth.  It had been out in a lot of rain ever since it had been born and I guess the wet killed it.  I came home soon after supper.  It was not raining then but I could see a storm coming up from the west.  The trails were swilling in water.  John and Joshua had gone to Borden by Schraders’ so I missed them.  I changed when I got  in then the men came up from Borden and the storm came on.  Edie came to bed but I stayed up until it was nearly over, half past eleven.  It was very severe.  Floss was lying with her nose touching the stove and she got a shock, she yelped and ran under the sofa.


7th month, 26th, 6th day

A lot of  rain fell in the night and several showers during the day.  Joshua went home with Arthur and Ginger.  John and Dad went to Quick’s and bought a team of work horses, big ones, and another big four year old horse.  He traded in Zip.  John and Ed were with the expert on the engine.


7th month, 27th, 7th day

We did the cleaning and cooking before dinner.  After dinner we cleaned up and had a bath.  I got tidied after supper.  I went with John to Halcyonia, we led the old team behind the buggy.  It was chilly before we got there.  By the way I felt bad-tempered this afternoon.


7th  month, 28th, 1st day

Nice and fine today.  Hannah Mary had quite a few to dinner.  Hannah Mary, William, John and I left to Petrofka in the big auto.  We had a lovely drive.  The country is very beautiful, most of the crops look good and everything is so green.  We got there in less than two hours, twenty miles.  We had supper with Eliza Wood, she made us very welcome.  Benjamin Wood is in Pickering and Lotta at Winnipeg.  I saw Charlie for the first time.  John cut his hand badly when he was cranking up the car.  After supper, while we were out for a walk to see the river and Sherbinins’ old place, etc., John’s hand started bleeding again.  We went in and Eliza Wood put some turpentine on it.  About eight or half past we left for Herman Fast’s.  We have to go by graded roads now which makes it about four miles, it used to be two and a half.  It was dark when we got to their place.  They gave us a hearty welcome. Herman Fast has been to a meeting at a Russian settlement thirty-five miles west of Petrofka.  The district, he said, was old timberland and the women and children of the settlement got their living by gathering the seneca root.  Hannah Mary and I slept in Marie and Olga’s bedroom.  A glorious night.


7th month, 29th,  2nd day

A lovely morning - a nice breeze to keep the mosquitoes quiet.  We went for a row on the lake, which was fine and most enjoyable, then we went round the pasture and looked at the animals.  Then we went out and gathered raspberries.  We got a nice lot.  We started home soon after dinner  and we came to Borden.  About thirty-six miles we passed through, country I had never seen before.  The trail was very rough a lot of the way.  It must have been tiring for John driving all the time as he had to watch the trails so closely,  owing to the great amount of rain we have had.  We had had a most enjoyable trip and visit altogether, yet it was nice to get home again.  I did not think I had seen any place so pretty as it is around here, nor better   crops than what we put in on  Rod Wensley’s.  Edie was out disking.  She had been washing.  I got the things out and got supper for Hannah Mary, William and John, and then they went to Borden.  And I got supper for Eddy, Dad, Edie and Vic.  Dad was also disking and Ed and Vic plowing with the engine.2  They came in to supper about seven.


7th month, 30th, 3rd day

We were very busy cleaning up and cooking for tomorrow and doing the ironing and getting the clothes away.  We did the bedrooms, etc.,  It was another lovely day.  Edie about finished Winnie’s white dress.


7th month, 31st, 4th day

Monthly Meeting.  We cleaned up etc., and were through in nice time.  Edie went to Borden with Winnie’s dress.  Hannah Mary, John and William McCheane, and Walter Little came down, and the Hindes from Borden, and Lydia Crabb.  We had a nice time together, but as there was a grain growers’ meeting about the new elevator in Borden at two o’clock, friends soon separated.  After we had cleaned up I went with Edie  and the girls across to show them the raspberry patches.  When I got back, John had gone.  I was sorry I had missed him.  I then got Creamy saddled and had some brown bread and butter and an egg and hit off to Uncle’s quarter.  I found the colts all right.  They were looking well, their coats shining.  The mosquitoes were desperate, they swarmed round me in clouds while I undid the gate.  Creamy went well.  I do like my new saddle.  I wore my new dress.

1.  Pokered:  poker-work is burning a design into wood using a hot poker.

2.  Engine - this would be the Pioneer steam engine, an early  and very large version of the tractor.








8th  month, 1st, 5th day

Edie did quite a lot to her zephyr dress and rode Creamy to Borden and got her piece of serge material and patterns.  We have been keeping Creamy tethered out in the rick yard, there is such a lot of growing wheat there.


8th month, 2nd, 6th day

I did mending in the morning and Edie dressmaking.  She wore her zephyr dress in the afternoon.  We went breaking-in Meg and  we did it, I rode her and Edie led her off Prince.  We went onto the hill by Smith’s coming home.  Edie sprained her wrist or finger, badly.  Then I rode Prince and Edie rode Meg.  Meg also trod on Edie’s heel so I guess she will be off the broncho-busting list for a week.  Looks inclined for rain.


8th month, 3rd, 7th day

A lovely day, not too hot.  Edie helped a lot with her one hand.  We went in the garden picking raspberries in the afternoon.  Dad sold Blundell two steers for eighty dollars.  He killed one yesterday. We picked some pin cherries in the garden and we intend setting them with the jelly made from the steer’s feet.  Another hen came home with four chicks, that makes about fifty-five come home that have set themselves.  I have set and hatched about forty.


8th month, 4th,  1st day

A very nice day.  We got our work done in lots of time.  I was pleasantly surprised to see John and Edward walk up together about ten o’clock.  It seemed so much like old times, like they used to come up in the winter through the blizzards or what not.  John and I drove up after Meeting with Lady in the buggy, spent an enjoyable afternoon.  After Meeting in the evening, John wanted to take Niger home and he did not look like leading very well.  The mosquitoes were awful and Lady was very fidgety and anxious to be off, so I imagined I had excuse enough to drive Lady.  We rigged ourselves up with mitts, veils and coats etc., to keep the mosquitoes off, but we did not need them. It was late when we started and they had got quieter.  I slept with Hannah Mary and Florrie, they had gone to bed.


8th month, 5th, 2nd day

Hannah Mary drove me down with Reggie.  She went back before dinner and     drove Florrie down in the afternoon.  Florrie and Reggie1 have come to stay.  I had to go to Reynolds’ in the afternoon.


8th month, 6th, 3rd day

We did the ordinary wash in the morning and seven blankets in the afternoon.  Florrie was here to help Edie.  We went to Borden to get some soap and stayed dinner.  Mosquitoes dreadful.


8th month, 7th, 4th day

We all went down to Meeting and Edie stayed.  She is helping her mother for a while and then going to look after Joshua and Arthur.  It was a very hot day.  I had a headache but we drove out raspberry picking, Florrie, Reggie and I with Creamy in a second-hand buggy Dad has just bought for David and Ed.  John came down.


8th month, 8th, 5th day

We went picking raspberries, John, Florrie, Muriel, Reggie and I.  John drove us in the auto.  We went toward Hoffman’s.2  We had a nice time and got a nice lot of berries.  The sun was hot and the mosquitoes very bad, but we found a nice place free from them in the bluff where we had dinner, which took us three hours.  Muriel did keep us lively.  John stayed all night.  He had a heavy load of twine and the trails were wet and bad owing to so much rain.  Eddy and Vic went to the Saskatoon fair.


8th month,     9th, 6th day

I went in the morning with Vic and Dad to Reynold’s.  Eddy did not come back from Saskatoon last night, he missed the train.  I disked and finished the piece about five, then I let my team go and hooked up Creamy and Meg in the buggy.  The mosquitoes were terrible.  I went in to Radisson.  The poor horses were nearly mad  but when I got into town I could not see any and I tied them up outside.  I saw the doctor about getting this stump out but he had left his instrument at Boyle’s, so he arranged to call tomorrow.  It was better coming home. I was facing a wind.  It was late when I got back.  Dad was waiting up for me.


8th month, 10th, 7th day

I did some cooking in the morning.  Florrie did quite a lot of cleaning yesterday so we  had an easy day.  The mosquitoes were bad.3


8th month, 11th, 1st day

I drove Meg and Creamy in the buggy to McCheanes’.  I took Blanche’s hen and thirteen chickens.  I found them all well.  In the afternoon John took Neighbour Booth to Borden.  Hannah Mary and I rode up with him to Booths’.  We saw him brought out and he looked very ill indeed.  They laid him on a bed in the back of the auto and John drove gently.  Nurse Booth and George Orchard’s wife went with him.  He has been suffering for quite a while, in fact for years, but I understood he has only been in bed a week or so.  It was thundering when they left but they got to Borden before the storm.  Hannah Mary and I started and got as far as the Baxters, then it came on to rain, and we went in.  Emily Baxter looks very ill.  Sissie was sitting fanning her mother, she seemed so sorry for her.  We started  again for  Borden and got wet through, then we turned back and stayed at McCheanes’ all night, and John stayed at our house in Borden all night. 


8th month, 12th, 2nd day

I passed John on my way down.  He said Neighbour Booth did not know him when he left.  They say he is in no pain now.  John caught me a rabbit on 7th day, a very young one.  I feed it with milk in a spoon.  I made a cage for it.  I found Florrie all right.  The men had gone to Reynolds’.


8th month, 13th, 3rd day

The boys went to Reynolds’.  I went with Dad to Uncle’s quarter.  Florrie did the washing.  In the afternoon I went to Seniors’ and came back with Eddy.  I went with Dad.  Mosquitoes very bad, had a smudge in the buggy.  Hannah Mary, Blanche, Oscar and Edgar Baker were here to supper. I drove to Halcyonia with Hannah Mary and Edgar Baker.  John had gone to bed but he got up.  He was pleased to see us.  The mosquitoes were bad.


8th month, 14th, 4th day

 I went with John and Hannah Mary to Booth’s to get some butter in the auto, then I came home.  I drove Florrie, Reggie, Dad and Eddy to Meeting.  It is at the Hindes’ in our house on Moor’s now.  Owing to so much rain, the creek is high.


8th month, 15th, 5th day

I was out leading the horse while Dad ploughed the potatoes up, and we heard of Neighbour Booth’s death.  What a lot will happen in one week.  It was hard for me to realize it.  How necessary it is to be ready, ripe and ready, waiting for the Master’s call.  What a blessed state to be in.  How can we give so much time to earthly things and starve our souls?


8th month, 16th, 6th day

We were busy in the morning, cleaning up and cooking.  The funeral was to be at two o’clock.  We went to Borden and walked up with them.  They were not long at the graveside.  The parson read from a book.  It came on raining heavily and several came down to our place to shelter.  The McCheanes went to Lydia’s to tea.  Edgar Tallis and his wife and John Matthews and his wife and Jim and Mable and Edie stayed tea, and John and Walter Little.  John and Walter Little stayed all night.


8th month, 17th, 7th day

Lots of rain in the night but Ed and Vic went to finish cutting Tom’s oats.  Our work seemed easy for 7th day.  I felt lazy.  I guess it was the reaction of yesterday.  The wheat is ripening nicely.  We have a lot of second growth.  We don’t know hardly what to expect in the way of a crop because of it.  Reggie gets on nicely riding Creamy.  I read too much of Little Women and Good Wives.4


8th month, 18th, 1st day

We drove to meeting, Reggie, Florrie and I with Dick in the buggy.  John and Joshua came with Lady.  They were rather late so did not come round by our place.  The mosquitoes were not quite so bad today.  John and I took our books and went outside to read.  We had to make two smudges to have any peace.

8th month, 19th, 2nd day

Cutting started.  John came in for his binder and stayed all day, helping David.  There is such a rush for binders.  I did the washing and Florrie got the dinner.  In the afternoon Reggie and I took Peggy, Laddie and Dandy  down to Reynolds’ pasture.  The mosquitoes were cruel.  Reggie got in some deep water and we had to hustle home.  A man came up from Saskatoon and is working here.  He arrived last night.  Dad agreed to give him $20.00 a month.  I think he’s rather queer.


8th month, 20th, 3rd day

I went up to Thirty-Four and brought Jessie down before dinner.  John went home with the binder.  He had Bill and Niger, they are a fine team, and lively.  A hot day, mosquitoes bad.  Reggie and I went stooking.   We kept up with the binders.  The crop is very poor.


8th month, 21st, 4th day

Florrie, Reggie and I drove to Meeting with Creamy in the buggy.  We have Meeting at Hindes’, they are living in the house on Moor’s.  We have to go nearly to Borden to cross the creek.  In the afternoon we went stooking again.  I did not come home to dinner but stayed in Borden and saw the doctor and he pulled the stump out for me.  Sissie Baxter was there; she had four out.  I was not at all nervous, that was why it did not upset me.  I did a lot of stooking after it.


8th month, 22nd, 5th day

It was wet this morning, so the men did some crushing in the morning.  I took their lunch and stooked until about seven.  They finished Moor’s in the morning and cut the eight acre piece in the afternoon.



8th month, 23rd, 6th day

Wet in the morning.  They finished on Moor’s.  Florrie was out stooking quite a bit yesterday.  We went up and finished the eight acre piece and I milked the cows.  The men were away on the school land, they could not start until after dinner on account of the wet.


8th month, 24th, 7th day

More rain in the night.  I left my bunny outside and he got wet.  He seems pretty sick but I hope he gets over it.  We all went up to the school land, Florrie included, and finished cutting and stooking the wheat, and came home to dinner.  The boys did some crushing in the afternoon.  My bunny is no better,  I had him outside but he would not run about.  A dull day, mosquitoes quiet, splendid for working.  At suppertime Bunny was very sick.  I put a mustard poultice on him because his stomach is swollen, but he died.  I went to Borden in the evening and got some things for McCheanes and  some for ourselves.  The trails were muddy.  We were stooking on the school land in the morning, we finished before dinner.


8th month, 25th, 1st day

Florrie did not go to Meeting.  We had dinner as soon as we got back and left early for Halcyonia.  We called in at Baxters’ and spent a nice time at McCheanes’.  They had eighteen to dinner.  Hannah Mary has had Katie staying with her.  The mosquitoes  were rather bad.  We drove home before evening Meeting.


8th month, 26th, 2nd day

We did the washing and the men were cutting on Wensley’s.  They did about twenty-five acres.  I did not feel very much like work.  I finished Little Women.  It is a nice book.


8th month, 27th, 3rd day

Drenching.  The men could not work in the afternoon. Dad and Eddy unloaded a car 5 of gasoline, they earned six dollars.


8th month, 28th, 4th day

Monthly Meeting at the Hindes’.  Neither Edward nor John was there, so Edie and I enjoyed each other’s company.  Of course we were both disappointed but Edie saw Ed in the afternoon.  It was  a nice day but Vic did not do any cutting.  Hannah Mary and William McCheane stayed to tea.  Martha Hinde, Daisie and Harry went for a visit to the Wakes’. 


8th month, 29th, 5th day

The binders could not do much.  Raining.  Muriel came to supper.  We had a fine time.


8th month, 30th, 6th day

The boys could not start cutting until ten, the dew was so heavy.  Florrie and I drove up before dinner and stayed all day, we  finished the stooking in nice time.  We bought a case of salmon and one of tomatoes and other stuff, partly for threshing, we also got a case of peaches and one of plums.6

8th month, 31st,  7th day

A nice day today.  We were up early but the binders took so much fixing they did not start till ten.  I drove the cattle in from the pasture and Dad caught Caslow.  He has sold him to Blundell.   I drove the others back and thoroughly enjoyed it.  I did the cooking and sealed up the peaches, it made ten sealers.  Florrie did the cleaning.  I did the stove.  After dinner, as soon as we were through we went out stooking.  We, Reggie and I, did not leave until dark, a quarter to eight.


1.       Florrie Middleton and her schoolboy son Reggie.

2.   Hoffman’s - see also stories about this family in Bob Hinde’s As I Remember It, and in the Borden History book, Our Treasured Heritage, page 145.

3.    Mosquitoes - it may be that screens on doors and windows were not part of their equipment.

4.   In general the reading of novels was frowned on by members of the Religious Society of Friends, the preferred reading being  of a much more serious nature.  Martha Hinde regarded the reading of novels as sinful, and was deeply concerned that her older sister Elizabeth read novels. 

5.  The car that they unloaded would be a railway car.

6.  The salmon and tomatoes would be tinned, and the fruit fresh. 








9th month, 1st, 1st  day

We had a little rain in the night.  A nice morning but a heavy shower with some hail just after dinner.  John and I drove over to Reynolds’ and Tom’s quarter.  We saw the crops and the horses.  I spent a very enjoyable day.


9th month, 2nd, 2nd day

We hired a man for two months, A. Wensley’s brother.  The binders started about ten and kept stopping.  I sealed five sealers of plums and made some cookies.  Florrie made a lovely tomato soup for dinner, some liver and pork chops and batter, and rice pudding.  We went out stooking in the afternoon.  Floss caught a rabbit. It came on to rain and we could not get finished but we stooked it all up.


9th month, 3rd, 3rd day

Another cold dull day.  We finished here and moved to Reynolds’ in the afternoon.  We got through the packing and unloading pretty nicely.  Douglas helped us.  We hadn’t much time to clean up down there.  The binders made a start on Reynolds’.


9th month, 4th, 4th day

Eddy drove to Radisson to get the binder fixed.  We did the washing.  The binders did not start, it was too wet.


9th month, 5th, 5th day

Very dull, cold and drizzling all day.  Dad comes home to sleep.  The binders could not work.  We did the ironing and a big lot of cooking.  It takes a lot to keep them satisfied when they are away.


9th month, 6th, 6th day

Finer today, and the  binders went pretty well.  Florrie went down to get their meals.  I was here alone.


9th month, 7th, 7th day

Busy cooking, etc., and cleaning.  I went down to Reynolds’.  The men did about thirty acres on the railway quarter.  In the morning I went up to Rod’s  and put up the fallen stooks.  A young American, Fred, started to work for us.  He is a splendid hand.


9th month, 8th, 1st day

Edie came down to Meeting but not John or Joshua.  I stayed dinner at Hinde’s and had a nice time.  Anna Stasher came.  I drove her up to Dreepin’s.

9th month, 9th, 2nd day

The men have about a hundred and forty acres of wheat  to cut yet and seventy-five acres of oats.  Did a fair day’s cutting.  John came in the evening and stayed all night.  I was pleased to see him.  Anna Stasher  did the washing and baked bread, and Edie came for the bronco.  We tied her to the telegraph pole, she did pull.


9th month, 10th, 3rd day

John went back this morning.  I did the ironing.  Edgar Baker came in at dinner time and stayed an hour or two.  Florrie was away.  Annie and Ada called in the afternoon and had tea.


9th month, 11th, 4th day

Dad and Florrie were at Meeting.  I drove down to Reynolds’ intending to get back but when I got there, Vic asked me to  get dinner early as they had finished the railway quarter and wanted a big afternoon to finish on Tom’s.  So I stayed and drove back before supper.  I got the cows in and milked.  Dad did not come till late.  We, Reggie and I, turned quite a lot of the stooks on Moor’s.  They are growing out badly.1


9th month, 12th, 5th day

I drove down to Reynolds’ with Creamy, taking provisions, etc.  I went out stooking a little in the afternoon.  Such a storm came up suddenly, very much like hail.  The men had to hustle in.  I had a cold ride home.  Edie came down with Ginger and the  bronco tied behind.  She leads good.


9th month, 13th, 6th day

I helped wash up then we went out and got the saddle on the bronco, and Dad held her while I got on.  We went round the stubble a bit.  She was quite inclined to buck but she did not do anything desperate. There was a cold damp wind which made things worse.  Fortunately Charlie  Caslow came along.  I got on Creamy and he got on the bronco.  We went through the quarter and up and back along the E & W grade,2 then we discovered he was going to Alec Caslow’s and so I said if he  would ride the bronco, I would ride his horse and lead the other two he had to take.  We got there.  Charlie led one horse most of the way.  Edie rode Creamy. The two I had wanted to go like mad.  I rode the bronco from Caslow’s to Wakes’.  We went in and got dinner.  John was there after dinner.  We did some cooking, cleaned up and then rode to McCheanes’.  Edie rode the bronco, balking several times but on the whole she went well.  I slept at the Wakes’.


9th month, 14th, 7th day

We left early.  Archie Parsons wanted to go to Saskatoon so we rode with him to the  Elbow and then took Ginger on to Borden.  I rode the bronco.  Peter Boyle said our horses were out of the pasture on Thirty-four, so after we got home we had some lunch and fed our horses and then hit  for there too.  We could not find our stray ones, but we brought  home the four that were still in the pasture, and got them into the railway quarter.  Edie was  tired but after some supper she rode the bronco on to Halcyonia, then Reggie and I hitched Ginger up and drove to Brackens’ and from there to Uncle Esau’s.  We happened to pass a team and asked them and they had seen Uncle Esau trying to get them into their pasture.  They were ours all right, and Dad was pleased to hear we had found them.   John and Archie were here when we got back.  It was after eight.


9th month, 15th, 1st  day

We did not get an early start.  I wanted to help all I could.  John rode Lady, I rode Daisy and Reggie rode Creamy.  We had a job to get them started up for home but they came very well and did not give us much trouble.  We were too late for Meeting.  Muriel and Reggie’s mother and Oscar came to dinner.  Muriel has come back to Lydia’s.  Blanche is getting nicely better.  John and I took the horses round to the pasture on the railway quarter.  We stayed a while and read.  It was such a glorious afternoon, we enjoyed it.  When we got in they had finished supper.  Muriel and Douglas had been having a very lively time.  We went to Meeting and John went home with Joshua before Meeting.  Lydia was there and Muriel went back with them.


9th month, 16th, 2nd day

A cold day.  The boys finished on Reynolds’ and went to the doctor’s in the afternoon.  Florrie and I packed up and came back.  We had Meg and Brum.  Reggie drove.  We passed Annie Walker and Alice Greenleaf and asked them in to supper.  We had our supper with them.  They had  gone when the boys came in.  Ned broke his knife head3 and they did not finish on the  doctor’s.


9th month,  17th, 3rd day

Ned went cutting on Eddy’s quarter and  Vic finished with doctor’s and went up to Eddy’s.  Reggie and I drove with Brum and Oliver to Thirty-Four and put up the stooks  our horses had knocked down.  A cold wind.


9th month, 18th, 4th day

Finished Harvest.  A cold dull day.  I cleaned eight rabbits before Meeting and did some other cooking.  After Meeting I went down town and waited all the afternoon for the doctor but he did not come.  The men finished on Eddy’s.  I spent the afternoon at Primmers’ and had tea there.  Wet all the afternoon.


9th month, 19th, 5th day

Florrie did the washing.  I went to town in the morning and got the groceries and tried to see about Florrie’s boxes, and in the afternoon I went down again.  I met Edie and went back with her and stayed tea.  The men dug the cellar and got up the potatoes on Senior’s.  A nice crop.


9th month, 20th, 6th day

Busy getting up potatoes.  We dug a grave in the garden and buried a lot of potatoes, some carrots and parsnips.4  We have sorted our potatoes, the large from the small, this year.  A very nice day.


9th month, 21st, 7th day

Fred is not coming back.  A nice day but cold.  John came down last night and slept on the sofa.  He drove us, Dad, Eddy, Muriel, Florrie, Reggie and I up to Halcyonia in the car.  The two American Friends, John and Zacariah Haines were at Meeting.  Zacariah Haines spoke very nicely in Meeting and he also supplicated.  The young women he exhorted to diligence in searching after better things.  It was a favoured opportunity.  John drove Dad, Muriel and me down to Oscar’s.  We had dinner there.  Dad drove Oscar’s pony and buggy home.  We came back in the car.  Blanche stayed with Hannah Mary.  She intends coming down on 4th  day.  We had a hearty greeting when we got back: “There is no place like home.”  After supper we went to Meeting.  It was a comforting time.  Martha Hinde spoke a few words.


9th month, 23rd, 2nd day

Started threshing.  A cold night.  Several fresh men came, they got the thresher going in the afternoon but did not do much.  We got up fairly early.  Muriel stayed overnight, she helped me with the work.  I drove her home.  We called at the station to see about their luggage.  Reggie, Wilfred and I drove off with Kitty to Halcyonia, we passed and took leave of Zacariah and John Haines.  They were on their way to the train.  We got Creamy from the pasture on our way.  At McCheanes’, we had dinner.  Blanche and Willie and Walter Little were there.  Then we went to Oscar’s and borrowed their knives and forks, then we went to Joshua’s, and Reggie rode Creamy and drove the team of Oscar’s oxen we had come for.  John came across and spoke for a few minutes.  Their thresher was going good.  We had a lot of trouble getting the oxen home.  It was after eight when we got back.  We had to make up another bed.


9th month, 24th, 3rd day

We have ten men to cook for now.  We had a hard day.  I was on from four AM until half past nine PM and I was tired.  Dad killed the calf.  Quite a hard frost in the night.


9th month, 25th, 4th day

I got up at four and called the men at five and they sat down at a quarter past for breakfast.  I did a small wash.  I finished, and washed the boys’ shack  before dinner.  I had to go to  Borden  in the morning and again in the afternoon.  It was a busy day, lots of cooking.


9th month, 26th, 5th day

A lot easier today.  Florrie  did the ironing in the morning.  We are doing our housework in installments so as not to have much extra on 7th day.  It is very nice having the veal liver, etc., to go at.  I am doing all the cooking.  I am getting used to going to bed at seven and getting up at half past four.


9th month, 27th, 6th day

The wheat on Moor’s is very poor, only six bushels to the acre, but on the summer fallow and this quarter we had twenty-three bushels to the acre.  I went down Borden to get gasoline.  It took a lot of my afternoon.  I did a lot of cooking.



9th month, 28th, 7th day

We had a comparatively easy day, and all our work ahead.  Hannah Mary and Blanche came just before supper.  I rode back with Hannah Mary and led Brumingham Bill.  We had Lady and Mora; they went fine.  We hitched out, Hannah Mary milked the cows.  We fed the animals for the night and after a time, John came.  It was very late when we went to bed.


9th month, 29th, 1st day

I was cold all day.  I did not have enough sleep.  Edward and Edie were up.  We started for home before supper.  Edie and Edward rode down with me, we had the bronco,  Tip and Brumingham Bill.  It was most enjoyable.  We went up to Mable’s and had some supper, and Jim played several hymns.  The ride was so enjoyable, it did me a lot of good although it was late when we went to bed; we talked a long while.


9th month, 30th, 2nd day

Edie left for Halcyonia just after daylight.  The bronco got out into the pasture and we had to catch her.  The men were on the school land, threshing.  Florrie, Blanche and I drove up with a wagon and the buggy tied behind.  It was a very nice afternoon.  Then we went to Borden and got some stores and a hat each, and then I drove Blanche over to the Rands’.  We saw and spoke to John and Joshua, Oscar and Stasha. It was dark when we got to Rands’.  We had a bit of supper with them, I fed my horses and farmer Rand drove me on to the right trail and I got on all right, though the trace came off and dropped the pole.  I nearly went to sleep in the buggy.  Now I am up at four I must get to bed early.  I made pie, etc., today.


1.       This means that the wheat  ears are sprouting due to the unseasonal rain and thus not saleable; could perhaps be used for food for the animals.

2.       E. and W. grade: the Edmonton and Winnipeg line, one of the several small railway companies in addition to the Canadian Pacific, which mainly ran through the southern part of western Canada.  Later these small railways were amalgamated into the Canadian National Railway.

3.    Knife head - the tool that cuts the twine after each sheaf is bound.

4.  “...a grave in the garden...”  Storage of vegetables for winter use was a challenge.  Perhaps it was not      realized that  winter’s cold could penetrate as deeply as eight feet and indeed meet the permafrost.











10th month, 1st, 3rd day.

The men were threshing on Paul Popoff’s place.  I had to take dinner, and when I got there I found they had very little and I had to get some fresh water from the Doukhobor village.  I had to go home and get some eveners.1  Kitty was taken sick and I had to walk all the way home.  Then I changed her for Brum and as soon as I started back Creamy got sick.  I had to come round by Larsens’ and Wainwrights’; and it was slow work.  Creamy was very bad for two hours.



10th month, 2nd, 4th day

I went to Meeting.  Martha Hinde was sick and I milked the cow.  In the afternoon I drove Florrie over and milked the cow again.  Florrie got all the dinner by herself.


10th month, 3rd, 5th day

I got ahead as quickly as I could with the work.  I then drove Meg and Brum round to Hindes’, milked the cow, etc. At Borden I got as much as the buggy would hold and came home, unloaded and  drove up to the Wakes’.  I told Edie to go down to her mother.  I had dinner at Rands’ and from there, to McCheanes’.  Hannah Mary gave me a bucket of beets and two marrows.   She rode down with us.  Blanche, Hannah Mary and I went to Hindes’ and I milked the cow.  We had a nice time there.  Martha Hinde is much better.  Hannah Mary and I went to bed early and then we did a lot of talking.


10th month, 4th, 6th day

Hannah Mary left early this morning.  I did a lot of cooking, expecting the men to go to Reynolds’  in the afternoon but they had a bad break.  Edie and Winnie came over and  borrowed Creamy to take stores home.  The men had dinner today and yesterday at Wainwright’s.


10th month, 5th, 7th day

The men were at Wainwright’s again today.  Pretty busy cooking, etc.  Went on to the doctor’s,  Reynold’s.


10th month, 6th, 1st day

John came late last night and slept on the floor in the kitchen.  We spent a very pleasant day.


10th month, 7th, 2nd day

A nice day.  We went to Reynolds’ and took the bedding, etc.  We took the men’s dinner out on the field.  Blanche stayed at Reynolds’.  We put the men to sleep on straw in the small shack, and our bed in one end of the other shack.  I came home again.



10th month, 8th, 3rd day

Florrie went down with me.  I milked the cows, etc.  The threshing went pretty well.  Reggie came home with me.  We slept on the sofa.  We had been to sleep about an hour when Tom Clarke2 came.  I got him some supper and he slept upstairs.


10th month, 9th, 4th day

I drove down to Reynolds’.  Reggie went with me.  We took Tom up to the separator.  Blanche came back with me.  When I got home the cows were out as usual so I dragged an old manure rack across the gateway up the north grade.  When I got back I heard Dad had had an accident and I drove down.  He was in  Florrie’s bed, he had a very bad fall.  He was pitching sheaves into the separator, he missed his footing and fell off the hay rack.  I think the belt must have caught his legs and thrown them over his head.  His head, his chest and back were badly crushed and strained.


10th month, 10th, 5th day

Blanche and I drove down.  Dad was walking about, but he looks very rough.  He came back with me.  I went to the butcher’s to get some meat.  The horses walked on and Dad could not pull the lines hard enough to stop them.  Dad drove back again    by himself and Blanche drove back with him.  Tracksells are hauling our oats from Reynolds’ home.  The threshing is going on slowly.  The engine broke something.


10th month, 11th, 6th day

I rode the bronco into Radisson and got Florrie’s medicine.  I did enjoy the ride.  The mare went so well.  The men were hauling oats from Reynolds’.  We are having lovely weather.


10th month, 12th, 7th day

Busy cooking, etc.,  Edgar Baker was here most of the morning.  We did a lot of talking.   Blanche was here.  Dad came from Reynolds’ with all the things.  We got straightened up nicely before night.


10th month, 13th, 1st day

I went to Halcyonia for the day.  Blanche went home.  I came home while the others were at Meeting.


10th month, 14th, 2nd day

We were threshing on Rod’s today.  The men took a cold dinner.


10th month, 15th, 3rd day

The men finished on Rod’s today and went to Tracksells’ to dinner.  I went up with oil, etc.


10th month, 16th, 4th day

The men are on Tracksells’ now to dinner every day.  Reggie and I haul the screenings from the stacks.  I went into Radisson and got a barrel of oil and got home pretty late.


10th month, 20th,1st  day

It came on to snow last night.  We stayed at Hindes’ to dinner.  Joseph Hinde read  us a very interesting book.  We came home to supper.


10th month, 21st, 2nd day

I rode Brumingham Bill to Radisson and saw the dentist Dr. Robinson.  I had the molds taken on the top and bottom, first in plaster of Paris and then in gum.  The plaster of Paris was set in an iron mold with a handle.  It was cold when it was put in my mouth and caused a horrible gagging feeling while it was  setting, but coming out was the worst of all, it felt as if all my teeth were being pulled out at once.  The bottom set was not half so bad.  The snow is still on the ground, though it was a lovely day.  The men threshed our oats in the rick yard.  Blanche and Muriel were here when I got home.  I did enjoy the ride.



10th month, 24th, 4th day

Dad and Florrie and I drove in to Radisson.  I rode Creamy.  There was a cold wind.  Dad went with me to see the dentist; he had a long talk with him.  He put a temporary stopping in two teeth to see if it is necessary to kill the nerve.  He arranged to bring my teeth with him next month.  Florrie and Dad felt it pretty cold driving.


10th month, 25th, 5th day

The men are threshing Tracksells’ barley.  I have been having a very pleasant time of  it lately, going out a lot, getting screenings, riding after the cows and colts, etc., which suits me very well.


10th month, 26th, 6th day

Winnie Crabb is staying with Lydia.  Alice, Winnie and Ruby are soon going down to Winnipeg to live.  They have sold their house etc.  Lydia had several to tea.  It was Willie’s birthday.   Hannah Mary and William McCheane were there, and Martha Hinde and the children.  Winnie and Muriel came for me.  Florrie and Reggie did not go though they were invited.  Reggie went to Radisson and Florrie relieved me. 


10th month, 27th, 7th day

Martha Hinde sent me some Parish’s Chemical Food.  It was very kind of her.  I had a bad pain come in my stomach every few minutes, it made me feel pretty rough.  I got the last load of screenings home yesterday.  I rode Creamy up to Halcyonia, I went round by Clarks’.  It was dark when I got there, they were just going to have supper.  John came later and he set the saw going and  cut a pile of wood.  It was a nice night, I enjoyed my ride but I got cold after I got there.


10th month, 28th, 1st day

A nice  day which passed pleasantly enough but I  felt the cold.  Towards night my throat and  lungs got very sore.  I wished I was at home.  John went back.



10th month, 29th, 2nd day

We fixed up a rack etc., and hitched up Bill and Lady and brought up a load of straw and left it in the pasture.  I came home just after  dinner.  Hannah Mary and William McCheane went up to Petrofka.  Muriel and Winnie were here when I got back.


10th month, 30th, 3rd day

I hauled a barrel of water to wash with from Hindes’ and took oil to the engine, etc.  Dad went to Radisson for gasoline and stayed overnight.

10th month, 31st,  4th day

Winnie Hinde borrowed Daisy to look for their cow.  I drove Martha Hinde, Leonard and Daisie to Halcyonia to Monthly Meeting.  We had a nice time.  Hannah Mary drove down for some oil and brought Martha Hinde and Daisie, and Leonard rode with me. It is freezing most of the day now, we couldn’t plough. 


1.       Eveners - wooden bars attached to the ends of the traces, which were in turn attached to the horses’ collars.  The eveners kept the traces evenly away from the horses’ hind legs. 

2.       Thomas  Clarke later married Nathan Saunders’ youngest daughter Lucy.








11th month, 1st, 6th day (sic)

They only threshed ninety bushels today.  The magneto went wrong.  Some of the boys came home to dinner and several went shooting.  They got nine or ten rabbits.


11th month, 2nd , 7th day

I rode to Halcyonia soon after dinner to get John to come down and see the engine.  The boys went out shooting.  They got fifty rabbits.  I rode Prince to McCheanes’ and John was not there so I drove some cattle off McCheanes’ farm and rode on to the Wakes’.  John and Joshua have finished threshing and put their caboose and separator in.  We had supper at Wakes’.  It was nice to see a little of Edie.  I rode Prince to McCheanes’ and l slept there. 


11th month, 3rd, 1st day

I rode Prince down in the morning and John came down in the car.  The expert was here.  Snowing today, just a few inches.


11th month, 4th, 2nd day

Bill and Dad went out and he shot forty rabbits.  They were home by eleven and then they had dinner, as the engine was fixed.  I set to work and paunched1  and wiped and hung up the rabbits.  It was a job.  John was at the engine all day.  Dad and John came home to supper.



11th month, 5th, 3rd day

John and Dad went down to the engine in the morning.  We got well on with the washing.  I had a long ride round after the cows but could not find them, then they came home.  After dinner I went with John  to Halcyonia and Florrie went with Dad out shooting.  They got eighteen.  I took eighteen rabbits up to Hannah Mary and after supper we cleaned them.


11th month, 6th, 4th day

I was up at McCheanes’ all day, sitting over the fire reading, etc.  We had Meeting in the morning.  John went round and fixed up the granaries etc.  We all came down in the car after supper.  We had it all closed in and we were warm and dry although it was raining.  The Hindes and Winnie and Muriel were here, and Joshua, so we had a nice big Reading Meeting to start with.


11th month,  7th, 5th day

Arthur left Borden for England this morning.  Quite a few went to see him off.  Then I went round after the cows and got back with  them just as the McCheanes got here.  They did not stay long. 


11th month, 8th, 6th day

The snow is gone but the ground is hard and the sky looks cloudy.  Eddy got the  engine in a hole and had a lot of trouble to get it out.  They will soon be finished threshing, all being well.  Dad has practically decided to send Eddy this fall.  It is nearly the end of another week.  How they fly, each goes quicker than the one before.


11th month, 9th, 7th day

The men came home about twelve o’clock, finished last night.  Ned, Bill and Tom got lost among the muskeg and sand hills.  They found a straw stack and dug a hold out and made a fire with the straw.  Then they lined the hole with the sides of the rack, made their bed, fed the horses and were just turning in, singing,
“We will all cling together like the ivy” when they noticed a fire start up on a hill about three quarters of a mile off.  Then presently Frank and Eddy came up.  They had seen their fire and guessed what was wrong, and leaving John to keep the fire going to guide them back, Ed and Frank tramped across the muskeg.  Every time the boys threw a fork of straw on the fire they were in darkness.  I fried a lot of pancakes for supper.  John came, he called up the doctor for Harry Stillwell.  His horse fell on him and hurt his leg.


11th month, 10th, 1st day

We went to Meeting as usual, etc.  John stayed all night.  I have been more free from indigestion lately which is a blessing.


11th month, 11th, 2nd day

John went down to the outfit and did not leave for home till on in the afternoon.  Bill shot thirteen rabbits.  Winnie and I took the horses up to Eddy’s quarter today.  We rode round and collected them up.  We had a job getting them along but we managed it.  I have done a lot of riding lately.  When we got home, Dad and  Florrie went up to fix the fence, and we went to Reynolds’ to see the bins, etc., coming  home across Hoffman’s summer fallow.  Close to the line we were riding fast, a hard  gallop, when a dog ran down the bank.   Prince shied badly and doubled back and Winnie fell off and hurt her elbows and it shook her up pretty badly.  She slept with me all night.


11th month, 12th, 3rd day

I rode round and found the cattle etc.  The men are still here.  Dad went to Radisson, and Ned and Frank went to a sale.


11th month, 13th, 4th day

We went to Meeting.  In the afternoon, or just after supper the McCheanes came down to Reading Meeting.  There was quite a lot of us.  John slept here.


11th month, 14th, 5th day

I went with John to pick up Edie and Hannah Mary,  We did not get back till about eleven, then Bill helped me and I drove all the horses up and into Eddy’s quarter.  It was a nice day and we enjoyed the ride.


11th month, 15th, 6th day

Dad has arranged to do Price’s threshing.  The men and engine got there in time to do a good afternoon.


11th month, 16th, 7th day

My throat was pretty bad, I went down Borden with Dad and he bought himself and Eddy a fur coat and cap each.  The cats spoilt the two prairie chicks I had skinned for  Alice.2.  I was so mad about it.


11th month, 17th, 1st day

Ed and I drove with Prince to Halcyonia.  We spent a very pleasant time there.  John drove us and William and Hannah Mary down to Blanche’s in the auto.  We were home in time for supper.  We walked over to Hindes’ for Meeting.  Ed and I walked round by Borden, to see the blacksmith.


11th month, 18th, 2nd day

I was up early to get the men off.  I did not feel very well but in the afternoon Edie came on Lady.  I had been out riding on Prince quite a lot.  Edie and I had some supper then we went down and had a most enjoyable skate.   Dad killed  a steer and I helped skinning, etc.


11th month, 19th, 3rd day

I was busy getting Eddy’s things packed up etc.  Dad killed the ox, I helped to skin it.  It was a nasty job.  At about five I left here on Bronco.  I called at Ruth Tallis’s.  I went from there to McCheanes’.  John got his Lady and came with me.  We changed horses.  I did enjoy the ride though it was a very cold night.  We got lost and it was cold work walking until we got onto the grade.  My throat was very sore when we got home.  It was late when we got in.


11th month, 20th, 4th day

I felt pretty sick this morning.  John did not go to Meeting,   he fixed up the heater.  It was nice to have him here.  The men all came home from thrashing.  Eddy was glad.  John went around to look for wood but he was not successful.  He stayed all night.


11th month, 21st, 5th day

John stayed all day, which was very nice for me.  My throat and chest and head ached and throbbed.  It was worse if I walked about, so I sat around and Florrie did the work.  Hannah Mary came in the afternoon and Ed Parsons came to supper.  At supper time I drank some water that was too hot.  It gave me  palpitation pretty badly.  I lay on the bed for a while but it did not entirely stop.


11th month, 22nd, 6th day

I could not go down to see Eddy off, mostly because of my heart which was hard lines to me.  I am so thankful to know he has started for England.  It seems hard to realize, we shall miss him very much.  But how pleased they will be.  John went back to Halcyonia tonight.


11th month, 23rd, 7th day

I was about the same, my heart was pretty bad, I felt lonely with John and Eddy both gone.  But Florrie is very kind indeed.  I baked the bread and buns, pies, etc., but Florrie did most of the work.


11th month, 24th, 1st day

John came down just before Meeting, only Dad went.  John is pretty worried about his business.  It is a job to know what is for the best.  John drove Dad and Florrie to Meeting in the car.


11th month, 25th, 2nd day

John came down again just in time for dinner.  He went back again and took Martha and Joseph Hinde to see a quarter of land in Halcyonia.  John Lindly wrote a letter to Dr. Robinson for me.  I took a walk across the yard in the afternoon.  I felt better but weak and I felt the cold through being in so long.


11th month, 26th, 3rd day

I felt better.  Florrie takes care I don’t do much work.


11th month, 27th, 4th day

I went to Meeting in the morning.  John and Hannah Mary were  down.  Reading Meeting was at Hindes’.  We spent a pleasant  evening.  The weather beautiful.



11th month, 29th, 6th day

Florrie and I drove up to Halcyonia with Polly and the Bronco.  They went fine.  We left Cleopatra at McCheanes; and then drove on to Brunsts.  We had a cup of tea and I left Florrie and the puppy.  It was wet the first part of the way home but the horses came well.  I called at Wakes’ and delivered my message for Caslow and Archie to fetch their horses, and I had collected them all together and got them in.  John was here when I got back.   He has come to move our bedroom down to the house.



11th month, 30th, 7th day

I found it lonely without Florrie.  They got the house pulled down and some of the banking-up done.  We have put it on the  south side like this: the proposed porch is where the dotted lines go.(Sketch showing  floor plan of shack, bedroom and proposed porch.)


1.       Paunched:  After a lot of rabbits were shot, they were quickly paunched, that is, the belly skin was slit, the insides pulled out, then the interior washed off  with a wet cloth and the carcass hung.  Later when they are all done with the paunching, the rabbits would be started on again, skinned,  heads and feet removed, then properly washed and put in a bucket of salted water to get the blood out.  They would  eaten fresh, or frozen, or sold dressed.

2.       This may have been Alice Crabb, matriarch of the Crabb family.








12th month, 1st, 1st  day

Florrie  and Archie Parsons came,  Muriel came back to dinner.  It is so very mild  we enjoyed the walk to Meeting.


12th month, 2nd , 2nd day

Dull and like snow.    Archie Parsons took several photos of Edie and I and Reggie horseback and one of John and I standing together.  John started building the porch.


12th month, 3rd, 3rd day

Florrie’s legs were so bad I got her to stay in bed all day.  I started a bit of washing and baking.  John helped me rinse them in the evening when the rest had gone to bed and Dad was reading to Florrie.



12th month, 11th, 4th day

A lovely day, but cold.  John and I rode in to Radisson.  I had Bronco and John had Buchin.  I got my teeth all right.  I talked most of the way home but they felt sore when I tried to eat my supper and I was tired of them before night.  I had to pull the bottom set out.


12th month, 12th, 5th day

John and I drove up to Halcyonia. It is John’s birthday. Edie and Edward and Joshua came after dinner.  We had such a nice time, we all enjoyed ourselves.  I only had my top plate in and I just managed to get along eating nuts, apple, turkey, etc., etc.  A lovely day.


12th month, 13th, 6th day

I came home in time for dinner.  John went up to Osmonds’ to fix their engine.  I put my bottom set in and kept them in all night.  I plucked and dressed four roosters and a turkey.


12th month, 14th, 7th day

A very nice day.  After dinner I rode Brum up to Eddie’s place and got most of our own horses and brought them home.  John and Hannah Mary came down on a load of wheat.  Hannah Mary went to Lydia’s.


12th month, 15th, 1st day

Edie and Ed went to Lydia’s to dinner and Florrie went to supper.


12th month, 16th, 2nd day

John and Hannah Mary went back home.  I traded another duck off Schecter.  I rode round in the afternoon and saw and drove nearer home most of our horses.  I rode the Bronco.  She is a beautiful horse.  I fixed Tom’s coat in the evening and Florrie made the mincemeat.


12th month, 17th, 3rd day

A lovely day.  I dressed six chickens.  One rooster weighed as much as a gobbler, and came to one dollar at fifteen cents a pound.


12th month, 18th, 4th day

We walked to Meeting.  There was a very cold wind.  Florrie nearly froze her   face.  She was not properly protected.  I took the chickens down and sold them and a turkey to Hamiltons.  John and Joshua drove in as we were just through with supper.  The Hindes and Muriel came and we had a nice Reading Meeting,  it was held at Lydia’s.  Bill was missed.


12th month, 19th, 5th day

 John did several things for us in the line of general repairs while he waited for Edie and Joshua.  They came about eleven and soon drove on.  A nice day.



12th month, 21st, 7th day

We got most of the work done yesterday, so I got off early on Bronco and found all our own horses,  fixed on my paints, etc., and hit for Halcyonia.  I found Edie there and Hannah Mary was cooking.  John was looking out for me and came to meet me.  Edward came and we had a most enjoyable time.  I painted some holly in Edie’s album.1


12th month, 22nd, 1st day

A lovely day.  We rode round, John and I on Mora and Lady, Edie and Ed on Rex and Bronco.  We went north and they went south, looking for Bill, but we did not find him.  I stayed all night and we set out together.




12th month, 23rd, 2nd day

Edie, Ed and I looked at several bunches of horses but could not see Bill.   I got home about dinner time.  Florrie and Dad had gone to Radisson.  I got the pudding on boiling.  A lovely day.


12th month, 24th, 3rd day

Cleaning up etc.  I dressed and took down a turkey  for Hannah Mary.   We got the work ahead as much as we could.


12th month, 25th, 4th day

Monthly Meeting.  John rode down on Mora, William and Hannah Mary came in the buggy yesterday.  We had a nice time.  David took two photos but we laughed and smudged them.  Most of us were there to supper.  We had a very pleasant time and a nice Reading Meeting  in the evening.


12th month, 26th, 5th day

John rode home looking for Bill.  Florrie and I drove up to Walkers’ to dinner.  Hannah Mary and John were there. The trails were fine.  We had the Bronco and Brum and they go so well.  We had a very nice time.  John drove me back in the evening and  Florrie went home with Hannah Mary.  Dad was up writing when we got in.


12th month, 27th, 6th day

Dad and John drove up to Halcyonia and brought Florrie home.  They had a nice time at Blanche’s.


12th month,    28th, 7th day

Cleaning, etc.  Did the ironing etc. 


12th month, 29th, 1st day

John drove down and stayed overnight.  Still lovely and mild.


12th month, 30th, 2nd day

I rode on Jessie in the morning and saw all our horses except Sultan, and in the afternoon I went to Halcyonia on Bronco.  I went round by Taylors’ and the bridge and up the river banks and across Clarks’  quarter.  It was nearly dark when I was at McPhersons’.  John was anxious about me as he had been at home a good while, and we left home together.


12th month, 31st, 3rd day

John and I were out looking for Bill all day.  We did not get any trace of him though we rode a long way, practically all day without stopping.  I had lost my appetite for the last  few days and riding so much made  me feel rather tired and I was pretty low-spirited. I could not  eat my supper, my stomach being out of order,  I had two ulcers in my mouth, one under each plate.  John and I saw the New Year in.


1.  One wonders what became of this album.  What a pleasure it would be to be able to look at it.







1st month, 1st, 4th day

After Meeting I left on Bronco.  I rode round by Uncle Esau’s.  I found Clarks’ horses had opened Matthews’ bin.  I  drove them off and told Uncle Esau, then I rode on to Clarence Elliot’s and they had seen a big grey at their fence this morning.  I tracked some for quite a way but it got dark and I had to loose my lines and let the mare come home.  It seemed such a long way and the strong wind made it cold.  She came a lot across country and I was thankful to get home safely.


1st month, 2nd, 5th day

I rode out again on Polly to try and see this grey horse.  I got into a country I had not been in before.  I had dinner at Hobsons’.  I tracked the big bunch down from Dreepens’ with several greys in it.  The bunch had passed E.  Tallis’s the night before.  However after a long day’s ride I was none the wiser. A blizzard came on and it was soon dark.  My horse shied on the slippery grade and fell on my foot, but fortunately I was not hurt in the least, which was indeed cause for thankfulness.


1st month, 3rd,    6th day

I rode round on Prince.  I saw a big bunch which might have been the bunch I had heard of yesterday.  I saw our horses and Clarks’ but not Sultan.  Jessie McKenzie came and Dad drove her up to Ruth’s.  I walked with her to the station.


1st month, 4th, 7th day

It turned much colder.  I helped in the house.



1st month, 6th, 2nd day

John and Joshua came down with a load of wheat.  They are just starting to haul a car of John’s wheat.


1st month, 7th, 3rd day

I went over to the Hindes and spent a very pleasant week   sewing, Edie giving me all her time.  She made a nice brown dress and cut out and got well on with  three night-dresses.  I  did enjoy myself.  John called several times on his way home from the elevator.  On 7th day John came over for me.



1st month, 12th,  1st day

I went over with John to Meeting to Hindes’ and stayed all day, had a very pleasant visit.  We were reading a little book Martha Hinde gave us called, Trumpet Call   by Arthur Howden. 


1st month, 13th, 2nd day

I went to Halcyonia with Dad for a load of wheat for John.  Very blizzardy day.  We met John and Joshua with loads.  Just past Baxters’ we had the load slide off the bob sled, breaking the pin.  We had to unload to put the tank back on the sleighs.  The horses were very impatient and it was very cold.



1st month, 16th, 5th day

Dad went for another load on 4th day and got back again early in the afternoon, finishing McCheanes’ car load.  John and I were over at Hindes’ to supper.  Edward’s birthday.  Hannah Mary came down  with Lady.  John stayed overnight.  I persuaded him to stay over the weekend.


1st  month, 17th, 6th day

My birthday.  Put the storm windows on and find it much warmer.  The frost is going off the windows.   I dressed four roosters.  We were invited to Lydia Crabb’s but the wind was so cold, and I had a bad cold,  so decided to come back after getting half way to Borden.



1st month, 19th, 1st day

Had Meeting at home,  John still here, bother him.  John and I and Reggie all busy writing home.


1st month, 20th, 2nd day

John made us a lovely cupboard in the porch, with sliding doors, and he also mended our tank and it is a treat to have it again to melt snow in.  It gives us fresh heart to wash; it was impossible to melt snow enough without it.  I calsomined the kitchen and bedroom.  I did the ceiling green and the walls salmon.  I was cross all day.


1st month, 21st, 3rd day

Bob and Frank Armitage came over, and Hannah Mary and William McCheane came to get their horse to go home.  They stayed dinner.  Florrie was in bed, her legs were so bad.  Frank and John Armitage stayed all night.


1st month, 22nd, 4th day

I went back with John early this morning.  After Meeting I went on Polly to find a well at Wiebe’s quarter that we hear has a black horse in. I got as far as George Pearce’s.  I enjoyed my visit and went on in the morning. I believe it was Sultan in the well though he was down seventeen feet in five feet of water.  I was home in time for dinner and did sewing in the afternoon.



1st month, 24th , 6th day

I did a big wash and the clothes came a good colour.  It was a pleasure washing with snow water.


1st month, 25th, 7th day

I skinned and cleaned ten rabbits, made some calf’s-foot jelly, etc., etc.  I made three rabbit  pies and three apple pies.  John came just before supper.  I walked to Borden with him.  It was Reggie’s birthday.  John got him a pair of mitts and I got him two shirts.  David and Lydia gave him a nice pocket knife.


1st month, 26th, 1st day

A nice day. We, John and I, went to Hindes’ to supper.  Toward night it was almost thawing.


1st month, 27th, 2nd day

Dad and John fixed the pump and then went and had a look at Sultan.  Dad bought two pigs off Jack for ten dollars.  A lovely day, thawing.  I washed five blankets, and woolens.


1st month, 28th, 3rd day

So hot today, water running, and before night bare patches of prairie showing.  We, Florrie and I, were busy getting ready for Monthly Meeting.


1st month, 29th, 4th day

A shade colder.  We had a nice time.  There were twenty-one of us to dinner.  John stayed home to look after Willie.  We had a very pleasant time together.  It was Edie’s birthday.  We - Hannah Mary, Edie and I, drove to Borden in the afternoon.  Reading Meeting was here.


1st month, 30th, 5th day

I finished off three cotton nightdresses and put them to the wash.  Florrie’s limbs are giving her a deal of pain.


1st month, 31st, 6th day

I got Hannah Mary’s machine out and hemmed up twenty-two tea towels and five roller towels.  Then I cut out and made myself a pair of knickers1 out of my dark grey serge skirt.


1.  Earlier Mary refers to a pair of drawers, meaning underpants.  Knickers, made from serge, a smooth wool fabric, might be knickerbockers, to be worn as women now wear slacks or long shorts.








2nd month, 1st, 7th day

Helped with the housework, etc., and had an early dinner.  Then I hitched Brum in the cutter and with lots of rugs and the new foot warmer, started for Halcyonia.  I went to Borden first, and got some things for the McCheanes.  Brum was very fresh and went just fine.  The trails were perfect to the creek, and very good on the other side.  I got there about three o’clock, not very cold.  I took Hannah Mary two roosters and I was afraid they would freeze under the seat,  so I waited until we were going through some deeper snow, then I put the reins over the front of the cutter, and took them out from under the seat to put them in the rugs by the warmer.  As soon as I got hold of one of them, he fluttered and  shouted, and Brum dashed off at a gallop.  However I soon stopped him.  It gave me a warming up.  I got there about three, and Edie and Ed came riding up about four, also Bob and Joseph  Hinde and Joshua .  We had a nice time.  After supper we played the game of Writing, a city, country, tree, etc., etc., beginning with the same letter.   Edie, Hannah Mary and I slept together.


2nd month, 2nd, 1st day

A nice day.  I came home in the afternoon.  I was anxious about Florrie, I had left her so poorly.  I thoroughly enjoyed my ride and I had a good walk which warmed me up.  I found a lively bunch here when I came in,  Florrie’s friend Polly Bullen and her friend and Muriel.   We soon sat down to supper, then Ed and Edie came.  Reg and I walked with Polly to the station and from there to Hindes’ to Meeting.


2nd month, 3rd, 2nd day

Muriel stayed all night and helped me do mending until dinner time.  We got on well with it.  I plucked four of the little sickly-looking chicks and sold them   The four weighted only six pounds.


2nd month, 4th, 3rd day

Mending again.  Florrie is better today, which is such a relief as she has suffered so this last two weeks.  I did quite a bit of the rug we are making.


2nd month, 5th, 4th day

We went to Meeting.  It is ten above but a cold wind.  In the evening Reg and I walked to Borden.  It was so nice to be out and walking on the nice white roads. So beautifully clean.  There is only just snow enough to sleigh on nicely.  We saw the train and spoke of the night when we would be expecting Ed and Lucy.1  We had four eggs today.



2nd month, 7th, 6th day

Thawing.  It is a nice day.  We did a decent-sized wash.

2nd month, 8th, 7th day

A nice day.  John came this evening.  I walked down to Borden with him.  Muriel stayed all night.


2nd month, 9th, 1st day

We went to Meeting.  It was mild but Florrie did not go as there was a cold wind.  Muriel went with us to Meeting, and came to dinner.  It is nice to have her company.




2nd month, 10th, 2nd day

John made such a nice pen for me to keep the roosters in over the horses in the top stable.  I did the hens’ food and pigs,  etc., as much as I could ahead.


2nd month, 11th, 3rd day

Thawing.  I went back with John this morning.  We had a small load of chunks of wood in a wagon box.  It was a lovely day.  When we got there they had not had dinner.  I took up some sewing with me for Hannah Mary to help me with and this afternoon we started on a waist for Florrie.  We were late going to bed.


2nd month, 12th, 4th day

Thawing.  We got dinner, etc.,  and I did a little sewing.  Joshua came to Meeting.  We finished the waist and started the top of my slip.  The Pioneer man came and Dad drove him round.


2nd month, 13th, 5th day

Lovely weather.  Hannah Mary nearly finished my slip today and she has made it fit so nicely.  I wish the material was better.  Lydia and children came to our house at  Borden.  Muriel brought ten dollars and Dad sent it on for Elsie, with Florrie’s ten dollars.


2nd month, 14th, 6th day

Finished the sewing.  I did some mending.  John went with Joshua to haul a granary off Ed’s land, then he went round for his horses.  We had a hard job to get them back.  Hannah Mary and I walked to Walkers’.  We called at Charlie Orchards’ first.  We had a nice time at the Walkers’. John came for us.  We were very late to bed.


2nd month, 15th, 7th day

Cleaned up, etc., and I unpicked a shirt for Hannah Mary.  We did some cooking.  Edie and Ed, Annie and George Walker came.  We had a nice time.


2nd month, 16th, 1st day

A lovely day.  We came down soon after dinner.  Edie and Ed rode on Prince and Rex.  We found Joshua, Bob, Archie Parsons and Muriel here when we got back.


2nd month, 17th, 2nd day

Dad and John talked about John’s affairs.  William McCheane has offered him the two north quarters, his and Willie’s, for twenty dollars an acre.  He is very undecided what to do but he hopes to decide soon.  A bad blizzardy day.  John went back.


2nd month, 18th, 3rd day

A lovely day.  I went down to Borden and got some things.  We made another rug and put the canvas on again.  I made some rabbit and pork brawn, etc.   The pigs are growing.  The hens laid twelve eggs.



2nd month, 20th, 5th day

We did a good wash and in the afternoon Reggie and I went on Buck and Prince to see the well  where Clarks’ broken-necked horse and  Seniors’ colt have fallen in.  We wondered if  Bill was underneath.  We rode up to Halcyonia and stayed supper.  It was lovely coming home in the bright moonlight, and so very mild we did enjoy it.


2nd month, 21st, 6th day

We dressed Prince and Jim with Fleming’s  spavin cure.  After dinner I went to the Hindes’ and cut out and nearly finished two nightdresses.  I slept with Edie and finished in the morning.    I am afraid I left Florrie most of the work.  I wrote home and before supper I drove to Borden, then to Halcyonia  with Heddons’ pony.  John fixed the shafts to pull in the trail.  It was a dark night and I had a job to see the trail.  It was very late when I got in.  John was anxious about me, he thought I could hardly find the trail.



2nd month, 23rd, 1st day

A nice day but windy.  John is keeping his horses in the yard now.


2nd month, 24th, 2nd day

I left about eleven o’clock.  I found them all well at home.  Dad went to Prices’ to see two cabooses.  I drove round to the Hindes’ and took them two dressed roosters, and some four or five small and sickly ones for Winnie said she would like to have them. 2 A very pleasant evening, soft snow.



2nd month, 26th, 4th day

Monthly Meeting at the Hindes’.  A very cold morning so the McCheanes did not come till later, about half past twelve.  We had business meeting in the afternoon. 

John slept here and Hannah Mary at Lydia’s.  A cold night.


2nd month, 27th, 5th day

John and William McCheane went back about noon and Hannah Mary rode with Lydia, Muriel and company.  They are going to stay at Halcyonia while David Crabb moves the house.  I drove up to Halcyonia with Prince and Jim and brought back Edgar Baker.  Reggie came as well.  There was a very cold wind and the snow was very bad.



1.       Edmund Saunders had been  dispatched to England to bring his young sister Lucy to Canada.

2.       The facts of Mary’s kindness to the newly arrived Hinde family were not clearly conveyed to the next generation.   Mary Hinde Crane reports:  When Mum (Susanna Rempel Hinde, Bob Hinde’s wife) gave Mary Saunders McCheane two pails full of  tomatoes, she was not so much giving as returning.  This would be about 1937 or 1938, when the spring-fed garden at Valley Springs Ranch flourished, while gardens  on the plateau above the river valley were stricken by the drought of the dirty thirties.  Mary, inde, who has some responsibility for weeding the tomatoes, resented at the time seeing those tomatoes given away.




MARCH 1913




3rd month, 1st , 7th day

In the afternoon I started off to McCheanes’ on Tony but I met John so I came back.  They are still undecided about their business affairs.



3rd month, 3rd, 2nd  day

John went back and took some wood. Martha and Joseph Hinde and Dad also drove up to talk over with Walter Little and William McCheane about their gardening affair, and also John’s business, buying the farm, etc.  A very mild day.



3rd month, 5th, 4th day

A very nice day.  We stayed talking things over with Edie, Martha and Joseph Hinde.  Reggie and  I stayed dinner and I got on with Martha Hinde’s nightdress.  After supper we came over to Reading Meeting at our house. A nice evening.


3rd month, 6th, 5th day

Thawing.  A big thaw.  I did a big wash this week, four blankets and two colored rugs and a colored tablecloth.


3rd month, 7th, 6th day

Rain.  I drove to Edgar Baker’s home and then went up to McCheanes’ and got John to come and fix our pump.  We brought his team and wagon box.  We walked most of the way home.  A lot of snow gone today, rain in the night.


3rd month, 8th, 7th day

John did the pump and rode on Jessie and found a good spot for wood and in the afternoon he fixed the engine.  I moved my ducks into the cow  stable.  Sent for two rabbits.  Quite a few bare patches of grass.  It is kind of John to give me these two nice Belgian hares.


3rd month, 9th, 1st day

I went with John to Hindes’ to supper.  A letter from Arthur was read.  John spoke about his business affairs and they wrote a letter to Walter Little, telling him to go no further in this gardening business.  But John also took up a letter from Dad, referring more to his  buying the farm.


3rd month, 10th, 2nd day

John went home today,  I washed in the afternoon and Florrie helped and also did the other work.  I was interrupted a lot, seeing to the colts, calves, etc., and we have to watch the hens so closely or they eat the eggs.1  I rode Ida to Borden, called at the station.



3rd month, 11th, 3rd day

Almost thawing.  Cold wind.  I rode Ida up to Hoffmans’ to see a cow they offered Dad for sixty dollars cash, and I saw Dad in town and told him what she was like and she would take no less and when he came home to supper he said he had sold Nancy and bought Hoffmans’ cow.  He got forty dollars for Nancy.


3rd month, 12th, 4th day

When we awoke there was a bad blizzard blowing.  Dad and I managed to get to Meeting, I stayed all night and made myself a pair of drawers and finished Martha Hinde’s nightdress.  In the evening I read a letter from John.  He said there seemed no good in trying  to buy the place or even run it.  We talked it over quite a bit.


3rd month, 13th, 5th day

I came home after breakfast and read the letter from John to Dad, also one from William McCheane to Dad and he sat down and answered it, and I answered a note from Hannah Mary to me.  In the afternoon we took off the paper and calsomined upstairs.  I felt greatly relieved when it was done, it seemed a big thing over.


3rd month, 14th, 6th day

We calsomined this room and the ceiling. Dad went to Radisson and stayed overnight.  We did the wall  panels grey and the ceiling a lighter colour.


3rd month, 15th, 7th day

Much colder.  Busy cleaning up, etc.  John went up to Petrofka and could not get back on account of the weather.


3rd month, 16th, 1st  day

John came with Captain in the cutter.  We walked to Meeting.  It is milder but still cold.  Edie and Ed came to supper.  Creamy had a colt today.  This makes her fifth.

3rd month, 17th, 2nd day

I did a big wash today, blankets, etc.


3rd month, 18th, 3rd day

We finished up the rugs, etc.  Still cold.


3rd month, 19th, 4th day

We went to Meeting and I stayed dinner and made a slip body and started a second one.  Arthur and Skillikorn arrived from England and we had lots to talk about, asking about England, etc., etc.  We did not have any Reading Meeting.



3rd month, 22nd, 7th day

I washed and Florrie was very busy doing the other work.  John came in the afternoon and brought a load of wheat for Dad.  I was out looking for the Bronco but Tom found her.  She had a nice mare foal.  A cold wind.  Ida went well.  I must have gone quite a few miles altogether though I did not go far.

3rd month, 23rd, 1st day

A very nice day.  In the afternoon Martha Hinde and family all came over to see the new colts.  John and I went out with them.  They stayed to supper.


3rd month, 24th, 2nd day

John stayed and helped us lay the oilcloth.  We got the big room done but it was a big job. John did it very nicely.


3rd month, 25th, 3rd day

We put oilcloth in the little room today. It is mostly covered with the new oilcloth and just a border of the old.  John went back after dinner and I did the cooking, etc.  We have put new oilcloth on the table and box in the kitchen and shelves, and we have washed the red curtains and dyed the coloured window curtains etc., etc.


3rd month, 26th, 4th day

Monthly Meeting.  A lovely day.  The friends came and we had dinner, etc., and then business meeting.  We had a game of Lurkey in the yard.  The Hindes stayed supper and Reading Meeting.  We had a very enjoyable day together.


3rd month, 27th, 28th and 29th

Very busy clearing up etc., and doing rabbits etc. Feeding the pigs and chickens.  Preparing for Elsie Philips.  We did a wash and got it away.  Snowball is very sick with strangles.


3rd month, 30th and 31st.

John came on 7th day night and returned 1st day.  The trails were very bad, far more water and mud than snow.  He had Captain in the cutter.  On the 31st, Minnehaha had a fine little mare colt, like herself, but her back fetlock turns over badly.


1.  Later, hens were given crushed oyster shell to meet their need for calcium.




APRIL 1913





4th month, 2nd, 4th day

We have started harrowing.  Snowball is pretty sick.  I believe Price when he lanced her on last 7th day cut her gullet.  Lucy and Eddy are booked to sail from Bristol today.  It will be so nice to see them again, especially Lucy as I have not seen her for six years.  I do hope they are favoured with a safe and pleasant passage.




4th month, 4th, 6th day

We washed today.  Most of the snow is gone.  We started cleaning out, and laying the oilcloth in our bedroom.


4th month, 5th, 7th day

The last two weeks have been delightful weather, just one or two degrees of frost at night.  We finished the bedroom and got it nice and  tidy, also this place.   Muriel and Oscar came.  It was very nice to have their company.  Muriel and  I walked to Borden in the evening.  It was very muddy and I lost both of my rubbers in the mud by the bridge.  This week with Edie and Martha Hinde’s help I have made myself a riding skirt, divided.  It has a wide box pleat down the back and a panel with buttons over down the front and being very full it  looks quite nice and could not be told from an ordinary skirt when walking.  By undoing the panel it looks very nice indeed when riding.


4th month, 6th, 1st day

I rode Ida down to Borden this morning and found both of my rubbers.  Then I rode on up to Halcyonia and met Edward on his way up, and we went on together.  The trails were very bad, I never saw so much water.  We found them all well.  Edward went down to the Wakes.  I came back in the wagon with Blanche, John and Joshua, and led Ida behind.


4th month, 7th, 2nd day

Still nice weather.  I rode Ida up to Larsons’ to  see if our horses were there, but I found them on the railway quarter.  I did enjoy the ride. Ida is a fine saddle horse, she is so free and has such an easy gait.  John and Joshua stayed dinner, also Winnie, Elsie and Daisie.   They took back Daisy and Ettie to look for their cow.  Dad sent up to Price’s to see if he would come and stitch Snowball’s gullet  up.  She cannot get much down as about all she eats comes out  of the hole in her gullet.  Price did not come as a man at his place had shot himself accidentally.  He was pulling a gun out from under a blanket in a wagon by the muzzle, it went off and shot him behind the ear.


4th month, 8th,  3rd day

I drove down to the station last night with Blanche, Muriel and Florrie in the wagon.  The Philips did not come so I drove up to Lydia’s, Hannah Mary going with us.  The trails were very bad so we hitched out the horses.  Ida ran off, then Muriel and I got on Brumingham Bill.  He was very lively and we soon got thrown off.  Muriel was winded  but she got better and walked home.


4th month, 9th, 4th day

Another very hot day, ninety or over in the sun.  Elsie and Harry arrived on tonight’s train.  We drove down to meet it but it was so late Edward met it and drove them up.  It was about three in the morning when the train came in.  Oscar came for Muriel.  I have enjoyed her company so much.




4th month, 10th, 5th day

Elsie, Harry, Blanche and Florrie came from Lydia’s and stayed dinner.  It was nice to have them.  I drove down town with Blanche.  They had a cup of tea and left about  five o’clock.



4th month, 12th, 7th day

Very busy.  I washed yesterday and as we were expecting Lucy we were busy cooking.  Mabel and Ida, Teddy and Andrew came on 1st day.  John came in the wagon on 7th day morning and he went with Dad and fixed a pulley on the colt in the well, but they could not move it because it was frozen.  John went back 1st day night and we drove down to meet the train 1st day night, but it did not come in until half past twelve.  Andrew and I were there but they did not come.


4th month, 14th, 2nd day

Poor little Snowball died today, just about ten minutes before Lucy and Eddy came in on the train.  Martha Hinde and the children and David were there; Dad and I were there soon after, and Eddy and Fred took the horse back for the baggage.   We walked up together.  It was a lovely evening and the train was in on good time.  Lucy looked pale and had a bad cold on her chest.  She is not as fat as I expected to find her.  She seems quiet in her ways and voice  but of course I quite expect that as Grannie could not stand a loud voice.  Eddy looks well, he is quite fat.


4th month, 15th, 3rd day

We stayed in and talked most of the morning.  Bessie looked tired.  I drove Lucy in the afternoon round to see Martha Hinde and then up to Lydia’s, where we had supper.  Walter came for Bessie and Fred.


4th month, 16th, 4th day

Lucy and I drove in the morning up to McCheanes’ in time for Meeting.  We went down in the wagon and had dinner at the Wakes’.  We helped Edie in the garden.  We put in four rows of onions, then we had a cup of tea and Edie drove us back to the McCheanes’.  We had a few minutes there and then drove home.  We called at G. Tallis’s and got them to promise to   return our turkey tomorrow.  Dad came up for a load of wheat.  Florrie went with him.


4th month, 17th, 5th day

Florrie had such a bad night, she was in a lot of pain all  day.  I did a small wash.  In the afternoon Lucy and I drove round to the Hindes’ and got our plow and the Planet Junior.1  We came back and planted six rows of onions, one of parsnips and two of carrots.  Florrie got the supper and I did enjoy mine.  Ed came up and took us for a  motor ride.


4th month, 18th, 6th day

Another lovely day.  Florrie is much better.  She did not call Lucy and me until breakfast was ready.  I forgot to set the alarm.  Lucy unpacked her chest of drawers.  She has brought the tea set Eliza gave me.  It is so pretty.  She sent fifteen cups and saucers and plates and three bread and butter plates etc., etc.   Eliza also sent Dad a nice salt and pepper shaker, and Lucy one for me.  Eddy sent or brought a breakfast set to match the tea set for me, and a carving knife and fork and steel.  Lucy gave me a nice bread knife and Grannie sent me six dinner knives, ones with white handles and Auntie Polly gave me six smaller ones to match.  Lucy gave me a lovely dresser scarf.


4th month, 19th, 7th day

Lucy and Eddy and I walked down town.  We got our work done between us, though I am afraid we left quite a bit for Florrie.  We washed our heads.  It is so very nice to have my dear little sister again.  Though she is bigger than me she is a lot the same in many ways.  I do wish we could sometimes see Eliza.


4th month, 20th, 1st day

Lucy, Eddy and I drove up to McCheanes’ to Meeting. We went over the new bridge.  We had Ida and Smiler.  John, Eddy and I had dinner at McCheanes’ and Lucy went back to the Wakes’.  Then after dinner John and I walked down and Eddy drove Muriel down with our team.  After supper we came straight home, over  Clarks’ creek.  We enjoyed ourselves very much.


4th month, 21st, 2nd day

Lydia has a son.  Florrie stayed at Lydia’s last night and about eleven o’clock a baby boy was born.  Our boys went to Reynolds’ to start drilling.  Lucy and I were busy getting them off.


4th month, 22nd, 3rd day

We were busy with odd jobs so that we did not seem to get much done.


4th month, 23rd, 4th day

We thoroughly tidied the upstairs and the shack and also we baked bread and set a hen.


4th month, 24th, 5th day

Very cold winds lately.  We did a good wash.


4th month, 25th, 6th day

We did the ironing and quite a nice lot of stocking mending.  We talked, and it was very interesting having Lucy here.


4th month, 26th, 7th day

Florrie came.  It is very nice to have her back.  We talked a lot about Christian Science.  I moved another hen to set.  Polly has a nice colt.


4th month, 27th, 1st day

Quite a cold wind.  Lucy and I went to Halcyonia.  We stayed dinner at William McCheane’s.  We drove Daisy in the buggy and were back in time for Meeting.  We walked home round by Borden with Eddy.



4th month, 28th, 2nd day

Florrie went to Reynold’s.  We cooked the boys’ dinner and sent it.  Lucy and I walked to Borden.  We bought a piece of zephyr2 to make a dress and we went round by Hinde’s and got my pattern, and home to dinner.  We cut out the dress and Lucy made the skirt.


4th month, 29th, 3rd day

We spent quite a lot of time looking for the new black calf.  Did some sewing, and cooking for the men.


4th month, 30th, 4th day

After Meeting Lucy stayed dinner and the children came over with her to supper.  Martha Hinde went up to see Lydia.  We hear the baby’s name is to be George Charles after his grandfather.  Eddy and Florrie drove to Reynolds’. 


1.  Planet Junior - a small cultivator that is pushed, to weed the garden between the rows.  Could also be used as a seeder with several attachments for different sizes of seeds.

2.  Zephyr - the nature of the cloth can only be guessed at.  Perusal of a facsimile of the 1903 Sears Roebuck catalogue did not reveal a cloth called zephyr.




MAY 1913




5th month, 1st, 5th day

Lucy and I went up to Reynolds’.  We moved the logs off the plowing with Ida and Jessie.  They were in the way of the plow, sixty-four all told.  Lucy planted some potatoes.  We drove over to Tom Griffin’s and returned a loaf we had   borrowed and stayed tea but were back in time to get the men’s tea.  Lucy and I rode home in a grain tank with Jim and Dick.


5th month, 2nd, 6th day.

Lucy and I went again and the boys soon finished harrowing, and we planted the potatoes.


5th month, 3rd, 7th day

Got a move on and left for Charlie Piprell’s with Meg and Maud before twelve.  I rode Meg and led Maud and Lucy drove Daisy in the buggy.  We called at Uncle Esau’s and had an afternoon tea.  It was a long journey for the little colts and we had to walk most of the way.  We drove from Piprell’s to McCheanes’ and stayed supper and all night.  Joshua’s outfit was there, and Eddy in the caboose.


5th month, 4th, 1st day

Joshua, Joseph Hinde, William McCheane, Bob and Ed and Edie went to Borden.  After dinner Arthur went to the Orchards’.  Muriel, Archie, Stasha and Wilfred came.  John drove Captain down in a democrat for a barrel of coal oil.  We drove in the buggy.

5th month, 5th, 2nd day

Snowing this morning when I got up but it did not come to much.  John went after the gasoline and started back early.  These are the names of the horses we have now: Jolly, Polly, Noble, Dick, Mike, Buckskin, Prince, Brum, Oliver-Twist, Jessie, Ida, Ettie, Daisy, Creamy, Lady, Minnie, Mable, Stasha, Thora, Ruby, Bobbie, Queen, Swallow, Bonnie, King, Rajah, Star, Earl (Maud’s colt).    This year’s colts:   Creamy’s Sultan, Polly’s Count,  Lady’s Diamon, Mable’s Pearl.  Mona, Laddie and Duke, John’s horses.  Peggie.  Dad’s horses.  Eddy’s two, Eliza’s two, Lucy’s two, mine, one.1   Twenty-one go to Eddy’s pasture.   Did the washing.


5th month, 6th, 3rd day

Still keeping cold and no rain.  Lucy did the ironing and we planted quite a few seeds with the Planet Junior, and one row of onion sets.


5th month, 7th, 4th day

We fixed up the setting hens, etc.  I fed the calf, etc., and after  Meeting Lucy and I stayed dinner and helped put the garden in.  We took the Planet Junior back with us.


5th month,  8th, 5th day

We took the colts to Eddy’s quarter.  Eddy and Lucy drove in the buggy and led Bronco and Creamy behind.  I rode on Polly and drove the others.  We went all round the pasture and put in quite a few stakes.


5th month, 9th, 6th day

Joshua came and took eighteen bushels of potatoes for seed and eating.  Lucy and Winnie and Elsie went back with him to Halcyonia and arranged for Eddy and I to drive Martha Hinde and Elsie and Daisie on 7th day.


5th month, 10th, 7th day

A nice day, for a few hours quite warm.  I did some cooking, etc., etc.,  and had a good wash.  Fixed up the team for going, had an early supper, and Eddy and I left with Martha Hinde and the children about half past six.  We got there about eight, just getting dark.  It was very pleasant driving.  The surrey loaded is very comfortable.  The boys made us very welcome, and so did Edie.  We managed to make comfortable beds for fourteen of us.


5th month, 11th, 1st day

We drove to Meeting with our team in the wagon.  Joseph and Martha Hinde, Edie and Ed stayed at McCheanes’ to dinner, the rest of us went back and got dinner.  It rained in the afternoon.  We had evening Meeting in the caboose  after supper and as it was still raining we were persuaded to stay overnight.


5th month, 12th, 2nd day

We drove home and took Martha Hinde home, quite a cold drive.  The team tried to run away with us coming back.  Lucy and I did sewing.  Florrie’s legs and arms ache badly at times.  We walked up to Lydia’s with the letters and accounts of Mary Ann Blake’s2 funeral.  They were pleased to see them.  Joseph and Martha Hinde came also.


5th month, 13th, 3rd day

Florrie and Dad took Sookie in to Radisson.  It was too cold a wind to wash so we did sewing.  Lucy and I are making a dress each alike or nearly alike.   Got a tin of water for washing.


5th month, 14th, 4th day

A drizzling rain.  We cleared out the cellar, sorted and cut the potatoes.


5th month, 15th, 5th day

The boys all went to Reynold’s.  We have finished the seeding here and all the wheat has been in several days.  We have to plough for oats on Reynold’s.  We have put in about 325 acres of wheat, and about 143 acres of oats.  We finished drilling the oats on the 5th of 6th month and the boys are home in the afternoon.   We have had only one decent shower of rain so far.



1.       There were small codes, not reproduced here, to indicate who owned which horses.

2.       Mary Ann Blake was mother of Hannah, who later married Edmund Hatcher.  Horatio Blake was husband of Mary Ann;  both are mentioned in the Lowndes Fritchley book.



JUNE 1913





6th month, 6th, 6th day

We got up early and loaded up two wagons.  The Sheldons and the Hindes came with us.  John and I drove with Daisy in the buggy.  We all enjoyed ourselves.  The plowing was splendid, very creditable to all the competitors.  John  Alec McPherson got the champion prize and the first prize for his class, gang, and the boy plowman’s prize.  Clarence Elliot got the first prize for walking plows.  Harry Cowley got first prize for the sulky and also the special prize for oxen.


6th month, 7th, 7th day

I set a turkey hen on nineteen hens’ eggs.  Still keeping windy and dry.  We have only had one storm, enough to  catch much rain water, that  was on the 4th, 4th day.  We have been busy weeding the garden and doing quite a bit of sewing.  Crops badly needing rain  - the wheat on Moor’s looks very poor, in places there are acres with nothing on.  We are slowly breaking, missing the main of the roots.  On the 16th or about, we started fencing on the creek on Moor’s and up the road, using the fence on the pasture the townspeople put up for one side.  (Sketch shows location of creek, railway and fences on the quarter.)




6th  month, 20th, 6th day

Today or about today the dry spell broke up.  We had repeated warm growing showers and everything in the garden looked up.  We set to work and weeded or reset a lot of it.  The bare patches on Moor’s came up.  The wheat on Moor’s over the creek, our earliest, has been headed out from about the  20th.





JULY 1913




7th month, 2nd, 4th day

Yearly Meeting.  Florrie and Reggie have been up at Blanche’s since 2nd day.

This morning Dad hitched up Ettie single in the democrat and went round and picked up the Hindes.  Eddy, Lucy and I drove Jessie in the buggy single.  We left the boys’ dinner at the school land.  We took a picnic dinner with us. We had a nice time.  Edith, Arthur Williams and the children were there.  John and I walked ahead, down the side of their farm and along the east road nearly to Baxter’s.  Then Eddy caught up with Jessie, and John walked back.

On the 25th of last month it was Monthly meeting at our house.  The Williamses were there.  There were thirty-six of us to dinner and twenty-eight to supper.  We had a very enjoyable time,  except for a discussion about the check lines1 which David has started using on his horses.  It is a pity.



7th month, 5th, 7th day

John came down in the wagon.  Florrie and Reggie came home.  Still lots of rain, crops growing fine.


7th month, 6th, 1st day

John went back late with Bob.  We were at the Hindes to Meeting in the evening.  Lydia and David hold a Christian Science meeting at their house on 1st day morning.


7th month, 7th, 2nd day

Francie and Trancie Kennedy came this morning and David drove them up to Halcyonia.


7th month, 8th, 3rd day

Lucy and Reggie and I went out to pick strawberries.  David drove Francis Kennedy  up to see us but we were not in, so Lucy and I rode on up on horseback.  We enjoyed our visit.  Edith and Francie had a ride on Tony and they enjoyed it.





7th month, 9th, 4th day

Hannah Mary and William McCheane came to Meeting.  David drove up to fetch them after Meeting, that is, with the tight check lines.  Lucy, Teddy, Reggie and I went out picking strawberries.


7th month, 10th, 5th day

We made five big sealers of strawberries and saskatoons.  Wet.  Men at home.  I did sewing, Muriel came here to see the doctor.  It was nice to have her company for a while.  She missed the doctor and stayed overnight.  She came to see the doctor about a rash breaking out, very painful sores.  She thinks it is from a bad mosquito bite that festered and broke out all winter.


7th month, 11th and 12th, 6th and 7th days

We were all busy picking saskatoons.  We picked a fine lot, three pails full. There is such a fine lot this year.


7th month, 13th, 1st  day

I did not go to Halcyonia this weekend and as John was expecting me he did not come down so the day seemed different to usual, but I was very tired.  I lay on the bed and read George Fox.  We did not go to Meeting as we heard that all the Hindes and Williamses had gone to Halcyonia.


7th month, 14th, 2nd day

John drove down for some coal oil.  He was disappointed that I did not go up yesterday. 



7th month, 16th, 4th  day

We made the jam and bottled what we could find sealers for.  John drove the horses up to Eddy’s quarter with the Bronco.  The men have finished all the breaking they intend doing here on Eddy’s, about twenty acres.


7th month, 17th, 5th day

We all moved down here.  Lucy came as well, and Reggie.  I drove back in the afternoon with Ettie in the buggy and brought Kitty the cow down here.  Bill is breaking on that piece of land over the creek on the railway quarter, and Harry is also breaking there and Tom is breaking between the two pieces of oats on Reynolds’ quarter.  Bill has the four biggest horses on the gang plow, and Harry four on the sulky and Tom four on the walking plow.


7th month, 18th, 6th day

Tom bent his plow.  He and Eddy took it to Borden and brought back some stakes.2  Then Tom went mowing  and Dad and Eddy were fixing the fence.  Hoffman’s cattle are in our pasture and from there onto our oats.  Eddy and I had Ettie and the Bronco in the democrat and went round to Hoffman’s and  brought two rolls of wire and four ties.  It was a big load for the democrat.  The Bronco pulled all right.  I was almost afraid she would balk as we had to cross the line twice with the load and it was a good pull.  Dad, Eddy and Lucy went home in the evening.  I felt rather lonely sleeping alone.   Kitty was tied to the rack outside and she made quite a racket.  I could hear Bill and Tom talking in their sleep.


7th month, 19th, 7th day

Tom still busy mowing.  Bill and Harry breaking.  Dad and Ed came late in the morning and brought all or most of the colts.  They have got out of Eddy’s quarter and been over to Price’s, but done no damage.  Queen got into his pasture.  I was raking up  with Bronco and Ettie when Dad came.  I went on till dinner time.  Very very hot with little wind.  I did some raking yesterday.  After dinner I rode Buckskin up to Price’s and Queen followed her over to Eddy’s quarter.  I went in the gate by Ayres’ and across and brought our the remaining colts, Minnie, Duke and King.  They were very lively but came home very well considering the crops.  The crops look very well now though rather late, especially the oats.  Our potatoes are not out in flower much yet.  Florrie and Lucy were busy mending.  Florrie got tea quickly for me but I did not stay.  We spent some time trying to catch our rabbits that were out, but they got away on us.  I rode back as far as the pasture on Reynolds’, then I met Dad and Eddy and Reg going home, so I left the horse in the pasture and put the saddle on the tank .  They had the Bronco and Jessie and quite a load of hay.  The Bronco was a bit excited.


7th month, 20th, 1st day

VERY hot.  I rode the Bronco and Lucy rode Tony to Halcyonia.  We had Meeting and dinner at McCheanes’.  In the afternoon John and I rode Tony and the Bronco to the Wakes’ and Lucy and Eddy  drove Joshua’s Ginger and we rode on to Borden.  I enjoyed the ride, the Bronco is a beauty to ride.  We all slept at home and first thing before breakfast John drove me down to Reynolds’.  I took him round the farm after breakfast.  This farm certainly looks well now. The crops look fine and the grass in the pastures is luxuriant.  We are out into the hay.  I did quite a bit of raking.  John had dinner at Borden.  He made quite a start on the first rick.



7th month, 22nd, 2nd day and 23rd, 3rd day

Busy hay making.  I was most of the time using the Bronco and Ettie, a fine team for the job. Winnie and I went home tonight.  It made us late going to bed.  Winnie spent the day with us, picking strawberries.  Lucy drove Florrie up to Eddy’s quarter in the morning.  I drove the team out to the railway pasture and Dad cut  Peggy up and we brought the meat home for the pigs.  We had to kill her, her legs were so bad.  Very hot still, fine for the hay.  Lucy came back with me.  It is nice to have her company.  Hindes’ Gordon killed my old mother rabbit.  I was very vexed over it as I thought myself so fortunate getting a male for her, and he cost me $3.50, to say nothing of the trouble.


7th month, 24th, 4th day

We all drove home to Meeting.  We take home a little hay most nights.  I am raking most of the time.




7th month, 25th, 6th day(sic)

Today we finished up the two  big stacks.  They are about sixty feet long and very good hay made without any rain.  Eddy and Harry and Lucy went home to sleep and Dad and Reggie stayed.  We had the tail end of a thunderstorm.  A rough wind got up in the night so I got up and poured water on the cow’s smudge.  I was raking further down the lake on Tommy’s quarter this side.  We intend making another rick here.


7th month, 26th, 7th day

We started making the new rick with the patent businesses Eddy and Harry made yesterday.  It is a beam sixteen feet long, a logging chain is fastened round each end and four horses haul it, two each end.  It goes from cock to cock, gets eight or ten to come in, and slides up the rick on three planks.3  Dad went home before dinner.  There is to be an arbitration between Dad and Clark over that red steer we lost several years ago.  Dad refused to pay the herding bill, $12.00, they settled that Dad should pay half.  Eddy and Harry went home to sleep. We had a slight shower in the afternoon.  It is splendid hay we are making now.  Lots of strawberries in it, smells quite sickly with them.

7th month, 27th, 1st day

Bill, Tom and I drove down to Borden with Ida and the Bronco.  John and Sissie came down from Halcyonia and John walked to meet us.  He came a mile or more this side of Borden.  We were too late to go to Meeting.  We came back here again after Meeting.  Lucy came with me and John went home.  Still very hot.  Grain filling up fast.


7th month, 28th and 29th, 2nd and 3rd days

We finished the rick and are busy cutting in the pasture.  We have filled in one end between the two stacks, and finished them off.  Went home tonight, Lucy and Eddy and I.


7th month, 30th, 4th day

Fixed up the animals and I drove Brum in the buggy and led the Bronco behind.  Lucy caught  Tony and came over.  Joseph, Martha and Daisie Hinde rode in the buggy. Lucy and I rode horseback.  Edward took a bunch in the democrat.  Dad drove Daisy and Ida in the democrat.  We had a nice time.  The Wakes went home pretty soon after dinner.  Dad went to Blanche’s.  John, Hannah Mary and I went later to Wakes’.  We stayed tea.  Eddy drove Brum home and Lucy rode with him and led Tony, and I rode the Bronco.  I did enjoy it, she was keen and anxious to get on.  We called at the house for a few things then came on.  The boys were in bed.


7th month, 31st, 5th day

Finished the rick in the pasture today.  I did quite a bit of raking over the lake as well.


1.  Check lines held the horses’ heads up so that they looked smart and prancing.  A tight check rain also prevented the horse from grazing when not working.

2.  Stakes - fence posts.  The preferred wood was diamond willow  which weathered well and lasted in the ground.

3.  This device is referred to as a sweep in the narrative of J. E. (Bob) Hinde, As I Remember It.





8th month, 1st, 6th day

We are hauling the hay from over the lake and making up between the two stacks on the east end.  This is lovely hay.  We took six loads home. Dad, Lucy  and Eddy stayed overnight.  We have had two lots of gooseberries since we have been here, which we stewed and enjoyed, they are lovely.


8th month, 2nd, 7th day

The end of another week, how they fly.  We are preparing to go home today.  Bill went first thing.  Tom and Harry just roofing off the rick between the others.  The potatoes are beginning to lose their flowers.  We have been using them for about two weeks now.


8th month, 3rd, 1st day

John came down for the day. We went to Meeting as usual at the Hindes’.  Laurie and Bob were here to dinner and tea.  Hot but cloudy, like thunder.


8th month, 4th, 5th and 6th days.

Bill on disking.  We managed to cut and rake the bog slough on Moor’s and got it in a rick at the side.  I was riding on the collector and it dumped and gave me a sharp knock on my back.  We also cut and carried some off this quarter and then we had quite a lot of rain so that about ten loads cut on Eddy’s quarter had to lie on the ground.  On 4th day John and Joshua and Oscar went to the Saskatoon fair.  They had a nice time and came  back each three dollars better off than they went.  They went as witnesses and Oscar as attorney/executor for proving up Thomsons’ homestead.  They paid all expenses and gave each three dollars.  Lucy, Reggie and I drove over a quarter in the sand hills Florrie is after,  and in the evening after John came we went again.


8th month, 7th, 5th day

Dad and John went to Radisson to get some flour and John borrowed $175.00 from the bank to pay on the preemption he hopes to get.  I was hay raking, etc.


8th month, 8th, 6th day

Dad, John, Florrie and I went to Saskatoon.  It felt so strange to be in the train again after five years and three months.  I had forgotten what it was like, and it was so nice to see Saskatoon, to see the trams and bread carts, tip carts, etc., and one-horse vehicles again.  It is a nice clean town, wide roads and sidewalks.  We went by train to the fairgrounds.  The trains were running every  twenty minutes.  It is three miles over the river and only just past the last of the houses.  There was a nice lot of horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, etc.  There was a corral of two hundred Shetland ponies but they looked thin and miserable.  I think the poultry pen interested me the most, beautiful specimens of all the different breeds.    There was quite a lot of fancy birds, golden and ring-necked pheasants, peacocks etc., all kinds of guinea fowl and rabbits etc.  The ladies’ exhibit, needlework, painting, etc., was very interesting.  There were lots of side shows, circuses, wild west show, flea circus, etc., etc., and a lot of cook counters and ice cream booths, etc.  We saw the airplane flying and on the ground.  There were two white horses that go up a steep grade and dive off into a tank of water.  One time a girl went up on one of their backs.  There was a similar thing, a man on a bike went up and jumped, the bike fell into a net and he dived into a tank of water.  There was also a big wheel with carriages on,1  roundabouts, wobbling railway etc.  It was very interesting indeed.  But it was nice to get home again.  The land crops, gardens, etc., look so much better round us.  It was raining fast when we got off at Borden.  John got his quarter all right, and Florrie filed on hers, and Dad cancelled the adjoining quarter.


8th month, 9th, 7th day

John helped Eddy on the separator.  In the afternoon John and I rode round the north half of Thirty-Nine.  It is still open for preemption or homestead.  We went to the river and saw some nut trees.  We hope to go again when they are ripe.


8th month, 10th, 1st day

I drove John up to Halcyonia in the afternoon.  We drove right round the quarter.  We had Prince in John’s buggy.  John came back with me as far as the creek.  He walked most of the way home, before Oscar caught him up.

This week I did the washing.  We picked pin cherries and some choke cherries and mde them into jelly.  Boys disking on Eddy’s quarter.  I did quite a bit of mowing there and I was also there one day raking, and the men made a decent little rick.  Lucy and Dad went into Radisson and got a ton of cracked wheat.   The pigs are growing well.  On 6th day I went with the men to Reynolds’  and we put up and finished, or nearly finished (except gate, etc.)  a pasture opposite the house on the railway land, about ten acres.  On 7th day we gave the house a thorough good cleaning and did some mending.  I had a good wash.  I have been troubled with my hip, it pains me when I put my leg back especially after sitting.  I drove back to Halcyonia and took Lavinia2 from the Hindes.  It was a cold drive.  We had Jessie and her colt.  I slept with Edie on the sofa.

Started cutting.



8th month, 17th, 1st day

We had a lovely long lie awake in bed from about the usual time we get up, five or half past, until half past seven.  The cat was howling outside.  John and Lavinia and I drove round to Hindes’ quarter with the auto and Edie and Ed with Jessie.  We saw their new stable, and the breaking, and the disking Eddy has been doing, about ten acres.  Edie and Ed drove the car back.  We called at Blanche’s on our way and from there went to McCheanes’ to Meeting and stayed to dinner.  Hannah Mary, Ed and Edie came and had a look over John’s new land.  It looks good now the grass is long.  I think anyway he will be able to plow twenty acres of good land.  I stayed at Wakes’ to tea and John came with me as far as the creek and walked home.




8th month, 18th, 2nd day

We had a good rain this morning, quite a thunderstorm.  Bill and Tom disking on Eddy’s quarter.  Harry Philips cutting over the creek on Moor’s.



8th month, 20th, 4th day

We finished cutting the wheat on Moor’s on the new land. And did some on the new land on this side of the creek.  We went to Meeting and after dinner we packed up and shifted to Reynolds’.  We had several showers and we had to air our bedclothes when we got here.  Not much like harvest weather.


8th month, 21st, 22nd and 23rd.

Three nice hot sunny days.  The binders kept on breaking one after the other, but we cut and stooked over half of the railway quarter.  A very thin crop.  Dad has hired two fresh men for two months.  Harry and his binder came down yesterday, the 22nd.  He has cut as much as is ready at home.  We all went home.  John came down to Reynolds’ with Archie.


8th month, 24th, 1st day

Laurie  was here  to dinner and tea.  We went to the Hindes’ to Meeting as usual.  John drove back with Archie.  In the afternoon, John walked down and Archie drove Elsie and Eileen, to stay for a  week.  Lucy and I stayed overnight.


8th month, 25th, 2nd day

We went down to Reynolds’ and the binder got on fairly well on the railway quarter,  finishing it and also the summer fallow north of the house.  Harry took his binder home.  Lucy and I both went out shooting.  The two Russians work very well.


8th month, 26th, 3rd day

Going slower this morning but we finished and stooked the eleven acres this side the lake on Tomey’s.  We had dinner and came home in the afternoon.  It was close and looked stormy when we went to  bed, and in the night such a violent storm came up, the lightning was so awful.  I lit the light, but the wind was so strong I put it out.  I was afraid the window would come in, buckets and boards were banging against the house.  We dressed and went to the house to  Florrie  and Elsie.  They got up.  The boys’ window blew in.


8th month, 27th, 4th day

The wind last night blew a lot of the stooks down.  Lucy and I went round on Moor’s picking them up, till Meeting time.  In the afternoon we went to the river, such a party!  I drove Bronco and Jessie and took Edie, Lucy, Harry, Elsie and Daisie.  Winnie rode on Creamy and Laurie on an old stump-eared pony, and the three colts followed.  Joseph and Martha Hinde made up the rear in Laurie’s buggy.  We did enjoy ourselves and got a nice lot of cherries3 and cranberries.  The horses were so lively we had to hold them back to keep at least two of the wheels on the ground. 



8th month, 28th, 5th day

Cutting still going on.   Florrie cooking and Elsie helping her.  Lucy and I stooking or putting up the stooks the storm knocked down.  Florrie and Elsie drove up to Lydia’s to tea, and Reggie.  We were in bed when they came back.   Creamy was very fidgety starting home so Edward drove Elsie in the auto.



8th month, 29th, 6th day

Righting the fallen stooks.  We finished cutting all that is ready by dinner time and then Dad drove with the wagon and democrat to the river.  I did not go, I stayed quite a while at the Hindes’.  Edie helped me stook. It was a hot lazy day but just what we want for ripening the grain.


8th month, 30th, 7th day

I had a lovely job for a hot close day.  After feeding up, milking, etc., I drove Elsie to  Uncle Esau’s and from there to Matthews’.  Elsie agreed to go and look after Ted and his cousin for three months as his mother and father are moving into Borden to start a pork butcher’s shop.4  In three months Ted intends getting married to our cousin Ada.  From there we drove to Elliots’ and saw Muriel home again in time for dinner.  Stooking in the afternoon.


8th month, 31st, 1st day

I drove Elsie home today.  We had the Bronco and Jessie in the democrat.  They do go well.  The trails were very sticky and heavy.  Florrie and Eddy and Reggie came.  Lucy was at the Hindes’ to dinner and tea.  I got out at the Wakes’, Eddy  drove on to Oscar’s and I walked with John to McCheanes’.  We had supper there and the others had supper at Blanche’s and drove up.  John rode with us a little way and walked back.  We called at Uncle Esau’s and asked him to have half of the pig we intend killing.  By this time it was almost dark and the trails were so slippery, we went south down the new grade along  by Shraders’ and just as we turned onto the old trail, Jessie fell down, but fortunately neither Jessie or anything  else seemed much the worse. Crossing the creek we got into another bad water way and coming through Atcheson’s crop we ran over several tremendous stooks  and crossed a very bad grade again getting onto the road, so we were thankful to get home safely.


1.  Lavinia Wake.  This is the first mention of the arrival of the rest of the Wake family in the community.  In 1913 Hugh Wake’s wife Margaret and the rest of their children arrived:  Henry, John, Margaret (Sissie,) William and Lavinia.    Joshua and Arthur had come a decade earlier with their father; Lydia meantime had married Alfred Tomes and remained in England.

2.  Ferris wheel, named after the American engineer who invented it.

3.  Cherries:  pin cherries - flavourful but very small native fruit.  Usually jelly was made of them, with a device for straining out the pits being required.

4.  The Newbolds, Abe and Florence.  Abe was  nephew to Margaret Wake.  Florence was originally from Fritchley.












9th month, 1st, 2nd day

I felt much better today than I have been doing lately.  Tom took his binder to Reynolds’ and Dad  and one of the Russians took their dinner.  Bill cutting for Tom Griffin.  Harry cutting oats.

9th month, 2nd, 3rd day

Tom at Reynolds’.  Bill at Tom Griffin’s.  We are keeping the two calves and the hybrid in the little pasture and I go out there to milk her.   Kitty we tied up in the yard.  The sow and twelve young ones need a lot of feeding, also the fattening pig.  The hens are laying better.


9th month, 3rd, 4th day

Lucy stayed at the Hindes’ sewing.  I went home and helped fix the caboose up, Eddy doing the work.  He fixed two nice cupboards then I drove over to the Hindes’ and took  two skirts Lucy has been making for me.  We fitted them on and got them over the difficult places.  We stayed supper and enjoyed ourselves very much.


9th month, 4th, 5th day

Lucy busy sewing today.  She finished my blue skirt and the brown one except pressing and the hooks and eyes.1


9th month, 5th and 6th, 6th and 7th days

We all went to Reynolds’s and finished cutting and stooking the oats except some on Tomey’s and a few over the creek on Reynolds’.


9th month, 7th, 1st day

John2 and Sissie drove down in the morning.  Lucy stayed dinner and tea at the Hindes’.  Laurie was here to dinner but he went over to the Hindes’ to tea.  Archie and Bob were there, and Eddy.  Sissie and John stayed overnight.


9th month, 8th, 2nd day

Finished harvest.  John went with me in the morning to see Lydia and then I drove Dad to Borden and after I hitched up a team and drove to Reynolds’ with the men’s dinner.  Sissie and Lucy came along.  The men finished and came home at night.  John and Sissie went back soon after dinner.  John has given William McCheane one of his horses, probably Nero.


9th month, 9th, 3rd day

Bill finished the disking on the railway quarter.  I drove with Dad down to fix the fence on Reynolds’ and we went up to Perrin’s to see some colts we heard he had for sale, but he was out.  It got very cold before we got home.  We called at Reynolds’ for the gun.  Lucy and I did the washing in the morning.




9th month, 10th, 4th  day

Started getting up the potatoes.  A fine crop and such lovely big potatoes out by the cattle shed.  Some of the horses got out of the railway quarter and I drove them back.  The two Russians are splendid hands at gathering the potatoes.  We went to Meeting.  Lucy made a pair of knickers.  I was getting up potatoes and leading the horse for ploughing.


9th month, 11th, 5th day

Dad and Bill and the two  Russians went to Reynolds and got up most of the potatoes there, a lovely crop.  I did the milking, feeding, etc.  We made the five gallon pickle jar full of pickles again, marrow, tomato, cauliflower and onions.


9th month, 12th, 6th day

Dad and Florrie went to Radisson, the two Russians and I went along with them as far as Reynolds’.  Dad ploughed the potatoes out and then went on.  We picked them up and got home by two o’clock.  Lucy had got the place nice and tidy and all signs of dinner gone, but we soon got ours, then I sorted out my boxes and tidied the bedroom and set out a pile of old clothes to be done up, given away or burnt.  The flies are very thick. We have not had any frost yet except just enough to cut some of the potato tops.   They are not very ripe for gathering.  Lovely weather.


9th month, 13th, 7th day

The two Russians gathering potatoes.  Here we have about filled the pit in the garden with all big ones.  Reggie and I took over two tanks on sleighs and two on wagons and left them on Moor’s.  Bill bumming round, Eddy, Harry and Tom fixing the engine.  Looks a lot like rain.


9th month, 14th, 1st day

John came down late last night.  I was in bed so I did not see him until this morning.  Hugh Wake has appointed a special Meeting at two o’clock this afternoon, members are particularly invited.  Most of the Wakes came, Hannah Mary and William McCheane and Lydia Crabb.  We had a very nice Meeting.  Martha Hinde supplicated, Hugh Wake testified of the Lord’s goodness and mercy.  William McCheane also spoke and so did Dad for some time.  I felt it to be a favoured time.


9th month, 15th, 2nd day

I drove with John to  Borden.  He had to call at the station for a casting.  Lavinia stayed with us for a few days.  The threshers are getting ready, fixing racks.  Reggie and I hauled two tanks on sleighs and two on wheels over on the stubble by Hindes’.


9th month, 16th, 3rd day

Started threshing.  The threshers started this morning but we had trouble with the feeder and did not do much before dinner.  I brought the food over and Martha Hinde   kindly offered her house and helped me get it spread out for the men.  We had ours after.   Edie helped me wash up.  I helped her wash a little.   Lucy drove on a dump rack all day.  Martha Hinde prepared a nice supper in the parlor and Lavinia and I had supper with them.  Then we drove home and out to the pasture and fed and watered the cattle there.  Dad has bought a little black heifer.  We propose calling her Tiny because she is so small.  She gives about two quarts twice a day.   We, Lavinia and I, milked the cow here and fed the pigs etc.  It was a quarter to ten by the time we had finished.


9th month, 17th, 4th day

I hauled some water for the engine.  Lucy and I went to Meeting.  Martha Hinde is quite poorly with a heavy cold.  We cleaned up the setting and I went to Borden after gasoline but could not get any so I hitched Jessie and Lady in the democrat and drove to Radisson and Lucy came with me.  The horses were very lively and went well.  It was about five when we left and nine or half past when we got back.  The man had gone to his supper.  We got some bananas and chocolates to eat going home.  It was very mild and we enjoyed the ride.  I heard this morning that poor Mary Leach died yesterday.  She is just about Lucy’s age.  She gave birth to a son on 2nd day and haemorrhage set in.  She suffered a great deal from 7th day, but died quietly in her sleep.


9th month, 18th, 5th day

It came on to rain and we did not thresh again until 7th day afternoon then we put through an oat stack.  We have just sent off the first car, 1,030 bushels I believe.  The expert came and fixed the magneto and Eddy ploughed a piece of roots with the Jumbo.  The horses were ploughing 6th day and 7th day morning.  Leonard came from Saskatoon and he and Martha Hinde  drove up to Halcyonia on 7th day with Daisy in the buggy.



9th month, 21st, 1st day

A cold wind.  I was very stiff from riding bareback yesterday.  After dinner I rode Buck and Lavinia rode Creamy up to Halcyonia.  The wind seemed much colder at Halcyonia and I was glad to get back though I enjoyed my little visit.  I drove Martha Hinde back in the buggy and left Buck for Leonard to come tomorrow.  I slept at the Hindes’ with Edie, in Martha Hinde’s bed.


9th month,  22nd, 2nd day

Started threshing again, and I hauled water for the engine, and then drove a dump rack  till dinner time.  It came on to rain and we did not thresh again till 2nd day.  Eddy ploughed several more patches of roots and the horses were busy ploughing.   We put a new roof on the hen house.  It is higher and better now.


9th month, 23rd, 24th, 25th  and 26th,  3rd, 4th 5th and 6th days

It turned beautifully warm today and kept quite hot like summer the rest of the week.  On 6th day I drove Buckskin and Daisy to Radisson.  On the way Buckskin was taken sick with colic and kept trying to lie down, but I kept her moving till the barrel fell out, and as soon as I stopped to pick it up she leaned down on the pole and broke it.  Well, fortunately I had a couple of boards and some wire with me and I fixed it up and got to Radisson and the blacksmith put a new pole on.  He took off the ironwork and fitted another pole into the same irons.  I also had to wait quite a while for the gasoline so it was about four when I got back.  They had been waiting for gasoline for some time.  I took out their lunch, etc., and did the chores, milking the two cows in the pasture and giving them sheaves and water, feeding the pigs, and Kitty, and milking her.


9th month, 27th, 7th day

I think this must be Indian Summer.  The wheat on the new land on this quarter has gone about twenty-five bushels to the acre and on Moor’s, the new land, about twenty-two.  The oats have threshed out good.



9th month, 29th, 2nd day

Some time this week we went to Reynolds’ and threshed the railway quarter and Hoffman’s.  Edie came down to drive a dump rack but she had hardly started before Willie came for her to go and cook on the caboose, also Dick Primmer had left.  Then Winnie came for the rest of the day but she got sick.  Lucy drove home with her.  I was glad to see them as I was here alone.  Lucy went every day through the week and took Harry Hinde with her.  I drove down most days and did errands for them, baked bread, pies, etc., here and cleaned some screening  up and did all the feeding and milking.  We had fourteen pigs, besides the cattle and all the colts to pump water for, so I had a very hard week.



1.  The garb of conservative Quakers required that clothing have no decoration.  This meant no buttons for women’s garments, and no collars for men’s suits.

2.       John Wake and his sister Sissie (Margaret.)











10th month, 5th, 1st  day

John came for the day and brought Sissie.  Edie also came.  The caboose is at Edward Tallis’s. 


10th month, 6th, 2nd day

We were stopped from threshing all this week on account of the weather so wet.  We did plowing with the horses.  John and Joshua plowed with their horses.



10th month, 12th, 1st day

John came down again for the day.



10th month, 13th, 2nd day

The weather cleared and we got most of our threshing done, and the Griffins’.  Blanche came down at the end of the week and stayed over.  Lucy and I drove back with her on 2nd day.  It came over dark and started to snow, blowing level before we got to the creek.  We left Lucy at the  Wakes’ and drove on but just before we got to Oscar’s  we got off the trail and could not find it.  But we got to Rand’s and came back to Oscar’s.  The snow was blowing level from the south.  Muriel was glad to see us as she was alone.  I put up my horse Buckskin and we went in and had supper.  We were hungry and enjoyed it.


10th month, 14th, 3rd day

We got up late and it took us all day to get home, calling, etc. We went up to McCheanes’ and saw Edie there.  She is alone in the caboose and badly wants me to go and help her.


10th month, 15th, 4th day

I got my few things together and rode up to Halcyonia today.  I was in time to help get dinner.  Well, I had two weeks of it on the caboose and I enjoyed it.  I do like working with Edie.  The days were very long.  We got up at four and to bed about half past ten, then as the weather turned cold, we got up later, breakfast at six instead of five and supper at seven instead of eight.










11th month , 5th, 4th day

We all came home to Monthly Meeting on the 5th, finished.  Three of our men, Joe, Charlie and Harry, came up for about a week and after the stook threshing was over on the 5th. Joe and Charlie went on and helped stack thresh.  The weather turned much milder and we had about two weeks of beautiful weather.  Our boys cut up a lot of wood and banked up the house well, and the stable, etc.  I did not seem to get over a great lot of work. 


11th month, 10th, 2nd day

On 10th day we did a big wash and cut out a nightdress.


11th month, 11th, 3rd day

We felt like taking a change so we all drove up to Halcyonia, Dad, Eddy, Lucy, Florrie and I.  We had Ettie and the Bronco; they went well.  We saw John and Joshua threshing at Baxter’s and then drove on to Blanche’s.  We drove across John’s new quarter.  We went along the north and down the east line.  We all had dinner at Blanche’s and then we drove on to the Hindes’.  Muriel came with us and we left Florrie.  It was nice to see them there at work.  We went on to the  Wakes’ and picked John up and came home.  Willie drove Muriel back again.  We enjoyed ourselves very much.


11th month, 12th, 4th day

We went to Meeting.  Edie came over to dinner.  John was here till about three, I think, and then he went out with Joshua to thresh the barley stacks.


11th month, 13th, 5th day

I rode Polly up to Hoffman’s; we got the two colts home but we could not get the steers.  We drove all the colts up to Eddy’s quarter in the afternoon.


11th month, 14th, 6th day

We did the ironing, etc., and cleaned quite a bit of the upstairs, and turned out and mended some overalls.


11th month, 15th, 7th day

We were very busy all day.  I finished washing the upstairs, mended the washing, did the cooking etc.  Archie came to supper.  John came in the car.  John has bought the car for $500.00.  John came in the surrey with Hannah Mary McCheane and Laurie.  John stayed here.


11th month, 16th, 1st day

Not quite so bright, but very mild.  Lucy, Winnie and Elsie sat on the rick of hay in the stack yard for about  two hours.  Eddy and Reggie drove up to Halcyonia and brought Florrie home.


11th month, 17th, 2nd day

John, Lucy and I took another team and went with Eddy and Tom and Bill and got three loads of big logs.  We had a nice time and enjoyed ourselves fine.  John and Joshua intend going to Battleford tonight to see Paul Lance.


11th month, 18th, 3rd day

John and Joshua came back this morning.  They got on all right, the International having agreed to hold over $2000.00 on their outfit till next fall.


11th month, 19th, 4th day

We had quite a fall of snow today.  John went to Borden and had a long talk with Edward.  Joshua and John Wake came in with two loads of wheat and I left Dick and Turk for John to haul wheat from Joshua’s new quarter tomorrow.


11th month, 20th, 5th day

John hauled wheat with Dick and Turk.  Eddy went with four horses on a tank and Tom took four horses on a tank.


11th month, 21st, 6th day

Still beautiful weather.  Boys hauling wheat again.  Lucy and I sewing.



11th month, 22nd, 7th day

Busy cleaning, cooking, sewing, etc.


11th month, 23rd, 1st day

We went to Meeting as usual.  Lucy stayed dinner.  This lovely weather is very favourable for the Hindes building their new house.


11th month, 24th, 2nd day

John went for a load of wood from the river, logs for building.  In the evening he went out with Joshua to thresh some flax.  Eddy and Tom hauling wood.



11th month, 26th,  4th day

Monthly Meeting day.  They all went, and Tom, except Florrie and I.  We drove down to the river and I rode up to Eddy’s quarter.  A lovely day.  They were back very late.  They had a very nice time and a very nice Meeting.  Heard of Henry Wake’s death (of Whitehaven) after a very short illness.


11th month, 27th, 5th day

We got the water for a big wash of blankets tomorrow.  We had Daisy and Captain on the stone boat.  Lucy fell out.  Lucy rode Captain up to Eddy’s quarter and I led Nero and  drove Daisy.  We got on nicely.  We are still using   wheels but the snow is nice for the horses in the pasture.  John got a load of logs.


11th month, 28th, 6th day

We moved our bed out and John made a bedroom out of the big room, with two ends of the moveable granary.  We did the blankets from our bed.


11th month, 29th, 7th day

John got a load of wood.  Tom hauling the wood.  Joe and Charlie cut on this quarter.  Busy cleaning up, moved the bookcase, etc.  I was pretty sick this weekend.  John went to have a settling-up with Joshua,   He went 2nd day and came back 3rd day.








12th month, 3rd, 4th day

We started papering, John and Eddy doing most of it.  Reading Meeting was here in such a mess.


12th month, 4th, 5th day

Finished late tonight,  it looks very nice.



12th month, 5th and   6th

John hauled two loads.



12th  month, 8th, 2nd  day

John and I drove up to Halcyonia.  John voted at the school house and we had  dinner at McCheanes’.  John brought the car down. It was dark before we got to the creek.  After supper we went up again to take back some gasoline we borrowed from Dick Primmer.  Reggie, Lucy, John and I went.


12th month, 9th, 3rd day

John went for a load.  I was pretty sick this morning,  my throat and head made me feel pretty sick.  Lucy washed the blankets off Tom and Eddy’s bed yesterday.


12th month, 10th, 4th day

Ada’s wedding.  Dad went to Meeting.  John stayed with me.  I was in bed most of the day.  My throat is very swollen.  Lucy and Eddy went to Ada’s wedding and from there to the Wakes’.


12th month, 11th, 5th day

In bed quite a lot of the day.  My palate is very swollen and inflamed.  I am gargling alum, boracic acid and taking dry sulphur.  I think it is a bit easier and I feel better in myself.  I am very thankful.  Eddy came back, Lucy stayed at the Wakes’.


12th month, 12th, 6th day

John’s birthday.  Florrie gave him a pair of mitts and Hannah Mary a sleeping suit.  I am getting him an auto-strop razor, it did not come in time.  Ed and Edie brought him a nice little necktie.  Hannah Mary painted him a very pretty card.  John got a load today.


12th month, 13th, 7th day

This lovely weather is a treat, so very mild and nice, not thawing much but so mild and sunny, no wind.  John has gone to the river again, his pile of logs is growing into quite a big pile.  They are lovely big straight logs.  Eddy and Tom have gone to haul a load of hay from Reynolds’.  Lucy is still away up at the Wakes’, we miss her very much.  The Wakes are hauling wheat  in our stack yard, taking advantage of the fine trails and weather.


12th month, 14th, 1st day

Lucy and Sissie and Willie drove in just as we finished Meeting.  Meeting was at our house as the Hindes are just about packed up for moving.  They stayed to dinner, also Edward.  It was nice to have them.  They went to Lydia’s to supper.  Lucy, Sissie and Martha and Joseph Hinde drove to John Griffin’s and from there up to Lydia’s and Sissie and Lucy drove the team home.  I went out for a walk with John across the quarter.  We went about two and a half miles.  I did enjoy the walk and being outside again, it was very nice.  Sissie and Willie drove home after supper.  Florrie went over to Sheldon’s in the evening and when she came in she had such a rash come out on her arms.  Dad walked up to Lydia’s to Meeting.

12th month, 15th, 2nd day

Florrie’s face and hands were all swollen up, it quite frightened us.  She stayed in bed and had a good sweat.  I helped with the work but Lucy did most of it.  There is to be a dance and reception at Matthews’ tonight, in honour of Ada and Ted’s wedding.  Muriel and Stasha went and Blanche helped with the catering.  Joseph and Martha Hinde came here to supper and to sleep.  Eddy and Tom took one rack load of their furniture up today, and John another load, and John Wake and Joseph Hinde got the rest on his load.  It was very nice to have their company for a little while.  I slept with Martha Hinde, we made up a bed by putting the small form1 along the sofa and the feather bed on the top.   Lucy slept on the single bed and  Florrie slept on our bed.


12th month, 16th, 3rd day

Florrie was better this morning.  It was nearly dinner time  before they got Joseph and Martha Hinde off.  John went to the river for logs.  Blanche came just before dinner.  I was so glad to see her as not being well it worried me about Florrie, she looks so funny. William McCheane came in the afternoon from Lydia’s, for Blanche, but we kept them for supper.  It is very nice when one is sick to have friends come in.


12th month, 17th, 4th day

John went out this morning cutting poplars on the railway quarter.  Florrie got up in the morning and helped quite a lot.  I do not think my throat is much better than it was last 1st day.  I wish it would get well. I long to get out again.  John took out his team after dinner and brought a big load of small straight poplars.  We had Meeting at home.  Lucy cooked the dinner.


12th month, 18th, 5th day

John went for logs again.  I made some mincemeat and mixed some puddings.  My throat felt much better.  Our boys are getting small poplars.


12th month, 19th, 6th day

My throat is worse again today, more inflamed.  Esau2 was going by just before dinner with a four horse load.  The horses shied and he went to take hold of the lines and fell and the wheel went over both legs.  Dad, Tom and Eddy went out.  Dad took him some cayenne in hot milk but he would go on down with his team so Eddy went with him.  He came in before dinner and laid on the sofa.  Florrie bathed his legs in ice cold water.  He had some dinner but was in a lot of pain.  Dad drove him home in the democrat.  My throat was worse after dinner.  I took out my teeth as under my plate was sore.


12th month, 20th, 7th day

A very cold wind today.  Just as we had finished dinner Muriel and Oscar came.  Lucy went with Muriel  to Borden to get provisions for the 25th.  They went back in the evening.  We enjoyed their little visit.  We are going to bed too late to be good for us and getting up too late to get much work done.



12th month, 21st, 1st day

Joseph Hinde and Bob came with an ox team.  It was nice to see them and have their company.  They stayed overnight and got John Griffin to cut their sleepers.3 They took a wagon box load home but it was late when they started.



12th month, 24th , 4th day

Florrie rode back with the Wakes.  They come in with wheat most days.  I get about the house helping with light jobs but my glands keep swollen and my pulse is very quick.


12th month, 25th  , 5th  day

John went to the river as usual. Edward drove up to Halcyonia and took Leonard and a load of stuff from Saskatoon.  We have been having a nice lot of roosters to eat this winter.


12th month, 26th , 6th   day

Lucy and Eddy drove off to Halcyonia.  It was quite a job getting them off and threw me late with the work.


12th month,  27th, 7th day

It is very quiet in the house alone but I got through nicely and now the place  is nice and clean and dinner mostly prepared for tomorrow.


12th month, 27th (sic) 1st day

The weather still holds beautifully mild, it seems strange to be using buggies and wagons so long into the winter.  We had Meeting by ourselves.  Just after evening Meeting Eddy and Florrie and I came back and brought Margaret Wake instead of Lucy.


12th month, 28th, 2nd day

Just before dinner I went out a bit with Margaret Wake.  We looked at the graves in the cemetery and especially at  Caroline McCheane’s grave.   We walked over to Sheldons’.  They look pretty sickly.  My heart went very queer when I was in there, a peculiar beating  which made me feel frightened so I suggested coming home as dinner would be ready.  It was better when I got outside.  After dinner we, Margaret Wake and I,  walked up to Lydia’s.  My heart was the same there, most of the afternoon.  We had supper there and walked home through Borden.


2nd month, 29th, 3rd day

We were busy preparing for Monthly Meeting.  I baked some mince and apple pies.  Florrie cleaned.


12th month, 30th, 4th day

Monthly Meeting.  We had a very nice Meeting but Lydia and Hannah Mary could not stay for dinner because of the baby.  We had a lunch dinner, sandwiches etc.  Edie and Edward and John and I went up to Lydia’s to supper.  William and Hannah Mary McCheane and Laurie were there.  We had a nice time.  I had a beaten up egg before I went and so I had just a bit of bread  and butter and a cup of tea.  We played a game of City, Country, Lake, etc., and talked, and the others ate nuts and chocolates and oranges.  David and Lydia put a present for each of us on our plates.  I had a nice water jug and John had a set of suspenders and four silk handkerchiefs.  Edie had a teapot and Edward, Laurie and Maggie pairs of mitts.  Hannah Mary had a glass bowl and twelve glass dishes to match.  There was a keen wind  blowing.  Laurie drove us home.  I had David’s big fur coat on .  My back and chest were very sore.  I feel the cold as I have been in so much and this place is so hot. Margaret Wake went back and Edie stayed.



1.       Form - a wooden  bench.

2.       Esau Saunders, son of Esau senior.  Young Esau was first cousin to Mary.

3.       Sleepers are railway ties.  Perhaps they were discarded ties that could be used for firewood.









1st month, 1st, 5th day

I lay in bed until pretty late, about dinner time.  My pulse is still very quick and my chest sore.  I had a good rubbing with oil.  Edie and Lucy went to Borden and saw a hockey match at the rink (incidentally.)  Edward came back for supper and they played games in the evening.  John got a big load of dandy willow stakes.  I went to bed as I felt pretty rough.


1st month, 2nd, 6th day

Edie and Lucy went to Borden again and Edie got some silk and made herself a  gimp1 to go with her new dress.  She started a second one but did not get it done.  Lucy has a heavy cold and poor Florrie suffers a lot with her limbs,  so that her sleep at night is often broken.  Edie seems very well.


1st month, 3rd, 7th day

Lucy worked well with the cleaning.  I have not helped, scarcely anything, since  Monthly Meeting.  I have had quite a bit of waiting on.  I got up about dinner time and before supper my feet were so bad I could hardly walk.  The right one seemed to get better pretty quickly but the left one got worse.  It did not swell to speak of.  I cannot think what caused it but the top of my instep ached so very bad all night that I could not sleep and could scarcely bear it. 


1st month, 4th, 1st day

Dad got up and warmed me some water and put   cayenne in it .  It soon went easier and I got dressed, but I was very sleepy in Meeting.     The furred coating keeps coming off on my tongue. Dad read aloud to us, out of George Fox’s journal.  In the afternoon it was such a lovely day  Tom, Lucy, Dad and Florrie  drove down to see Tom’s land  now the  caboose is on it.  I had to lie on the sofa with my foot.  John is rather done up.  He works too hard getting these willow stakes.  I cannot bear any weight on my foot or move it without help, either my hand or my other foot.  I soaked it again in the evening and had a lovely night’s rest.  Edie and Ed  rode up to Halcyonia.


1st month, 5th, 2nd day

Still beautifully mild.  John went to the river for stakes.  If all is well he will soon have all he wants for now.  My foot is much better but I cannot walk on it.  The swelling has gone down a lot.  The Wake boys are loading a car.  




1st month, 6th, 3rd day

I tried my foot too much and had a very bad night again.  Still nice weather.  John is hauling some splendid willow stakes.



1st month, 15th

The snow has come at last and now we can use sleighs, but it is not so very cold.  John has got 1100 stakes and that is all he intends getting at present.  We heard last night of the death of Henry Thomas Wake of Fritchley.  On the 25th of 12th month we heard of the decease of his son Henry Wake of Whitehaven.  He was only ill about a week or less.  Henry Thomas Wake was in his usual health then, but felt it quite a lot, it was a great shock to him, and soon after, his strength seemed to fail and he just got weaker and more weak, and quietly passed away on the first of this year.  It is a great trial to Hugh Wake and Martha Hinde.    

Florrie seems to have taken a chill again and is in a lot of pain.  Lucy and I were outside in the morning, playing with the animals and etc., and got our work behind.  And Martha Hinde, Bob, Edie and Muriel came just before dinner.  Sissie and Henry came soon after dinner.  They all went to the sale at Schecter’s.  Muriel stayed to cheer  Florrie up a bit.



1st month, 18th, 1st day

MY BIRTHDAY. Well, I am twenty-three today.  How old I am getting.  I had quite a few presents,  John gave me a nice pearl grey jersey.  Lucy gave me a nice pair of brown slippers and a very nice china dish.  Edie gave me a tall glass vase and Florrie a nice glass fruit dish and Muriel gave me two china dishes.  Hannah Mary gave me a nice pair of mitts.  My foot is much better.  I rode Daisy up to Hoffman’s yesterday and Dad drove the cutter.  We brought Bobbie home.  I did enjoy the ride.  It was so nice to ride out again.


1st month, 19th, 2nd day

It turned very much colder today.  John has finished hauling and he is trimming the logs now.  Florrie is much better today.  Muriel and I drove up to Lydia’s this afternoon and stayed supper.  John and I sent her a lovely coloured tablecloth.  We had a nice time.  We drove Turk in the cutter  single.  John Griffin was taken with bad rheumatism.



1st month, 25th, 1st day

Bob came down for wood and pig feed.   The winter has come at last.  We have had it thirty and thirty-eight below.  Walter Little was out all the night before last  and he got his face badly frozen.  I am ashamed to account for the last week, we have done so very little.  Lucy’s back aches a lot and I feel so weak, and of course Florrie cannot get about.  Muriel helps but it seems all meals we get up so late  and go on in such an easy way, that the days and weeks fly by. 




1st month, 29th

It is now the 29th, Edie’s birthday, and it is a quite cold day.  Several of us walked down to see John Griffin last 1st day week,  he is pretty sick,  only taking milk and water.  His heart is bad.  Some or other of us have been every day to see him.  I have ridden twice on Prince.  The doctor went to see him yesterday.  It was a very bad day, blizzardy.  He is very much better.  The doctor left some tablets and stuff for his heart.  I helped them with the chores and cut some wood.  I enjoyed the ride very much.  It set in cold about the 23rd.

We have not washed this week, it is too cold.  John has nearly finished peeling the logs.  He is disappointed in them, they are so  crooked, but he thinks he has just about enough.

It was Monthly Meeting yesterday.  Dad, John, Eddy, Reggie and Muriel drove up, and Winnie came back in Muriel’s place to continue her school.


1st month, 31st, 7th day

John and I drove to Halcyonia to David’s and Edward’s sale at McCheanes’ place.  Most of the things were bid on.  We stayed there overnight.


(Here appears a note on the top of the page, dated 31.5.1912: “Winnie guesses I will quit my diary by the time I get to this page.”)


1.  Gimp - a scarf or other decorative accessory.








2nd month,1st, 1st  day

After Meeting John and I drove down to the Wakes’ to dinner and after a while John went back and Eddy with him.  Eddy drove Joshua and Henry up from  Saskatoon.  They have been up to the Short Courses at the College of Agriculture,1 they were full of it.  I stayed at the Wakes just over a week, until 3rd day the 9th.  I did enjoy myself and the change of surroundings, etc., did me good.  Margaret Wake was so kind and thoughtful.  It was  very cold weather, thirty below most of the time.  Their living room is so nice and comfortable, it is a lovely big room.  I made a blouse for myself, read, played games etc.  On 7th day John drove up and stayed until 2nd day.



2nd  month, 10th, 3rd day

John went back.  He stayed over yesterday, it was so cold.  Edie came up for the mail.  She drove up to McCheanes’ with Ginger.  I did not go with her, it was so cold.  Edie walked home before dinner, and Willie, Lavinia and I drove over after dinner.  They went home after supper and I stayed.  It turned much milder.  Martha Hinde was not very well.  Losing her dear father and brother recently and so near together has been quite a trial.  I enjoyed being with them very much.  It is the first time I have seen their new house.  It is a great credit to Joseph and J. E. Hinde and they seem well satisfied with it.  The rooms, though none too big, are nice and comfortable.


2nd month, 11th, 4th day

Harry, Martha Hinde and I did not go to Meeting on account of the cold wind.


2nd month, 12th, 5th day

A lovely day, so mild.  Harry and Elsie, Bob and Martha Hinde and I drove over to the Eastes’ to buy some oats.  We had the oxen in the wagon box.  We enjoyed the trip.   We called in at Oscar on our way back.  We all got good appetites and enjoyed our dinner.  I crocheted three or four tuckers and read quite a bit.  Bob read aloud to me.


2nd month, 13th, 6th day

We drove to the Rands’.  Joseph Hinde took us.  We did not stay very long.   We stopped at Oscar’s and invited Stasha down to a party tomorrow.  Muriel and Oscar are going down to our place.


2nd month, 14th, 7th day

Well it looked cloudy and a poor day for John and Edward but it cleared up and they came all right.   All the Wakes came except Hugh and Margaret Wake.  We had a very nice evening.  We had a big turkey and a nice assortment of cakes, etc.   We had several nice games in the evening.  We had a game of Sharp Practice.  Each player wrote a subject  on a slip of paper and they were muddled up and drawn out again, and each one was called on separately to stand up and  speak for three minutes on the subject they had on their slip.2


2nd month, 15th, 1st day

We drove to Meeting in the two cutters.  As we were late, we stayed at the Wakes’.  The trails were pretty bad.  I went with John back to the Hindes’ to  dinner and supper and we stayed overnight. 


2nd month, 16th, 2nd day

In the morning I left with John.  He had to stay at the Wakes’ and fix his little engine.  We had dinner there and then we drove up to McCheanes’ and stayed all night.


2nd month, 17th, 3rd day

Came home just before dinner.  Muriel was here, they were busy washing.  I have had such a nice rest and change, I have enjoyed it.  It is nice all the same to come home again.   I found my poor Ruby very sick, she has sprained her shoulder very badly and it is so very swollen and painful, she is in a lot of pain.  The bunch went over to the Wainwrights’ and got in his rick fence and we think got tangled up in the wire as he chased them off.  He caught the rabbits and put them together in their cage.


2nd month, 18th, 4th day

We sat down to Meeting as usual.  Lovely weather.  Dad lanced Ruby’s leg and the matter ran freely, she seemed a little easier and eats fairly well.  It kept running freely and going slowly till 7th day, when she lay down for the first time.



2nd month, 21st

I drove Florrie up to Halcyonia on 6th day and came back 7th day morning.  I bought a turkey hen from Hannah Mary.



2nd month, 23rd, 3rd  day

We pulled Ruby up today with a sling that John and Eddy made from half that big black ox skin.  We fixed her fairly comfortably and she stayed in it until 5th day.


2nd month, 25th, 4th day

They all went up to Monthly Meeting except John and I.  We stayed to see to Ruby.  We fixed her slings quite a bit better.  Lucy and Eddy and Winnie stayed overnight.  Winnie rode on Tony as a cutter makes her sick.


2nd month, 26th, 5th day

Sissie came back with them.  Winnie and Sissie went up to Nikerks’ to see  Edie on Captain and Prince on 7th day.  Dad and John went up to see Quick’s horses, contemplating a trade for Dick and Turk.  Lucy, Sissie and I went up at the same time on Polly, Noble and Dick on 2nd  day.   John trimmed up the last two loads of logs and hauled them up to Halcyonia.



1.       The West Before the War, Impressions of Early Twentieth Century Communities, by Elizabeth Mitchell  first published by John Murray, London, 1915; Spectra Edition by Western Producer Prairie Books, Winnipeg, 1987.  In this book Mitchell praises the University of Saskatchewan for its efforts  to offer the kind of education and training that was needed by the people of the province.  See also Bob Hinde’s book, As I Remember It, for the story of his experience in 1937 of one of these courses.

2.       It would be by chance that this party fell on Valentine’s Day.  Quakers would NOT be celebrating  a pagan event!





MARCH 1914




3rd month, 1st  day

Nice mild weather.  Ruby is very sick.  She seems to be in a lot of pain, she can just manage to get up and down herself, she needs a lot of attention.  Her appetite is poor now, the joint oil is running from her shoulder.





3rd month, 4th, 4th day

Lucy, Eddy and Sissie went to Langham with Dick and Turk.  They took a load of wheat to be ground.  They left here in the morning and got their flour, etc., back to the  Wakes’ about six o’clock.  The trails were bad in places, quite bare.  It was nearly dark on 5th day when they got  back.  I bought a bull calf off H. Quick, he is about two days old, all red.  I have named him Samson.



3rd month, 7th, 7th day

The Bronco had a colt, a nice black mare.  It was born outside.  A nice day, practically  all the snow gone, wet and muddy underfoot.


3rd month, 8th, 1st day

Lucy’s rabbit had six young ones, three black and three white.  Ruby does not eat much, she seems in a lot of pain.  We pull her up sometimes but let her lie on the floor mostly.  Her right hip is broken out, a foul smelling water is coming out.



3rd month, 12th, 5th day

Ruby has had her colt.  Its heart was beating but it did not breathe.  We are hoping she will be better now.


3rd month, 13th, 6th day

Ruby has been in quite a lot of pain since yesterday but seems easier tonight.  I am feeling very well, such an appetite.  The weather keeps about the same, thawing by day and freezing at night.  All this month so far, I believe, John has been working very hard fixing a new  coal oil carburetor  for his engine. 



3rd month, 18th, 4th day

Cold wind.  We have had several falls of snow but it goes again.  Minnie had a very nice mare colt, the same color as herself, bigger than last year’s.  Ruby is losing flesh quickly, her stomach seems all shrunk up.  She is not  in much pain now and can handle herself better, her appetite is very good.  The hair is growing on again over her shoulder and side where it all fell off with (I suppose) the inflammation.  We pull her up by day and let her down by night.  Her right hip is very bad, a deep sore as big as the palm of your hand and the bone is exposed.  We try everything we can hear or think of but that oil keeps running.  Martha Hinde came down with Joshua yesterday and stayed till tea.  On 4th day we drove up to Nikerks’ and had tea with Edie, and on  5th day drove her home and came back on 6th day afternoon and brought Elsie.



3rd month, 22nd, 1st day

I traded one of our gobblers for a turkey hen off Hoffmans’ some time ago and today she started laying.  A nice day.  Winnie and Lucy were playing with the colts, seeing which ones they could lead.  I put Queen and Stasha in the stable and fed them.  Dad is bad with toothache.

3rd month, 23rd, 2nd day

A very cold day, twenty below zero.  Stasha died in the night of the 23rd.  Her colt was being born and everything seemed all right but probably we think it was mostly the exposure.  It does seem a pity.  If only we had thought she was so near, she was poor and had not made much of a bag on 1st day.1 It is a big loss for Dad, it was a mare colt.  It seems strange to think of all that Ruby has gone through and she is still alive, and yet Stasha was gone almost like a flash.  Being such a cold night, the horses had not come home but had stayed out on the railway quarter and that was where she died.  My rabbit had five young ones and they were all frozen though they had a warmer nest than Lucy’s and they were all right, but it was such a bitterly cold night, such a strong blizzard.  We are busy preparing for Monthly Meeting, it is to be here next 4th day.  Edie came tonight.



3rd month, 25th, 4th day

Very few came to Monthly Meeting as it is so cold.  Hannah Mary and Laurie and William McCheane, Edie and Edward and that was all I believe.  Edie has left Nikerks’ as Julie Nikerk has decided to go to the States and undergo an operation.  Daisy’s colt was born, wall eyes.



3rd month, 28th, 7th day

Winnie, Edie and Edward rode up to Halcyonia horseback on 5th day.  Edie helped me cut out and mostly make a brown summer dress then she went to Lydia’s and stayed till  7th day, then they rode up to Halcyonia and Edie lost her money, $21.00, on the way.


3rd month, 29th, 1st day

Edie and Ed rode down looking for the money. They were here to Meeting, went back in the afternoon.  Trails very bad, sleet and hail in the night but still thawing fast.


3rd month, 30th, 2nd day

Edward and Winnie found the money or $20.00 of it coming down this morning.  It is a good thing for them.  We have used the tannic acid Price recommended but to no purpose, the mare is getting very thin, almost like a skeleton, and so weak. Her left hip is just about like that right now. John finished his engine today and he is going to help Eddy fix the Pioneer.


1.  Enlargement of a mare’s udder (bag) is an indication of how near she is to giving birth.


APRIL 1914




4th month, 1st, 4th day

Tom was using that patent cutter on the land  broken by the Jumbo yesterday, but it’s too frozen today.  Lucy and I drove to Borden with Turk in the buggy.  There was a very  cold wind, and snowing.  We got quite a lot of groceries, had Turk shod, and bought two ducks and a drake from Shelton’s for two dollars.  Dad has been reading in a veterinary book at Brackens; about joint oil.  They recommend Monsell’s solution of iron so we sent up to Radisson for it straight away.  My duck has laid two eggs.



4th month, 3rd, 6th day

Frank Larson and Archie arrived just after dinner.  The solution of iron came today and we applied it as directed in and around the hole, with a feather and it stopped it right away.  Martha Hinde has bought two turkey hens off Hoffman and I am going to take them up when they start laying as they have no gobbler. 


4th month, 4th, 7th day

Bob came down yesterday and went back just after dinner today.  Winnie, Philip Wainwright and Reggie went with him.  Lucy and I fixed up the old covered cutter and put in some of our best Plymouth rock hens and the rooster from Rands’ we also covered the new rabbit hutch with felt and cleaned them both out well.  A very big thaw.  Ruby’s leg has burst out several times but we stop it up again with the same stuff.  It collects inside the skin and bulges out like a saucer.  She seems about the same in herself.  She eats well.


4th month, 5th, 1st day

Very  quiet.  A smaller family than we have had for quite a while.  Just as we were having supper Fred Jarvis came.  He is a young man that came on the same boat with Archie and Frank but he stayed at Montreal in hopes of getting a job surveying.  But as he could not he came on up to Archie’s.


4th month, 6th, 2nd day

A very cold wind.  No getting on the land yet.  The frost hangs on so, and cold winds.  Fred Jarvis rode up to John’s quarter on a load with John, and drove Captain in Joshua’s buggy and took Hindes’ turkeys and a bag of potatoes and went over Clark’s creek.   The trails were very bad and it was about three when I got to the Wakes’ - I left home about twelve.  I picked Fred Jarvis up at Wakes’,  he had walked from John’s quarter.  We drove on to the Hindes’.  I put up to feed the horse and got warm, then I drove up to Blanche’s, left the potatoes and on to John’s quarter.  Florrie looked pale and thin, I thought.  John had a bit of lunch I brought up and then we looked round where he is thinking of building the house and stable.  He lined up from the road to get the stable square and on high land, then we drove on up to McCheanes’ and had supper.  John stayed to go on building, fixing the engine, etc., and I drove home with the big team.  I was nearly three hours coming home, the trails were so bad.  Dad was up, he had been out to put Ida in, in case she foals.  He had the feed in for Dick and Turk so we were soon ready for bed.  I got myself a cup of cocoa.  Dad stayed up another hour to  see to Pinnochio - she had  eleven pigs but lay on two.  Lucy’s had six and killed one.




4th month, 8th, 4th day

We did our washing.  I washed my dust coat.  We finished and went on with the painting and upholstering the buggy and democrat, Eddy helping.  Still cold, not on the land.  Ruby’s leg keeps breaking out, some bad smelling matter came out.  The little red heifer had a dead calf.


4th month,   9th, 5th day

Ruby’s shoulder was running all night.  The heifer is better but cannot get up yet.  I made a small cage for the little rabbits.  Lucy finished her blouse.  Tom was disking in the afternoon.  We sold the fat pig to Blundell.  Lucy’s pig lay on one young one leaving only five and Pinnochio lay on two leaving nine.


4th month, 10th, 6th day

I have been eating between meals and going without my pea flour and this week my stomach is quite out of order but I feel well in myself.  Lucy and I got on with the work very well this week and finished up the mending.


4th month, 11th, 7th day

We did the work and the cooking and both had a bath and washed our hair.  Winnie and Reggie are up at Halcyonia as they have a holiday for a week.


4th month, 12th, 1st day

John came down on Captain.  We sat out by the rabbit pen talking.  It was quite warm.  Lucy and Ed sat on the rick of oat sheaves.  Leonard came up for the weekend.


4th month, 13th, 2nd day

John went back and he took his four horses as Joshua wants them.  He spent two days last week on the engine and the rest of the week he was building his stable, he got on well.  Theodore Griffin met with a serious accident.  He was reaching over the saw to the tool box and his foot slipped and his left arm fell on the saw, cutting it to the bone almost the whole length of his arm.  The doctor fortunately happened to be out at Sid Sargent’s and was soon there.  Meanwhile Harold Perrin stopped the blood with a towel.  The men with him ran off and spread the alarm.  Beechel was the first to get to him from the town but he said he would have been too late.  The doctor dressed it with caustic and did not give him any chloroform.  He put in thirty-one stitches.  He said that he tried to bear it as well as he could and once he bit a piece out of his sweater.  Dad drove Lily Griffin home after Theodore had gone up on the train with the doctor.


4th month, 14th, 3rd day

I drove  down to Tom Griffin’s and took back Tom’s three horses.  They came up last night and  Lily and Tom want to drive in to Radisson today to see Theodore.  I drove over and fetched Lily while Tom hitched Lady up, then I drove back again and did up her work as well as I could. I took Jacky with me.  We went back to Tom’s  and we stayed dinner.  Annie gave me two plants and a broody hen.   Winnie came back to go to school until the end of the week, then she is going home to help her mother.  Edie has gone to A. Orchard’s, Florrie has gone to C. Elliot’s.


4th month, 15th, 4th day

Lucy cleaned the boys’ shack out and they moved in there tonight.  Real hot weather.  We have two teams working pretty steady now, one day we had two drilling.  Dad shot Ruby tonight.  She has been much worse the last two days, it seems such a relief to see her out of her suffering.  I set the hen I got from Annie Griffin on  ten duck eggs this afternoon.  My stomach has been  much worse again and my heart occasionally goes queer.


4th month, 16th, 5th day

Theodore is getting on fairly well but  the doctor has had to take three stitches out of his arm and open the wound up so that it will heal neater.  It was agony for him, poor man.  Lucy did the ironing and we did quite a bit of mending, but it seems a big job to keep it done up without extra sewing.


4th month, 17th, 6th day

We are trying to get into our bedroom but it takes some cleaning out, there is so much stuff in it.  Just before  dinner we saw a big fire just over the track, and as we were afraid John Griffin was not fire guarded, Dad and I drove down.  Dad backfired round his place except on the north, then we went on and fired round the caboose on Tom’s land and came home.   We had only just fed our horse when Dad saw another fire start just north of John’s, so they hustled up and took a team and plough in the democrat and ploughed on the north of John Griffin’s place. 

I made a new cage for Lucy’s rabbit and Lucy cleaned them all out.  Quite hot today.  My heart felt pretty queer several times today.  John is going on with the engine.  He has done some to his stable this week but I have not seen it yet.


4th month,  18th, 7th day

Quite hot today.  We got a move on so as to be able to go to Annie Griffin’s to take back the hen I exchanged, and back by John Griffin’s.  The horses were gone into the pasture so we hitched Pat up in the buggy.  We went very nicely but we only went about two miles and then turned back.  He got scared pretty bad once with a gun, and kicked two or three times coming home.


4th month, 19th, 1st day

John did not come down today as his horses have been working all the week.  It seemed a funny 1st day.  Muriel came and spent the afternoon.


4th month, 20th, 2nd day

Snowing and raining most of the day.  Bob came and got some potatoes and they got some up for Clarence Elliot.  We did a good show of mending.  I made two skirts into petticoats.  We have had such a lot of mending lately, especially woolens.




4th month, 21st, 3rd day

I baked first thing, brown bread and a good batch of buns.  I did the washing.  Quite a hard frost so the men could not start until after dinner, so Tom came and turned the washer, it was a big help. We had a new drill up to try, Hoosier press drill.  It takes six horses.  George Hynd2 came and brought the proofs to the photos, or rather four of them, he is to bring the other three on 7th day.  I have come out badly and Dad looks funny.  Queen and Mona and Winnie look very well.


4th month, 22nd, 4th day

The men came in and we had Meeting but it was rather late when we sat down.  Lucy did the ironing and we cleaned out our shack and put our bed in there.  I did not like sleeping outside, we seemed lonely.  It was a very nice day for working, nice and cool.


4th month, 23rd, 5th day

Lucy’s rabbit had young ones yesterday.  We got through our work as quickly as we could and  in the afternoon we hitched up old Jim and drove over to the Griffins’.  We had supper at Tom’s, we took back a hen we traded, Annie Griffin gave us a broody hen and I took her a laying one.  We took the children some caramel toffee that Lucy made.  We drove on to Theodore Griffin’s.  He is at home,  He looked rather pale and seemed nervous.  We went on to John Griffin’s next as we had some clothes for them, and a setting of eggs.  Our drive made us tired but we enjoyed it very much.


4th month, 24th, 6th day

I rode on Jim pretty well all the morning looking for Creamy and in the afternoon Lucy and I drove round by Taylors’  in the buggy.  Tom lost her on last     2nd day, the mare with the bent leg that belongs to David and Ed has gone with her.  The boys drilled in the school land today.


4th month, 25th, 7th day

The boys drilled the summer fallow on Eddy’s quarter.  They found Creamy there in Eddy’s quarter.  She has a nice roan colt.  Ida died today.  She has been in good health and doing her colt well.  This morning we noticed her lying in the stubble.  I went out to see if she was sick, and she got up and came in with her head hanging low.  We think it was inflammation of the bowels.  We did all we could for her but she got worse and soon died.  I believe before mortification set in  you could hear her bowels, all trembling.  The poor little colt knew something was the matter with his mother.  We are going to try and get Daisy to rear him as well as her own.   It has been a very trying day and the work is behind.  This loss seems so sudden and unaccountable. How little we know one day what will happen the next day.


4th month, 26th, 1st day

We were through with breakfast earlier than usual.  The boys helped with the potatoes, etc. So it seemed such a nice long morning.  While we were sitting in Meeting Edward called for me so I slipped on my things and went with him.  The trails were very bad and slippery from the last rain, it was very cold.  I was chilled when I got there.  It was just about dinner time.  John was very pleased to see me.  John and I walked down to see his new stable.   He has made a good job of it.  It is braced with wire ready for the concrete.  He has been digging the cellar and after about nine inches of soil he struck pure gravel and it goes down about four feet.  It will come in very handy for the concrete, and in the creek he has got quite a nice drop of water that will be useful.  It is, I expect, only surface water but will last as long as the sloughs. We stayed to supper and evening Meeting and then drove home.  It was I believe the darkest night I ever drove out on.  We went round by A.  Orchard’s to drop Edie, she is working there.  Coming home it was so dark we could not see the horses.  They were all in bed when I got back but I wakened them up by trying to get into our bedroom.  Lucy had fastened the door and I could not open it so I lay on the sofa.  I could not wake Lucy.


4th month, 27th, 2nd day

A hard frost.  Did not work until after dinner on the land.  Did not wash but wrote out a menu for meals and work, etc.  My rabbit had eight young ones.


4th month, 28th, 3rd day

Washed and changed the tickings and put clean ones on, and we put what were in flour bags into  ticking.2 Lucy washed the floor of the small room.  Very nice day for work, cool.  Ettie had a colt.


4th month, 29th, 3rd day

Monthly Meeting.  Milder.  Tom took his dinner and went harrowing on Eddy’s land.  Reggie went to school as usual, the rest of us   drove up to McCheanes’ to Monthly Meeting.  We spent a very pleasant day.  We walked, John and  Dad and I, down to John’s stable.  Eddy drove round with Frank, Martha Hinde and Margaret Wake; they got out and looked round.  We got some gravel for the hens and drove to the Wakes’ and from there home.   We were home in nice time.


4th month, 30th, 5th day

Lucy did the  ironing.   I did some cooking.  It is  very hot, we will have to get the stove moved.  It is too hot to cook in the little room   with the stove in it.  Finished seeding wheat.  Buck had a colt.


1.  George Hynd - see his story in the Borden History book, Our Treasured Heritage, also in  Bob Hinde’s narrative.  George was one of the few highly-educated people in the community and consequently was a cultural leader in the Borden area.

 2.  Flour came in hundred-pound bags.  The bags were made of strong cotton, tightly woven, and after being scrubbed enough to remove the maker’s imprint, were made into a multitude of items by the thrifty pioneers.  The fact that Mary was moving away from flour-bag ticking to bought ticking was a measure of the increasing prosperity of the family.




MAY 1914




5th month, 1st, 6th day

The boys were at Reynolds’ all four of them, ploughing.  We have just a little more wheat to put in and then a lot more ploughing for oats.  Lucy and I cleaned out our boxes and listed the things in each box.  A heavy rain.


5th month, 2nd, 7th day

The men away again.  The roan heifer had a bull calf.  She acted very wild and then ran and left him.  We wheeled him up to the stable in a wheelbarrow and rubbed him dry.  I milked the heifer twice and fed the calf three times.  It took us a lot of our time but we got through our work at last.  Daisy is feeding the two colts nicely.  I drove her down to Reynolds’ with two rabbits they bought.  On my way home I bought a bag of sugar and a bag of salt.


5th month, 3rd, 1st day

Warm and several rain storms, splendid growing weather.  The wheat sown first is up in drills now.  I made some sausage yesterday and Dad has a headache and indigestion today.  He ate too much, I expect.  My stomach has been pretty bad lately, making me feel sick and not much like work.  John cannot come down as his horses are at work, and we are very busy, no drivers except colts.



5th month, 7th, 5th day

The men have been away at Reynolds’ every day this week except for 4th day morning and then they stayed for Meeting.  We got our washing done and some seeds planted.  The calf is growing fine.  Edward and Ruth Tallis came and stayed supper.  They bought the little red cow for $50.00.  I drove them home.  It was a very cold evening.  My stomach has been improving.  I have been dieting myself carefully.


5th month, 8th, 6th day

As the men go off  early it leaves me quite a lot of chores to do.  After an early dinner I milked the roan heifer and then went  to Reynolds’ and packed all the afternoon.


5th month, 9th, 7th day

I got breakfast, lunch, etc., then got up some potatoes.  I cut up a bushel and drove up to Halcyonia with them, taking Buck with her little colt.  I went from McCheanes’ to Saloways’ to see about some seed wheat.  John did not come in to his supper until about nine or ten o’clock.  He is overdoing himself working so hard, and looks thin.  We went to bed late.  Hannah Mary had some cream that would not come1 so she had to leave it.  Very cold wind.


5th month, 10th, 1st day

Very cold wind.  Edward drove Edie down.  John and I drove down to John’s place and while we were there Laurie and Hannah Mary came across walking.  Then we drove on to the Wakes’ and had supper there, and back to McCheanes’ to Meeting.  I stayed the night.



5th month, 11th, 2nd day

Very cold first thing.  I helped John  in a piece of ground William McCheane has let him have to put in for a garden.  We put in the potatoes, four rows, and some carrots, parsley and onions.  John has planted some rhubarb there before.  I stayed dinner and then drove home by  Wakes’, they were very busy washing.  I enjoyed the ride very much.  Buckskin is a nice driver.  It was nice to get home again. “There is no place like home.”  My pig had two young ones so I took her out and put her in the cow stable.


5th month, 12th, 3rd day

Joseph Hinde slept here last night.  He will, I expect, for a fortnight while he works on the Schechters’  house.  I set two hens last night in the little granary in the rick yard.  I planted some potatoes in the morning over by the cattle shed and after dinner I drove Daisy down to Reynolds’ and ploughed with Eddy’s team.  I had the new horse Nellie we traded for Noble.  I quite enjoyed it.


5th month, 13th, 4th day

The men did not go to Reynolds’ because of Meeting until after dinner.  I spent some time over the rabbits, changing their pens etc.  I drove Lucy down to  Bob Bell’s and got Nellie.  She got out of the pasture .  I called at Reynolds’ on my way home.  A hot day but cool in the evening.


5th month, 14th, 5th day

After the men had gone Lucy and I fixed up the little cart Dad had brought from England.  We put wire netting over the bottom and made a door on the top and then we put Lucy’s mother  rabbit and young ones out to feed on the grass.  Arthur Wake called, took eggs to Borden.


5th month, 16th, 7th day

Lots of work as I was at Reynolds’ yesterday ploughing and the work has got behind.  The boys help us in the evening, fixing pens, etc.  Tom2 generally helps wash up, it is such a help.  John came down today, he brought Dick and Turk as Hamilton talks of buying them.  Nellie, the mare we traded for Noble, has a mare colt.


5th month, 17th, 1st day

A very nice day.  Joseph Hinde went up to Halcyonia with Oscar last night.  David and family and Ed drove up to the Hindes’ today in their new car.  John and I drove down to Reynolds’ in the afternoon with Oliver and Laddie.  It was the first time Laddie had been hitched up but he went very well.  We fed the horses.  Dad has been getting on splendidly with the new stable.


5th month, 18th,  2nd day

John went back today.  He made up his load with stakes to fence round the house.  Lucy’s rabbit got out and the cat killed four of the young ones.




5th month, 19th, 3rd day

In the morning Lucy and I rode horseback down to Tom Griffin’s.  I ploughed with Eddy’s team, he and Lucy went over to Reynolds’  cleaning wheat.   Tom and Frank were ploughing on the same piece.  I quite enjoyed it.  I did four rounds then Dad came and took my place and Lucy and I left for home just as a thunderstorm started.  We were about wet through when we got to Reynolds’ so we called in and dried ourselves and spent  a very pleasant time,  had dinner there and got home just in time to get supper.


5th month, 20th, 4th day

Very wet.  Men cleaned out the cellar and took some stakes over to Wainwrights’ quarter.  Joseph Hinde turned the washer and wringer for me, Lucy cleaned the bedrooms and did the housework.  Tom washed up.  I had a very big wash but it went fine and by Meeting  it was mostly washed.   After dinner the men and Joseph Hinde went fencing and Lucy and I finished the washing and got some of it dried.


5th month, 21st, 5th day

Got all the clothes dry.  The wheat and grass are growing fast after the rain, it was just what we needed.  John came down with his big team and he took ten bags of cement, some lumber  and groceries etc., quite a big load and the trails are very bad.  He was intending taking the little pigs which Joshua has bought, but had to leave them.  Lucy and I rode down Borden and did some shopping.  John took Laddie back to ride down on tomorrow, he is going to help Dad with the  fence on Wainwrights’.  Dad is going to help him back fencing his new quarter.


5th month, 22nd, 6th day

John came down before dinner.  This morning he planted the potatoes he took up with him yesterday and also some turnips, so the piece of land is full now and I guess it will be all he will be putting in this year  except some turnips down on his own place. Lucy and I were busy with the ironing and putting away of the clothes.  We took down and washed the curtains from the windows, also the red curtains from round the shelves in the kitchen.3


5th month, 23rd, 7th day

The boys took their dinner for the last time for a while as two teams are coming home tonight.  Dad and John went out lining up to Wainwrights’.  We were very busy, the housework having got behind, and on 2nd day the 25th we are expecting quite a few.4


5th month, 24th, 1st day

Still lovely weather, no mosquitoes to speak of.  Joseph Hinde went home with Oscar last night.  John and I walked round by the garden, the seeds are coming up much better than last year, but the ground is very rough.


5th month, 25th, 2nd day

A nice bright day, such crowds of buggies drove past.  Florrie, Edie and Ed were here to dinner.  Lucy and I walked down with them to get Reggie’s and Florrie’s photos taken, and Blanche and Muriel.  We had quite a sharp thunder shower and then it cleared up nicely for the people to go home.


5th month, 26th, 3rd day

Tom and Frank started ploughing in front of the house and  we dropped potatoes up one side, John, Dad, Reggie and I.  Lucy did the housework and mending.


5th month, 27th, 4th day

Monthly Meeting.  We put three seats in the wagon and Lucy and Dad, Tom and Eddy, Joseph Hinde and Reggie rode.  Frank rode Pat and John and I drove Laddie in the buggy.  It was held at the Wakes’ and we had a very pleasant time.  I drove with John up to his place and Dad, etc., went on to the Hindes’.  We walked round the bluffs, etc., by the stable.  John fixed the buggy tire and then I drove home and John stayed.  It looked a lot like rain when I got home.  I hustled around and fed my chickens and ducks and rabbits, etc., and got firewood in.  The thunder was pretty near and then it was getting dark  so I walked over to Sheldons’ and stayed for about an hour talking, and as soon as the rain cleared up a bit I came back and got in just before Dad and the others.


5th month, 28th, 5th day

I found this morning that my three biggest ducks are killed.  I don’t know what killed them but they are lying in the bluff in the rick yard.  Beauty had one between her paws.  Very rough and windy.  Dad planted a bag of potatoes and that is I think all we are planting on this quarter.  I helped cut up and I went to help take the mares and colts out in the creek pasture.  It seems quiet without Lucy, she is staying at the Wakes’ to the end of the week.  I set a hen in the rabbits’ place on fourteen hen eggs and one up over the road on eleven duck eggs.


5th month, 29th, 6th day

I did not get much work done indoors.  I do not like working alone.  I got Dad to help me and we brought in the turkey eggs from over the road.  The other turkey hen hatched only two.  John stayed on after Monthly Meeting to go on with his stable.  I helped cut up potatoes for planting.  Very hot.

5th month, 30th and 31st,  7th  and 1st days

Lucy and  Lavinia came just after dinner.  I had not finished the floor but they set to and helped me and we soon got finished.  I rode up to Halcyonia with Joshua and Joseph Hinde in the wagon.  I slept at the Wakes’.  It was a cold ride.  In the morning I had Joshua’s buggy and drove up to the McCheanes’.  John and William McCheane were at John’s place looking at the cellar, etc., so I drove over and they came up with me.  Edward called for Eddy, Lucy and Lavinia and they came up in the car.  Joshua, John and Henry Wake and Edward came on up to McCheanes’. Hannah Mary got them some dinner as we had nearly finished, and then John and I rode up with Edward to A. Orchards’  and brought Edie and Bob5 down.  At McCheanes’ John and I took the buggy and drove round by Blanche’s.  We had supper at the Wakes’ and then rode in the car to McCheanes’ and left John, then on to Arthur Orchards’ and left Edie and Bob there, and then on home.  We did enjoy it, the car goes so well.


1.       Cream that would not come - meaning it wouldn’t turn into butter when churned.  Perhaps it was too fresh, or it had started to sour.

2.       Tom is Tom Clarke, who was becoming quite helpful to the womenfolk, and making himself one of the family, which indeed he did later, marrying Lucy.

3.  Curtains covered the shelves that served as the kitchen cabinet.

4.  In this area of mostly English immigrants, the Queen’s birthday was always celebrated with a community   picnic.

5.  At this time Bob  Hinde, aged 19, was working for  the Orchards.  Much later he told the story of never being able to pay much attention to what his doctor said because he kept seeing the image of a little boy in a high chair.  His doctor, Stuart Orchard, was that little boy.





JUNE 1914




6th month, 1st, 2nd day

Finished seeding oats.  Tom got me some water and I started washing but he had only half a barrel as it ran out, so Lucy and I got another barrel full and went on.  Lucy rinsed and hung out, did the housework, etc.   The men have all gone fencing on Wainwrights’, Joseph Hinde as well.  Hannah Mary called in the afternoon.  Very hot.


6th month, 2nd, 3rd day

Lucy went with the men fencing.  I finished the washing and did some cooking etc., and got dinner etc.  Then after dinner Lucy went with the men and I hitched up a team and went to Halcyonia.  I took about a hundred stakes.  John was at his stable so he came on and we dropped the stakes on his preemption quarter.1  He is going to fence it in.  John came back with me.  It was late when we got home.


6th month, 3rd, 4th day

We have had a lot of wind lately, and no mosquitoes to speak of.  A nice shower just after dinner.  The boys are fencing on the railway quarter, mostly for the work horses.  John is helping them.  Lucy was out with the men on Wainwrights’ stapling2 up till Meeting time.  They finished it, gates as well.  After dinner the boys went on to the railway quarter, fencing.  Dad had been out with Reggie in the morning, putting in the draw stakes.  I did the ironing and mended a lot of it.  We heard of the death of Mary Griffin from Uncle yesterday.  The boat that I came out on, the Empress of Ireland, has gone down, and over a thousand drowned, right in the river.


6th month, 4th, 5th day

John and Reggie went down to Borden and got twenty-three rolls of barbed wire to fence in his new quarter.  After an early dinner I went with John up with the wire.  We had Buck and Ettie.  It came on an unpleasant drizzle, but it’s lovely growing weather and the crops are looking well.  We went to the Wakes’ to get John’s horses and as they were out on the land we had to wait until they were in and fed,3  and as they did not leave the field until after seven it was very late when we left for home.  We got pretty wet.  We only brought Niger and Captain,  and left Dick and Turk.


6th month, 5th, 6th day

John went up again with Captain and Niger  and took a load of stakes and brought back Dick and Turk.  Frank started ploughing on Moors’;  Tom and Eddy fencing on Tom Bradshaw’s.  John is putting in about half a day on the concreting of his stable, as well as hauling his stakes.  Joseph Hinde is working for Hoffmans’,  fencing Reynolds’.  Theodore can use his arm now splendidly.  My back is bad today.  I think it is a cold on the kidneys.


6th month, 6th, 7th day

The chickens, etc., have been taking up a lot of time lately one way and another.  It is getting hot and dry.  We could do with a good rain.


6th month, 7th, 1st day

It hardly seemed like 1st day to me.  John was at Halcyonia, and we were pretty busy.



6th month, 11th, 5th  day

The boys went to the Halcyonia plowing match.  Dad drove Joseph Hinde home and then went round to the plowing match.  John stayed and helped Lucy and me make a duck pen.  Just about six o’clock we went up to John’s quarter in the auto.  I drove both ways.  We did enjoy it.  It was such a hot day.  We got a lot of groceries in the afternoon and had them all over the floor ready to go down the cellar and the paper and string about.  Lucy had been calsomining the kitchen so that the place was very dirty.  We had just come back from Halcyonia and I was getting supper when in walked the Sykeses.4  They did not stay long, John drove them up to the Crabbs’ and then back to the hotel.


6th month, 12th, 6th day

We worked like Trojans and got the kitchen papered and calsomined, and as much else as we could possibly do.  The Sykeses drove up to Halcyonia and had dinner at Hannah Mary’s and from there round by the Wakes’ and Hindes’.  I made a cover for the ottoman.5


6th month, 13th, 7th day

I washed the  floors and cleaned the grates.  Lucy cleaned shelves, etc., etc., and got everything as tidy as we could, bedrooms as well.  I did some cooking.  The Sykeses had dinner at Lydia Crabb’s and then they were to come here for the afternoon and supper.  Dad drove them round Reynolds’ and the new pasture on Wainwrights’.  I stitched some cheesecloth into long curtains.  We enjoyed their company, it was nice to see them.  The children, Sarah6 and George, were pleased with the calf.




6th month, 14th, 1st day

We drove up to McCheanes’ to Meeting in the auto and Lydia and David came up, and the Hindes and the Wakes, altogether between thirty and forty.  Blanche and Stasha, Archie and his man, and the Sykeses.  David and Joseph and Stasha took photos.  George Sykes showed us a lot of photos of places they had passed through.  They have been travelling since the early part of 3rd month.  We had Meeting in the afternoon at the Wakes’ at three o’clock.  We had a meeting to consider the advisability of building a Meeting House.  Sykes said he would help and also try and interest the Birmingham Friends.  John’s land was chosen as the best position.  I drove the car to the creek, and Eddy drove the other half.


6th month, 14th, 2nd day (sic)

David drove the Sykeses up north round by Redberry Lake and Petrofka, etc.  They had tea at the Fasts.  They enjoyed it very much.  On their way home they called at William McCheane’s and left him there, as he had gone with them.  We heard them go by in the auto when we were in bed about half past ten.   Motors are flying round in great style now.  They say there were about twenty motorcars at the Sports in Borden on the 24th of last month.


6th month, 15th, 3rd day

We went down to see the Sykses off, and David and Lydia came down.  It has been so very hot for this last week.  I started washing in the cool of the evening and  Tom helped me.  We got on well and hung out all the white things and the stockings, and one sheet and a quilt.


6th month, 16th, 4th day

I started some more washing and finished it before Meeting. In the afternoon I took Polly in the buggy and went up to John’s place.  Then I hitched up Captain and Niger and hauled gravel and put in the post-holes in the alkali, and put the strainer posts7 on.  It has been so very hot for working in the middle of the day.  I brought up some supper  but it turned so cold we could not sit down to eat it.  I went up to Hannah Mary’s with her rabbits.  We drove down to Blanche’s to sleep.  She would get us some more supper.  It rained quite a while in the evening.


6th month, 17th, 5th day

We tied one row of wire all round.  It was quite cold till nearly dinner time.  We went to Blanche’s to dinner.  We put in the gate post and the strainers.  John had to cut several blazes to drive the team down laying the wire.  We came home in the evening.  Quite a shower in the night.


6th month, 18th, 6th day

John went back with a load of poles for the roof, with Dick and Turk.  I drove Captain in the buggy,  I got there about the same time.  I started pretty late, I had so many hindrances.  We brought a lunch dinner which we had first, and then we started straining the wire.  We drove with the buggy to carry the tools and I went back to straighten the wire.  We put in another gate post and went to Blanche’s to sleep.  John is putting three rows of wire and three draw posts on each side.


6th month, 19th, 7th day

We put in the posts along one half mile, and a quarter and drove them and stapled, and John dug in a slough and found water.  It came on to rain and very cold, it rained most of the way home but not heavy.  The crops have suffered from the hot weather and the dry spell quite a bit, and Halcyonia seems even worse than Borden.  But now we hope these last few showers will help.  But the plowing goes very hard, not enough rain to help much.  Dad had been up to Stilwells’ and got in just   before us.  I got John some supper.  I had had mine up at McCheanes’.


6th month, 20th, 1st day

We had another shower this afternoon. John rode back on Captain.


6th month, 21st, 2nd day

We were very busy packing the boys off to Reynolds’.  We cooked pies and cookies, etc., etc.  I washed one floor and Lucy the kitchen.  I baked a big batch of bread.  Edward came about six and took us for a ride in the auto. We did enjoy it.  Dad and Reggie came home to sleep.  Lucy is making herself a dress.


6th month, 22nd, 3rd day

I went to Borden and got quite a lot of groceries, etc.  Lucy finished her dress.  I made some pies and cookies and a cake for tomorrow and roasted a piece of pork.  Lucy cleaned the window, tidied the rooms, etc., etc.  I cleaned the knives and forks.


6th month, 23rd, 4th day

It was quite cool for driving, so the friends were glad of a fire.  John brought the surrey load early for the overseers to answer the queries before Meeting.  I was just feeding the pigs, we had only just separated the milk and I was just taking it up to the pigs.  Most of the friends came in good time.  I made tea for those who wanted it.  We had plenty of room to sit comfortably.  There were twenty-six of us.  The second Meeting was quite a long one.  Laurie announced his engagement with Hannah Mary.8  She was not here because she has been overdoing herself and did not feel equal to it.

We got through dinner nicely, we just had a lunch passed round as they sat, sandwiches etc.  In the afternoon the committee (appointed to see the Friends recommended from the Fritchley Meeting) sat with Hugh and Margaret Wake and some of the children.  Nothing was done definitely but it is suggested to let all in as members except Hugh Wake as he was already an elder of this Meeting.

We spent a very pleasant day.  The boys were very good in helping with the serving and Tom did practically all of the washing up; he said he enjoyed it. 

Hugh and Margaret Wake went back to stay overnight with Lydia Crabb, and Lucy went back with Sissie.  I felt lonely without her.  John went back after supper.  John traded Dad Duke for Bonnie.  He has hired Captain to C. Nikerk and he is going to plow John’s summer fallow as payment.  He is only doing about ten acres.

John has dug a well on his new quarter and got, I believe, a good supply of water, and so shallow that he hopes to grade it down for the cattle to drink, like we have done on Wainwrights’.  Joseph Hinde is staying for a few days to help with the gardening and some fencing, etc.

The boys are ploughing down on Reynolds’ on the railway quarter.  They are getting on nicely.  We have put up some stables in the pasture this year.  They find it very   handy and easy to do a fair day’s work.  Reggie has started his holidays.  I sent back quite a stock of food with the boys to Reynolds’.  John went back late and took some harness for Captain from C. Nikerks’.


6th month, 24th, 5th day

Quite cool for the time of year.  We could do with more rain.  There was only Joseph Hinde, Dad and I to breakfast.  I drove Laddie and Jim on the cultivator to clean out between the potatoes.  Joseph Hinde had a hand hoe and went between the plants.  In the afternoon they went up to do the potatoes on Eddy’s quarter.  I read three diaries from Mary Sturge8 and watered the chickens, etc., again.



6th month, 26th, 6th day (sic)

Dad and Joseph Hinde went to Adamsons’ for some wire that Dad has bought.  They have fixed up a windlass and wind it on empty spools.  I went over and brought Jessie up from Wainwrights’.


6th month, 27th , 7th day

I baked bread, washed the floor, etc.  I was alone until about five and then Martha Hinde came.  It was nice to have her company.  Joseph Hinde went back with her.  Lucy, Sissie and John came pretty late in the wagon with Dick and Turk.


6th month, 28th, 1st day

John and I went up to Halcyonia in their auto.  We could see showers coming down in several places.  The rain this year so far has been very local. We have not had a real long soaking rain this year.


6th month, 29th, 2nd day

I went up to Halcyonia with Sissie and John on a load of lumber.  Sissie walked home.  John and I did some fencing.  We slept at William McCheanes’.  The gophers are eating John’s crop badly.  C. Nikerk did John’s summer fallow and has got Captain to work it off.


6th month, 30th, 3rd day

We went down and laid one wire to a strainer post then strained and stapled it.  We only did about a mile as we had several hindrances.  I came home with the team and John mixed up some poison.  It thundered pretty bad by the time I got home but we did not get much rain.  Jessie had a colt this morning, a nice mare colt.  John traded her for Captain and Duke for Bonnie.


1.       1.  Preemption quarter:  After a homesteader  had “proved up” his or her quarter, he or she was eligible to apply for a preemption quarter.  This would be a quarter-section of land unclaimed as a primary homestead or perhaps abandoned by a failed homesteader.  This procedure allowed a homesteader who  had little money to enlarge his or her holding to a more economic size, as many quarters on the prairies were insufficient to support  a homesteader family, no matter how well farmed.  Conditions for proving up the preemption quarter were the same as for the original homestead,  except there was no requirement to build a dwelling.  Information from Ruth Bergman, September 2002.

2.       Stapling - attaching barbed wire to fence posts.  U-shaped staples about an inch and a half long were hammered into the fence posts. 

3.       The animals had to be allowed an hour to eat before being worked.  Mary Crane remembers her father Bob Hinde getting up at six in the morning, feeding the horses, then coming in for breakfast and a chapter of the Bible read aloud, then at seven being ready to go to work.

4.       The Sykses were visiting Friends, well-off people from the East.  According to  Bob Hinde’s narrative, As I Remember it, this family provided $300.00 to pay for the supplies required to build the Meeting house.  Members of the Meeting provided the labour.

5.       Ottoman -  footstool.

6.       Sarah Sykes in 1954 gave Rachel  Clarke a weaving loom.

7.       Strainer posts - to tighten up the fence  wire before stapling.

8.       Laurie Crabb would be  in his late teens, Hannah Mary in her mid-thirties.  It was several years before they married.

9.  Mary Sturge - assumed to be kin, probably sister, of Edward Sturge, Mary’s teacher in 1903 in Fritchley.




JULY 1914




7th month, 1st, 4th day

General Meeting.  Dad and I drove up.  It was not nearly such a large meeting as the last Monthly Meeting.  We had dinner and then Joseph Hinde came with us and we went down to John’s pasture.  John and I laid and strained the wire and Dad and Joseph Hinde stapled it.  We went on fine and did about two miles with one wire.  We would have completed the whole business if we had only another spool of wire.  John has a strainer every eighth of a mile, and three rows of wire.  It was late when we got back.


7th month, 2nd, 5th day

The Sheltons came in to breakfast and then went off up north.  John went back in the auto and left his team for Dad to work.  I did a big wash.  We baked bread, etc.  Tom tried to start breaking but the flies were so bad he had to hitch out.  Frank and Reggie ploughing summer fallow.  The mosquitoes have come at last and are making up for lost time.



7th month, 4th, 7th day

We got on with our work slowly.  It has been so hot the last two nights.  The mosquitoes have kept us awake.  I put screens on our bedroom windows.  In the afternoon we hitched Laddie to the buggy and drove up to  Alcocks’ with two rabbits.  It was lovely and refreshing to see so much rank green foliage, such a change from driving east.  We went from the Alcocks’ to the Griffins’ and took them two rabbits and brought  back eleven chickens in exchange.  Tom gave us quite a few plants and a nice lot of rhubarb.  John was here when we got back.  Threatening for rain. Turned quite cold towards evening.  Lit a fire to keep warm in Meeting.


7th month, 5th, 1st day

We were up at half past three.  We could neither rest nor sleep because of the mosquitoes.  I was very sleepy in Meeting.  A very hot day.  The crops are suffering for want of rain.  John and I walked out to the pasture and the garden.

7th month, 6th, 2nd day

John went back last night in the car.  He took his blankets, etc., intending to batch in the caboose.   He has cribbed the well in the cellar and laid the floor and just started on the logs.  I did a small wash, finishing before dinner.  Annie Griffin came in the afternoon.  Joe Carter and his wife and two children have come to live where Sheltons were.  Tom took back the old cow he bought off Dad, the one we had from Stilwell a week or two ago.  Very hot all day.


7th month, 7th, 3rd day

Lucy finished the ironing.  I stuffed two cushions, one I made in England and one Eliza sent me.  I also put over them a washable print cover.  Tom Griffin came and cemented the floor of our porch.  Very hot and close.  About five we had some thunder and hail but only enough rain to hardly lay the dust.  Mosquitoes very bad.  I drove to Borden in the evening and got some groceries.  Lucy has not been at all well, griping pains and diarrhoea.


7th month, 8th, 4th day

Lucy was up a lot of the night so she slept most of the day.  Gertie Beechel came up and stayed to  dinner.  Tom is ploughing on Wainwright’s quarter.  Reggie and Frank are on Moor’s now.


7th month, 9th, 5th day

It is so very hot the wheat is nearly all out in head, and some of it is only about  eight inches high.  We got our work done up and then in the afternoon Lucy walked out to see to the cows’ chains and I went to the railway quarter and brought Jessie in.  We drove Jessie and Laddie in the democrat  to Borden, and then we  heard Jolly’s colt was outside of the fence so we went along there.  We found it was Ettie’s colt that had lost its mother while she was working.   I was racing round the grade and round to Wainwrights’ team and back again.


7th month, 10th, 6th day

Still very hot.  Lucy cleaned Dad’s bedroom thoroughly and I did ours and the boys’.  We did quite a bit to a crazy-work quilt.  Margaret Wake came in to town with Joshua.


7th month, 11th, 7th day

So very close and hot, but we got on well with our work.  When the men came in to dinner it was threatening for a storm, and about two o’clock we had such a downpour.  The boys did not work again so we made toffee and pulled it.  Dad was in Radisson.  He had taken some wheat in.  The roads were bad for him coming home.  John came in the auto about tea time.


7th month, 12th, 1st day

The storm has not cleared the air very much.  It is so hot and close.   After dinner John drove Eddy, Lucy and I round in the auto.  We went to  Massakers’ and Tom Griffin’s, Sid Sargent’s,  G. Elliot’s and at John Griffin’s we got out and had some  supper.  It did us good to go round and see people.  It seems to give me fresh ambition, it is so nice to have so many friends.  We had Meeting as usual.

7th month, 13th, 2nd day

I started washing, then Annie, Mable and Jim came so I left it to enjoy their company while I had the chance.  Little Walter is growing.  Such a storm worked up all around us.  The lightning was awful, but not much rain.  Lucy, Dad and I sat up until it was mostly over.


7th month, 14th, 3rd day

So cool and fresh after the storm.  I did the washing before dinner.  Lucy did the housework, cooking, etc.  In the afternoon I went mowing.  I mowed the slough on Moors’ and hauled one load home to feed.  It is very nice stuff.


7th month, 15th, 4th day

Tom and Eddy had to go on road work so we were up early.  I cut their dinners.   Dad and Frank also took their dinners.  Lucy drove  Jim to Borden and got a piece of material to make a blouse each.  Henry and Archie called and had a bit of lunch with us at noon.  We had a good shower about one o’clock.  Dad, Frank and Reggie came home and brought the white heifer.  She has been calving all night.  I drove up for Uncle Esau but by the time I got back Levi Price had come up and got the calf away. It was dead of course.  Uncle Esau went back with Teddy Matthews.  We made quite a start on our blouses.


7th month, 16th, 5th day

The heifer seems almost herself again now.  Tom and Eddy went on the road again and Dad, Frank and Reggie over to Wainwrights’, breaking.  I raked the hay in the afternoon but we had a heavy shower about six, so we cannot carry it.  Laurie called for me to go back with him to relieve Hannah Mary as she wants to go down to Lydia’s for a week or two.  I worked a bookmark, “To My Grannie.”


7th month, 17th, 6th day

Quite chilly, almost a frost.  We carried the hay from Moor’s.  We were busy preparing to send provisions to Reynolds’ as that is the next move.  Much cooler.


7th month, 18th, 7th day

Reggie, Eddy and Frank are at Reynolds’, mowing and harrowing.  Dad drove down this morning and stayed all day.  John came late in the evening.


7th month, 19th, 1st day

We had our last old potatoes for dinner, and our new ones are very late this year.  After dinner John and I went for a walk.  We brought in lettuce, onions and turnip from the garden.  We have a very poor garden this year.  John went  back in the evening.


7th month, 20th, 2nd day

We did the washing and made some soap, packed Tom up to go over on his quarter to do some breaking.  Quite a heavy rain in the night.




7th month, 21st, 3rd day

We hear the south of Halcyonia did not get any rain the night before last, neither did they get the last good rain we had last 5th day.  Their crops are very bad especially John’s and Laurie’s.  We did the ironing and baking, etc.


7th month, 22nd, 4th day

Dad went off pretty early as usual.  I finished the chores, etc., and then went out and caught Daisy and we  drove down to Reynolds’ and had Meeting  there with them and then we drove in to Radisson.  We had several things to get which they don’t keep at Borden.  The sun was hot but we enjoyed the ride.  We called  at Lloyd’s  on our way home and saw some sheep he has to sell - six ewes, two lambs and a purebred ram.


7th month, 23rd, 5th day

Being away yesterday we had quite a bit to do.  I had to go out to Tom in the morning and then take Daisy to the field and look over the colt so that it was twelve or after when I got back.


7th month, 24th, 6th day

We decided to have the sheep so we drove Laddie up to Lloyd and he agreed to  bring them down.  We went up to Uncle’s quarter and looked it over for hay and then we looked for raspberries on Eddy’s quarter but the bushes are all burnt.  Edie and Elsie came and stayed overnight.


7th month, 25th, 7th  day

We were up early and I did quite a lot of the cleaning while Lucy got breakfast.  Sewing after an early dinner.  Edie and Elsie went back.  Lloyd came with the sheep.  I sold him four ducks and a hen and chickens.  Late in the evening Laurie called and I went back with him.  Hannah Mary was busy cooking and ironing when we got there.  It was after one o’clock when we went to bed.


7th month, 26th, 1st day

We got up late.  John came up from his place just after breakfast.  Dad drove up to Meeting.  I was not on the committee so I went to the Hindes’ and had supper there.  I quite enjoyed the day.  Very hot.  The  crops up there look very bad and yet the crops nearer this  way look real good.  The rain has been very local.


7th month, 27th, 2nd  day

John and Laurie were haying all last week.  They put up a very nice stack and have some more to get yet I believe.   Our boys at Reynolds’  are just about through with the hay and are  going up to Uncle’s next.  Tom is getting on all right.


7th month, 28th, 3rd day

So very hot, too hot to make much show with the washing.  Did some mending.


7th month,  29th, 4th day

I baked early and did some cooking, biscuits, etc.  We drove up to Hindes’ for Monthly Meeting, Lucy and I in the new buggy with Laddie, and Dad and Eddy with Polly.  We postponed the minute concerning Hannah Mary and Laurie’s marriage, as  A. Crabb will not give her consent.  The report from the committee was read,  recommending the Meeting to take the Friends (recommended from Fritchley) as members only, and for this Meeting to appoint its own officers.  We had a very nice dinner and everything went so nicely.  The boys went back pretty soon to their hay making.  We had a game of Doak on.  We drove to John’s place on the way home and had a look at the new well in the pasture.


7th month, 30th, 5th day

The boys brought the horses etc., from Reynolds’ and Tom finished his ploughing and came home.  They started fencing the rick yard for the pigs and sheep.  Still very hot, thunder in the evening, but not close.


7th month, 31st, 6th day

I posted a letter to Eaton’s.1  John came down and took back enough lumber to finish his shack and mangers in the stable.  John and I drove round in the afternoon to see a fire on Wainwright’s.  We made the fire guard more secure.  We have not got the phone yet but we are to be the last, most of the others have been talking for a week or more.


1.  Eaton’s catalogue, the shopping mall of the pioneers.








8th month, 1st, 7th day

The boys fenced in Moor’s wheat this side of the creek and we intend putting our colts in there for a while. The little pigs have been eating our chickens.  Dad saw them eat one batch of fourteen before he could get to them.   So he sold them right away and I was glad to see them go.  The man came round and put the phone in.  We used it quite a lot the first night.  Tom started cutting the wheat.


8th month, 2nd, 1st day

I was not intending going up to Halcyonia but Ed called with the car and  I went.  I had Meeting at the Wakes’, and dinner.  John walked down in the afternoon.  It was very, very hot.  We sat on deck chairs on the verandah and John and I read together, such a very nice piece, the  dying expressions of a young girl only fifteen.  It was instructive and encouraging to me to read it.  It was very late when we got back.  The batteries were short-circuiting.  Frank and Reggie went as well.  But Reggie did not come as he arranged.


8th month, 3rd, 2nd day

Lucy did the washing.  It was very hot, we did not begin until evening.  Too windy to cut.



8th month, 5th, 4th day

I drove up to McCheanes’ in time for Meeting.  I went to get Reggie.  We drove to John’s place and drove him to his pasture for the team.  He has got on well with the cementing pillars.  We called at the Wakes’  on business.  They are coming down to the fair on 6th day, John and Sissie to come 5th day night .  We picked a few berries on the way home.  Joseph Hinde came and stayed overnight.  He got some wire to make a chicken run.


8th month, 6th, 5th day

We were busy cleaning and doing up mending, etc., and cooking, to be able to go to Saskatoon tomorrow.  Sissie and John came late in the evening.  Two binders going.


8th month, 7th, 6th day

Well, we went to Saskatoon, Archie, Stasha and Oscar, Arthur, John (Wake), Henry, Lucy, Sissie, John and I.  We got to Saskatoon about half past twelve.  The boys went to the Lands Office on business.  We went round Saskatoon   a while and then we went by tram to the fairground and had some dinner, which we brought with us.  The fair was not so good as last year but still it was very interesting and we had much more time.  Archie, John and Henry did not go to the Lands Office but came with us.  It was very interesting to see the purebred stock, etc.  The poultry show was not so good as last year.  John and I got separated from the others and we came out before them and rode back in the tram.  It was nice going in the tram all along Nutana and over the traffic bridge.  We came past the station1 and kept right on, nearly as far as the tram goes.  We got off close to Joe Wake’s shop  and went up and found him just getting himself some supper.  He was very entertaining and I  had a lovely wash in the bathroom with hot and cold water laid on, and such a nice supper, celery and ripe tomatoes.  I guess we stayed there two hours.  He told us he is engaged to Agnes Barrett,3 Douglas’s sister.  He also talked quite a lot about an oil well company he is interested in.  We walked back to the station and found the others.  They were interested in what we had to tell them about Joe Wake.  We took another walk with Sissie and Lucy to see a bit more of Saskatoon.   It looks so nice, all lit up, such a change from the prairie.  It was about one o’clock when we got home.  There was a very bad wind storm while we were in the exhibition, blowing the tents about.  Sissie and John stayed overnight, the rest drove on home.


8th month, 8th, 7th day

Eddy got breakfast, we all slept until late.  I went to Borden with John to get some ribbon, etc., for Lavinia.  John chopped some oats and started for Nikerks’ about four. He was going to get Captain and then go on up to his place.  He is intending cutting on 2nd day, I believe.  We finished cutting this quarter.  Eddy’s quarter and the railway quarter were hailed yesterday.  Dad has claimed 50  to 75 %.  I drove to Reynolds’ to get some formalin to kill the flies.  They are so very bad now.  We have had very few mosquitoes.




8th month, 9th, 1st day

It has been much cooler yesterday and today.  I stayed in mostly.  John did not come down.


8th month, 10th, 2nd day

We had quite a frost in the night, cut the potatoes badly but not enough to kill them.  Turned quite hot again today.  Boys cutting with two binders.


8th month, 11th, 3rd day

Cutting on Moor’s.  I went over with a file and then walked on to the railway quarter and caught Jessie and drove her to  Borden for oil for the binder, and sugar.  The war2 which has broken out in Europe is making quite a stir.  Edgar Baker came in to escape a shower and stayed to dinner.  He was stopped on the bridge by soldiers, they are put to guard the bridges all over Canada, as some have been trying to destroy them.  I went out righting stooks in the afternoon.


8th month, 12th, 4th day

Cutting on the school land.  Lucy and I took their dinner and then we helped stook.  Lucy drove home for some repairs and I picked pin cherries.  Finished and brought the binders home.


8th month, 13th, 5th day

The boys went to Eddy’s quarter this afternoon.  Lucy and I took their dinner and helped stook till about four.


8th month, 14th, 6th day

Still at Eddy’s quarter.  The crop is very poor, hailed green and shelling out.  We sent their dinner today and drove down to the river and picked a nice lot of pin cherries.


8th month, 15th, 7th day

We had a busy day, being out so much work was behind and we had to bake again this morning, the third time this week.  I did pies, cookies etc., cleaned the windows, etc., etc.  We had to pack the boys off to Reynolds’ this morning and cut them a lunch dinner.  Churned a nice lot of butter.


8th month, 16th, 1st day

I did the animals and cleaned a piece of bacon for boiling and a piece for frying, etc., and then I went out for Oliver Twist, fed him and drove up to John’s place and left his groceries there and then I went up to McCheanes’  to Meeting.  John and I walked down to the caboose in the afternoon to water his horse.  I did not stay to  evening Meeting as they were so late sitting  down and I was afraid it would be dark.  I got home at half past ten.


8th month, 17th, 2nd day

Frank and  Reggie came back to breakfast and took back some chop.  Dad drove down with Oliver.  I drove him down to post some letters first.  They did a good day cutting on the railway quarter.  Lucy and I took the cows down and cleaned up their shack.


8th month,  18th, 3rd day

Very hot.  They put Oliver on the binder instead of Laddie and we went on the disc, Reggie driving them.  Lucy and I went down and got their dinner and went out stooking.  We finished the wheat.


8th month, 19th, 4th day

Still very hot.  We did not go so well today, the land being so rough.  Cutting oats, a pretty good crop.  We did not go down, washed instead.


8th month, 20th, 5th day

They got through late last night but did not come home until this morning.  They cut the eighteen acre piece here.  Lucy and I helped stook it.  Frank is staying at Reynolds’ during the summer fallow.


8th month, 21st,  6th day

Tom cut the last piece of oats.  Lucy and I stooked it.  Dad drove up to Uncle Esau’s.  We had a little shower in the afternoon.  Theodore came helping us fix the dump rack.


8th month, 22nd, 7th day

We had quite a shower in the night, and drizzling most of the day, quite warm rain.  We hope it will not hurt the wheat.  All the garden stuff wants rain badly, the potatoes are  very poor, lots with none under.


8th month, 23rd, 1st day

Quite a battle was fought today between the Germans and Austrians against the English and French and  Belgians.  Heavy losses on both sides.  It came on raining early and rained steadily all morning.  Edgar Baker came in out of the rain and stayed for breakfast and dinner. I drove up in the afternoon and took him with me, then I went on to McCheanes’.  Hannah Mary had been in bed two days.  Blanche had to go home this afternoon as Elsie has gone to Roy Clark’s.


8th month, 24th, 2nd day

Raining again this morning.  We did not get up very early.  Hannah Mary got up but did not feel well at all.  Laurie lent John a granary and they moved it over, then John went on to the Wakes’ to go on fixing the engine.  I helped Hannah Mary mend stockings etc.  After dinner Laurie went out cutting.  His horses are very poor and Lizzie is too bad to be worked at all.  I left in the afternoon and called at John’s place.  I had Laddie, he makes a nice single driver.  I called at the  Wakes’ and had a cup of tea.  John came in and had  tea with us.  I looked over the horses in the  pasture.  I found them all well.


8th month, 25th, 3rd day

It seemed as if I had been away some time.  We did the washing in the morning.  I went out ploughing in the afternoon. 

8th month, 26th, 4th day

We finished the ploughing before Meeting and after dinner Lucy and I drove down to Griffins’ and Baldwins’.  We picked some currants at the Griffins’ and got some tomatoes, marrows and carrots from Baldwins’.  We enjoyed ourselves very  much.


8th month, 27th, 5th day

Several have started threshing but this rain has made it tough.  We were busy.  I sealed the marrow jam and we made tomato chutney etc. John came.  Bad thunderstorm.


8th month, 28th, 6th day

Lucy was not at all well and I was not feeling much like work.  I went to Borden with John and got some groceries, etc.  I have been pickling and preserving to get something ahead for the threshers.  We are still on with our summer fallows, they are so weedy.  John took Jessie back.


8th month, 29th, 7th day

A very drying day.  Dad told the men to work on the summer fallow until four o’clock and then hitch on to the racks for threshing, but they had trouble with the belts so Dad made a big stack.  Quite a lot more rain in the night.


8th month, 30th, 1st day

John came down and brought four horses for a load of poles and to take Jessie back as she got out and came home.  Billy is going to drive her on the outfit for odd  jobs.


8th month, 31st, 2nd day

Started threshing.  Showery.  John helped fix our engine and left about eleven o’clock.  He was uneasy because their outfit was running and he would be needed.  We stacked some more and did a little threshing but were hindered with the separator belts. 


1.       The C. N. R. Station was downtown at First Avenue and Twenty-First Street.  It was not moved to the outskirts for decades.

2.       World War I was declared on August 4, 1914.

3    Agnes Barrett, an English nurse, had emigrated to Canada with her brother and sister.  Her sister had been engaged in England to marry Joseph Wake, who had emigrated earlier.  The sister was killed in a street accident in Saskatoon, by a runaway horse and carriage.  Later Joe married Agnes and founded a large and thriving family, descendants of whom still operate the shop referred to Beehive Furniture, on Second Avenue in Saskatoon.








9th month, 1st, 3rd day

John went round by his place and unloaded his load and then went on to the outfit at Cas-----.  We did not do much today.  Our separator pulley gave so much trouble.  The boys pulled the wheat down close to the yard here in the morning.  Did nothing in the afternoon.  John and Joshua moved on to Dunc McPherson’s.  They have a job to keep the separator going with four racks.


9th month, 2nd, 4th day

We threshed the Marquis for seed.  Four loads of Spaniards called, trekking from Saskatoon to Peace River.  Lucy and I drove down to Reynolds’ with Laddy.  Quite cool.


9th month, 3rd, 5th day

We had lots of trouble with the engine belts yesterday and again today, making the work very slow and disheartening.  John and Joshua are threshing on Joshua’s place, they are going well.


9th month, 4th, 6th day

Threshed the last of the wheat on this quarter. Lucy and I have been out quite a lot, unloading the wagons of oats, etc.  We finished this quarter and pulled over to Moor’s.  We cleaned up the stacks and Lucy and I went out and got the horses in to this quarter from the railway quarter.  I was pleased to be able to let the horses loose as the other pasture was short of water and grass.


9th month, 5th, 7th day

We are still having a lot of trouble with the new pump and fan drive on the engine.  We  managed to get through the bit this side of the creek and pulled the engine over the creek.  John came down late and got some meat and eggs from the store.  It has looked very much like rain for the last two days but it has kept off so far.  John and Joshua, having done Joshua’s , went right by McCheanes’ and on to Sutherlands, and the weather looking so much like rain. Their crops are so poor they won’t stand any more rain and to deliberately go by them is to leave them to rot, just because being poor crops, Joshua said.  They were out to make money and did not want to go to Laurie’s.  Of course John would not have his unless Joshua would do Laurie’s and so instead of insisting on having both his and Laurie’s done he listened to Joshua or rather let him have his way, and went on.


9th month, 6th , 1st day

Toward night it set in to rain so John did not go back.  We had Meeting as usual.  John and I went out for a walk in the afternoon.  We noticed the onions are coming up nicely.  We look like having a second crop.


9th month, 7th, 2nd day

John begins to realize now the rain comes what a mistake he has made by leaving their crops too wet to do much.  John and Eddy went over to the engine and put another belt guide on.


9th month, 8th, 3rd day

Our team busy disking, etc.  Started digging out a new hen house.  We are putting it three feet in the ground and banking it up over the eaves.  We are using three sides of one of the moveable granaries.  I hope it will answer all right.

9th month, 9th, 4th day

The boys went over to finish the disking on Tomey’s quarter.  We started threshing after dinner  but had lots of trouble with the belt again so that we did not finish the piece over the creek.  Edie was down yesterday and stayed overnight.


9th month, 10th, 5th day

Lots of trouble again today.  Tom hauled the wheat in.  After a lunch dinner the boys went onto the school land and threshed two thirds of it. Nice wheat and a decent crop.  We drove out with their lunch and took a team that was left by the outfit and got a good load.  The belt did not give any trouble but they had trouble starting the engine.


9th month, 11th, 6th day

I have made a mistake, our boys were disking all day 4th and 5th day morning and we were threshing on the school land today and not yesterday.


9th month, 12th, 7th day

We had rain in the night and all morning, in fact all day today.  We fixed the old hen house up  some.  John came down in the afternoon.  He has left his horses in his pasture.


9th month, 13th, 1st day

A lot more rain, some thunder in the night.  Raining steadily, a big pool all around.  William McCheane seems to have caught quite a chill; a rash came round his body. 


9th month, 14th, 2nd day 

Eddy and John went up to the engine and fixed it up to run the old way again, as we have so much trouble with the belt coming off, etc.  The boys are fixing the hen house.


9th month, 15th, 3rd day

Frank and Tom got on nicely with the fall plowing.  John is disking on Edward’s breaking.  He talks of putting in Edward’s land next year.


9th month, 16th, 4th day

Dad and Eddy went up to the engine.  Boys plowing.


9th month, 17th, 5th day

We finished threshing on the school land and pulled up to Eddy’s quarter.  The school land went fifteen bushels and our new land here about the same.  On Moor’s it went seven and the poorest only six.


9th month, 18th, 6th day

Eddy’s threshes out very poor.  We drove up with dinner.




9th month, 19th, 7th day

Finished Eddy and did Hoffman’s.  John is threshed now and has gone very poor, only four bushels to the acre and only a hundred and fifty bushels of oats.


9th month, 20th, 1st day

John did not come down and I felt too tired to go up.  We have had a very tiring though a very  pleasant week.  It is nice driving round with the lunches and helping pitch or load for a couple of hours, but tiring with the extra chores as well as our regular work.  We spent a pleasant restful day.


9th month, 21st, 2nd day

Over the creek on Reynolds’ went well considering, and as it is good wheat we are saving it for seed.  We had a rush to get their dinner in time.  We cleaned up the shacks and shelves.


9th month, 22nd, 3rd day

We finished up the threshing including Tom Griffin’s.



9th month, 24th, 5th day

We washed yesterday.  Dad took a bad cold.  John Griffin had a very bad cold.  He is raking the railway quarter.  We moved the shacks over on to Tomey’s quarter.  Frank shot a skunk.


9th month, 25th, 6th day

Fencing in the rest of Tomey’s and bracing up the shacks, etc.  I drove with Dad to Adamson’s.


9th month, 26th, 7th day

They come home today. We took their dinner as usual and stayed.  Lucy did some stapling.  I have been herding the colts and  drove them down to the new pasture on Tomey’s.


9th month, 27th, 1st  day

John came down with  Dick and Turk for lumber and roofing and cribbing for the well yesterday.  Had Meeting as usual.


9th month, 28th, 2nd day

Eddy and John were plowing out roots with the Jumbo.  Martha and Edie Hinde called.  Buck and Daisy were outside all day.


9th month, 29th, 3rd day

Frank Armitage and Archie drove up north to some friends, old school chums near Hafford, or sixteen miles north.  They started yesterday morning.  We were getting up our potatoes, a very poor crop, not much more than our seed back.




9th month, 30th, 4th day

A lovely mild day.  We all went to Meeting.  Dad, Eddy, Reggie and Tom in the democrat and Lucy and I drove in the buggy.  I have a very heavy cold on me and it made my head ache.  We had Meeting at the Hindes’ and a very nice time, then Edie drove me up to the McCheanes’ and Dad drove William McCheane.  We had tea there and helped John pick up his potatoes.  He has quite a decent crop, about six bags.








10th month, 1st, 5th day

We finished getting up our potatoes.  I let  Buck and Daisy out again today.  We both helped with the potatoes.  A nice day for the job.  I drove Laddie to Reynolds’ and found the horses out.


10th month, 2nd, 6th day

After mixing the bread, washing up etc., I rode out on Laddie to get  Daisy and Buck and found them on Rod Wensley’s quarter.  Dad drove them up to Eddy’s quarter to get up the potatoes.  Lucy went with them.  I rode down to Reynolds’ and found the horses out.  I found them and drove them in.  Leonard stayed overnight at our place.  I went in to Radisson today.


10th month, 3rd, 7th day

Quite a bit of thunder in the night.  Mild in the morning but it soon turned colder.  The boys plowed all day.  Fred and Reg hauled manure all day.  Very cold wind and heavy rain in the evening.  Smart has a bad swollen shoulder.


10th month, 4th, 1st day

I stayed at home.  John did not come down.  I wrote letters, read, etc.


10th month, 5th, 2nd day

Quite dull and raining.  I went to Reynolds’ the colts are keeping together and behaving nicely.  John has been letting his horses out at night and owing to the wet did not work them on 2nd day, so on 2nd day they were missing.  Laurie looked for them in the morning and John looked all round in the afternoon and came down here in the evening.  He looked rather rough, his cold is on him heavy.  He was depressed.


10th month, 6th, 3rd day

Still wet but cleared up before dinner.  John went off after dinner feeling much better.  Lucy started the wash yesterday and finished it this morning.  I rode out after Daisy and Buck and then went to Reynolds’ and rounded them up.



10th month, 7th, 4th day

I went off early on Laddie and called to see a calf at John Griffin’s, and then went on to Bob Bell’s and Osleans’ and then I made across to Ross’s but I could not find one bunch, so I rode round quite a lot.  I had dinner at Nichols’.  When I got nearly home I found they were close here.  I felt bad,  I was tired.


10th month, 8th, 5th day

I rode up and saw the horses at a stack on Tracksell’s.    Raining or drizzling.


10th month, 9th, 6th day

Raining all day.  Boys plowing.  Dad, Eddy and Frank Armitage went to Reynolds’ clearing scrub for Bob Bell to break.


10th month, 10th, 7th day

Very dirty dull day.  Hard to get on with the cleaning.  Some of the horses came in.  Reggie rode round Wensley’s but did not see Daisy and her colts.


10th month, 11th, 1st day

I got up as soon as it was light and set the bread rising.  Then I rode Buck to Reynolds’.  I found Jessie’s colt very sick so I caught Jessie and led her home.  The colt seemed nearly dead.  Dad did not lance it, we rubbed in embrocation and at night put mustard on.  We fastened a coat around her.  She keeps trying to drink water.


10th month, 12th, 13th, 14th

I have been bringing the cow in from Tracksell’s and milking her every morning.  I have been letting the colts stay around and in Eddy’s quarter.  The boys are plowing up there and they see them every day.  It is fortunate as I have not been able to get out much, nursing the colt.    We do everything we can and she does not get any better.  We have lanced it but with little effect.  She gets very gaunt.  On 4th  day Martha and Joseph Hinde drove down with Meg and Maud to look for potatoes  but only got three bushels.  Edie came down on a visit to Lydia’s last 1st day and she has agreed to help Lydia this winter so she went back today.


10th month, 15th, 5th day

Lucy drove Buck up this morning and came back in the evening with Winnie.  The weather is lovely, so warm and sunny.  It gets dark early.


10th month, 16th, 17th

Winnie rode up with me to see the colts.   Frank went up to finish on Eddy’s by himself on  7th day.  Tom plowed over the creek on Moor’s.  The colt is still very bad and we can not find matter though Dad lanced it in three places on 7th day.  It is quite a strain.  It is so painful to hear her difficult breathing.


10th month, 18th, 1st day

John drove down in the afternoon with Niger.  We walked down to bring Jessie and the colt  in.  I had let them out on Moor’s as it was such a nice day, but the colt seemed tired.  I came in after I had fed them oats etc., and made some gruel and linseed in it for an injection.  I laid tea while it cooled.  John went out with me and we found the colt dead.  Dad and Lucy drove to J. Griffin’s.  They came in just after we had found it.  Dad lanced the neck again and got the matter but it was very deep, especially on the right side.


10th month, 19th, 2nd day

Winnie and I rode up to see the horses.  There are twenty of them  up there now and they keep round Eddy’s quarter well, but this morning we could not find them.  We saw John at the corner by Bugs’. From there Winnie went home and I rode across Wensley’s and found David had driven them down to Borden.


10th month, 20th, 3rd  day

Winnie and I rode up again.  We found the horses back in their old spot.  Lovely weather.  I have had to cast off some clothes, and we ride without coats.


10th month, 21st, 4th day

Winnie rode up to see the horses and I went after the cow.  They were close to this grade.  Had Meeting.  In the afternoon Lucy and I drove down to Baldwin’s and Winnie went up to Lydia’s.  It was a dark night and drizzling.  Jessie went lame and made us late getting back.  Much colder.


10th month, 22nd, 5th day

Winnie stayed at Lydia’s last night.  The boys are plowing over the creek on Moor’s.  I rode Buck down to Griffins’ and drove the horses down on to Ed Tallis’s quarter as they are bothering the Charlies. Buck was very slow so I rode Mike home.  After dinner I rode on Jessie to see the other colts but I could not find them.  I sold Winnie Wainwright two rabbits.  Jessie has gone lame.  I was tired with so much riding.


10th month, 23rd, 6th day

Still lovely weather.  I rode up and found the horses back in their usual place.  We did the bedrooms.  I am making myself a new divided skirt.  It is nice to have Winnie here.  Winnie went to Lydia’s to tea.   Lucy and I drove down west to see the colts and I got a dollar’s worth of onions.


10th month, 24th, 7th day

We started stacking our wood today as the piles are getting low and scattered, and we are afraid the snow will cover them up.  Joseph Hinde came down with his oxen to bring a pig to sell.  Winnie went back with him.


10th month, 25th, 1st day

Colder.  I rode down to Griffins’ and found that the colts had got back to their old haunts again.  John did not come down.


10th month, 26th, 2nd day

We had another go at the wood.  The boys could not plow very early on account of the frost.  I saw the colts again.  Lucy and I drove up.  Bob Bell is breaking on Reynolds’ and Dad and Ed cutting scrub, roots, etc.

10th month, 27th, 3rd day

Lucy washed.  The boys finished the school land at dinner time.  I went after the sheep.  They went across  Tracksells’.  Katie Crabb1 came back with me to help drive them.  I gave her two rabbits.  She was pleased with them.


10th month, 28th, 4th day

Monthly Meeting.  It was Monthly Meeting at the Wakes’.  We all went except Reg.  It was a lovely day.  I did enjoy it.  John has nearly finished plastering his stable, it looks nice.  He is going to try and do the shack before it freezes up.  Lucy stayed at the Hindes’.  I guess I will try and fetch her on 1st day.  I do miss her.  Dad came back with Ed in the car as he had the chores done when I got back, and I was here by half past six.


10th month, 29th, 5th day

I was busy all   day cleaning up etc., and baking, etc.


10th month 30th, 6th day

I have a bad cold, seems settling on my chest.  Frank went up  north to see the horses instead of me as my cold was bad, and being alone I was busy.


10th month, 31st, 7th day

The boys are plowing the oat land on this quarter.  I drove the calves out and Dolly did not come in at night.  John came in the evening.  He has sprained his wrist badly.  I got through the work pretty well.  Reggie and I brought the cattle home.


1.  Catherine (Katie)  Crabb, David and Lydia’s oldest child.  According to L. Margaret Lund’s narrative, Personal Record (1989) she was regarded as the town beauty.








11th month, 1st, 1st day

Eddy drove up to Halcyonia to fetch Lucy.  He had Buck.   I brought her home from the bunch yesterday and left her colt.  She is so poor, I want to wean the colt if I can.  John and I walked round to see if we could see Dolly.  It was a lovely day.  Edie and Ed came to supper and Meeting.


11th month, 2nd , 2nd day

John went back,  Lucy and I fetched two half-barrels of water.  Lucy and I drove the team round to see the colts.


11th month, 3rd, 3rd day

Lucy did the washing.  John came down with two loads of wheat.  I went to Borden and drove one team.  I only had a dust coat on and I got very cold.  My cough is still bad.


11th month, 4th, 4th day

Eddy and I went up after Meeting.  Eddy mowed on his quarter and I raked and put it on the rack.  We brought home a load.  John brought a load down.

11th month, 5th, 5th day

We went mowing and took our dinner.  We brought back a much bigger load and cut and cocked three more loads as well.  John went back this morning.


11th month, 6th, 6th day

Snowing all day today.  Last night as soon as we had finished our supper, Lucy and Dad told us a cablegram had come, telling us dear Grannie was deceased.  It was quite a shock to us as we had received a letter only the day before saying she was better.  Dear Grannie, it feels hard to be so far away when we have to part forever on this earth.  We know though it is hard to part she is better off and will suffer no more.  She has been so good to us.  Lucy and I walked down to J. Griffins’ to tell them the sad news.


11th month, 7th, 7th day

Quite a lot of snow.  I rode round on Polly to try to find Dolly.  I found traces of the horses but did not see them.  The work horses we lost have got with the others.  John came down to see the bank.  I had dinner and then went off again on Ettie.  I went up to Tom Bugs’ and found Dolly there.  I found all the horses except Jolly, Nellie and their colts and Count.  John stayed overnight.  Dad has bought two steers off Hoffman, and he also bought a nice mare colt from Bob Bell - Kitty, a dark grey.


11th month, 8th, 1st day

A nice day.  It is practically frozen up now but it is thawing in the middle of the day.  John and I caught several hens and put them in, they are all shut up now.  There are seventy in one house and seventy-six in the other.  We have not many roosters to kill this year.  Edie and Ed came to supper and Meeting.


11th month, 9th, 2nd day

John has some business to do in Borden, he went back before dinner.  Dad (and the boys) killed all our ducks, nine, and I set to work plucking them.  Dad killed David next, he weighted 297 and is only four months old, then they killed nine of the young pigs,  They are seven weeks old and dressed from ten to sixteen pounds each.  It was late when I finished my ducks.


11th month, 10th, 3rd day

Lucy did the washing.  I did the butter and papered the black box and cleaned and sorted the contents.

11th month, 11th, 4th day

I dressed three rabbits.  We had Meeting as usual.  Ed and  Frank brought down a load of hay that Ed and I cut, we got five big loads in a day and a half.


11th month, 12th, 5th day

Bob and Archie came down to dinner, they brought quite a lot of winter clothes.  Lucy and I went to Borden yesterday and bought a piece of dress duck1 at fifteen cents a yard.  She cut it out and did quite a bit last night, and finished them both today.  She is needing two working dresses very badly.


11th month, 13th, 6th day

The boys are getting stumps from Wainwright’s.  They have quite a  stack already.  They are doing it to clear the land as well as getting the heater wood.



11th month, 15th, 1st  day

A nice day.  I rode on Polly west and saw both bunches of horses and I drove them together.  They are looking well.    I saw three big bunches and rode through them, but I could not see Goliath.  We have lost him since last 2nd day.  Ed and Edie came up to supper.


11th month, 16th, 2nd day

Lucy melted snow and did quite a lot of the washing.  I rode round looking for the steer.  Very cold wind.


11th month, 18th, 4th day

Lucy finished the washing.  I washed several extra things, my dust coat, silk waist and some dirty engine things.


11th month, 19th, 5th day

I went out again on Jim and after going round north I found the steer at Bugs’.  He had driven him up with Schechter’s cattle  when he took them to winter.  He was told it was Schechter’s.  I came straight home and Dad and I went up and led him home by the side of the cutter.


11th month, 20th, 6th day

Thawing quite a lot today.  Dad saw the bunch of horses that I did not see yesterday.  We sold Oliver Twist to Atcock today for $150.00.  We killed three suckling pigs.  Eddy started making another sofa.  Lucy drove up to the colts with Dad.


11th month, 21st, 7th day

We finished the sofa and stuffed it, but did not cover it with material except the sacking.  It looks very nice, the head is rather high.  We were late with the usual work.  John came down.


11th month, 22nd, 1st day

John and I rode down to Reynolds; and round by Osburns’ etc.  We saw the horses except the six we turned out together, Ettie, Duke, Pat, Thera, Swallow and Kitty.  I saw them last 1st day.  We had a nice ride,  it was very mild.


11th month, 23rd, 2nd day

We melted snow for washing.  I went again all around to look for the horses but could not find them.  John went out and got a load of dry wood.  He is staying until after Monthly Meeting.  It is to be here next 4th day.

11th month, 24th, 3rd day

The boys are out on Wainwright’s chopping scrub and getting stumps, mostly to clear the land.  We were busy cooking for tomorrow.


11th month, 25th, 4th day

Monthly Meeting.  There were twenty of us present.  The Meeting House was postponed.  It was a very big thaw, all drove on wheels.  Nearly all the prairie is clear.  John went back.


11th month, 26th, 5th day

Dad killed fifteen young roosters and three hens.  Dad had toothache so he stayed in and helped me pluck them.


11th month, 27th and 28th

I was out looking over the sand hills and west for the horses.  We did not see them last week.


11th month, 29th, 1st day

Lucy and I drove down to Lilly Griffin’s.  There was quite a family gathering.  John, Bessie and their seven children.  Tom, Annie and Eva and Lloyd and Theodore’s three.  There were twenty in all.  We had a very nice time and a lovely moon to drive home.  It was nice and mild.


11th month, 30th, 2nd day

I was out around Bugs’ looking for the colts.  I did not see the missing ones.  Frank came home.  Joshua stayed overnight.  Dad bought his two oxen. We melted snow for washing.  The days are so short.  We have a nice long evening for sewing and mending.


1.  Duck - a strong linen or cotton fabric, such as is used in sailor’s trousers - “white ducks.”








12th month, 1st, 3rd day

Lucy did a bit wash.  Frank went out to look for the horses, but he did not see them.


12th month, 2nd, 4th day

We had Meeting and then the boys went over to Wainwright’s and I went out and found the missing horses.  I had Brum and he is shod and it was a treat after riding Oliver,  the trails are so slippery.  I was speaking over the phone to John at dinner time.  He said he would most likely come down at the week end.



12th month, 3rd, 5th day

I plucked ten more roosters today.  The price is very low for all kinds of poultry.  Lucy did the ironing and mending.


12th month, 6th, 1st day

We have quite a fall of snow and it is still snowing.  John did not come down today.  Florrie has been at Blanche’s for a week.  She has a two week holiday.


12th month, 7th, 2nd day

Florrie, John and Laurie drove down this morning in time for breakfast.  We were surprised to see them so early.  We did not wash this week.  Laurie came down to kill David’s pigs and John came to take back his car.  He was all day getting it fixed up and then it was too dark to go.  Quite a bunch came down to the hospital meeting, I think about eight stayed for supper.


12th month, 8th, 3rd day

John and Dad drove up to John’s place in the auto and then they took John’s team and drove to the Hindes’ and from there home.  Dad bought Redman.  We have not had any cold weather yet, not much zero even yet.  It was late when John and Dad got home.


12th month, 9th, 4th day

Had Meeting as usual.  Dad and the boys went up  and killed Hoffman’s mare with the broken leg.  Blanche and Stasha called.  Lucy and  Florrie went to Borden with them.  They stayed all night.  John and Eddy fixed the roof on the barn1 downtown.


12th month, 10th, 5th day

Lucy went back with Blanche.  John got a load of dry wood.  I drove Florrie up to Lydia’s and we stayed supper.


12th month, 11th, 6th day

Dad went to Radisson and took Brum so the boys used John’s team.  John cut a load of wood to take up tomorrow.  I drove Oliver down to Borden and got some things for McCheanes’.


12th month, 12th, 7th day

John’s birthday. He is thirty-four. We got up early and went to McCheanes’.  We left the load at John’s place and we got such a surprise.  Hannah Mary and Laurie had put all Laurie’s furniture in there.  It looked so comfortable.  We walked up to McCheanes’ and after dinner we drove down to the river, a wagon-load of us.  Marie and Olga Fast were there spending the week and we had a lovely time.  The Wakes, Hindes, Archie and Brunsts etc., were all there and Ed and Edie and David.  We had a big roasting fire and we all enjoyed ourselves fine.  We walked back to a sumptuous supper  at the Hindes’ and played games after.  Then we drove home and got to bed about two o’clock.




12th month, 13th, 1st day

We were very late getting up.  Harry Stilwell had a horse fall in his well yesterday.  Saloways invited us all up for supper but I thought I had better come back so we left in the afternoon.  John has several things to do so I lit a fire and got warm while he got ready to go.  It was dark when we left.  It gets dark so early now.  It  has turned very much colder.  I was glad I ran back just  before starting and got my fur coat and hat.


12th month, 14th, 2nd day

John loaded up the dry wood he left in our yard last week, and took it home.  I melted snow and set the clothes in soaking.  Florrie had to go back as the Elliots’ father is seriously ill and they have gone down east to see him.  Eddy came back without Lucy.


12th month, 15th, 3rd day

I did the washing or some of it, and got most of it dried.  I rode Laddie up to Lydia’s to get some more information from David.  He says he saw Bill in a pasture just north of Petrofka so John and Laurie are going up there tomorrow.  They have gone to the river today.


12th month, 16th, 4th day

Very still, but cold.  John and Laurie drove up to Petrofka but it is not Bill that David saw.  They took Olga back with them.  Lucy is at the Hindes’ on a visit now.  Oscar drove her down on 1st day.  I feel strange by myself.  I am afraid I am lazy.  I don’t take much interest in my work.


12th month, 17th, 5th day

I drove up to Hoffmans’ with Laddie and brought Becky home.  It was pretty cold but I enjoyed the ride.  Quite a blizzard came on soon after I got in and kept it up till dark.


12th month, 18th, 6th day

I cleaned the bedroom upstairs.  Elsie Hinde came with Bob to Borden and she came in while Bob did shopping and was here with me all the afternoon.  They stayed overnight.


12th month, 19th, 7th day

Lucy has decided to stay over the weekend, and I have arranged to fetch her at the beginning of the week.  I did the cleaning, etc., but the days seem so very short, it seems to be dark by the time you have cleared up after dinner.  I never noticed the days so short before.


12th month, 20th, 1st day

We had Meeting as usual.  John came down after dinner, he got shaved and tidied up then we walked over to John Griffin’s.  John has been in bed with his heart again.  We spent a very pleasant evening and had a real nice supper.  Winnie came back with us and we walked up with her to where the trails divide, then we went in to see Lydia, etc.

12th month, 21st, 2nd day

John answered E. Y. Sturge’s letter and took it to post.  He also settled up other businesses in Borden, then he went over the road and cut a load of small poles.  I arranged to meet Lucy at John’s place tomorrow.  I went down Borden twice today, to sell turkeys for Hannah Mary and to speak to Lydia about her hens.


12th month, 22nd, 3rd day

We were up a little earlier than usual.  I got the work ahead as much as I could.  John left about eleven with a load and I went about two o’clock with Captain in the cutter.  I did not get to John’s place until after four and then it was some time before Lucy and Winnie came.  It was very cold going as I had to face the wind.  John had a great fire going and we soon got warm.  Winnie and Lucy were not so cold as I was.  We had a cup of tea and bread and butter.  Winnie left some time before we did.  We had a nice drive home.  It was lovely and moonlight, and not nearly so cold.  The foot warmer was  very hot and we both had big fur coats on.



12th month, 24th, 5th  day

We had Meeting this morning as Dad was away yesterday. The boys are still getting wood over at Wainwright’s.  We have a lot now, and lots of roots for the heater, and stumps.  Lucy and Reg drove down to John Griffin’s, he has been in bed since John and I were there on 1st day.  Lucy took quite a few things which the Hindes sent down and some things from here.  They were  very pleased with them.


12th month, 25th, 6th day

It turned milder last evening, and some snow fell.  Frank went up to spend the day with Archie.  We had a plum pudding which Tom’s mother sent out, and a Bird’s custard2 with it.  I cooked two chickens and half a suckling pig.  I wrote a letter home and made a  bracelet for Dad’s mitts.


12th month, 26th, 7th day

We got through the cleaning early as Lucy did quite a lot of tidying up yesterday.


12th month, 27th,  1st day

John called up twice from the McCheanes’.  He did not come down.  It has been much milder lately.


12th month, 28th, 2nd day

Lucy did a big two weeks’ wash.


12th month, 29th, 3rd day

We wrote letters and did cooking, etc.



12th month, 30th, 4th day

Monthly Meeting at William McCheanes’.  We all went except Eddy.  We had a nice time, we had quite a long discussion and arranged to buy lumber for the Meeting house.  We stayed supper and had a lovely moonlight drive home.

12th month, 31st, 5th day

We cleaned up yesterday and went to Elliots’ today.  We, Lucy, Reggie and I, drove up in the sleigh with the team.  It was blizzard, but mild.  Florrie was pleased to see us up.  We left Reggie there.  The boys were cooking supper when we got back. We quite enjoyed ourselves.


1.Barn - probably the livery stable behind the hotel, where the Co-op store is now located.

2.  Remarkably, Bird’s custard powder is still available almost a century later.








1st month, 2nd, 7th day

Still very mild.  John and Joshua drove down.  They went round by Joneses and picked up his rack that Joshua broke and left there.  Joshua came to attend a meeting which was postponed until 2nd day so he is staying over.


1st month, 3rd, 1st day

Edward came up and spoke to us about a house he wants to buy, the old Presbyterian place of worship.  They think it will be cheaper than building. He drove up to Hindes’ with Edie.


1st month, 4th, 2nd day

We are having a committee meeting about our Meeting House here to day.  William McCheane and Laurie came down and Hugh Wake and Joseph Hinde and Joshua and John were here.  There was quite a lot of talk and at last it was decided to build.  John went back with a load of wood.


1st month, 5th, 3rd day

Lucy did a small wash. We heard Uncle Esau is very sick, a sort of stoppage..


1st month, 6th, 4th day

We had Meeting as usual.  Dad drove up  and found Uncle Esau better.  Still lovely and mild.


1st month, 7th, 5th day

I rode a good way round and saw all our horses except King.  I had Captain.


1st month, 8th, 6th day

I went round again but could not get any news or sight of King.  Still very mild.  Winnie and Harry came down to take Pat home but he fell down again so of course he could not go.


1st month, 9th, 7th day

Hoffman’s wife drove up and told us King was in their barn.  He was not with them when I inquired so it was a good job she came and told us as we would not have thought of going there to look for him.  John came down in the afternoon.


1st month, 10th, 1st day

Bob and Len walked down yesterday to get something or other for their well drill.1 They stayed Meeting and dinner and Harry went back with them.  Lucy, Winnie, John and I walked back with them as far as the Doukhobor village and John and I cut across the creek to see if some of our horses were there.  It was such a lovely day we went without hats or mitts.


1st month, 11th, 2nd day

John and I went down to Borden.  John had some businesses to do and then we went over to Lydia’s and had dinner there.  John took back a load of wood.


1st month, 12th, 13th

We did the washing and ironed it.  Lucy is making Eliza a clothes-peg apron and I am making her a sewing apron.


1st month, 14th, 5th day

Winnie and I drove up to Halcyonia.  We had Captain and I led Pat behind, he went along fine.  I saw Bob and Len drilling.  After supper I started to go to the Wakes’ but it was such a foggy night I could not find the trail so I went along to the McPhersons’ and could not find the Wakes’ trail from there, so I drove back to the Hindes’ and I found Margaret Wake there.  She had taken a lantern and come to meet me.  So we  drove back and with the aid of the lantern we got on fine.  The Wake boys had gone down to Dunc McPherson’s  to look for me, then lent me the lantern and I  drove up to John’s place.  He was reading and did not expect to see me.  I stayed about half an hour  and then went on to McCheanes’.  They were expecting me and had put the lantern on the flag pole.  I was glad to get there as it was so very foggy and dark.  I enjoyed my visit very much.


1st month, 15th,  6th day

We were up early.  Laurie went for wood.  I drove down and spent quite a time at John’s place.  We had dinner there and then he came on with me down to the Wakes’.  We had another quite nice stay there and then we drove on to Dunc McPherson’s and John walked back from there.  It was very dark but not foggy like last night  and of course the latter parts of the trails were good.  I found all well at home.


1st month, 16th, 7th day

We got through the work early and finished Eliza’s presents and I marked Uncle’s handkerchiefs.


1st month, 17th, 1st day

Well, it is nice to have such nice weather.  It is so mild, practically thawing.  My calf Dolly was knocked into the manger this morning but she was not  hurt fortunately.  Both Dolly and Saunee have ringworm badly.  I have dressed them with neat’s foot oil and sulfur.2  I think they are cured.


1st month, 18th, 2nd day

I am beginning to get used to 1st day without John.  He is hauling wood, the trails are so good now from the river.  It is my birthday, I am twenty-four.  This is my eighth birthday in Canada.  How the time goes.  I am thankful to say I am keeping very much better this winter than I did last winter.  Florrie gave me a tablecloth and four nice handkerchiefs and Reggie gave me a pretty cabinet for hairpins.

1st month, 19th, 3rd day

Bob came down last 7th day to get a piece of steel welded on to their drill and he stayed over and went back with Eddy today.  He has gone to fix up the order for the Meeting House lumber.  Still lovely and mild.  Eddy has been busy cutting wood and stakes, etc., with the engine lately.  They have cut three thousand stakes.


1st month, 20th, 4th day

We had Meeting as usual.  John called me up from McCheanes’.


1st month, 21st, 5th day

John went down to the Wakes’ today to help cut their wood but it came on blizzardy so they stayed in and had a holiday.  Our boys cleaned out the barn.


1st month, 22nd, 6th day

Lucy and I walked down to the Griffins’.  We took the two skirts we altered for them.  On our way back we called at the Crabbs’.  I gave Lydia three handkerchiefs.  She invited John down to a party they are having on the 28th.


1st month, 23rd, 7th day

The last three days have been colder but at dinner time it went milder, and Eddy and Wilfred came back.  Wilfred is staying until 4th day.  We are having a party for Reg on 3rd day, it is his birthday on 2nd day.  Dad killed and dressed ten pigeons.


1st month, 24th, 1st day

Edward and Edie have gone up to Halcyonia.  Walter Little has some pressure on his brain which has sent him out of his mind and he had been taken away, but we hope an operation will cure him.


1st month, 25th, 26th, 27th

Monthly Meeting at the Wakes’ but it was too cold for us to go.  The thermometer had been down to thirty below.


 1st month, 28th, 5th day

John is coming down for a week or so.  He walked to the creek and I drove up and met him there.  It was very much milder today.   With Wilfred we have nine of us to meals which makes quite a difference.


1st month, 29th, 6th day

Lovely weather.  I am afraid John hinders me.  I did not get much done today.  Len and Bob came down for their engine and we went  to a party at Lydia’s.


1st month, 30th, 7th day

We did the cleaning and got through early.  Joshua stayed last night and went in to Radisson today and slept here again tonight   Lovely weather, above zero.


1st month, 31st, 1st day

Edward and Edie came to supper.  We all went down to Lydia’s to Meeting.


1.  In Bob Hinde’s narrative, As I Remember It, he writes at length about the well drill he designed and operated.

2.  The ringworm cure for cattle was also used and effective for people.  Mary Crane recalls contracting ringworm as a child from the calves, and being treated with a mixture of lard and dry yellow sulfur.  Roberta Rivett recalls compounding the mixture, on a board with a knife, under the direction of her grandmother.








2nd month, 1st, 2nd day

Lucy melted snow and did the washing.  May Massacar came to see Dad about their farm.  I hurt my back while I was on the roof getting down some hay, it seems to be worst under my left shoulder blade .  I have had a pain there off and on for several months, it seems more noticeable after I have been sitting sewing for an hour or two.


2nd month, 2nd, 3rd day

I felt pretty helpless, my back was so bad.  I mended John’s coat and sweater, and Eddy’s sweater, etc.


2nd month, 3rd, 4th day

Above zero.  We had Meeting.  The boys were cleaning up the yard.  John and I did not feel like doing much but I did quite a lot of mending.  I washed my head.  I had a bath and put a plaster on my back and put my shoulder bracers on and I felt much better directly.


2nd month, 4th, 5th day

I feel very much better today.  John and I walked down to Lydia’s in the evening.  William and Hannah Mary McCheane were there.  Hannah Mary is staying at Lydia’s  for a few days.  Edie is getting on nicely there.


2nd month, 5th, 6th day

Still lovely weather.  I drove up to Halcyonia.  We went to John’s place and left Captain in the pasture and walked up to McCheanes’.  It was a tiring walk, the trails were so bad.  Deep snow.


2nd month, 6th, 7th day

A very windy day but not very cold.  I walked across to John’s place and tidied it up a bit.  I washed the curtains, dish towels, etc.  I went with John and got a load of hay.  It was the first he had taken from the rick.  The snow was very deep across Willie’s land.  We went up to McCheanes’ to supper.


2nd month, 7th, 1st day

Another lovely day again.  I walked out onto Fifteen and saw Laurie’s horses and cattle grazing.  I went by myself without hat or mitts, and was not at all cold.


2nd month, 8th, 2nd day

John went off before breakfast early and got his horses up from the pasture, and after breakfast I rode down with Laurie and I got on with John and we went down to the river.  I did enjoy myself.  It was thawing.  John got a big load of dry wood.  Laurie got a load of stakes.  I stayed with John and got his supper and then drove up with Captain.  Hannah Mary had done a big wash.


2nd month, 9th, 3rd day

It was mail day.  I did some of the ironing.  In the afternoon Hannah Mary and Little Willie went with me to Blanche’s.  I walked from there to the Hindes’ for John’s mitts, and we took Archie’s cow from Oscar’s  to John’s place.  John had got back with his load and had his supper, so he rode up with us.


2nd month, 10th, 4th day

We had Meeting.  After dinner I left to come home.  I drove, and John with me, round to John’s place.  I got some gravel and came on as it was getting  late.  John started lining the cellar walls with poles.  It was nice to get home again.  Lucy had quite a few visitors while I was away.  Margaret Wake and Joshua were here to dinner.  They had supper at Lydia’s.  Florrie is here for a little visit, she looks well.


2nd month, 11th, 5th day

I feel a little strange at home again.  Lucy has got the place so nice and clean.


2nd month, 12th, 6th day

I finished my cushion and covered it.  We cleaned the place up, but the floor is bad now, nearly half the oilcloth is gone.



2nd month, 14th , 1st day

Still a lovely day.  I went down to Lydia’s to Meeting.  We heard over the phone today from Joshua that Henry had been taken sick, like Arthur.  He is not violent like Arthur, but they cannot control him exactly. He wants to go out in the cold and does not sleep at night and keeps the rest up, so they decided the best for him and all concerned would be to send him off to North Battleford, so Eddy went down and phoned up to the Police and he and the doctor and Magistrate went up and Joshua brought Henry back with them.  Florrie and I drove  up to Boyles’, we  passed them at the creek.  Henry did look weak and thin.  He has been feeling very lifeless for the last two weeks. We hope he will soon come back, quite well again.


2nd month, 15th, 2nd day

We heard some sudden sad news this morning.  Annie Hamilton died at three o’clock this morning.  She was as well as usual at supper time last night and went out to Gordon Gow to supper.  It seems to be either a fit or a broken blood vein.


2nd month, 16th, 3rd  day

I rode out and got the colts for two men to see.  Dad sold Captain for a nice Clyde mare colt  yearling and $100.00 so I had my last ride on him today.


2nd month, 17th, 4th  day

Poor Annie Hamilton’s body was buried today.  There was a large gathering at the graveside.  They sang, “Shall We Gather at the River.”  It was thawing and a little wet underfoot.  Bessie Griffin came in and stayed a while.  I walked back some way with her.  Oscar came down for  Florrie, but she was at Lydia’s and could not go as she was waiting to see the dentist and get a cheque changed, so Lucy went back.  I drove down with Dick for Florrie in the evening.


2nd month, 18th, 5th day

We have had Dick shod all round for our driver now instead of Captain.  Dad went with Eddy and got the new colt.  I miss Lucy.  I soled a pair of sheepskin boots of Dad’s and mended my own.  William McCheane was here to dinner, then directly after, Florrie walked down with him to Borden and stayed with Lydia overnight.


2nd month, 19th, 6th day

Dad drove up to Quick’s to see a colt he has for sale and then he went round by Uncle Esau’s and up to McCheanes’ to dinner.  John came down and brought a load of wheat.  Lovely weather.  John was here over the weekend.  He went up and got another load of wheat on 2nd day, and went round with Dad and bought some cattle from Murphy’s, one red cow six years old in calf for $50.00, she should come in early, and another red cow, smaller,  milking and supposed to be in calf late, for $50.00, and her past year’s calf, a heifer, ten months old, for $25.00.  Then from Henry Quick Dad bought  for John a white heifer coming two, $40.00, and a steer for $35.00 and a roan heifer to calve soon for $40.00, coming two years.  And then John traded his old team for two dandy colts.  The horse had a purebred Clyde mother and  Percheron father.  They are coming yearlings.  It was nice to have John down for a while again.



2nd month, 23rd , 3rd day

John, Reggie and I left with the two cows and calf from Murphy’s and took them up the north trail to where we turn off the east and west grade   up to Quick’s, then we untied the  cows and left Reggie with them and we went on up to Quick’s.   Dad had driven up with the cutter so we got them tied on,  The roan heifer we loaded and when we got back to Reg we led the other two cows and two walked and one rode all the rest of the way.  We got in to John’s about four o’clock.  I believe I made some dinner for us.  We had a little lunch on the way.  It looks quite a bunch in John’s yard.  We drove up to McCheanes’ and slept there.  John went back to his shack.


2nd month, 24th , 4th  day

Monthly Meeting.  Laurie had the bob sleighs and we called for John and all went down to the Hindes’.  They all came from home except Frank.  Hannah Mary went back to Borden in our  wagon and I went up to McCheanes’.  It was funny to be there without Hannah Mary.




2nd month, 25th , 5th  day

John went down to his place.   As it was blizzarding we decided it was unfit to go to Borden. It has been a very mild month, only down as low as twenty-five  below once, I believe.   John has batched it up at his place  and since he has had the cattle he has been fairly tied and not able to haul any more wood, however he had got a nice pile, especially of dry willows, and enough willow stakes to fence his own quarter in.  Laurie also has quite a lot of stakes.  Their idea is to fence the section.


2nd month, 26th, 6th day

We drove down home.  The trails have been especially good this winter.  Lucy has been pretty busy while I was away.  Bob has been working for Dave and Ed and hurt his hand so he spent a week up here.


2nd month, 27th, 7th day

Lydia had a son this morning, so Hannah Mary is staying and I am going back with John.  We took Dick and Turk up to Henry Quick’s and brought down the two colts.  They are two beauties.  The mare is the heaviest.   We are going to call her Beaut.

Well, we got the colts up there all right.  We cut the white heifer’s feet and horns.  Laurie kindly hauled John a load of hay.  It was late when we got up to McCheanes’ so there was no cleaning done for the week.


2nd month, 28th, 1st day

John came up to Meeting.  I felt homesick, it is so lonely here and quiet.  I walked part way down with John in the evening when he went home.




MARCH 1915




3rd month, 1st,  2nd day

Dad has traded Count and King and $100.00 for a purebred Clyde stallion.  He is nice and very quiet.  I washed out the tea and face towels I have been using.  Nice weather.


3rd month, 2nd, 3rd day

Fred Hewet has a son.  Lovely weather, only been down as low as twelve below once this month.  Laurie cleaned out the stove pipes and it was so much better, they had smoked so bad before.  John has fixed up  his stable, made two box stalls and puts all the cattle in at night now.



3rd month, 5th , 6th day

Our two  teams and men came up with the Meeting House lumber.  Hannah Mary came home, John and Laurie took Archie’s cow up to John Wall’s and traded her for six ewes in lamb.


3rd month, 6th, 7th day

I called at John’s place on my way home.  The sheep are a very poor-looking bunch, very, very thin.  I found them all well at home. It was nice to be home again, it seems so much more comfortably warm down here.


3rd month, 7th, 1st day

We had Meeting as usual.  A lovely day.  Lucy and I drove down to J. Griffin’s and then we called in and saw Lydia’s baby.


3rd month, 8th, 2nd day

Lucy and Dad drove down to E. Tallis’s to buy a dead ox for the fowls and pigs.


3rd month, 9th, 3rd day

I went with Dad to Murphy’s and brought home the cow Dad has bought for $50.00.  She is milking fresh but does not give much. We drove Prince Charlie in the cutter single.


3rd month, 10th, 4th day

I started  early and went down to Jim Tallis’s and brought the dead ox, it fell into one of the sand hills and broke its shoulder blade.  I found the bunch of horses and I brought Polly home.  Dad has sold Dick so I guess I have had my last ride on him today.  I found Jessie was missing from the bunch, but they say she was in the bunch all right when Tom drove them into the yard last 7th day.  John had a twin of lambs on 3rd day but one died.  Thawing.



3rd month, 13th, 7th day

Lucy and I drove the cattle out to the railway quarter.  There is plenty of grass uncovered where the horses have been scraping.


3rd month, 14th, 1st day

I  drove up to John’s place.  Eddy fixed Pat and got things ready in the cutter,  the trails will soon be all in for runners.  The cattle were drinking in John’s yard, from the melted snow.  John’s cattle and colts look fine.  The sheep are improving, the sick sheep has had a lamb but we think it is a rupture she has and won’t be able to rear the lamb.  John is feeding it with a bottle.  We  drove up to Laurie’s to supper and John took Pat back.


3rd month, 15th, 2nd day

I went down to John’s place with Laurie.  He was on his way to the river for willows.  I got some dinner for John, Joshua and John Wake.    They are cutting John’s wood.  I came home in the afternoon and brought the sick sheep and the lamb.  They were very good and no trouble.  The lamb slept all the time.


3rd month, 16th, 3rd day

Dad and I drove down to Murphy’s.  We took Bobbie and brought back the cattle Dad had taken in trade, one old cow and a two year old heifer, both supposed to be in calf, and a two year old steer, and two heifer calves.   It is the biggest thaw we have had, most of the prairie is bare.  We send our  cattle out to eat every day.  Tom uses wheels for hauling hay, manure, etc.


3rd month, 17th, 4th day

Dad   drove up to Halcyonia to see about the Meeting house, etc., etc.  He had dinner at Wakes’ and slept at John’s place.  He liked the look of John’s cattle and colts.


3rd month, 18th, 5th day

Decidedly colder today but it thawed a little in the afternoon.  I went over the track looking for Jessie but I could not find any trace of her.  Yesterday I went up and looked at Jolly and Nellie to see if she was there.  It seems strange - where can she possibly be? I saw two jumping deer down in the sand hills.  They did look nice.


3rd month, 19th, 6th day

Thawing.  I rode out again on Pat looking for Jessie.  I called at Ryan’s.  Ross was there.  He told me of a well east of Robinson’s shack where he threw some deer heads down.


3rd month, 20th, 7th day

Winnie Wainwright came with me on Barney.  We rode round by the Elbow and back to below Robinson’s.  We saw Mable and her bunch there and we found the well Ross spoke of and sure enough, poor Jessie was in it.  It was only a very shallow well and if she had not gone in so awkwardly one would think she could have got out.  But I think her neck is broken.  It was quite a shock  for I expected to find her dead.  Yet it was a shock.


3rd month, 21st, 1st day

I  drove Dad down to see Jessie and to the bunch to see Queen.  She is still very lame.  I noticed it first yesterday.  There is a  tremendous thaw today.  The buggy wheels sink in and the prairie seems almost covered with water.  Minnie had a colt.


3rd month, 22nd, 2nd  day

Dad got Joe Stahl to go and see Jessie and he said he would send in a claim.  Dad has arranged to drive him down tomorrow.  Florrie and A. Avery came down and were here to supper.  A lot of men called today to see Dad and he was away most of the day to see a young stallion someone has for sale.  Very muddy, I can’t keep my feet dry.  Lucy half-finished a big wash.  I seemed very tired, the strain of looking for Jessie being over, and four days of riding over poor trails.


3rd month, 23rd, 3rd day

We found Minnie on her back in the sand hills so with help she got up and we drove them in the yard.  This was on 7th day and Minnie had a nice horse colt the same night.  Very much colder today but the grass is coming green and all the prairie is bare.  Eddy is crushing for Wainwright.  Two of the boys have been at the  Moor house1 in Borden for some time, adding a lean-to and fixing the chimney, walls, floor, etc.

3rd month, 24th, 4th day

Very cold windy day.  John drove down to take back Buck, Bonnie and Queen but it is so icy and Queen is still lame.  He decided it was better to leave them for a while.  Polly is out with her colt.


3rd month, 25th, 5th day

Well today is feeling pretty chilly, the wind seems so keen.  We have one hen sitting.  Lucy made paste and pulled the loose paper off the walls, ready for spring cleaning.  I salted in all the meat, beef as well, not much though.


3rd month, 26th, 6th day

I went to Borden and got some calsomine.  Lucy and I did the ceiling of the big room and papered half the other ceiling.  We had another fine baby lamb, the ewe with the black spots on her ear and foot.  Dad traded off our sorrel drivers for a bigger team, five years old, and  he gave two heifers and $25.00.


3rd month, 27th, 7th day

Eddy and Tom started doing the floor but we were hindered with the police about Jessie, and were in a big mess over 1st day.


3rd month, 28th, 1st day

Tom and Annie Griffin came to the Carters’, the children came to see the lambs.  They are growing fine, we had another born yesterday, a big ram lamb, that is the third.


3rd month, 29th, 2nd day

It was twelve o’clock when Lucy and Eddy and I went to bed but we finished papering, and laying the floor.  We had to go as witnesses to the court, the police charged Morrison  for leaving the well, but no case was proved against him so it looks very doubtful that we will get any compensation for Jessie.  It is a loss for John and he seems to have had enough with last year’s crop.


3rd month, 30th, 3rd day

We were busy cleaning and cooking for the Monthly Meeting which is to be here tomorrow.


3rd month, 31st, 4th day

Monthly Meeting.  It was a lovely day.  The Friends stayed longer than usual and it was nice to have their company.  I walked with John out into the railway quarter and caught Queen and John took her back with him to work in turn with Bonnie.  I hope they are able to do the work.  Now that Jessie has gone and he has traded his big team for these colts, he is very short of work horses.  Martha Hinde stayed overnight at Lydia’s.


1.  The Moor house, so called because f its original owner was Reverend Moor, became the property of Nathan Saunders when the Moor family left.  Thereafter a number of families occupied  it, including the Hinde family when they first arrived.  The house was  at the west end of the block that contained the blacksmith’s and the butcher’s and was next to the lumberyard.



APRIL 1915




4th month, 1st, 5th day

Started drilling.  Martha Hinde, Bob, Daisie and Katie were here to dinner.   Lucy bought some stuff for a white dress and cut it out.


4th month, 2nd, 6th day

Very hot.  The thermometer registered ninety.  Tom finished drilling on his quarter and Frank harrowed it.   They find it is eighteen acres by the drill.


4th month, 3rd, 1st day (sic)

John called me up over the phone.  He was working on the land 7th day.  He had Bonnie on the harrow and she went fine and he said the land worked down good.  Edie and Ed came up to morning Meeting and stayed the afternoon and to supper.  Just like summer.  We have had no cold windy weather like spring yet, and we seem to have had no winter, and can hardly believe the grass is coming green again.


4th month, 4th, 2nd day

My legs are so stiff with riding bareback two days ago that I can scarcely walk.  I did not do much except get the dinner and wash the dishes until after dinner and then Dad was going to hitch up his six green oxen, or five green and Redman, so Lucy and I went to help.  Lucy was washing.  I forgot my stiff legs and walked  over that summer fallow on Moor’s, several miles, as soon as the oxen were quiet.  Eddy, Roy and I came in and left Lucy, Dad and Reg to it.  It has been rather cloudy and a few drizzles of rain the last few days.


4th month, 5th, 3rd day

The oxen are going nicely today but it takes three to drive them yet.  Both the drills are working on Moor’s.  It is very hot this spring, especially for the oxen.  No frost at night.



4th month, 11th, 1st day

Still hot and summer-like.  Edie and Ed came to evening Meeting.  Lucy took her winter clothes (woolens) off.


4th month, 12th, 2nd day

John came down to see if the seed wheat was in, as we heard yesterday that it would be in today.  We have had two sets of twins this month so far, and both pairs are doing fine.  We finished seeding wheat on this and Moor’s quarter by dinner time and Tom and Frank and Eddy went down to Reynolds’.  Roy and Reg finished harrowing it by supper time.  We seemed to manage the packing up very easily, perhaps it seemed easy to me because Lucy did most of it.  The wheat did not come, John stayed overnight.


4th month, 13th, 3rd day

I have been doing quite a lot of riding round lately, looking up the mares that are expecting colts, etc.   The wheat did come today but John was too late to be served and he found it was full of wild oats so decided not to seed it but sell it and seed his own,  and if he has not enough, to sow more oats, or do more fallow.  I rode out and brought in the colts from the sand hills, and we caught Barney.  Dad has bought another Clyde stallion and sold in trade Barney and the  horse he got from Adamson and Kitty and $100.00.


4th month, 14th, 4th day

John got his wheat and sold it again at the elevator for $126.00 and he has paid the bank off.  He went home after supper and took the fanning mill, a barrel to water his horses in, and Sambo.  Our boys are getting on all right at Reynolds’, we send food etc., with Dad every  day.  I got the horses in and caught the two mules for E. J. Tallis but he let one go at J. Griffin’s.


4th month, 15th, 5th day

Today was so very hot.   Lucy and I went out into the railway quarter and had a bath and I washed my head.  The sheep have been quite a bit of trouble lately.  They will go up onto the tame grass in Tracksell’s pasture.  I went up and  brought Jolly.  Dad and Lucy went for the new stallion.  It was nearly ten when they got back.


4th month, 16th, 6th day

I think John started seeding today.  I took Jolly to Reynolds’.  They have come for the bay horse that went on the trade with the stallion.  They have nearly finished seeding but the weather being so hot the bulls are away   behind.   The tamest of last year’s lambs had a nice ram lamb this morning.


4th month, 17th, 7th day

Such hot weather, like midsummer.  Very busy all day.  In the evening I rode Prince down to Reynolds’.  I did enjoy the ride, but it was rather dark.  I went to take the boys a loaf of bread.


4th month,  18th, 1st day

The boys came up from Reynolds’ for the day.  Frank did not go back.  We had Meeting as usual.


4th month, 19th, 2nd day

Frank and Eddy went cutting hay.  Tom is finishing seeding, and Reg and Roy harrowing.


4th month, 20th, 3rd day

Tom helped finish the harrowing and they all came home.  I had partially cleaned and calsomined the upstairs.




4th month, 21st and 22nd

Tom and Frank seeding on Eddy’s quarter and Reg and Roy harrowing.  John is getting on nicely with his seeding.  The colts go well, he used Queen one day and Bonnie the next.


4th month, 23rd, 6th day

Finished seeding.  Seeded the school land and harrowed it.  We have had a lot of trouble lately with the sheep going to Tracksells’ and the mothers of two lots of twins have been sick so I had to feed four lambs and Tilly was sick at the same time.  We lost one of each pair of lambs.


4th month, 24th, 7th day

We have had several very windy days lately.  Hugh Wake is staying at Lydia Crabb’s for a while.  He has broken his arm and it pains him a great deal and he has lost a lot of sleep with it.


4th month, 25th, 1st day

Sissie went back today.  We have had a nice visit with her.  David and Lydia went with the car.  I took them (Sissie and Hugh Wake) back with them.  I talked with John over the phone for over half an hour.



4th month, 28th, 4th day

Monthly Meeting.  I went on drilling and Roy and Frank finished putting in the potatoes.  Dad, Eddy and Lucy rode up to McCheanes’ in the tank and I went on ahead with Mona in the buggy as I had meat, etc., for the dinner.  We spent a very pleasant day.  Dad, Ed, Lucy and Bob came back and brought the sheep.  I stayed overnight.  We labeled John’s cattle. We have done most of ours.


4th month, 29th, 5th day

William McCheane came back with me.  We called at John’s place on our way.  It was very dusty and unpleasant; as we neared Borden we could not see our house from the road because of the dust in the air.


4th month, 30th, 6th day

I have had the incubator running two weeks now and it keeps a little more regular than it did at first.  My turkey eggs are coming out very clear, not fertile.




MAY 1915




5th month, 1st, 7th day

Nellie has a nice black colt.  Still windy and very dry.  Rain seems to come up and blow over.  The wheat needs rain badly.  We did the cleaning today but everything was smothered in dust and if it goes on blowing it will soon be covered over again.  Lucy and I went to a sale, McDonald’s, at Borden.   I bid on quite a few things and got a dresser for $4.75 and two lamps and a saucepan and quart measure very cheap.  Oscar bought a cupboard and table and a pony for $7.00.  We quite enjoyed it.  We had several to get supper for.  Hugh Wake has been staying for a night or two. 


5th month, 2nd, 1st day

Dad and Frank are up at Halcyonia living with John, travelling the two stallions.  Ed and Edie called  and drove me up to McCheanes’.  We were late for Meeting but we stayed dinner.  Dad and John were there.  Dad, John and I went down.  I swept and washed up his place and then John and I walked over Ed’s quarter to the pasture and milked the cow.  When we got back I got supper and we walked to the Wakes’ to Meeting.  Ed and Edie were there and I drove home with them.  We left at nine and got here about ten or half past.


5th month, 3rd, 2nd day

Tom hauled us some water and Lucy did a good wash and finished about dinner time.  Hugh  Wake had a better night.  His arm seems improving nicely.


5th month, 4th, 3rd day

I was out all morning.  I went on Mona over the creek and got Nellie.  I had quite a fast ride again.  There were quite a lot of other horses in the bunch.  After dinner Lucy and went over to Lawson’s and brought back Lucy’s and Florrie’s heifers home.  We had quite a time getting them back.  Eddy has labeled them.


5th month, 5th, 4th day

Out looking for the stray calves again.  Very windy and dry.



5th month, 7th, 6th day

Dad and Frank went up to John’s place again with the stallions.  Lucy and I drove round a good way looking for the stray heifer, and went to Parks’  and got home the black mare.  We called at Reynolds’ and got the cultivator.


5th month, 8th, 7th day

Poor Old Man Tracksell was to be buried at two o’clock.  I was riding round on Mable looking for the black heifer.  I found her at Wensley’s but could get no trace

of the two year old.  In the afternoon Lucy and I got the buggy and got the black heifer home, and Dolly from Taylor’s.  It was close to  nine when we got back to our supper.



5th month, 10th, 2nd day

The boys and Dad came back today.  John came down with them to take Buck and Queen back.   They got loose and came home yesterday.  Eddy, Lucy and I sheared eight of the sheep, it was quite a job but we managed it all right.  Between us and our friends at Halcyonia, they had a nice rain today.  John went back.


5th month, 11th, 3rd day

Frank and Dad went out again. Lucy and I drove down to Axworthy’s to see after the red heifer.  We called at Theodore’s to deliver a message.  We did not get her.


5th month, 12th, 4th day

Oscar came down and so did Winnie and Martha Hinde to see some cattle that are in pound, as they each have one missing.  Oscar stayed to dinner and supper.  Winnie stayed overnight.  We had a lovely rain this afternoon.  We must get busy and get the garden in.  I have set the incubator again, we have twenty-six chickens so far.  Our turkeys are turning out very badly, all the first laying of their eggs have been clear from the whole six hens, so out of all the eggs we have not had one chick yet.



5th month, 13th, 5th day

I put in quite a lot of seeds, carrot, onion and radishes.  We are planting a big patch of horse carrots and a pound of Swedes and a pound of mangles.  Our garden seeder works fine.  We had a lovely long steady rain.



5th month, 15th, 7th day

We got on with the work nicely before dinner.  After dinner I rode Mable up to Uncle’s quarter to see how the colts look after the rain.  I found them all well.


5th month, 16th, 1st day

Dad was fined in Radisson for travelling Clyde and Prince Charlie without advertising them.  It amounted to $40.00.  Eddy and Reggie and I drove up to Halcyonia. We got to the Wakes’ in time for Meeting.  I went to the Hindes’ to  dinner.   Eddy stayed at the Wakes’.  I read Ida Chamness’s1 letter and Georgetta’s dream to the Hindes, and then I rode on Prince to the Wakes and read the letters but not the dream there.  After supper I came on up to McCheanes’ and after Meeting read the letters and dream to them.  The dream is so clear and remarkable.  I slept at McCheanes’.


5th month, 17th, 2nd day

I walked down to John’s after breakfast.  He got the garden plowed while I cleaned up the shack and after dinner we planted the potatoes, etc.  I slept at McCheanes’ again.


5th month, 18th, 3rd day

John went on drilling oats.  I walked down to his pasture and milked the cow and brought  Bonnie up for John to work.  After dinner Hugh  Wake called.  John has a very bad burn on his shoulder.  He fell against the heater.  After the rain last night he was changing his socks.  It is a very big place but not very deep.  I dressed it again before I came away.  I rode on Prince right round by Uncle’s quarter and had a look at the colts.  The sucking colts look fine.  We have seven so far.  The boys were just finishing supper when I got back.


5th month, 19th, 4th day

We had Meeting, and after dinner I rode on Mable round by Sam Collings’ and on to Axworthy’s and Bell’s looking for Cherry and I found her in Bob Bell’s pasture.  I stayed supper at Theo Griffin’s.  Mable went fine.


5th month, 20th, 5th day

Busy all morning putting in garden seeds.  Dad came and helped me.  We soaked half of the mangles.  If they grow good we will have to dig another root cellar. We intend them to feed the sheep and stallions with.  John came  in time for dinner.  I went with him to Borden and bought a mattress and John took it back with him, also some boards to make a bunk for Dad to sleep on as he stays there when he is travelling his stallions and it is uncomfortable sleeping on hay on the floor, besides the mess and bother.  Ben and Peggy Saloway came to supper.  John drove Buck and Bonnie, they made quite a nice team.  Both Bonnie and Queen are  growing fast and standing their work well.


5th month, 21st, 6th day

Eddy, Lucy and I had another turn at shearing the sheep. We did eight before dinner so there are only two more to do.  I planted some herbs, parsley, thyme, etc.  This hot weather soon dries the ground and we could do with another good soaking rain.  John finished seeding his oats yesterday and we are just finishing our barley.  Most people are about through.  We have just finished a new pasture on this quarter for the sheep and milking cows etc.,  but the sheep seem to be able to get out so far.


5th month, 22nd, 7th day

John has graded out a place in the pasture for his cattle to drink without depending on the well.  Eddy and I sheared the last two sheep.  Lucy got on with the work but of course it hindered us quite a bit so we were not done until late.  We had several visitors. It still freezes most nights.


5th month, 23rd, 1st day

John drove down in time for Meeting.  Edie and Edward came to Meeting and stayed dinner.  We, Edie and Ed, John and I, went for a walk round by Moor’s and to Borden.  We had supper there and then I read Ida Chamness’s letter and Georgetta’s dream.  Lydia was very interested and wants a copy of it.   John stayed overnight as it had got late.


5th month, 24th, 2nd day

Borden Sports.  Cora, Jack and their children came to  dinner, also Lavinia, Muriel, etc.  Fourteen in all, but we did not have more than eleven, I think, to supper.  A friend of Frank’s, Herbert Palscraft, came out from England last 7th day.  John went back .  I rode with him to the next grade and walked through the pasture home.  I saw the new colt, from  the mare we traded in on drivers.  When I got back I set to and did a lot of cooking of all kinds.  Tom helped me put in a pound of sugar beets.




5th month, 25th, 3rd day

Well, the cloudy weather hasn’t come to rain yet but we hope it will not go by and miss us.  Dad drove the stallions up to Halcyonia this morning.  Laurie said John has got his plow going this morning so he  must have got the moleboard scoured yesterday. He also intended making a bunk for Dad to sleep on in the bedroom.  Eddy has the boys to keep busy.  They have been putting more rows of wire round this yard.  Tom is at Reynolds’ ploughing for oats.  We are putting in ten acres  in the pasture and if they are too late for ripening they will come in for green feed for harvest, as we will have no old oats.  John is also plowing another ten acres for oats.  Laurie said he got his plow going this morning and plowed three acres, and by the time he quit he had made the plow scour nicely.  He is using an old ten inch gang and the four horses pull it easier than the sulky.


5th month, 26th, 4th day

Monthly Meeting at the Wakes’.  Dad was up at John’s travelling the stallions so he went and Eddy, Tom and Lucy drove in the democrat.,  I stayed with the boys to look after the place as they were working over the track on the new pasture.  We had a nice steady rain.  Lucy slept at Hindes’ overnight.


5th month, 27th, 5th day

The boys all went to Adamson’s except Tom  - he is plowing for oats at Reynolds’.  Lucy got back about eleven o’clock with Edie and it was just coming on to rain.  It rained for an hour and then we hitched Mable in the buggy and drove to Borden and got some stores, and Clyde’s paper which I promptly tacked up on his barn.  After dinner we drove up to Uncle’s and had a look at the colts.  They do look fine.  Mona is not getting any fatter but she is more tubby so she may start and improve soon.  We have eight colts this year, and only three of them are mares.  We hurried home as we saw the clouds gathering and we were none too soon for as I was hanging up the harness the wind turned right round and it was like a hurricane for a few minutes and then came the rain and some hail.   It was a lovely soaking rain and kept up for over an hour.  It is a blessing, it will do a lot of good.  This was only a local rain, we had very little at Reynolds’ and none at Moor’s.  The boys were at Adamson’s getting wire.


5th month, 28th, 6th day

Lucy has a very bad cold and bad back.  She lay down most of the day and went to bed early.


5th month, 29th, 7th day

I was very busy all day and was hindered one way and another.  Lucy stayed in bed all day.


5th month, 30th, 1st day

Some rain, but not much this morning.  I was up in good time and got ahead with the work and as Lucy was feeling better  and getting up, I got Hoffman’s Daisy and drove her up to Halcyonia.  She went just fine, quite tractable but all go.   I went to John’s and cleared up for him quite a bit, then we had a long walk round over the crops and in the pasture.  Everything looks so fresh and green and the cattle look very well.  John has Edgar Baker digging another well in the little creek that runs through the yard.  We had supper at McCheanes’ and I drove home so as not to be late.  I found Lucy still up.


5th month, 31st, 2nd day

I did the washing but with so much other work I did not finish it.  Dad sold three two year old oxen,  Goliath, Ben and King, two for $75.00 and one for $70.00.He took a nice mare for $150.00 she is very much like Jessie to handle, a nice driver.


1.  Ida Chamness is a Quaker from Iowa.  Later, her grandson Harold Chamness, Winnie Hinde Chamness’s son, married Mary’s daughter Ruth. Georgetta is Ida’s daughter, who would be  twelve years old at this time. See Appendix  IV - The Hinde Family.




JUNE 1915




6th month, 1st, 3rd day

Finished the washing and did some of the ironing.  Dad is away at Halcyonia.  Tom is disking summer fallow, the rest fencing.


6th month, 2nd, 4th day

Molly Jones lost a cow today.  She ate some Paris Green.1  Lucy and I brought Cherry home. We drove the new mare, she went fine.  It has been looking lots like rain but it has not come yet.


6th month, 3rd, 5th day

We had a small shower but it was not at all general.  McCheanes had very little while Baxters had quite a lot, however it will help the garden.  The seeds are coming up nicely.  It is Clyde’s birthday.  He weighed (no figure given).


6th month, 4th, 6th day

Lucy and I took Molly again and drove up to the Parks’ and got the old black mare.  She went home last night.  When Dad came home he left the gate open.  Dad has been taking both the horses and staying at John’s several days each week.  So Eddy is the boss while Dad is away.


6th month, 5th, 7th day

We were busy.  I have been giving the upstairs a thorough cleaning and finished this morning except for sorting the boots and clothes.  Oscar rode in for some medicine for his ox, it is so very sick, the sand flies have poisoned its blood. They have been very bad  lately, our cow went down half in the milk.  Well, in the afternoon I drove Molly in the buggy with some chop and Reg brought Texas Bill behind the buggy.  John has bought him and the buggy for $16.00 from Carter.  We found John just having his supper.  It was pretty late so we soon drove on with Molly to Oscar’s and stayed there all night.  Oscar’s ox was dead, he had died while Oscar was away.  It is a loss for them.

6th month, 6th, 1st day

We were up late and I came away soon after breakfast and called for John and we went to the McCheanes’ to Meeting and stayed dinner.  Then we drove down to John’s pasture and had to stop at the house as it had come on to rain.  Then we drove on.  The rain did not amount to much but still it was good.  Everything in the pasture looked good.  John had taken down lard and rubbed his animals and made a smudge  so they were not hurt with the flies.    But there was a frost last night that took the potatoes and beans, etc.  John’s horses look fine.  Queen and  Bonnie are none the worse for being worked.  They have grown fine, and the yearlings too.  Well John drove with me to fetch Reg as he never attempted to come as he arranged, and then we came home though it made us very late.  It was a cold drive but Molly goes fast and were soon home.  Another frost.

6th month, 7th, 2nd day

We did our washing.  Dad killed the sow.  She dressed  a hundred and twenty-five pounds.  Mable and Ada2 came in the afternoon and I took them round over the pasture as the colts got out of  Uncle’s quarter and came home yesterday and we put them in the railway quarter.  A man called to see a  stray heifer we have here and he said he had seven cattle die last week with the flies, two of his own and the rest he was herding.  We went to Borden with Mabel and Ada.


6th month, 8th, 3rd day

Cloudy but cold first thing. This would be good growing weather if the ground was well soaked.  Busy with the pork, ironing, etc.  Laurie came to dinner and then we got the horses in the yard and it took us several hours to get Rajah in the stable, but we managed it at last and haltered him.  He trembled and was very nervous.  Eddy is letting Laurie break him in as he needs another horse.  Well Margaret Wake came.  I got her some supper early, and Laurie, and then we tied the colt on to Betty and he was a lot of trouble, pulling and jerking around.  But when he had got about half a mile he went fairly well, but Laurie had a job to get him in the barn up there.


6th month, 9th, 4th day

We had a nice rain in the night, and some this afternoon.  Laurie drove Rajah in the wagon, he was very wild but tamed down quite a lot.  Dad is up at Halcyonia.  We are doing the garden but it is a job to keep the weeds back.  Most of the garden stuff is coming up.  We had a bad frost on last 7th and 1st days and it has made the wheat smell like hay.


6th month, 10th, 5th day

G.Walker lost a nice mare today, foaling.  That is the second this spring.  Dad intends coming home today.  We had a lovely rain last night and this morning.  It seems to have gone in the full depth on the garden.  The boys have cleaned out the barns today.  We have made a good and complete clearance of the upstairs now, so that we are straighter than we have been for years.  We have nine of us and it makes so much cooking, etc., it keeps us busy.


6th month, 11th, 6th day

We cleaned the stove and several other things, etc.

6th month, 12th, 7th day

Tom took his five horse team and the four bulls and managed to get two acres of ploughing done after he got to Reynolds’.  John has been helping Edgar Baker with his well.  They have gone down twenty feet but as they have not found water they have decided to leave it till a more convenient time.  Lucy and I drove down to Reynolds’ and cleaned up the shacks for Tom.  Started summer fallow.


6th month, 13th, 1st day

John drove Laddie down in his new second-hand buggy and after dinner John and I put Hoffman’s Daisy in his buggy and we drove up to David’s farm and just as we were turning in to the graded road, Daisy scared and started kicking and jumped out, and John stayed right with her.  She did not get loose and John stopped her.  We felt bruised and shaken  up a bit but on the whole could not but realize how near a shave we have had.  John stayed overnight.


6th month, 14th, 2nd day

Well, I felt pretty stiff and as Lucy and Eddy went to Halcyonia and stayed overnight and did not get back till nearly dinner time,  we did not wash in the afternoon.  I drove with John over into our new pasture in the sand hills.  The horses look fine.  The boys are busy now making grades for them to go down to drink.  It was getting late when John left, and he had the cow to milk.


6th month, 15th, 3rd day

Frost, very cold, quite a snowstorm but not much moisture.  McCheanes had less.  Dad came home and I drove him down to Reynolds’ in the evening.   Tom is getting on well all by himself.  It was a very cold drive and freezing hard when we got back.


6th month, 16th, 4th day

Our sheep got in pound and we had to pay five dollars.   Lucy and I drove down to Peleans’ to get that bumble-footed horse, but we did not get him.  All the gardens, especially potatoes and some oats, are badly frozen.  Eddy has been taking lots of photos and sending them home.  They are very interesting.  He is getting quite clever at it.


6th month, 17th, 18th and 19th

Boys mostly in the garden.  Tom is busy with the summer fallow at Reynolds’  Not very warm weather but showers most days.


6th month, 20th, 1st day

In the afternoon Ed called and took Lucy and Eddy and I up to Halcyonia in the car.  We did enjoy it.  John was pleased to see me.  We, Lucy and I, stayed supper at McCheanes’.  Eddy and Ed went down to the Hindes’.


6th month, 21st, 2nd day

We got through the washing early and then drove over the line and brought back Daisy and her two colts, as Dad had made a trade with Ben Saloway, for Bitan and Max, for a much heavier horse colt and a heifer and sow.

6th month, 22nd, 3rd day

We did our work up and left for Halcyonia about ten.  We had a nice drive and stayed dinner at Saloways’  We were caught in  a shower before we got to McCheanes’.  It came down very heavy.  Well, I walked down to John’s, he had sheltered under his horses while the storm was on.  The storm came up again several times so we stopped overnight.  After supper, we planted out the cabbage and tomato plants, and Hannah Mary and I went with Laurie to their two calves to  John’s pasture.  We took the new colt, Nelson, as far as John’s, as John is coming in to Borden with his team tomorrow.  So I left him the colt to lead alongside of his team.


6th month, 23rd, 4th day

We came home in time for Meeting, but as Dad and no one else seemed to be around we delayed sitting down until it was too late.  John went home by David’s farm and took an old drill from there with him.  We had  another shower in the night.


6th month, 24th, 5th day

Midsummer day.  Quite true to its name it was very hot today, quite a change.  It was a hundred and four for some time.  Ironed and baked.  Sowed more radishes.


6th month, 25th, 6th day

Eddy’s birthday.  We cleaned the bedrooms, etc.  Tom is through with his plowing on Reynolds’.  He has done seventy-two acres.  That is all we will have to do this year.


6th month, 26th, 7th day

Well, we were pretty busy cleaning and cooking, etc.  Rose had two bull calves.  Dad was away  so Lucy and I had to see to them quite a bit, the cow would not take to them nor let them suck.  We look like having trouble with one quarter, the  milk can’t come past a kernel in the teat.


6th month, 27th, 1st day

I drove up to McCheanes’ with Ed in the buggy.  Eddy and Reg came later and stayed overnight at the Hindes’, they want to get a cow from Rand, an old Jersey cow Dad has bought.   I went to the  Overseers’ Meeting at McCheanes’ and we answered the Queries.3  It took us rather a long time to answer them satisfactorily.  I walked with John to his pasture to milk his cow and then got supper and walked to the Wakes’.  Ed drove us back again to the Meeting house and from  there John went home and Ed drove me home.  Lucy had gone to bed.  It was a mild, clear moonlight night.


6th month, 28th, 2nd day

Quite a hot day, such a change from yesterday.  Baking and cleaning. I spent quite a lot of time on Rose trying to get the milk down in her back quarter.  She is very shivery.  We gave her a drench.



6th month, 29th, 3rd day

Cooking and tidying up a bit.  Monthly Meeting is to be held here tomorrow.  Dad came home.


6th month, 30th, 4th day

John and I announced our intentions of marriage in the Meeting today.  We had rather a difficulty answering the Queries.  We had twenty-six, I believe, to dinner and most stayed to supper as well.  Ed and John went to Borden and they transferred Ed’s quarter   to John and now John is responsible for the  two thousand dollar mortgage and he takes on Edward’s farm.  I do hope it will prove for the best.


1.       Paris Green - an extremely poisonous bright green poison (copper acetoarsenate) formerly used as a dye in wallpapers and also as an insecticide and fungicide.

2.       Mabel and Ada - daughters of Esau Saunders, Nathan’s brother - cousins of Mary.

3.     Queries:  The information below was taken  from an Internet source under the search topic Quaker.marriage.  This information is contemporary  (2002) but appears to bear some resemblance to the process Mary and John went through.

About the Oversight Process:
Send a letter to the Meeting requesting that they consider your marriage. Include your name, your original meeting, your fiancé's name, and any other information you think you should include. The letter will be read at the next business meeting and approved. Your request will be turned over to the Ministry or Oversight committee. You may be asked to attend their next meeting. They will assign an Oversight Committee. That committee will meet with you, answer your questions and handle all logistical details of your wedding, signing the license, explaining Quaker process to guests, helping you write your vows, arranging use of the Meetinghouse, etc. However, Oversight will not take any action on your wedding until your "clearness committee" finds you clear on your marriage.
The Oversight Committee or the Meeting will appoint the "Clearness Committee". These may include people who know you or not. This committee will meet with you and your fiancée and talk to you about your feelings, how you met, and make sure that your decision to marry is thoughtful and well considered and that the marriage has a good chance of succeeding. If they feel that you are "clear" on your decision to marry, they will report back to oversight committee. Then oversight will take that report to the Business Meeting and recommend that you be approved for marriage. The business meeting will then discuss it and approve your marriage. Then the oversight committee will take over and follow through on all the details of your marriage, for instance, choosing a date, announcing it and sending out invitations. You are not supposed to send out invitations until your marriage has been cleared and approved by the meeting.





JULY 1915




7th month, 1st, 5th day

Such a blustery, cloudy day.  I hope it turns to rain.  


7th month, 2nd  and 3rd, 6th and 7th days

We did mending and had an easy time generally.  Cloudy but no rain.  We are needing it badly.


7th month, 4th, 1st day

I stayed at home.  It was nice to have a quiet 1st day with more time for reading, etc.

7th month, 5th, 2nd day

Still hot and no rain, though rather more cloudy today.  We are busy hay making.   Tom is bringing back his team today,  He has ploughed and harrowed seventy-two acres of summer fallow.  We did two weeks’ wash.



7th month, 7th, 4th day

Dad and I drove up to McCheanes’ to General Meeting.  We took Mona up and left her for John to use.  We had a big Meeting and nearly all stayed dinner.  While we were having second Meeting it suddenly came on to rain heavy, but was soon over.  I walked down to the pasture with John.  Their crops are suffering very badly for want of rain, worse than ours, I think.  In fact in places where the subsoil is gravel it is very much worse.  The gophers are playing such havoc on Ed’s quarter that I decided to stay and spend tomorrow poisoning them, so Dad and Reg rode home with Molly and I drove up to McCheanes’ with Mona after supper.


7th month, 8th, 5th day

John went on harrowing his summer fallow and I drove round  and went on putting gasoline in the gopher holes and filling them up till about twelve, then I drove home and got some dinner for us.  Then John mixed up some poisoned wheat and I drive round again and laid it all, and then went to the pasture, milked the cow and filled up the trough with water.  Just as I finished John came with the team and he rode back with me.  We got supper as quickly as we could and then John drove me home.  Martha Hinde is staying for a day or two.


7th month, 9th, 6th day

Blanche came about her teeth and Martha Hinde was with her in Borden a good deal of the day.


7th month, 10th, 7th day

Dad and Martha Hinde went in to Radisson.  They took in the pig to the butcher.  Eddy went to Saskatoon to a sort of course at the agricultural college.  Sissie and Archie went, and several others.  Sissie and Archie1 are engaged.  Martha Hinde drove home with them in the evening.


7th month, 11th, 1st day

Lucy drove up to McCheanes’ with David and his family and then she went down to the Hindes’ and stayed and Edie came back in her place.


7th month, 12th, 2nd day

Well we had a busy day.  We packed the boys off to Reynolds’ to get hay and in the evening after we had done supper, Ed called with Len.  He had left his place and his boss had enlisted and Edward was taking him up so Edie and I went along.  We did enjoy it.  We took some things for Lucy and went to the Hindes’ and to John’s place, then up to McCheanes’ and back to John’s and home.  It was very late and we had to milk Rose and feed the calves.



7th month, 4th,  5th, 6th and 7th days

We had a very pleasant week, like a holiday, it was such a change.  Reg and I went out to the railway pasture and milked the three cows twice a day and then we milked Rose and fed the calves three times a day, and the pigs and chickens and horses had to be  fed and watered and over the time we had to go every day and fill the trough.  Edie went home 7th day morning and Lucy came back on 1st day.  We have had a lovely rain, one inch, it has soaked the ground nicely and the garden and crops that are not already dried are   growing like shots.



7th month, 22nd

Lucy did the washing.  Very hot again.


7th month, 23rd

More like rain but it soon cleared over.  The boys put in some time on the garden and then went to Eddy’s quarter and made hay and then went up to Uncle’s and made eight ricks.


7th month, 26th, 2nd day

A very hot day.  We got on well with our work.  Ed called in the evening in the auto and I went up with him and saw John as I did not get up yesterday.  It was a very nice ride and John was pleased to see me.  I got his supper for him and we did some weeding and unloaded a load of hay.  We got home pretty late.  They had all gone to bed.


7th month, 27th, 3rd day

In the evening Dad and I drove up to Halcyonia  to attend a committee meeting, but we decided not to answer the  epistles.  We had quite a long meeting  in which there was quite a bit of good, but differences of opinion.


7th month, 28th, 4th day

Monthly Meeting at the Wakes’.  Our next Monthly Meeting is to be in 10th month.



1.  Sissie Wake and Archie Parsons.  Archie went overseas in the war to be an ambulance driver in the Friends’ Ambulance  Service.  The engagement fell through, and he married in England and remained there.  See also Bob Hinde’s reference to this in his narrative, As I Remember It, privately published in 2003.










8th  month, 12th, 5th day

Started cutting 10th of 8th month.  Well, we have had such a lovely refreshing shower.  It had been so very hot and everything in the garden was drying up and shriveling.  The wheat, etc., was turning ripe very rapidly so that we had two    binders on cutting.  We have cut Tom’s wheat, and Wainwrights’ oats and the boys were all out when this storm came, and got wet through.



8th month, 25th, 4th day

Well, we are still cutting,  The binders have given quite a bit of hindrance but we hope to get through this week.  We have had two frosts but we hope not enough to hurt the wheat.  John has Edgar Baker stooking for him, and Joseph Hinde.  I am cutting on the school land today and Dad and Reg stooking.  They hope to finish today.  We have had no rain to hinder us this harvest so far and I hope we don’t get much during the threshing.  I shall probably go on John’s and Joshua’s cook car.  I hope I shall be able to get through with it without doing myself up.  We have had a letter from Uncle saying they have booked their passage to come by the “Metagama”.  She sails from Liverpool on the 27th of 8th month.









9th month, 9th, 5th day

Well, we have had lovely weather for a long time now, but yesterday it turned much colder.  We went down to the station to meet Uncle and Eliza.  We were there tonight, quite a bunch of us to meet them.  Eliza looks well and so much fatter and bigger than we expected to see her.  She makes me look so much smaller.  They have had a nice voyage and enjoyed it. We were so pleased to see them.  We have all the threshers here so we had to come home and get a big supper.  It is a very full house to bring them into.



9th month, 16th, 5th day

Well, they have been here just a week.  We still have the threshers and no sign of being through yet.  We have threshed Wainwright’s and finished this and Moor’s quarter but that is all.  We have had it so cold until today and it has been milder and some rain.



Although several blank pages remain in the big diary,  here it ends, except for some poultry records dated 1919, and a poem entered sixty years later.  According to the diarist’s daughter Ruth McCheane Chamness Bergman in 2002,  Jemima Mary Saunders McCheane did not keep a diary  from October 1915 for about a year.  She resumed writing during the year after she was married John McCheane (March 1916) and continued until her death at nearly 102 years of age.








Nathan Saunders and Son, Among the Notable Pioneers of the Borden District


            Nathan Saunders and his young son  came to the Canadian West in the early spring of the year 1905.  I was working for William C. McCheane at the time, and I was instructed to take the McCheanes’ two big oxen and a wagon to help bring out whatever Nathan Saunders had brought or bought in Saskatoon.  I might say that Nathan Saunders and family had been close friends of ours and lived fairly close to us in England.  Nathan Saunders had let us know about the time they would arrive in Saskatoon, so we arranged for me to be there when they come in on the train.

            When I got to Saskatoon they had already arrived and Nathan was busy buying cattle and horses to stock his future farm, and also a wagon to take the things he had brought with him.  The two horses he got were six year old broncos which never had a halter on until the day he bought them, and they were pretty hard to handle at first.  There were six or seven cows with young calves, one bull and two oxen which were to pull the new wagon.

            My wagon carried all the calves and had the two broncos tied on behind, while the other wagon carried all the rest of the things.  We wondered if we were going to have trouble with keeping the cattle all together and coming along without much trouble.  However the calves soon solved that problem by bawling for their mothers, so they kept pretty close to my wagon.

            We were moving pretty slow so the cattle had plenty of time to eat the thick prairie grass on the way.  Very little of the land had yet been plowed and of course there were no roads.  We had to go about 45 miles which included crossing the North Saskatchewan River,  We first took the old Battleford trail till we had to leave it a few miles before we got to the river.

            It was early in 3rd month (March) and cold at night and we had to stop and get some sleep somewhere.  When we got about a third of the say, one of the oxen on Nathan’s wagon  played out and lay down.  It was a pretty young steer so it was quite understandable.  We had therefore to pick an animal out of the herd to take his place.  The best choice appeared to be a sturdy-looking Aberdeen Angus bull.  He was very good-tempered and we had very little trouble hitching him beside the ox on the wagon.  He went along, with the ox along side of him as though he was well broken until we got to our destination,  and Nathan used him a good deal afterwards.

            That night we slept on the ground under the wagons in blankets, horse blankets and overcoats.  It was pretty uncomfortable, so we got up early, had breakfast, fed the calves and horses some feed we had brought along, while the cattle filled up on the prairie grass.  We had not been going long before the wildest of the two broncos broke her halter rope and bounded off over the prairie until she was out of sight.  We felt sure we would never see her again.

            The ice on the river was showing signs of breaking up when we got to it, so we felt we should cross it that night.  There was water running on the top of the ice and it looked rather treacherous.  However the men who were working on the Canadian National Railway bridge said it would be quite safe for they had heavy machinery out in the middle yet.

            It was just before we got there that a good thing happened.  We heard a horse whinnying quite a way off, and the  bronco tied to my wagon started answering it, and pretty soon the runaway came back to us and though we did not tie her up, she stayed with us to our destination.  After she was broken in she became a quiet, useful horse.

            We started over the river sand bar to the edge of the ice which was thinner than that further out and broke off at first and let the wagons down on the sand bar 18 inches below, but the oxen pulled them up on to the solid ice with very little trouble, and the cattle followed us as well, and we got them all safely across.  The bridge gang camp was over on the other side.  We got an invitation to go there for supper and stay the night, which was very welcomed by us  for we got a good night’s sleep.

            The next morning we found all the animals together and set off for the farm of Nathan’s nephew  Jack Saunders, and got there about noon.  Nathan then looked around for a homestead or some piece of land where he could make his headquarters till he filed on a homestead to his liking.  He found a suitable place and built a shack.  He had brought with him from England all the articles for making cheese, so he milked all the cows and made cheese all the time he was on that place.   This was for a few months and then he moved to the southeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 40, Range 8, the land which Hugh Sutherland filed on later.  While Nathan was there he unfortunately had a fire which destroyed the house he had built and all the cheese, and a cattle shelter.

            It was about that time that Nathan met a man who was then living on the northwest Quarter of Section 18, township 40, Range 8, and was intending to abandon it, even though he had done some improvements on it.  Nathan said that he would pay him well for all improvements  if he got legal abandonment papers, which would make it possible for Nathan to file on the land.  The man agreed, and Nathan had the land.

            I believe he bought some land adjoining it too.  He then hired a steam plowing outfit to break up 100 acres which yielded 1900 bushels the next year.  The land proved to be very good, raising good crops year after y ear.

            I think it was in the year 1906 0r 1907 that Nathan bought half a section near to Borden and had a house moved onto it in which the Saunderses lived for  a few years, when they built the present fine house.  Nathan also bought land west of Borden and also north, thereby having a pretty large acreage under cultivation.

            Nathan Saunders was a man who did not much do things in a small way, because besides the land he owned, he rented quite a bit of the land owned by the McCheane family, and later on he bought a big tractor and threshing machine when his son Joseph Edmund  was old enough to run the outfit.  His potato patch was so big his basement in the house was filled half full and he sold the surplus.  .  He bought his groceries in wholesale lots and thereby paid less than if he had bought as people usually do, in small amounts, day by day.

            For many years while living in England he had been partner in a fairly large grocery store, and of course knew about the advantages of buying things in wholesale quantities.

            He had great sympathy for young people and often would help them to succeed in whatever occupation they undertook.  There were a number of people both in England and in this country who were grateful for his help.

            Nathan was one of the 32 members of the Society of Friends (Quakers) who came to this country between 1904 and 1913.

            In 1907 Mary, one of his three daughters, came out and was a great help to him in keeping track of his horses and cattle that were loose on the prairie before the land had been broken up very much and the herd law had to be put in force, and animals had to be fenced in.

            Mary, who afterwards became the wife of John McCheane, practically lived in the saddle, looking after the animals that were loose.  With regard to the horses, she got so used to those which belonged to the neighbours that when they wanted to know where their own horses were she could generally tell them, and sometimes they were  miles apart.  One appreciative farmer said, speaking of Mary, that Nathan had the best hired man in the country.

            Later on his other two daughters, Lucy and Eliza, came to Canada.

            Nathan Saunders visited among Quaker friends in the United States before he made his last trip back to England in 1930.  He died the year following, leaving his son Joseph Edmund to carry on the farm.  Joseph Edmund died in 1958, and now his son Frank Saunders runs the farm, and his mother, Margaret, lives in a cottage close by.


                                                                        Written by Joshua Wake




Appendix VII


Additional  Notes


The following notes were provided by Allistair Lomax of Fritchley, in response to queries  in January  2003 about places named in Mary Saunders’ diary.


Crich is the correct spelling.  It is the village next to Fritchley - page 7.


Belsair could be a local dialect corruption of Belper - page 8.


Alfreton is a large local formerly mining town, still very well known - page 8.



Bullbridge Hill is a very steep hill from the top of Allen Lane down to Bullbridge, constructed about  1900 - page 15.


Wake Bridge is a very small hamlet between Holloway and Crich, made up of about four houses and a farm.  There was a small lead mine there around the turn of the last century - page 18.